4 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2024
Tschechien baut vier neue Reaktorblöcke mit je 1200 Megawatt Leistung. Weitere, möglicherweise auch kleine und mittlere Reaktoren sollen folgen. Einer der beiden möglichen Hersteller der jetzt beschlossenen Blöcke ist die französische EDF. Bis 2030 sollen Kohlekraftwerke in Tschechien keine Rolle mehr spielen. https://taz.de/Energiepolitik-in-Tschechien/!5988761/
- Aug 2023
synod.e-cirkev.cz synod.e-cirkev.cz
Synod ČCE souhlasí s možností požehnání svazků osob stejného pohlaví, pokud o to požádají. Synod ČCE vnímá, že názory na tuto otázku nejsou v církvi jednotné, podporuje činnost komise pro soužití s LGBTQ lidmi a pokračování diskuze v církvi o tomto tématu. Synod konstatuje, že žádný kazatel není povinen žehnat svazkům osob stejného pohlaví.
- Oct 2021
ourworldindata.org ourworldindata.org
Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data-explorer
- Saint Vincent
- El Salvador
- Liechtenstein
- Brazil
- Isle of Man
- Italy
- Sierra Leone
- Europe
- Europian Union
- Peru
- Samoa
- Mauritius
- death
- Guinea
- Tobago
- Ghana
- Tanzania
- Slovakia
- Uzbekistan
- Laos
- Jersey
- Vatican
- Guernsey
- Bosnia
- Cayman Islands
- Philipines
- Qatar
- Mongolia
- Macao
- Suriname
- Uganda
- Portugal
- Moldova
- case fatality rate
- Cameroon
- Gabon
- Argentina
- Hong Kong
- Lesotho
- Greece
- UK
- Eswatini
- Serbia
- Armenia
- Trinidad
- Eritrea
- Cuba
- Myanmar
- Paraguay
- Africa
- Uruguay
- Hungary
- Burkina Faso
- Saint Lucia
- Luxembourg
- Grenada
- Costa Rica
- Guatemala
- Mauritania
- Cambodia
- World
- Dominica
- Central African Republic
- Norway
- United Arab Emirates
- Panama
- Monaco
- Zimbabwe
- Denmark
- Egypt
- Greenland
- Malawi
- China
- Kyrgyzstan
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Nigeria
- Anguilla
- Burundi
- mortality
- Vietnam
- case
- Belgium
- Congo
- Poland
- Venezuela
- chart
- France
- Azerbaijan
- Bangladesh
- South Korea
- Somalia
- Togo
- Oceania
- Djobouti
- Pakistan
- Libya
- Namibia
- Tunisia
- Sweden
- Guinea-Bissau
- Rwanda
- Romania
- Czechia
- Andorra
- Vanuatu
- Northern Cyprus
- Ireland
- Herzegovina
- Papua New Guinea
- Gibraltar
- Thailand
- Senegal
- Canada
- graph
- Malaysia
- Montenegro
- New Zealand
- Liberia
- vaccine
- Singapore
- Slovenia
- Antigua
- Angola
- Chad
- Russia
- Australia
- Spain
- Ukraine
- Belize
- Equatorial Guinea
- Kenya
- Lebanon
- Seychelles
- Barbados
- Honduras
- Comoros
- Niger
- Falkland Islands
- Albania
- Botswana
- Cyprus
- Benin
- Saudi Arabia
- Algeria
- is:webpage
- Georgia
- Sri Lanka
- Bahamas
- Cape Verde
- Oman
- lang:en
- Kosovo
- Turkey
- Bahrain
- Cote d'ivoire
- India
- Ethiopia
- Morocco
- Netherlands
- Yemen
- Sao Tome and Principe
- table
- Mexico
- Lithuania
- South Africa
- data
- Austria
- Sudan
- Fiji
- Nepal
- Estonia
- Micronesia
- Israel
- Germany
- Syria
- Bermuda
- Bolivia
- Switzerland
- map
- Jordan
- Japan
- Grenadines
- Mali
- Tajikistan
- Faeroe Islands
- Maldives
- South Sudan
- Solomon Islands
- North Macedonia
- Bulgaria
- Gambia
- Guyana
- Belarus
- COVID-19
- Barbuda
- Iraq
- Madagascar
- Chile
- Kazakhstan
- Malta
- Palestine
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Saint Helena
- San Marino
- test
- Taiwan
- Mashall Islands
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Colombia
- Nicaragua
- South America
- Croatia
- Zambia
- Iceland
- Afghanistan
- Ecuador
- Jamaica
- Haiti
- Finland
- Iran
- Dominician Republic
- Latvia
- North America
- Timor
- Indonesia
- Mozambique
- Bhutan
- Kuwait
- Asia
- Aug 2020
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
COVID-19 Crisis Fuels Hostility against Foreigners. COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved August 4, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13250/