3 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Anything that isn't explicitly enforced by contract is vulnerable to misunderstandings. It's doing your teammates a great service, and reducing everyone's effort, by eliminating ambiguity and enforcing information flow by design.
- Oct 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
This assumes that the module has been given a well-defined, stable description (the interface in the sense of information hiding).
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
Explicit interfaces are preferable, even if it places greater demand on library authors to design both their components and their style interfaces with these things in mind.
- maintenance burden
- being explicit
- component/library author can't consider/know ahead of time all of the ways users may want to use it
- burden
- maintenance burden to explicitly define/enumerate/hard-code possible options (explicit interface)
- run-time dynamicness/generics vs. having to explicitly list/hard-code all options ahead of time
- explicit interfaces