- Jul 2024
- May 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Eine neue Welt von Überflutungen hatte in Afghanistan mindestens 68 Menschen leben gefordert. In der Woche davor waren bereits über 300 Menschen wegen Überschwemmungen gestorben. große Teile des Landes wurden verwüstet.https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/18/fresh-flooding-in-afghanistan-people-dead-after-heavy-rain-brings-devastation
I asked him why he defied the ban if you don't have enough food in your 00:02:22 house and your children are going hungry what else will you do if we grew wheat instead we won't earn enough to survive
for - complexity - wicked problem - polycrisis - afghanistan Taliban drug war
wicked problem - Taliban drug war - Afghanistan produced 80% of the world's opium for heroin and now it has lauched an aggressive and successful campaign to eradicate opium production - The farmers grow opium because it is a lucrative crop and they can feed their family - It is now illegal to grow opium and the Taliban enforce by monitoring and destroying poppy fields - This is one of the ironies that poor families grow poppy to try to survive, yet are disconnected from the chaos their product causes in other parts of the world
- Apr 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Extremer Regen hat in Pakistan und Afghanistan mindestens 135 Todesfälle verursacht und große Flächen bebauten Landes zerstört. Vorausgegangen war eine lange Periode ungewöhnlicher Trockenheit. Die Regenfälle wurden von demselben Wettersystem verursacht, das kurz zuvor Überflutungen in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und Oman verursacht hatte.
Afghanistan ist zur Zeit von Starkregen und Flutwellen betroffen und leidet zugleich unter Hitzewellen. Die Überflutungen sind das Ergebnis der Ausdehnung der Monsungebiete nach Nordwesten. Die Temperaturen haben in Afghanistan seit 1950 um 1,8 Grad zugenommen. Unter anderem drei aufeinanderfolgende Dürren haben den Grundwasserspiegel in Afghanistan in fünf Jahren um 11 m gesenkt. Umfassender Bericht der taz über das von der globalen Erhitzung besonders betroffene Land.
- Apr 2022
ottawacitizen.com ottawacitizen.com
Pugliese, D. (2021, September 27). Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda on Canadians: Report. National Post. https://nationalpost.com/news/national/defence-watch/military-leaders-saw-pandemic-as-unique-opportunity-to-test-propaganda-techniques-on-canadians-forces-report-says/wcm/22733c97-39f0-4ba4-8a26-478af5e215f3
- is:news
- technique
- lang:en
- military leader
- Afghanistan war
- pandemic
- Canada
- civil disobedience
- COVID-19
- Canadian Forces
- propaganda
- Oct 2021
hypothes.is hypothes.is
The articles I picked for my two picked was from CNN and the other was from the ny times. They both were very similar because they both were about how the US troops left Afghanistan after our 20 year war with them.
ourworldindata.org ourworldindata.org
Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data-explorer
- Seychelles
- Serbia
- Herzegovina
- Central African Republic
- Guyana
- Timor
- Botswana
- India
- Croatia
- Mongolia
- Malawi
- Belgium
- Kenya
- Anguilla
- Canada
- Cameroon
- World
- South America
- Brazil
- chart
- Estonia
- Montenegro
- Sudan
- Falkland Islands
- Lesotho
- Oman
- Vatican
- Czechia
- Europe
- Namibia
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- test
- Belize
- map
- Andorra
- Tajikistan
- Germany
- Australia
- Spain
- Laos
- Lebanon
- Netherlands
- Greece
- Libya
- Yemen
- Isle of Man
- Peru
- United Arab Emirates
- Niger
- Europian Union
- Kyrgyzstan
- Bangladesh
- Ireland
- Costa Rica
- Haiti
- Togo
- Monaco
- Venezuela
- Tunisia
- Guinea
- data
- Palestine
- Asia
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Myanmar
- Maldives
- Dominician Republic
- Slovakia
- Norway
- Papua New Guinea
- Denmark
- UK
- COVID-19
- Luxembourg
- Cayman Islands
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- Grenadines
- Japan
- Austria
- Eritrea
- Ukraine
- Algeria
- South Korea
- Angola
- Mali
- Tobago
- Gibraltar
- El Salvador
- Sri Lanka
- Sweden
- Iceland
- South Africa
- Guernsey
- Chile
- Bolivia
- Micronesia
- Mashall Islands
- table
- Djobouti
- Comoros
- Gambia
- Malaysia
- Somalia
- vaccine
- Hungary
- Equatorial Guinea
- Jersey
- Guatemala
- Singapore
- Kosovo
- Fiji
- Nigeria
- Saint Helena
- San Marino
- Panama
- Pakistan
- Mauritania
- Madagascar
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Ghana
- Zambia
- Armenia
- France
- Russia
- North Macedonia
- Cote d'ivoire
- Burkina Faso
- Iraq
- Mozambique
- Northern Cyprus
- Cyprus
- Faeroe Islands
- Ethiopia
- Honduras
- Romania
- lang:en
- Solomon Islands
- China
- Latvia
- Argentina
- Gabon
- Afghanistan
- graph
- Iran
- Greenland
- Kuwait
- Macao
- Chad
- Uzbekistan
- Grenada
- Liechtenstein
- Malta
- Burundi
- Bosnia
- Georgia
- Suriname
- Eswatini
- Saint Vincent
- Paraguay
- Cuba
- Guinea-Bissau
- Bermuda
- Benin
- Hong Kong
- Poland
- Portugal
- Slovenia
- Uganda
- Bahamas
- Congo
- Bulgaria
- Oceania
- Finland
- Rwanda
- Bahrain
- Azerbaijan
- Ecuador
- Israel
- Belarus
- Kazakhstan
- death
- Nepal
- New Zealand
- North America
- Trinidad
- Barbados
- Africa
- Thailand
- Zimbabwe
- is:webpage
- Switzerland
- Dominica
- Sierra Leone
- Vanuatu
- Cambodia
- Antigua
- case
- Saudi Arabia
- Tanzania
- Mexico
- Morocco
- Taiwan
- Saint Lucia
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Qatar
- Italy
- Mauritius
- Philipines
- Colombia
- Cape Verde
- Nicaragua
- Barbuda
- Uruguay
- Moldova
- Turkey
- mortality
- Bhutan
- Vietnam
- Jordan
- Syria
- Liberia
- Senegal
- Samoa
- Jamaica
- Egypt
- case fatality rate
- Albania
- South Sudan
- Indonesia
- Sep 2021
scripting.com scripting.com
The press is full of reports that President Biden screwed up the pullout from Afghanistan. But none of the people saying he did it wrong say what he should have done instead.
I've noticed this phenomenon as well. When criticizing public policy, writers should be required to write down their alternate plans and then go at least one or two levels deep as to the knock on effects that their decisions are likely to have.
It's easy to criticize, but it's much harder to do the actual work and thinking to actually do something else.
- May 2021
www.pbs.org www.pbs.org
Monday on the NewsHour, we look at the violence in the Middle East as rockets continue to fly into Israel, and Israelis hammer Gaza with heavy airstrikes. Then, we talk to the president of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, as U.S. troops leave his country and violence escalates. And, we explore why Americans are divided on whether or not to follow new CDC guidance relaxing mask and distancing rules.
- Sep 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Evi Viza on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved September 7, 2020, from https://twitter.com/evi1603/status/1302170026800304129
- Jun 2017
economictimes.indiatimes.com economictimes.indiatimes.com
the growing network of terror groups and the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan are expected to figure prominently in the maiden dialogue between Trump and Modi,