295 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. May 2024
    1. 2023 Production Gap Report: Die USA, Russland und Saudi-Arabien planen wie die Mehrheit der 20 am meisten fossile Brennstoffe produzierenden Staaten, 2030 mehr Öl zu fördern als je zuvor. Indien will die Kohleproduktion bis 2030 verdoppeln, Kanada die Öl- und Gasförderung in 25 Jahren um 25% steigern. Brasilien will in 10 Jahren die Ölproduktion um 2/3, die Gasproduktion um 100% steigern. China, Deutschland, Großbritannien und Norwegen wollen die Produktion reduzieren. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/09/climate/coming-soon-more-oil-gas-and-coal.html

    1. Die Pläne der Kohle-, Öl- und gasproduzierenden Staaten zur Ausweitung der Förderung würden 2030 zu 460% mehr Kohle, 83% mehr Gas und 29% mehr Ölproduktion führen, als mit dem Pariser Abkommen vereinbar ist. Der aktuelle Production Gap Report der Vereinten Nationen konzentriert sich auf die 20 stärksten Verschmutzer-Staaten, deren Pläne fast durchgängig in radikalem Widerspruch zum Pariser Abkommen stehen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/08/insanity-petrostates-planning-huge-expansion-of-fossil-fuels-says-un-report

      Report: https://productiongap.org/

  3. Apr 2024
    1. Mehr als 1000 große Müllkippen weltweit sind immer wieder gefährliche Methan-Leck, vor allem wegen organischer Abfälle. Besonders viele von ihnen befinden sich in Südasien, aber auch in Argentinien und Spanien. Der Guardian hat entsprechende Satellitendaten auswerten lassen, die bis 2019 zurückgehen, stellt die Ergebnisse in einer Infografik dar und gibt Hintergrundinformationen. Studien besagen, dass sich die Methan-Emissionen nicht gemanagter Müllkippen bis 2050 verdoppeln könnten https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/12/revealed-the-1200-big-methane-leaks-from-waste-dumps-trashing-the-planet

  4. Feb 2024
  5. Nov 2023
    1. In Delhi wurden die Schulen ein weiteres Mal wegen der akuten Luftverschmutzung geschlossen. Hauptursache ist Kohleverbrennung. Der Grenzwert für die besonders gefährlichen PM 2,5-Partikel wurde um das 35fache überschritten. In den vergangenen 7 Jahren stiegen in Indien die Emissionen pro Einwohner um 29%. 2020 starben ca 1,67 Millionen Menschen in Indien durch Luftverschmutzung. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/pollution/inde-delhi-suffoque-encore-et-toujours-sous-la-pollution-les-ecoles-ferment-pour-deux-jours-20231103_WQ22QAO745BQ5GOGW7JPNB4SXY/

  6. Oct 2023
  7. Sep 2023
    1. Die jetzt schon übernutzten Grundwasservorräte in Indien werden durch die globale Erhitzung ab etwa 2040 dreimal so schnell abnehmen wie bisher, wenn sich die landwirtschaftlichen Methoden nicht radikal verändern. Die wachsenden Monsunregenfälle können nicht ausgleichen, was durch trockene Winter und mehr Verdunstung verloren geht. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/01/climate/india-groundwater-depletion.html

      Studie: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adi1401

  8. Aug 2023
    1. Der indische Konzern Adani, der von der gleichnamigen Familie kontrolliert wird, hat offenbar über Jahre in seine eigenen Aktien investiert, um die Kurse hochzutreiben. Adani gehört zu den Firmen, die durch Investitionen in Kohle und Flughäfen maßgeblich zum Wachstum der Emissionen beitragen. Sie hat enge Beziehungen zum indischen Präsidenten Modi, dessen Regierung Schutz der Interessen von Adani vorgeworfen wird. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/31/modi-linked-adani-family-secretly-invested-in-own-shares-documents-suggest-india

      Mehr zu Adani: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%22actor%3A%20Adani%22

    1. Hire Full Stack Developers for Bespoke Needs Fulfilling An End-to-End Solution Delivery.We facilitate a dedicated team of experts who build solutions assuring clients with not just high ROI, but even sustainable and disruptive tech impact. Our full stack developers go through a strong evaluation process to be client-ready and have specialization in specific domain and industries. Our developers give a time zone advantage as we work across overlapping time zones, no matter where the client is based. HIRE NOWPrevious Hire Ecommerce DevelopersBuild and deploy fully functional, customized shops and multi-store ops. HIRE NOW Hire Mobile App DevelopersRapidly develop native iOS & Android, or cross-platform mobile apps. HIRE NOW Hire JavaScript DevelopersFor masterfully scripted, multi-platform responsive Web services. HIRE NOW Hire Web Application DevelopersLaunch Progressive Web Apps with flawless backend-frontend engineering. HIRE NOW Hire Ecommerce DevelopersBuild and deploy fully functional, customized shops and multi-store ops. HIRE NOW Hire Mobile App DevelopersRapidly develop native iOS & Android, or cross-platform mobile apps. HIRE NOW

      HireFullStackDeveloperIndia is your partners in web and mobile app development solutions. Our streamlined hiring process, adaptable engagement models, and talented experts ensure the perfect fit for your projects. Transform your digital concepts into reality with ease and excellence. Whether it's front-end UI/UX, back-end functionality, or full-stack prowess, we've got you covered. Experience the synergy of skilled professionals driving your digital aspirations forward. For a cost-effective and skilled solution, explore the opportunity to hire full stack developers India.

  9. Jul 2023
  10. May 2023
    1. Eine noch nicht verabschiedete Regierungsvorlage sieht vor, dass Indien keine weiteren Kohlekraftwerke baut. Die im Bau befindlichen Anlagen werden 28 zusätzliche Gigawatt produzieren. taz-Artikel mit Angaben zur Kohleenergie in Indien. https://taz.de/Kohleausbaustopp-in-Indien/!5930159/

  11. Apr 2023
    1. Mehrere indische Bundesstaaten sind auch in diesem Jahr wieder einer extremen Hitzewelle ausgesetzt. Viele andere Länder, vor allem in Asien,leiden unter Sandstürmen oder andern Extremwetterereignissen sowie einer deutlich erhöhten Luftverschmutzung. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/17/weather-tracker-india-temperatures-hit-40c-heatwave-continues

  12. Feb 2023
    1. Before deciding to get a bachelor’s or master’s degree in engineering, it is wise to become acquainted with the curriculum. These programs may put you on the path to a prosperous profession and payoff in more ways than one.
    1. High February temperatures have India already bracing for more heatwaves Karishma Mehrotra, The Washington Post

      Indien verzeichnet die frühesten je festgestellten Hitzewellen. Der verkürzte Frühling gefährdet die Lebensmittelversorgung. Da der Strombedarf durch die Hitze steigt, wird in Kraftwerken wesentlich mehr importierte Kohle verfeuert.

  13. Jan 2023
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIfH-iSGa5M


      Dr. Hanan Harif started out as a Geniza scholar but is now a biographer of Shlomo Dov Goitein.

      In the 1920s Goitein published his only play Pulcellina about a Jewish woman who was burned at the stake in France in 1171.

      Had a friendship with Levi Billig (1897-1936)

      You know very well the verse on Tabari that says: 'You wrote history with such zeal that you have become history yourself.' Although in your modesty you would deny it, we suggest that his couplet applies to yourself as well." —Norman Stillman to S.D. Goitein in letter dated 1977-07-20

      Norman Stillman was a student of Goitein.

      What has Hanan Harif written on Goitein? Any material on his Geniza research and his note cards? He addressed some note card material in the Q&A, but nothing direct or specific.

      Goitein's Mediterranean Society project was from 1967-1988 with the last volume published three years after his death. The entirety of the project was undertaken at University of Pennsylvania.

      The India Book, India Traders was published in 2007 (posthumously) as a collaboration with M.A. Friedman.

      Goitein wrote My Life as a Scholar in 1970, which may have some methodological clues about his work and his card index.

      He also left his diaries to the National Library of Israel as well and these may also have some clues.

      His bibliography is somewhere around 800 publications according to Harif, including his magnum opus.

      Harif shows a small card index at 1:15:20 of one of Goitein's collaborators (and later rival) Professor Eliasto (unsure of this name, can't find direct reference?). Harif indicates that the boxes are in the archives where he's at (https://www.nli.org.il/en/discover/archives/archives-list ? though I don't see a reasonable name/materials there, so perhaps it's at his home at Rothberg International School of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem).

    1. It is, however, important to keep in mind that, reflecting the trajectory ofGoitein’s study of the Geniza, there are often two sets of cards for a givensubject, one general and one related to the India Book.44

      Goitein, “Involvement in Geniza Research,” 144.

      Goitein's cards are segmented into two sets: one for subjects and one related to the India Book.

  14. Dec 2022
    1. https://www.google.com/books/edition/India_Traders_of_the_Middle_Ages/WMj5aFA3bjQC?hl=en

      I've seen a few references to Goitein's "India book". This seems to be the referent, which somehow never seems to be called by title, even in contexts of academics who love citations. Is it shorthand? Was the book published posthumously? (2008, so yes)

      Wikipedia calls it out as such as well...

      India Traders of the Middle Ages: Documents From the Cairo Geniza (ISBN 9789004154728), 2008 (also known as "India Book")

  15. Nov 2022
    1. Einige positive Signale in Zusammenhang mit der COP27: Indonesien verzichtet auf Kohlekraftwerke und plant einen Emissionspeak für 2030. Brasiliens Präsident Lula da Silva will den Regenwald schützen – mit Finanzierung durch die Industrieläner. Einer neuen Studie zufolge könnte wegen der Entwicklung erneuerbarer Energien die Dekarbonisierung in Europa, Indien und China schneller verlaufen als zur Zeit offiziell angekündigt.

      Studie von Energy and Climate Intelligence: https://eciu.net/analysis/reports/2022/the-big-four-are-major-emitters-downplaying-their-climate-and-clean-energy-progress

  16. Oct 2022
    1. Hire The Best Full Stack Developers

      Are you looking to hire the best full stack developers to make your dream website into reality? I am Harwinder singh full stack web developer who can build a website from scratch, specializing in the development of custom websites and web applications in JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, Node.js.

  17. Aug 2022
    1. This is an Appium plugin designed to manage and create driver session on connected android devices and iOS Simulators. Why Appium Device Farm? Automatically detects connected Android, iOS Simulators and Real devices before session creation and maintains it in device pool. Dynamically allocates a free device from device pool while creating driver session. Updates the device pool with a new device during test execution. Allocates random ports for parallel execution.

      I believe this is software for a lot of mobile phones that recycle IP addresses (as they are unque alledgedly) and are more reliablu than proxies. Then all kinds of nefarious activities is emplyed on these mobile phones. this happens in countries like india/bangladesh ithink. perhaps there could be a better use for this infrastructure... appium device farm

  18. Jul 2022
    1. SEO Services Company in India – Contributing to the Growth of Your Business

      In the digital workspace, SEO Services Company in India is crucial for businesses of all sizes and kinds. From business growth to long-term success and higher ROI, these services play a key role for any business.

  19. Jun 2022
    1. Expected to come into force on June 27, India's new data retention law will force VPN companies to keep users' data - like IP addresses, real names and usage patterns - for up to five years. They will also be required to hand this information over to authorities upon request. 

      Some draconian Indian data-retention laws are coming.

  20. Apr 2022
    1. National School of Journalism and Public Discourse

      "National School of Journalism (NSoJ) is a highly selective J-school that identifies and trains India's best journalistic talents. Our newsroom-focused curriculum, in-house digital news portal, expert faculty members and unparalleled industry connections prepare our students for successful careers in broadcast, print and convergence journalism." Visit website >

    1. Max Roser. (2021, April 4). Confirmed cases in India are rising very rapidly. • It does not appear to be an increase in testing, the positive rate has increased from less than 2% to more than 6%. • Deaths are also rapidly increasing. You find all metrics about all countries here: Https://t.co/YcMAq5ooMb https://t.co/6EQRKhKjYP [Tweet]. @MaxCRoser. https://twitter.com/MaxCRoser/status/1378486286047182849

    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @suhasinih: After UK puts India on red list, US CDC tells citizens to avoid all travel to India. No travel ban yet, however. Https://t.c…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 23 April 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1384496618158792704

    1. Prof. Christina Pagel. (2021, May 3). THREAD: Update on B.1.617 (‘India’) variant in England using latest data from the Sanger institute. This data excludes sequenced cases from travellers & surge testing so ‘should be an approximately random sample of positive tests in the community’ TLDR: warning signs! 1/10 https://t.co/0UzhM8GNIA [Tweet]. @chrischirp. https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1389273187586875396

    1. Dr Emma Hodcroft. (2021, May 2). 🗓️https://t.co/wVE7ubYBoy is updated🗓️, with some cool new additions: - B.1.617.1/2 are added as 20A/S:154K & 20A/S:478K 🎉—Beautiful new name table 📑🍾—Mutation list displayed in full as a ‘side-sausage’🌭 Let’s take a tour... 😁 1/7 [Tweet]. @firefoxx66. https://twitter.com/firefoxx66/status/1388921325411053569

    1. (1) ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @ScottGottliebMD: The U.K. is experiencing a growing surge of COVID infections with a new variant that appears more pathogenic, and that…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 21 June 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1402048528189300737

    1. How to choose the best SEO company in Dehradun

      Indidigital Organization with its extraordinary administrations in Search Engine Optimisation(SEO), is the best seo company in dehradun. Our SEO association is composed of expert SEO specialists with many years of involvement with an assortment of businesses, giving SEO (website improvement) administrations to organizations all around the country. Best seo company in dehradun are seasoned veterans at attracting guests to a site, bringing about critical first-page watchword development and, therefore, expanded site traffic.

      In the present serious advanced scene, on-page SEO, otherwise called nearby SEO, is a need for any business site. Be that as it may, we, the best seo company in dehradun, improve the substance of your site for both web indexes and individuals. On-page SEO is the most common way of upgrading individual site pages to further develop their web crawler rankings and create more pertinent traffic. Likewise, on-page SEO alludes to both the substance and HTML source code of a site that can be improved.

      We Organization, as a best seo company in dehradun, comprehends that off-page SEO is tied in with building backlinks. Thus, we make significant backlinks on your page so it positions higher than a page with less back links. Off-page SEO just illuminates Google about others' thought process of your site. In this way, in the event that you have a great deal of magnificent connections highlighting your site, web crawlers will accept you as having incredible substance.

      We guarantee that your web-based practice draws in additional business from applicable neighborhood organizations with our nearby best seo company in dehradun. Our neighborhood SEO administrations in Dehradun help entrepreneurs in an assortment of ways of working on their computerized presence, the best seo company in dehradun, We can assist you with beginning quickly and in the appropriate way.

      Accomplishing a higher rating doesn't occur out of the blue. It's the time and exertion we put in to follow a bunch of strategies to help you in arriving at that level. As a legitimate best seo company in dehradun, we rule out mistake with regards to making your site well known.


      To get in touch with INDIDIGITAL TEAM, contact at India contact #- +91-9971778006, USA Contact #- 1–8068484144, email us- contact@indidigital.com, skype us- indidigital, indidigital@gmail.com For more visit our website: https://www.indidigital.in/

    2. How to find the Best SEO Company in Meerut

      Indidigital is the Best SEO Company in meerut and Digital Marketing administrations in Meerut, consistently remains with entrepreneurs to assemble their organization brands and expand the carefully drawn in through different stages like Google, Bing, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. We are a Google ensured Best SEO Company in meerut work in SEO administrations, Web arrangements, Brand Campaigning, PR arrangement and nearby SEO web advertising in Meerut.

      Web optimization can get intricate on the grounds that it comes to every one of the various elements that influence your site positioning, yet the essential course of SEO is anything but a troublesome undertaking. Presently, Best SEO Company in meerut that we have given to our clients. Conveying results on the web search tool pages are pertinent to what the searcher is searching for.

      Our Experience gives the result of advanced advertising administrations and hassle-free arrangements with excellent execution at an entirely reasonable cost. Best SEO Company in meerut is an India based advanced promoting organization which gives SEO Services in meerut. We can take your web crawler range high and can increase website traffic in any organization. To effectively address the issues of organizations with complex sites in aggressive businesses, Best SEO Company in meerut group of specialized and duplicate composing specialists delivers these administrations. The Business Intent of your site is the degree of business exercises you need to do on your site.

      Site design improvement is the main piece of Digital Marketing. Among your rivals, Indidigital positions your site on top SERP's in least time on the best reasonable catchphrase for your business. Besides, it will give you a climb in your business since we is the Best SEO Company in meerut and we give SEO administrations for the client sites

      To get your business site on Google's first page, we are here to expand your position on Google. We are working for some clients and every one of them is content with our SEO administrations. A couple of clients from Meerut likewise reached us to get these SEO administrations for their business and presently their sites are positioning on Google's first page. This sort of outcome makes us the Best SEO Company in meerut.


      To get in touch with INDIDIGITAL TEAM, contact at India contact #- +91-9971778006, USA Contact #- 1–8068484144, email us- contact@indidigital.com, skype us- indidigital, indidigital@gmail.com For more visit our website: https://www.indidigital.in/

    3. How to choose the Best SEO Company in Gurgaon

      We are the Best SEO Company in Gurgaon, with decency and development being our superb worries. We stress on straightforwardness and legit practices to totally revamp your site and add to your web-based achievement.

      Being the Best SEO Company in Gurgaon, we center on upgrading the whole client experience with our steady preparation and thorough methodology. We guarantee appropriate execution of the cycle to accomplish the best situation in the list items and drive mass traffic.

      Hold hands with the top Best SEO Company in Gurgaon and see your business moving up in internet based accomplishment through our adaptable and knowledgeable methodology towards upgrading by and large client experience. We enjoy serving numerous clients till date and anticipate to keep serving some more. Best SEO Company in Gurgaon have 7+ long periods of involvement alongside Google certificate and guaranteed Accredited Professional by Bing Ads guarantee to give the best SEO results.

      Our group of SEO specialists utilizes fair and straightforward practices to acquire wanted outcomes. Best SEO Company in Gurgaon utilizes white cap strategies to work on your site's internet based perceivability, traffic, and consequently bringing qualified leads. See crowds of guests driving towards your site on Google, hold hands with the Best SEO Company in Gurgaon.

      Best SEO Company in Gurgaon is the main best and dependable way to high up on business traffic. It is one of the techniques which is tried and over demonstrated to give successful outcomes. To get higher positions on the site, you really want the Best SEO Company in Gurgaon. The web search tool has over 200 strategies to characterize what positioning your site should be supported with. Being a SEO proficient isn't the best thing in the world, everybody's favorite. The individual should be capable and ready to convey the best help to you in the SEO market.

      Web optimization experts in Gurgaon know how to deal with the real world. The specialists review and really look at the webpage, then, at that point, go through the contender's webpage and afterward track down the appropriate catchphrase to plan for your site.


      To get in touch with INDIDIGITAL TEAM, contact at India contact #- +91-9971778006, USA Contact #- 1–8068484144, email us- contact@indidigital.com, skype us- indidigital, indidigital@gmail.com For more visit our website: https://www.indidigital.in/

    4. Are you looking to buy affordable SEO Plan in India

      Could it be said that you are searching for SEO Plan India? Indidigital offers SEO Plan India for small to large organizations. Rather than giving fixed-cost month to month SEO bundles, we give custom and reasonable SEO bundles that help the business prerequisites of each client.

      SEO Plan India from Indidigital doesn’t just build your internet searcher rankings yet in addition work on your transformation, area authority and brand perceivability. We are a main website improvement organization in India whose SEO Plan India merits each dime. Our SEO Plan assists you with positioning higher in Google list items. From site enhancement to catchphrase rankings we deal with each and every part of SEO to expand your natural traffic pronto.

      SEO Plan India, We are not something similar for a wide range of organizations since we comprehend that when each business isn't similar then the way in which SEO bundles can be that is the reason we offer custom SEO Plan India for our clients assuming they are searching for custom site design improvement bundles.

      SEO Plan India is a gathering of SEO administrations that serve the natural or neglected web promoting requests of a business. These plans are regularly presented by computerized promotion offices and they help organizations by showcasing them on the web by expanding their perceivability, search rankings and site traffic.

      Settling on the SEO Plan India is awesome assuming that you are searching for big business or B2B leads. It's likewise reasonable assuming your last objective is to get more abroad business leads or attractions. We make designated strides for your business and assist you with accomplishing a public crowd with our viable SEO estimating.

      With regards to E-trade SEO, it will help your items rank quicker and further develop the development pace of your E-business stage or site. Whether you sell one item or proposition a full stock, our internet business SEO bundles can get you rolling. On the off chance that you wish to prevail in the Indian market with your web based business site, better pick our SEO Plan India. Anything your business objective might be, we can assist you scale your business with the administrations of our expert SEO group.


      To get in touch with INDIDIGITAL TEAM, contact at India contact #- +91-9971778006, USA Contact #- 1–8068484144, email us- contact@indidigital.com, skype us- indidigital, indidigital@gmail.com For more visit our website: https://www.indidigital.in/

    5. How to choose the affordable SEO company in India

      Affordable seo company india (SEO) is a pool of planned processes that lead to the fruitful advertising of your image's site on the web crawlers. Web indexes like Google and Bing use bots that slither over your site and quest for important substance when an individual makes a pursuit in the hunt box.

      The essential objective of affordable seo company india is to make a virtual presence of their client's sites and work on their rankings. Try not to become mistaken for the term 'reasonable.' SEO Services is an affordable seo company india that has a set of experiences that represents its exhibition. Visit our site to actually look at the tributes of our clients or reach us for a free meeting. Our helicopter view over the web-based circumstance of your organization will assist us with thinking up the best system as indicated by your necessities.

      Our efficient SEO administrations ensure a relatively better ROI for your business. With our ability going from new companies to huge scope organizations, our abilities are cleaned to manage any entanglements. Getting reasonable SEO administrations where the nature of incredible skill isn't compromised, s troublesome in the present market. affordable seo company india continually refreshes itself with the most recent internet based patterns as per which, they give an experimental answer for your organization.

      The affordable seo company india are given by administrations that moderate the inadequacies of your image and proliferate a positive standing as required. With the conservative paces of the help, you get to zero in better on working on the nature of your items and administrations, while we work in the back finish to make a virtual world for your organization. Being an affordable seo company india, Indidigital have learned and gotten the significance of patterns that impact your rankings on web indexes.

      Alongside the conservative part of the arrangement, the affordable seo company india assist you with enhancing the substance on your site with proficient catchphrases that naturally assist your web journals with positioning higher in the web indexes. Along these lines, it is smarter to astutely contribute your assets so you get sufficient cash to spend on your standard items.


      To get in touch with INDIDIGITAL TEAM, contact at India contact #- +91-9971778006, USA Contact #- 1–8068484144, email us- contact@indidigital.com, skype us- indidigital, indidigital@gmail.com For more visit our website: https://www.indidigital.in/

    6. Which are the best YouTube marketing companies

      Are you looking for the top youtube marketing companies? Indidigital, a reputable youtube marketing companies, has created the most advanced YouTube Advertising Plans that may help your company perform better by creating an online YouTube Channel dedicated entirely to your company.

      We are one of the best youtube marketing companies, with a wealth of experience in YouTube marketing services. We can provide all of the digital assistance you need to ensure that whatever you put on your online YouTube Channel performs better.

      Indidigital, a youtube marketing companies, provides high-quality video promotion services at a moderate cost. youtube marketing companies- With its YouTube Marketing Services in India, we give you an unbeatable advantage in achieving the best outcomes.

      YouTube offers a unique take on TV programming, with video and notice seo plans divided into several groupings. YouTube is its own informal association, with all of the data and gadgets to effectively show up at various economics.

      YouTube, as one of the most engaging and traffic-rich platforms, can give your marketing strategies wings, and we, as one of the leading youtube marketing companies, can make it happen. Don't wait, we have a dedicated team of YouTube Marketing Experts ready to market your film on YouTube for higher exposure.

      It provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity for advancing and promoting in unique and inventive ways. Indidigital, being a youtube marketing companies, offers a variety of promoting and marketing services to help your brand in capitalizing on the stage's growing swarms. Our professionals will use this to build your group over time by creating appealing content that shows the beneficial influence of your image.

      YouTube marketing has become one of the most effective marketing tools for growing your brand. If you're looking for a few unique ways to boost your company's visibility, YouTube marketing may be the finest option.

      People use YouTube to learn more about brands and the items they sell, making it the second most popular search engine after Google. Our YouTube video marketing firm aims to do this by showing the audience exactly what they want at at the right time.


      To get in touch with INDIDIGITAL TEAM, contact at India contact #- +91-9971778006, USA Contact #- 1–8068484144, email us- contact@indidigital.com, skype us- indidigital, indidigital@gmail.com For more visit our website: https://www.indidigital.in/

    7. Are you looking to buy YouTube views in India

      However, youtube views india is a long-term solution. However, in some cases, buy youtube views india can assist your video in reaching your intended audience. Creating valuable and high-quality content isn't always enough to reach your target audience. It's not easy when you don't seem to be getting the desired outcomes from your tremendous efforts. Buy youtube views india could be a good option at the time to alleviate your problems.

      Posting your video on YouTube is the first step toward success, whether you want to promote your business or become a celebrity. It's quite simple. We only supply genuine, high-quality, and long-lasting views. You may buy youtube views india by going to our YouTube service page and selecting the plan you wish to buy.

      You will get as many results as you want if you search for the best site to buy youtube views india. However, you are aware that only a few of them can assist you in buy youtube views india. And the vast majority of them will never function properly. As a result, finding someone genuine is once again a difficult for many creators. By the way, Indidigital is a website where you can buy youtube views india. Our service allows you to purchase genuine Youtube views. Until you delete your video from your Youtube channel, all of the buy youtube views india you order from our website will stay.

      We can provide you with any of the services mentioned in the previous section. All of our services are reasonably priced, and you may purchase quick Youtube views in India from our website. As long as you keep the Youtube video on your channel, the amount of Indian views on your video will remain constant. This one simply means that you can buy youtube views india from our website.

      However, while this does not occur frequently, our social media services may take some time to reach you. However, in that case, we can give 24-hour customer service, which you can call if you appear to be late from our end. And we'll do everything we can to fix your issue as quickly as possible.


      To get in touch with INDIDIGITAL TEAM, contact at India contact #- +91-9971778006, USA Contact #- 1–8068484144, email us- contact@indidigital.com, skype us- indidigital, indidigital@gmail.com For more visit our website: https://www.indidigital.in/

    8. How to buy Youtube Subscriber in India

      It's quite simple. Indidigital exclusively offers genuine, high-quality, and long-lasting subscribers. You can buy Youtube Subscriber by going to our YouTube service website and picking the bundle you desire. Unlike other sites, these subscribers are not created by bots. As a result, your video or account will never be removed from YouTube. Furthermore, because the Youtube Subscriber that we offer are genuine, they will be included in the overall channel subscriber.

      Yes, you certainly can. You can buy Youtube Subscriber to increase the popularity of your video, but not your YouTube Channel. So, if you want your YouTube channel to appear popular, you'll need thousands of followers. And that is something you can acquire if you buy Youtube Subscriber.

      Some creators have a legitimate need to buy youtube subscriber for their channels. The reason for this is that this platform is used by many billions of people all over the world. On YouTube, only around every fourth person is sharing the content. The other possibility is that Youtube's clever design is to blame. Because of the vast variety of labor available on this platform, many YouTube creators can financially support themselves and their families. Whenever you come across such a high number of opportunities somewhere, employ it to scale your abilities without being late.

      The most important issue now is: how does this buy Youtube Subscriber service work? Because this is directly tied to your YouTube channel, it is critical that you understand how this service works. And if you know how other people promote their channels and how they achieve tremendous development, you should know the secret behind it as well.

      When you place an order to buy Youtube Subscriber, Indigital evaluates your channel first. We look at what category your channel belongs to, who would be interested in watching your material, and what the best traffic source is for your channel.

      This is the examination procedure. Your feed goes through this evaluation because it is a loss for you if the individuals who are purchasing your divert are not interested in your stuff.


      To get in touch with INDIDIGITAL TEAM, contact at India contact #- +91-9971778006, USA Contact #- 1–8068484144, email us- contact@indidigital.com, skype us- indidigital, indidigital@gmail.com For more visit our website: https://www.indidigital.in/

    9. How to choose The Best SMO Packages India

      Is it genuine that you are searching for SMO Packages India? Indidigital offers humble web-based entertainment improvement packages in India. Web-based Entertainment Optimization is an immense way for growing consideration regarding new things and administrations across various virtual entertainment stages. Generally, a blockhead verification seo plan helps services with getting related with their vested party.

      By placing assets into SMO Packages India, you will support and further develop services among you and your clients. It is one of the techniques for building better brand care, empowering services and propelling changes with clients. We have three unmistakable virtual entertainment progression assessing and our SMO Packages India cost. All things considered investigate our Social Media Optimization Pricing Plans nearby.

      Web-based entertainment is the best instrument to develop an online neighborhood brand trust among your buyers. Billions of people use online entertainment channels nowadays and this is the explanation you should similarly use web-based entertainment the chiefs administrations to assist your picture with manufacturing a predominant web based standing and social trust. Our SMO Packages India cover all that you truly need to regulate and build better web based brand reputation and social trust.

      Around here at Indidigital, we confide in offering an unobtrusive yet best in quality Social media chiefs packages to our clients. This is the explanation we have three interesting month to month SMO Packages India to help our clients with extending their picture's social trust.

      People these days really take a gander at changed web based media stages to buy from brands and here our virtual entertainment the leaders packages help your business with building a positive brand reputation on the web.

      There are many benefits of using virtual entertainment the board packages for your little or colossal degree services. Check under referred to SMO packages benefits and select one from our given SMO Packages India to fulfill your necessities.

      SMO Packages India request help us with passing on the results which our client needs. Key, Advanced, and Enterprise SMO Packages engage our clients to achieve their necessities according to their monetary arrangement. We have sorted out some way to transform into the most needed SMO Agency in India since we notice several splendid rules of SMO administrations and a while later convey useful and fruitful virtual entertainment improvement packages.


      To get in touch with INDIDIGITAL TEAM, contact at India contact #- +91-9971778006, USA Contact #- 1–8068484144, email us- contact@indidigital.com, skype us- indidigital, indidigital@gmail.com For more visit our website: https://www.indidigital.in/

    10. How to choose the best SMO agency in Delhi

      Web-based Social Media Optimization Agency Delhi dense as SMO Agency in Delhi is an integral piece of automated marketing administrations. It is the cycle by which informal services and web-based entertainment is utilized to make openness or make mindfulness about a particular brand or a thing. Virtual entertainment is picked commonly these days for promoting brands and generating mindfulness about certain things considering the way that essentially all age bundles resort to online entertainment for generally in a day. The different web-based entertainment utilized for promoting brands and things are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Blog regions, and so forth SMO Agency in Delhi is comparative as SEO agency where the main excursion is to bring a webpage on the most elevated point of question things in a web crawler, generating web traffic.

      Indidigital is one of the popular SMO Agency in Delhi whose main point is to make interesting and exceptional online content which will go from a fittingly and basically created message in a sensible language close by eye-catching pictures or mechanized photos and video cuts as well. These substances ask individuals to take part in the substance of the particular brand or things and deal its links to their friend individuals to gain more watchers.

      SMO Agency in Delhi is becoming notable day by and at Indidigital our specialists are adequately fit to manage the errands given out by the clients handily and warily. SMO Agency in Delhi is here to gather an always increasing number of watchers and buyers for your picture or thing. Our agents do through study and investigation about the brand or the thing which is to be progressed and accordingly make substance for it. The mechanized pictures and recordings that are incorporated are finished with a huge load of commitment and obligation. As a trailblazer SMO Agency in Delhi, we revolve around the following for the solace of our clients.

      SMO Agency in Delhi makes a buzz and is an inexpensive approach to reaching out and ensure a perpetual stream of assigned traffic from potential clients. Web-based entertainment needs trending, particular and pertinent representations and content to attract the group, and that is really the thing we dominate at.


      To get in touch with INDIDIGITAL TEAM, contact at India contact #- +91-9971778006, USA Contact #- 1–8068484144, email us- contact@indidigital.com, skype us- indidigital, indidigital@gmail.com For more visit our website: https://www.indidigital.in/

    11. Which is the best company for Social Media Marketing Services

      We as a Social Media Marketing Services Delhi are not here to only amp up your page, yet also make it perceptible to the right group. Our gathering of experienced social media chiefs appreciate the round of consistently creating interest for digitization of brands.

      Our Social Media Marketing Services Delhi bunch is here to help you with frameworks and missions that not only will help your picture with creating support as well. We have confidence in keeping things fundamental, but huge. Indidigital targets getting a charge out of effective and clear correspondence for better results, and this has made us potentially the most longed for Social Media Marketing Services Delhi.

      Social media stages are magnificent and the most easy approach to reaching your assigned group and begin a two-way conversation. Indidigital, a top Social Media Marketing Services Delhi, have the crucial capacity, capacities, and data to make the right approach to help you with holding your clients by dependably giving them huge and engaging substance.

      Since various billion powerful social media clients are there, you ought to have a working and positive presence to collect your picture. These stages offer unprecedented potential for viral service of contacts and content. Being an assumed Social Media Marketing Services Delhi, indidigital will outfit you with zeroed in on and precisely arranged deals with serious consequences regarding tap into this 'Viral Power' for your business. Our social media marketing procedures are taken a stab at different services and reliably invigorated to walk around the propelling examples of social media.

      The whole world has moved to their mobile phones. Indidigital grasps that your "Picture SHOULD BE WHERE YOUR AUDIENCES ARE". Our SMM campaigns are planned to isolate your client responsibility across the stages. With our specific and focused administrations, we convey your picture clearly in assistance with your groups to make/increase allies who could change into leads. Our gathering continues to create to help what is happening of our service as the best Social Media Marketing Services Delhi, India.

      Indidigital is a gathering of innovative and indispensable Social Media Marketing Services Delhi. We will probably help out new companies, medium size business and brands to help them with filling in the automated world.


      To get in touch with INDIDIGITAL TEAM, contact at India contact #- +91-9971778006, USA Contact #- 1–8068484144, email us- contact@indidigital.com, skype us- indidigital, indidigital@gmail.com For more visit our website: https://www.indidigital.in/

    12. How to choose the best social media marketing companies pricing

      There is no such thing as this second, on the off chance that you're not particularly unique on social media, your picture for a considerable number of individuals. Social media marketing empowers you to connect with your group and grant you to research the uttermost down the line markets to foster your business impressively further. Right when you are looking for a service or office to manage your social media descriptors, you could have various options, but picking the best social media marketing companies pricing choice is totally in your grip. Thus, if you scratch your head searching for the best service to build up your quality on social services, look no further. We have all the significant inclination to support your picture. Unwind, we understand how huge it is for your business to be socialized, which is the explanation we have made of social media marketing companies pricing that are especially planned for you.

      Our broad social media marketing commitments offer various approaches to enabling your business with results-based social media marketing companies pricing. The standard goal of our social media marketing companies pricing is to make countless potential clients and anticipated clients. We totally appreciate that each potential client has an unprecedented viewpoint and an original buyer character. For this, we offer re-tried social media marketing that totally meets your business needs. We totally support your social media marketing and provide you with a ton of time to give a bold exertion in your field, that is to say, manage the regular exercises of your business.

      Versatile expansion social media marketing companies pricing with a level month to month charge subject to a revelation assessment of your goals and openings. Our social media marketing companies pricing relies upon the value of your targets and the resources for hit them. We produce remarkable photo, video, sensible, and spiced up substance-agreed with your style guide and improved for each stage. Social media content is presented as thoughts, conveyed in clusters, and yours to have. Paid and regular social media marketing companies pricing starts as a degree add-on, and is associated with our up retainers. Content gatherings are examined in standard units subject to the volume and complexity of each post.


      To get in touch with INDIDIGITAL TEAM, contact at India contact #- +91-9971778006, USA Contact #- 1–8068484144, email us- contact@indidigital.com, skype us- indidigital, indidigital@gmail.com For more visit our website: https://www.indidigital.in/

    13. How to buy instant YouTube Views in India

      In the event that you are a youtube producer and looking for veritable youtube exhibiting to take your accounts to more viewership and extending reach than you are at right spot to get certified youtube promoting administration. Buy youtube views these views are high support views and watch time on your video. In these views you will get extraordinary support moreover. In these views you will get high upkeep which will grow your watch time and help you in transformation of your channel. Buy youtube views these views are with lifetime guarantee and full assistance. You can without a very remarkable stretch buy these views by introducing a straightforward solicitation and you can pay with the decision you want.

      Everyone is coming on youtube for getting well known and needs to become youtube star. Regardless, on the off chance that you are making Youtube videos and have less no So,video on youtube needs headways for getting even more no. of views and traffic on it. We have a wide scope of plan for propelling your video like buy youtube views.

      All of the views are conveyed using our web-based entertainment Campaigns, online substance facilitated exertion and Distributing video through different services, Online Promotions and Our Affiliate Network which involve more than 100 + high traffic doorways. Indidigital is among the top buy youtube views expert service offering such administrations from the continue to go long years.

      It's 100 percent Safe when you buy through us. We give 100 percent security when you buy YouTube views from us. Your youtube channel is 100 percent protected in case you take youtube administrations from us since we don't take any of your login nuances. We essentially need your youtube channel URL. Our customers reliably have a feeling that everything is good when they buy YouTube views from us.

      Video has transformed into a colossal piece of our web-based understanding. Accounts are progressively governing the web including virtual entertainment. Have you seen actually that by far most of the substance shared on Facebook is video? Promoters are going wild concerning it and fusing it into their on the web or virtual entertainment philosophies buy youtube views.


      To get in touch with INDIDIGITAL TEAM, contact at India contact #- +91-9971778006, USA Contact #- 1–8068484144, email us- contact@indidigital.com, skype us- indidigital, indidigital@gmail.com For more visit our website: https://www.indidigital.in/

  21. Mar 2022
  22. Feb 2022
    1. இந்திய அளவில் என் பிரியத்துக்குரிய பயணக்கட்டுரையாளர்கள் மூவர். முதன்மையானவர் தாகூர். அன்றும் இன்றும் இந்தியமொழிகளின் மகத்தான பயணக்கட்டுரையாளர் அவரே. அவருடைய செல்வ வளம் அவரை தொடர் பயணியாக வாழ வழிவகுத்தது. இமையமலைகளில் ஆப்ரிக்க பழங்குடி நிலங்களில் அரேபிய பாலையில் என அவர் பயணம் செய்துகொண்டே இருந்தார். குறிப்பாக அவருடைய ஆவிக்கப்பல் பயணங்கள் எனக்கு பெரும் கனவென நினைவில் நீடிக்கின்றன. இரண்டாமவர் காகா காலேல்கர். இந்தியாவின் அத்தனை ஆறுகளையும் ஏரிகளையும் நேரில் சென்று பார்த்து அவர் எழுதிய ‘ஜீவன்லீலா’ என்ற நூல் ஒரு பெரும்படைப்பு. மலையாளத்தில் ஞானபீடப் பரிசுபெற்ற எழுத்தாளரான எஸ்.கே.பொற்றேக்காட் எழுதிய பயணக்கட்டுரைகள் எல்லாம் பெரும்புனைவுகளுக்கு நிகராக உளம் கவர்பவை.

      Tagore as itinerary travel writer

  23. Jan 2022
    1. But why is this blank? One interpretation  is that they left it blank to show that God,   the Supreme power has no definite shape, size  or form. Many people think Hinduism is only   about Idol worship and polytheism, but even during  ancient times, Hinduism acknowledged and discussed   00:05:19 other philosophies like God is formless, this is  called Nirakara & Nirguna during ancient times.   Hinduism even discusses atheism, theosophy

      Hinduism evidence for nirguna and atheism

      • rotating-pillar
      • empty space
    1. the House may declare vacant the seat of a member who is absent for 60 days without permission, to wonder whether any suspension could traverse beyond this 60-day limit.

      suspension of MLAs

  24. Dec 2021
    1. majorly married within their gotra

      This makes little sense, because in most parts of India, people seek to avoid marrying within their gotra (seeing that as marrying within their own family).

    1. An American Geologist has stated about this mountain thus:- “Arunachala should have been thrown up by the earth under the stress of some violent volcanic eruption in the dim ages before even the coal-bearing strata were formed.

      tiruvannamalai formation genesis

      • புவி அண்டத்தில் உருவான பிண்டம்
    2. Tiruvannamalai was a fire (Agni) mountain in Krathayuga, Gold (Swarna) mountain in Thrathayugha, Copper (Thambra) mountain in Duvaparayuga and rock mountain in this Kaliyuga.
      • திருவண்ணாமலை தொன்மம்
    1. Find the Best Startup consulting firms in India

      Startup consulting firms in India and marketing service providers are rapidly growing, catering to various government locations as well as private SMEs, including new businesses. Business meeting, prototyping, R&D - Strategy Planning, Customized Web and Mobile Application Development Solutions, Web-GIS course of action, Branding and Digital Marketing Solutions are all included in the assistance with the outing case.

      Change is the only constant. One of the challenges in this constantly changing world is the lack of a guiding ability to overcome these impediments to movement. Change, according to Startup consulting firms in India's startup consulting businesses, does not have to be a burden, but may actually be an empowering force for improvement. With a basic understanding of the internet, you have access to a wealth of information; however, the trick is knowing how and when to use it to help your business flourish. Startup consulting firms in India are specialists in execution, which is the best way to manage progressions.

      In India, there are startup consulting services with the goal of transforming a CEO's movement vision into major, focal, and vital strategies that produce results. Our main goal is to assist organisations in rapidly accelerating their revenue growth.

      It may be both exhilarating and overwhelming to start a new business. Startup consulting firms in Indiacurrent genuine environment, business people and innovators rely on starting projects and reaching to market as quickly as possible – yet they can get bogged down and relegated to a back seat due to administrative or major obstacles that prevent them from concentrating on the big picture. So that they can meet with Indian startup consulting businesses.

      Startup consulting firms in India are professionals in establishing new businesses and are well-versed in the requirements of today's projects. It's only a starting point for us. To ensure business success, Startup consulting firms in India stroll around you while implementing these techniques.

      The business climate is always evolving. To start your partnership for an unrivalled tomorrow, you'll need authority and the wellbeing that comes with it. Maintaining bargains, marketing, company, or helpful significance necessitates more fundamental administrative considerations. Paying attention to less obvious nuances would be impossible to achieve because they would take up an enormous amount of trade time. More importantly, you will require the 'X FACTOR' that is required to take your business to the next level of execution with Startup consulting firms in India.

      Startup consulting firms in India

    2. How to find real youtube promotion packages india

      YouTube, being maybe the most stunning and traffic-rich stage, can offer wings to your driving plans and we, at Brandezza , A fundamental Youtube showing relationship in youtube promotion packages india makes it absolutely practical for you. We have a submitted gathering of Experienced YouTube Marketing Experts to flaunt your video on YouTube for better transparency and remaining don't also and check what we want to offer of real value to you under. As an accepted YouTube showing connection, we research and make a typical YouTube promotion structure when you utilize our YouTube promotion relationship to manage your YouTube Marketing Campaigns. We use trusted youtube promotion packages india to survey your foes and update your YouTube records to guarantee their smoothing out score is by and large fundamental. Gone are the days when just making shorts out of stuff would put everything in order to convince somebody. Today is the time we really want to persuade people with different sources including video presentations. As your customers are dependably ready to watch records to know you more rather than inspecting extended articles or regions, you can't denounce the piece of YouTube showing affiliations nowadays. youtube promotion packages india is an adulated piece of youtube publicizing . There are various affiliations ensuring the best youtube promotion packages india , you really want to pick one as shown by your tendency and essentials. A youtube direct promotion in India will offer you a select relationship with the objective that you get your targets. Characteristic of conviction, YouTube has become the most striking medium to get information now. Purchasers go to YouTube to search for things/benefits rather than assessing the comprehensive affiliations these days. Checking on this model, you should pick useful YouTube publicizing affiliations considering everything. Expertly planned youtube promotion packages india give pleasant space to make uncommon brand channels where your visitors watch the latest events held at your relationship hence do they find animates your new affiliations/things you really want them to know.

      youtube promotion packages india

    3. How to find best brand promotion companies in india

      brand promotion companies in india seem as though some other marketing companies – everybody thinks they're commendable at it. Truth be told, plainly, not an extraordinary variety genuinely get it. Review that particularly like with other marketing philosophies, everybody has a substitute definition of what brand promotion companies in india about and what contains incredible branding companies . Here is the definition: Branding makes and advances things and administrations customers will pay for. here you think about brand promotion companies in india . Branding companies have depended upon innovative strategies to gain interminable noticeable quality nearby the accommodating energy. Branding has now turned into an integral piece of a huge piece of the companies including independent undertakings of India. Whenever you can't fight the temptation to think concerning how extraordinary your brand affiliation genuinely is? In the event that you're trusting them with your brand's online presence, promise you see how they're handling their own. Whether or not you are an independent undertaking, or a set up one you may not certainly have to spend your justified cash on a brand office who isn't rendering you the outcomes. Behind each useful thing/administrations there is a brand promotion affiliation .Whether the brand promotion office is a gathering of twelve individuals or 500, or was set up as a standard brand promotion office or a general office, each inventive gathering brings its own style and style to its work. Here is a gander at 5 interactive brand promotion companies in india behind presumably the best marketing tries, which extraordinary something else, a TV show, a local experience, gum innovation no doubt. For what reason are these 5 brand promotional missions the most amazing piece of record-breaking? On account of the effect they had on the improvement of the brand, and considering the way that they figured out some method for hitting on some evident truth that licenses us to survey these missions years after they initially started. Brandezza has assisted companies with generating income through brand promotion companies in india .Brandezza , since its inception has helped Business and Marketing activities of a few . Brandezza satisfies the burgeoning need of new businesses and brands to contact clients reasonably and constantly.

      brand promotion companies in india

    1. Thiruvengadam, R., Awasthi, A., Medigeshi, G., Bhattacharya, S., Mani, S., Sivasubbu, S., Shrivastava, T., Samal, S., Rathna Murugesan, D., Koundinya Desiraju, B., Kshetrapal, P., Pandey, R., Scaria, V., Kumar Malik, P., Taneja, J., Binayke, A., Vohra, T., Zaheer, A., Rathore, D., … Garg, P. K. (2021). Effectiveness of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 infection during the delta (B.1.617.2) variant surge in India: A test-negative, case-control study and a mechanistic study of post-vaccination immune responses. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, S1473309921006800. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00680-0

  25. Nov 2021
    1. 18 அடி நீளம் கொண்ட மூலவர் சிலையை 12 ஆயிரம் சாளக்கிராம கற்களைக் கொண்டும், ‘கடுசர்க்கரா’ என்னும் அஷ்டபந்தன கலவையாலும் உருவாக்கியுள்ளனர்.

      Padmanabhaswamy statue specification

    1. Looking for a property?

      Do you want to buy property in India? Are you looking for best-in-class residential and commercial properties for sale in Delhi NCR, Lucknow, Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore, Gurgaon, and Noida? Well, you have landed in the correct place.

    1. Dhar, M. S., Marwal, R., VS, R., Ponnusamy, K., Jolly, B., Bhoyar, R. C., Sardana, V., Naushin, S., Rophina, M., Mellan, T. A., Mishra, S., Whittaker, C., Fatihi, S., Datta, M., Singh, P., Sharma, U., Ujjainiya, R., Bhatheja, N., Divakar, M. K., … Rakshit, P. (n.d.). Genomic characterization and epidemiology of an emerging SARS-CoV-2 variant in Delhi, India. Science, 0(0), eabj9932. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abj9932

    1. The table below shows that, in most places, the number of excess deaths (compared with our baseline) is greater than the number of covid-19 fatalities officially recorded by the government.

      India is not included in this super-usefull Excess Mortality table.

  26. Oct 2021
    1. Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data-explorer

      is:webpage lang:en COVID-19 graph case death Germany Sweden UK Afghanistan Africa Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua Barbuda Argentina Armenia Asia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Cote d'ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czechia Democratic Republic of Congo Denmark Djobouti Dominica Dominician Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Europe Europian Union Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mashall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North America North Macedonia Northern Cyprus Norway Oceania Oman Pakistan Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philipines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South America South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor Togo Trinidad Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turks and Caicos Islands Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates USA Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican Venezuela Vietnam World Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe test vaccine chart map table data case fatality rate mortality




  27. Sep 2021
    1. Know why we are best brand awareness company in India

      Not using any strategies to the disadvantage of a call! Everything diminished to a ten-digit number and a phone. To initially drive the telephone number for the station, outside advertising was utilized to appear at the Brand awareness Campaign in India target swarm . We pushed the number out in each possible condition colossal to this goal gathering: railroad stations, business focuses, trains and even diminished top-up businesses. In these domains individuals considered everything considered to use Brand awareness Campaign in India paid early versatile. What we relatively did, if you dialed the number at any rate on different occasions, by then you got reminders and updates. Brandezza, drives the Brand awareness Campaign in India. A gigantic examination on how they changed a sensible (for instance non-sharp) phone into a free entertainment station to please and interface millions in the Hindi and Bhojpuri-speaking areas, has been extremely lopsided by the Brand awareness Campaign in India moved marketing master. Something that has a genuinely human touch that makes us wonder about the advertisers who made the thought for an amazingly outstanding Brand awareness Campaign in India – that also brought happiness. In overabundance of different million individuals in India have a key phone – for any situation for a couple, that is the main piece of cutting edge rigging they have. So how is it possible that it would be possible that ABC would show up at likely customers? By turning any phone into an on-demand radio station ( Brand awareness Campaign in India, which genuinely suggests the ear-worm station). The Brand awareness Campaign in India started in the particularly 'media diminish' domains of Bihar and Jharkhand, for any situation its flourishing instantly spread – as Berry passed on: "This model has appeared at changed bits of the country, giving every Indian with a phone agree to entertainment and connecting them with the world." Today, Popular Marketing is associated with YouTube recordings, infectious tunes and engaging applications. For any condition, in what way may you produce a viral marketing campaign using basically an indisputable call? ABC Company and their office and Accomplices Overall found the fitting reaction. Brand awareness Campaign in India ABC Company got together flexible administrators, content providers and ABC Company brands to make the Brandezza – the world's overall first uncommon brand-had radio station.

      Brand awareness Campaign in India

    2. Know what is the affordable cost of Mobile Application Installation in India

      They finished obviously various years back and are ceaselessly worked by the proprietor of the Mobile Application Installation Cost India working framework, for example, the Apple Application Store, Google Play, Windows Telephone Store, and BlackBerry Application World. A few applications are free, while others should be gotten. Routinely, they are downloaded from the stage to an objective gadget, yet a piece of the time can be downloaded to PCs or work stations. Some pre-introduced applications can be cleared by a standard uninstall Mobile Application Installation Cost India measure, thus leaving all around more extra space for required ones. Where the thing doesn't permit, a few contraptions can be related with taking out the undesired applications. Applications that are not preinstalled are generally open through scattering stages called application stores. Furthermore close to correspondingly in like way likewise also similarly as with other programming, the Mobile Application Installation Cost India influence in number and mix of applications made introduction a test, which as such affected the course of action of a wide degree of study, suggestion, and term sources, including web journals, magazines, and submitted online application revelation affiliations. Mobile applications were from the most prompt early phase offered for general piece of room and data recovery, including email, plan, contacts, the confirmation exchange and climate data. Regardless, open interest and the Mobile Application Installation Cost India straightforwardness of power contraptions undertaken into different groupings, for example, those supervised by work zone application programming packs. At Brandezza study revealed that during the past quarter, more mobile endorsers utilized applications than investigated the Mobile Application Installation Cost India web on their contraptions: half versus 49 uninhibitedly. Specialists found that usage of mobile applications unequivocally interfaces with client setting and relies on the client's area and time. Mobile applications are driving forward through a dependably growing work inside supportive affiliations and when arranged and made totally can yield explicit focal focus interests. With different mobile applications open at application stores and the Mobile Application Installation Cost India improved hindrances of PDAs, individuals are downloading more applications to their contraptions. Use of mobile applications has gotten undeniably focal across mobile telephone clients.

      Mobile Application Installation Cost India

    3. Get the best Viral Marketing Agency in India In the event that we do viral marketing by procedure for electronic media the proportion of the individuals who are in the distinctive online life will come to think about your administrations, brands, things and begin purchasing your things, administrations which can help in increase in proposals of your business. Is it genuine that you are looking out for approaches to manage and overseeing interfaces with billions of individuals to plug your extraordinary administrations? By then Viral Marketing Agency in India is the ideal position and best framework. It insinuates the online movement that mainly relies on the informal exchange for brand mindfulness. Brandezza offers a viral marketing technique that guarantees changes nearly to lift the appeal. Moved confined time recordings on YouTube at any rate with no fundamental points of view? Give your stores a back sitting methodology by assigning The Brand improvement, Mumbai, India as the Video Marketing Administration Agency. The Viral Marketing Agency in India group at Brandezza is outfitted with imaginative plans to make recordings so instruments that would in turn explain your video to get prominent online. We give all of you the blueprints expected to influence your business and increase bargains. We do a wide level of marketing like-Facebook marketing, LinkedIn marketing, Viral Marketing Agency in India, and so on Our marketing pack is a specific gathering with an understanding of more than different years. Who can manage your issues by providing you the best marketing answers for your business? There are different approaches to manage direct viral marketing to move your business, video marketing, content marketing, and web journals marketing, and so forth Viral Marketing Agency in India will help in the improvement of your business and make an increase in bargains. Begin Making Benefits Through Viral Marketing. Viral Marketing Agency in India is a Marketing which will viral every one of the reports on your things, brands, administrations to individuals all around of online life regions, and so forth There are in excess of a colossal number individuals there by systems for electronic networking and electronic media destinations that are searching for their principal administrations, things. Right when we do Viral Marketing Agency in India to your picture, thing, and so forth By then there will be progress in your systems.

      Viral Marketing Agency in India

    4. We are best for Brand promotion service in India

      promotion company in India state branding is connected with creating brand respect and fortifying brand picture and what maintained spot could there be over the air terminal? With the rising of the greater working class and the rich rapidly climbing the stepping stool, the air terminals in India are experiencing a huge rise in air traffic. We rotate around each Brand mission very and utilize integrated brand promotion exercises to uncover your brand in the genuine business association. All through the drawn out we have helped a couple of relationships change into the pioneers in their solidarity. Offer gigantic appreciation to our Brand promotion company in India that brings together key advanced marketing strategies. Our brand promotion pack uses standard media and other improved modernized media plans to bring your brand to the bleeding edge. We make novel mediums to pull in corporate and budding business individuals. Brand promotion company in India is an extraordinarily genuine company to propel your brand. Brand promotion company in India are connected with creating broadened length incentives for connections by building fundamental securities with the client in a useful and enduring way. Our online brand promotion spins around designing, creating and establishing your online branding presence using marketing. Our Brand promotion company in India involves a show advanced marketing blend involving rehearsals known for capturing the chance to focus on huge numbers. These exercises assist us with collecting key insights regarding how to increase your online presence. This is genuine not only for metropolitan regions of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Calcutta, yet for the most part little air terminals of Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and distinctive metropolitan affiliations have in like way seen a crucial advancement in powerful time gridlock. With endless pioneers traveling by strategies for air every year, branding at Brandezza can give extraordinary mileage to your brands, and plainly makes branding a good marketing investment. Brandezza is a leading Brand promotion company in India which has pragmatic insight involvement with branding and advertising. Brand is the ticket Branding is the transmission of that thought.

      Brand promotion company in India

  28. Aug 2021
  29. Jul 2021
  30. Jun 2021
    1. Wall, E. C., Wu, M., Harvey, R., Kelly, G., Warchal, S., Sawyer, C., Daniels, R., Hobson, P., Hatipoglu, E., Ngai, Y., Hussain, S., Nicod, J., Goldstone, R., Ambrose, K., Hindmarsh, S., Beale, R., Riddell, A., Gamblin, S., Howell, M., … Bauer, D. L. (2021). Neutralising antibody activity against SARS-CoV-2 VOCs B.1.617.2 and B.1.351 by BNT162b2 vaccination. The Lancet, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01290-3

  31. May 2021
    1. Dr. Tom Frieden. (2021, April 30). Globally, the end of the pandemic isn’t near. More than a million lives depend on improving our response quickly. Don’t be blinded by the light at the end of the tunnel. There isn’t enough vaccine and the virus is gathering strength & speed. Global cooperation is crucial. 1/ [Tweet]. @DrTomFrieden. https://twitter.com/DrTomFrieden/status/1388172436999376899

    1. Piyush Goyal India: Mister of Railways; Commerce and industry, Consumer, Food and Distribution Affairs 2:51AM CST

      • Media in the west is blowing Indias situation out of proportion.
      • Also mentions the need for speed. Won't deal with negotiations for a few months only to start at square one.
    1. Ian bremmer on Twitter: “Seychelles is most vaccinated country in the world...but right now has more COVID cases per capita than India (!). How is that possible? Most vaccines used are Sinopharm. Which significantly reduces serious illness/death...but doesn’t do much to reduce transmission.” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2021, from https://twitter.com/ianbremmer/status/1391751797770006534

  32. Apr 2021
    1. The spices coming from India are brought to this city of Chos [Al-Qusayr, Egypt]. Then, they are taken to Babylon [Al-Fustat, Egypt] and Alexandria.

      The Indian trade route was as still influential due too the high demand of silk and spice. Usually the trade was through port hopping from merchants. As most at this time period merchants were scared of the sea so they would costal hop. That's how India got brought trade to Al Qusayr and to Al Fustat..

    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: “There is a Twitter account for the Great Barrington Declaration. It is totally silent on what is presently unfolding in India. Is it really possible to watch the surge there and in Brazil and not feel challenged in your beliefs about herd immunity? For otherwise smart people?” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved April 25, 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1384794607997890560

  33. Mar 2021
    1. Gita Gopinath. (2021, March 26). Here is a snapshot of the largest producers of vaccines. Much more supply is in the pipeline but all countries will need to share. It is essential to vaccinate the most vulnerable in the world now for the benefit of everyone. The pandemic is not over until it is over everywhere https://t.co/udBMkw6Pnl [Tweet]. @GitaGopinath. https://twitter.com/GitaGopinath/status/1375557532224225282

  34. Feb 2021
    1. Nick Brown. (2020, November 27). A researcher reads an online news article about a family suicide in another country and writes it up more or less verbatim as a ‘case report’, with a spurious reference to homicide. WTF @wileyglobal? 10.1111/ppc.12686 News article (trans by Google in pic): Https://t.co/uPZeRPN4jg https://t.co/tHW1XQGRyl [Tweet]. @sTeamTraen. https://twitter.com/sTeamTraen/status/1332413218271195137

  35. Jan 2021
    1. In our time, machine learning conference attendance and submission rates continue to compound, often outstripping the doubling of Moore's law the discipline relies on to make any forward progress. The quality of results in these and other fields since the vast expansion of their communities has not increased.

      Just wait until you see what publishers have planned for India and China

  36. Nov 2020
    1. They use inclusive language by using no language at all, sometimes the best way to communicate are our actions, this add is meant to be seen by many and people wouldn't understand if there was one language spoken, this lack of language makes the advertisement inclusive of all. Additionally our actions are a honest representation of the people we are and I believe that in a advertisement meant to represent emotions and bonds there is no better language than our purest form of expression, body language.

    2. The advertisement is completely pathos since it tries to form a emotional connection with the viewer by using such emotional and happy scenes, making the viewer remember the happy and good times they had when they were together with the people they held dear or when meeting new people. It wants the viewer to remember the good times they had while drinking a coke and promote the idea that they are missing out on happiness because they are lacking a coke.

    3. Target audience: the target audience is everyone. No matter who you are Coca-Cola tries to connect itself with everyone by forming a close relationship by writing impactful, fun and friendly things on their bottles.

    4. Explicit: Convey to others that forming new bonds and overcoming social barriers and/or cultural walls is very easy, creating a better society.

      Implicit: To promote the consumption of coke by associating coke with family friends and relationships and connecting with their consumers

    5. 0:10 -The older man places a coke on the table and turns it around, the bottle has the word "Friends" inscribed on it. The fact that the bottle has such word inscribed makes the viewer want to buy one since it is a very striking word, it makes you think of home and the people you hold dear.

    6. 0:21 the young man accepts the old mans friend request through the phone, this has never been seen in other advertisement of coke but as times change people change and many friendships and relationships have and are currently being created through the internet , this tells the audience that coke is always adapting to us and that it will always be by our side no matter when.

    7. The way they used men of very different ages represents that coke can break the barrier of time, since it is usually said that the disparity between generations and their way of thinking is not easily overcome. But thanks to the ad we see that Coke Transends this barrier of time creating new never thought possible bonds.

    8. 0:16 we get a top view where the coke is perfectly placed in the middle of the table braking the "wall" that keeps both men apart form each other .

    9. the "Share a Coke" slogan has a strong call to action it is incentivizing the audience to purchase one for the purpose of giving it to another like how you give chocolates to someone important to you on valentines, this would be the same idea.

    10. 0:20 the coke is placed in a way that it is perfectly lighted up and in the mid point between both men this could be said that the coke is braking the ice between them or the cultural wall in between as it is literally the reason why both men start to interact with one another.

    11. This advertisement is also a critique against racism around the world, it implies that no matter who you are, what your background is and the different thoughts and believes you have, we should create new bonds, not destroy them. This is seen by the way the young man quickly develops a friend ship with the older man, with just the simple act of sharing a drink.

    12. The lack of speech is also very note worthy since it gives off the idea that forming new bonds is very simple, such that there is no need to talk. It is a critique to society as it implies that the only thing separating us from having a world where no one is less than others is our ego and our own human complex.

    13. The lighting used in this advertisement is very bright in order to set up the very friendly atmosphere shown in the video, this hooks the viewer since it gives off happiness and good vibes, which people feel more attracted to. It also represents the theme of the ad which is creating and strengthening bonds.

    14. 0:21 both the man and the young man grab the coke, this is symbolic because it is as implying that the man in conveying his emotions and thoughts to the coke before the young man drinks it, when the young man drinks its he sighs and looks at the old man in a more friendly way as if implying that he can now understand him in a more deeper way since he literally drank the old mans thoughts through the coke.

    15. Through out the whole commercial there is no verbal interaction between the old man and the younger one, implying that forming new relationships and meeting new people is very simple to the point that you don't even have to talk. This lack of conversation is also very clever since it can be said that the man is conveying his emotions and feelings to the younger one through the coke as saying that when share a coke you are sharing more than a drink you are sharing emotions

    16. 0:13 the older man makes a facial gesture which conveys to us that he is telling the younger one to "go ahead" and drink the coke, which he is only willing to sheared if the youngest becomes friends with him.

    17. 0:15 the youngest looks at the old man and there is a pause, as if he were thinking about the repercussions of becoming friends with the man, but realizes that there are non.

    18. 0:15 - the music used has a very high pitch and is very fast as implying that the youngest has to make up his mind quickly. This creates suspense on the viewer since it makes us wonder what will he choose, ignore the man or make friends with him.

    19. 0:16 - 0:20 - The music pauses and the youngest grabs his phone, this leaves the view confused on what is happening, they start thinking that he decided on ignoring the old man, which would be very shocking because it would not follow the natural order of mainstream media in where usually they would become friends instantly, this is something unexpected and pulls the viewers attention.

    20. 0:25-0:27 - The music starts playing aging, it has a very repetitive rhythm, each interval is grater than the one before, like if we were approaching the climax of this short interaction between this two men.

    21. 0:28 - the repetitive music is gone and a cheerfully melody is introduced, this melody makes the viewer think that there will be a happy conclusion, which proves to be correct since. the older man receives a text message form the youngest that his friend request has been approved.

    22. 0:37-0:40 - after the youngest drinks the coke he puts it down and a text shows up next to the bottle which reads "share a coke with..." and the label of the bottle which previously said friend changes to dad, dude, bro etc. This implies to the viewer that coke is meant to be shared no only to create bonds with others as seen through the commercial, but it is also used to strengthen bonds between people you hold very close to you, as if implying that when sharing a coke there is no boundaries between people.

    23. 0:01- two men sitting in a train, the train implies that they are from different places traveling somewhere. They have different ethnicities and backgrounds

  37. Oct 2020
  38. Sep 2020
  39. Aug 2020
    1. Malani, A., Soman, S., Asher, S., Novosad, P., Imbert, C., Tandel, V., Agarwal, A., Alomar, A., Sarker, A., Shah, D., Shen, D., Gruber, J., Sachdeva, S., Kaiser, D., & Bettencourt, L. M. A. (2020). Adaptive Control of COVID-19 Outbreaks in India: Local, Gradual, and Trigger-based Exit Paths from Lockdown (Working Paper No. 27532; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27532

  40. Jul 2020