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  1. Last 7 days
    1. discussants

      In Dialogue, DISCUSS comes from Percuss or Concuss - beating an idea to death. In Dialogue, the idea is held open for us all to witness and explore beenath its symptom, its explicate, by delving into its implicate as an undivided wholeness

  2. Sep 2024
    1. Providing your own diagnosis might be helpful sometimes, but always state the symptoms. The diagnosis is an optional extra, and not an alternative to giving the symptoms.
  3. Aug 2024
    1. palliative(of a medicine or form of medical care) relieving symptoms without dealing with the cause of the condition."palliative drugs"

      Addressing symptoms versus the root cause. Generally used within a medical context.


  4. Jul 2024
    1. many of these patients had high lipids and high blood pressure and they were given beta 00:28:25 blockers and thide diuretics which as you know also have the same consequence as the statins do in in exacerbating insulin resistance

      for - health - heart - Beta-blocker/thiazide diuretic combos

      health - heart - Beta-blocker/thiazide diuretic combos - This combo lowers the blood pressure by - removing excess water and salt from the body and - slowing the heart rate. - These only mask the symptoms CAUSED BY INSULIN RESISTANCE

  5. Jun 2024
  6. Nov 2023
    1. if you've got atrial fibrillation which is an irregular heartbeat highly recommend testing for obstructive sleep apnea
      • for: sleep apnea - symptoms - irregular heartbeat
    2. they wake up in 00:02:31 the morning with headaches they don't feel well rested they fall asleep very easily while not really being engaged or it could be very subtle things like fibromyalgia body aches low energy
      • for: sleep apnea - symptoms

      • symptoms: sleep apnea

        • waking up in middle of night gasping for air
        • wake up in morning with headache
        • wake up not feeling well-rested and low energy
        • fibromyalgia
        • body aches
  7. Sep 2022
    1. The underlying theme tyingthese myths together is that poverty is often perceived to be an issue of“them” rather than an issue of “us”—that those who experience povertyare viewed as strangers to mainstream America, falling outside accept-able behavior, and as such, are to be scorned and stigmatized.

      One of the underlying commonalities about the various myths of poverty is that we tend to "other" those that it effects. The "them" we stigmatize with the ills of poverty really look more like "us", and in fact, they are.

      Rather than victim shame and blame those in poverty, we ought to spend more of our time fixing the underlying disease instead of spending the time, effort, energy, and money on attempting to remedy the symptoms (eg. excessive policing, et al.) Not only is it more beneficial, but cheaper in the long run.

      Related:<br /> Gladwell, Malcolm. “Million-Dollar Murray.” The New Yorker, February 5, 2006. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2006/02/13/million-dollar-murray (.pdf copy available at https://housingmatterssc.org/million-dollar-murray/)

  8. Aug 2022
  9. Jul 2022
    1. All moral codes, all prescribed ways ofliving, all social arrangements do involve to a degree such targeting. Certain behaviours, desires, oreven thoughts are simply unacceptable, will be punished, or at least strongly discouraged. While someof such prohibitions are official and overt and thus can be related to and evaluated, others remainonly tacit and below the threshold of consciousness.

      !- effects : double bind * When we are caught in a double bind, the effects can manifest explicitly and overtly or be subtle and tacit such as behaviors of boredom, frustration, loneliness, unfulfilled, desperation, etc. * the resulting emotional tension is unhealthy

  10. Apr 2022
  11. Mar 2022
    1. “I went from running long distances to passing out after walking up a flight of stairs,” Bernstein said. “For quite some time, it really drastically altered my life and the things that I was able to do.”

      symptoms for mono can be: * Fever * Fatigue * Sore throat * Swollen lymph nodes * Sore muscles * Loss of appetite

  12. Feb 2022
    1. APPG on Coronavirus. (2022, January 18). 🗣Dr.Claire Steves continued: “Looking in the national core studies, from cohort studies across the UK we’ve looked at 10 different longitudinal studies. Our best estimates are that about 5% of middle aged people are experiencing long term.. 27/ #APPGCoronavirus #LongCovid [Tweet]. @AppgCoronavirus. https://twitter.com/AppgCoronavirus/status/1483453895061999618

    1. Heesakkers, H., van der Hoeven, J. G., Corsten, S., Janssen, I., Ewalds, E., Simons, K. S., Westerhof, B., Rettig, T. C. D., Jacobs, C., van Santen, S., Slooter, A. J. C., van der Woude, M. C. E., van den Boogaard, M., & Zegers, M. (2022). Clinical Outcomes Among Patients With 1-Year Survival Following Intensive Care Unit Treatment for COVID-19. JAMA, 327(6), 559–565. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2022.0040

    1. AbScent. (2022, February 7). ⁦the study quoted here looked at an 18 month time interval. In our Covid19 FB group of 34.5k, we have reports of recovery after 18 months—2 years is not unknown @Dr_Ellie⁩ ⁦@MailOnline⁩ https://t.co/5DdXDWLBSQ [Tweet]. @AbScentUK. https://twitter.com/AbScentUK/status/1490636119322644484

    1. Deepti Gurdasani. (2022, January 30). Have tried to now visually illustrate an earlier thread I wrote about why prevalence estimates based on comparisons of “any symptom” between infected cases, and matched controls will yield underestimates for long COVID. I’ve done a toy example below here, to show this 🧵 [Tweet]. @dgurdasani1. https://twitter.com/dgurdasani1/status/1487578265187405828

  13. Jan 2022
    1. Fernandez-Castaneda, A., Lu, P., Geraghty, A. C., Song, E., Lee, M.-H., Wood, J., Yalcin, B., Taylor, K. R., Dutton, S., Acosta-Alvarez, L., Ni, L., Contreras-Esquivel, D., Gehlhausen, J. R., Klein, J., Lucas, C., Mao, T., Silva, J., Pena-Hernandez, M., Tabachnikova, A., … Monje, M. (2022). Mild respiratory SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause multi-lineage cellular dysregulation and myelin loss in the brain (p. 2022.01.07.475453). https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.07.475453

  14. Dec 2021
  15. Nov 2021
  16. Oct 2021
  17. Sep 2021
  18. Aug 2021
    1. Rogers, J. P., Watson, C. J., Badenoch, J., Cross, B., Butler, M., Song, J., Hafeez, D., Morrin, H., Rengasamy, E. R., Thomas, L., Ralovska, S., Smakowski, A., Sundaram, R. D., Hunt, C. K., Lim, M. F., Aniwattanapong, D., Singh, V., Hussain, Z., Chakraborty, S., … Rooney, A. G. (2021). Neurology and neuropsychiatry of COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the early literature reveals frequent CNS manifestations and key emerging narratives. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, jnnp-2021-326405. https://doi.org/10.1136/jnnp-2021-326405

  19. Jul 2021
  20. Jun 2021
  21. May 2021
  22. Apr 2021
  23. Mar 2021
    1. But at the same time, we've been puzzled about why there was such a big difference between patient symptoms.


      • What are the differences in the symptoms of these two kinds of Parkinson’s disease?
    1. Prado-Vivar, Belén, Mónica Becerra-Wong, Juan José Guadalupe, Sully Márquez, Bernardo Gutierrez, Patricio Rojas-Silva, Michelle Grunauer, Gabriel Trueba, Verónica Barragán, and Paúl Cárdenas. ‘A Case of SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection in Ecuador’. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 0, no. 0 (23 November 2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30910-5.

  24. Feb 2021
  25. Jan 2021
    1. There are lots of trees around us but we don’t know which one plant is harmful for us means a trigger to pollen allergy. Let’s know the pollen allergy symptoms which include sneezing, nasal congestion, wheezing etc. Don’t worry if you are suffering through this allergy, just stick to the allergy medications suggested by your doctor for better allergy management.

  26. Dec 2020
    1. An allergy that occurs in a particular season is known as a seasonal allergy. The best way to avoid allergies is that you should know allergy types and symptoms and take precautions according to that. In India, there are only 3 prominent seasons- summer, monsoon, and winter. All three can cause different allergies and can trigger different seasonal allergy symptoms but the most common of them is hay fever. Read the article to know more about allergies.

  27. Nov 2020
    1. Mold allergy is caused by mold spores, which are microscopic fungi that are present everywhere in the air. In a few cases, indoor mold allergy can get more serious leading to breathing-related problems like bronchitis and asthma. Before anything else, the only way to treat an allergy to mold is by taking preventive measures to avoid exposure to triggers of mold allergy. Whenever you suspect mold allergy symptoms, do consult your doctor or a leading allergist for your condition.

    1. If the goal of this is purely to avoid showing a runtime warning (and isn't needed for other functionality) I think we should try to consider other ways of dealing with the root issue. See also #4652, which has been opened for just this concern.
  28. Oct 2020
    1. Anyone can develop an allergy. Some of the people suffering through allergies due to season changes. These seasonal allergies also called as “hay fever” and are the allergy symptoms that happen during certain period of the year. Seasonal allergy symptoms include eyes itching, sneezing, congestion and runny nose.

  29. Sep 2020
  30. Aug 2020
  31. Jul 2020
  32. Jun 2020
  33. May 2020
  34. Apr 2020
    1. Among the people who died from COVID-19 reported by the NHC, 11.8% of patients without underlying CVD had substantial heart damage, with elevated levels of cTnI or cardiac arrest during hospitalization.
    2. some of the patients first went to see a doctor because of cardiovascular symptoms. The patients presented with heart palpitations and chest tightness rather than with respiratory symptoms, such as fever and cough, but were later diagnosed with COVID-19.
  35. Mar 2020
  36. Jan 2019
    1. Symptoms may be absent or minimal and stable throughout life, or progress with disease duration. Early childhood years are typically asymptomatic, but by mid- to late-teenage years, and throughout adulthood, shortness of breath (dyspnea) that worsens with exertion, chest pain (angina), and palpitations become common. Palpitations can indicate benign or life-threatening arrhythmias. Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and its incidence increases with disease duration, atrial enlargement, and mitral regurgitation.8,9 Unrecognized or untreated atrial fibrillation can cause thromboembolism and stroke, each a significant cause of comorbidity in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. A subset of patients experience symptoms of heart failure due to the development of the dilated, burnt-out phase of disease.10

      Symptoms of clinical HCM

  37. Mar 2018
    1. he met a beggar all covered with scabs, his eyes diseased, the end of his nose eaten away, his mouth distorted, his teeth black, choking in his throat, tormented with a violent cough, and spitting out a tooth at each effort

      A little bit later on in the book we will discover that Pangloss contracted the STD Syphilis from the lady in waiting for Cunegonde. He goes into the entire genealogy about how the maid contracted her disease from a long tree of misfortunate souls. The only problem? None of the listed symptoms in the book are actual symptoms of Syphilis. According to the Center for Disease Control “ Syphilis has been called ‘The Great Pretender’, as its symptoms can look like many other diseases. However, syphilis typically follows a progression of stages that can last for weeks, months, or even years” (CDC, 2017). According to the CDC, Syphilis has three main stages that it can show up as. During the Primary stage one or more chancres appear on the site of initial infection, they are painless and usually heal over with or without treatment. If not treated the infection will move onto the Secondary stage in which the areas affected by Syphilis will become inflamed and agitated with rashes. The rashes will also go away but if not treated the disease may move onto the third stage. The third stage’s symptoms can vary depending on the organ it affects but the most infamous symptom are the degradation of mental faculties which may ultimately lead to death if not treated. Needless to say, even after looking up several more sources, tooth loss and necrotic skin conditions were not listed as any symptoms. “Syphilis - CDC Fact Sheet.” CDC, 13 Feb., 2017, []https://www.cdc.gov/std/syphilis/stdfact-syphilis-detailed.htm.!

  38. Nov 2017
    1. See also: Toxoplasmosis- AAPOS

      What are the symptoms of newly acquired toxoplasmosis in an adult?

      More than 80% of newly infected persons experience no symptoms, and are unlikely to be aware of the infection.

      Symptoms may occur following an incubation period of one to two weeks after exposure and include:

      *mild fever

      *swollen glands


      *muscle and/or joint pain


      *sore throat, and

      *skin rash.

      *Eye symptoms may include blurred vision or floaters during active disease.

      The diagnosis can be confirmed by detecting antibodies to Toxoplasma in the blood. Swelling of the liver or spleen may be noted, and in rare cases the lungs, brain, liver, or heart may be involved. The condition usually resolves without treatment within a few months.