- Oct 2024
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
two Georgia women, Amber Thurman and Candi Miller, whose deaths were deemed “preventable” by the state’s maternal mortality review committee after they were unable to access legal abortions and timely medical care amid an abortion ban.
- Sep 2024
www.visittownscounty.com www.visittownscounty.com
Best Shopping Places in North Georgia
Local Arts Scene in Towns County, Georgia
- Jun 2024
www.visittownscounty.com www.visittownscounty.com
Fairs and Festivals in Hiawassee, North Georgia
- May 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Putin Mafia style autocratic environment um wherever he can
for - key insight - Putin is trying to create autocratic governments all over the world - geopolitics - Putin's influence in Georgia
- Apr 2024
www.visittownscounty.com www.visittownscounty.com
Best Wineries in North Georgia | Towns County
- Mar 2024
By 1760, only 5 percent of white Georgians owned even a singleslave, while a handful of families possessed them in the hundreds. JonathanBryan was the perfect embodiment of the “Slave Merchants” whoOglethorpe had warned would dominate the colony.59
In 1750, settlers were formally granted the right toown slaves.58
ProslaveryGeorgians were not above accusing Oglethorpe of running a prisoncolony.50
My early memory of Georgia history in 4th grade (1984) was that Georgia was founded "as a penal colony".
trustees: “to relieve the distressed.” Instead of offering a sanctuary forhonest laborers, Georgia would become an oppressive regime, promoting“the misery of thousands in Africa” by permitting a “free people” to be“sold into perpetual Slavery.”48
At the height of the controversy, in 1739, he argued that African slavery should never be introduced into his colony, because it went against the core principle of the
Many contemporaries connected slavery to English idleness. WilliamByrd weighed in on the ban against slavery in Georgia in a letter to aGeorgia trustee. He saw how slavery had sparked discontent among poorwhites in Virginia, who routinely refused to “dirty their hands with Labourof any kind,” preferring to steal or starve rather than work in the fields.Slavery ruined the “industry of our White People,” he confessed, for theysaw a “Rank of Poor Creatures below them,” and detested the thought ofwork out of a perverse pride, lest they might “look like slaves.”
Slavery, however, could not be kept apart from future projections inGeorgia. After allowing South Carolina to send over slaves to fell trees andclear the land for the town of Savannah, Oglethorpe came to regret thedecision. He made a brief trip to Charles Town, and returned to discoverthat in the interim the white settlers had grown “impatient of Labour andDiscipline.” Some had sold good food for rum punch. With drunkenesscame disease. And so, Oglethorpe wrote, the “Negroes who sawed for us”and encouraged white “Idleness” were sent back.46
early slavery in Georgia
Having foughtas an officer under Prince Eugene of Savoy in the Austro–Turkish War of1716–18, he understood military discipline. This was how he came to trustin the power of emulation; he believed that people could be conditioned todo the right thing by observing good leaders. He shared food with thosewho were ill or deprived. Visiting a Scottish community north of Savannah,he refused a soft bed and slept outside on the hard ground with the men.More than any other colonial founder, Oglethorpe made himself one of thepeople, promoting collective effort.43
Description of James Edward Oglethorpe
the colony’s motto, Non sibi sed aliis (Not for themselves, but for others)
According to Francis Moore, who visited the settlement in its secondyear of operation, two “peculiar” customs stood out: both alcohol and dark-skinned people were prohibited. “No slavery is allowed, nor negroes,”Moore wrote. As a sanctuary for “free white people,” Georgia “would notpermit slaves, for slaves starve the poor laborer.” Free labor encouragedpoor white men in sober cultivation and steeled them in the event they hadto defend the land from outside aggression. It also promised to cure settlersof that most deadly of English diseases, idleness.41
Conservative land policies limited individual settlers to a maximum offive hundred acres, thus discouraging the growth of a large-scale plantationeconomy and slave-based oligarchy such as existed in neighboring SouthCarolina. North Carolina squatters would not be found here either. Poorsettlers coming from England, Scotland, and other parts of Europe weregranted fifty acres of land, free of charge, plus a home and a garden.Distinct from its neighbors to the north, Georgia experimented with a socialorder that neither exploited the lower classes nor favored the rich. Itsfounders deliberately sought to convert the territory into a haven forhardworking families. They aimed to do something completelyunprecedented: to build a “free labor” colony.
- prison colonies
- 40 acres and a mule
- idleness
- Georgia
- slavery in Georgia
- James Edward Oglethorpe
- charity
- Austro-Turkish War of 1716-18
- social experiments
- diseases
- free labor
- Francis Moore
- Jonathan Bryan
- slave merchants
- leading by example
- mottos
- 1732
- slavery and poor white trash
- social equality
- pride
- man of the people
- Prince Eugene of Savoy
- 1760
- history of poverty
- William Byrd
- Georgia history
- slavery
- quotes
- 1750
- economics
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
10:30 es gibt keine klima-katastrophe. was ist die intention der klima-gesetze?<br /> kampf gegen die globale übervölkerung, das ist die nummer eins priorität für alle mächtigen<br /> gebot 1 der georgia guidestones:<br /> Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
- Nov 2023
www.mountainapp.net www.mountainapp.net
ჩემს მიერ შერჩეული ბლოგი დაწერილია ქართველი და შვეიცარიელი სტუდენტების მიერ(ლუკა კაპიტანიო,სიმონე გიორზი და ნათია კეკენაძე) რომლის განხილვის საგანია თემზე დაფუძნებული მთის მმართველობა საქართველოში,სადაც აღწერილია მაღალმთიანი დასახლებების რისკები და მათი გამომწვევი მიზეზები,ასევე განხულილულია მათი სოციალურ-ეკონომიკური მდგომარეობა და მაღალმთიანი რეგიონების მომავალი.საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციების და საქართველოს მთავრობის მჭიდრო თანამშრომლობის შედეგად შექმნილია ადგილობრივი სამოქმედო ჯგუფები(LAG),რომელთა მიზანი კერძო,საჯარო და სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ადგილობრივ დონეზე დაკავშირება და მთის განვითარების პრიორიტეტების/საჭიროებების განსაზღვრაა.2020 წლიდან LAG-ები აქტიურად მუშაობენ საქართველოს თითქმის ყველა მუნიციპალიტეტში.მაგალითად ხულოს LAG აქტიურად იყო ჩართული 73-მდე ადგილობრივი განვითარების ინიციატივის დაფინანსებაში.LAG-ის დახმარებით დაფინანსდა ორი სამკერვალო მაღაზია,სადაც 15-მდე ადგილობრივი ქალი დასაქმდა(EU4GEORGIA,2020). "შესაბამისად,უაღრესად მნიშვნელოვანია ისეთი ინსტიტუტების შექმნა,რომლებიც შესაძლებელს გახდის შესანიშნავი კომუნიკაციის საშუალებას ადგილობრივ მთის თემებსა და შესაბამის პოლოტიკურ ინსტიტუტებს შორის,რათა შესაძლებელი გახდეს საუკეთესო მმართველობა". გიორგი ჟამიერაშვილი
- May 2023
www.northside.com www.northside.com
We will maintain “non-harassment” and “no tolerance” policies addressing workplace violence.
Looks like their tolerance for workplace violence is actually somewhat greater than zero.
- Feb 2023
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
The racist origins of Georgia’s runoff elections by Steven F. Lawson
Read Sat 2022-12-10 7:43 AM
There was a lot of talk about this run off, but this was the only article I saw referencing the historical political reasons why there was a runoff.
- Jan 2023
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
- Dec 2022
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Oct 2022
- May 2022
www.usatoday.com www.usatoday.com
- Oct 2021
Miller, A. (2021, August 27). States Pull Back on Covid Data Even Amid Delta Surge. Kaiser Health News. https://khn.org/news/article/states-pull-back-on-covid-data-even-amid-delta-surge/
Miller, A. (2021, August 27). States Pull Back on Covid Data Even Amid Delta Surge. Kaiser Health News. https://khn.org/news/article/states-pull-back-on-covid-data-even-amid-delta-surge/
ourworldindata.org ourworldindata.org
Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data-explorer
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- Mar 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In Georgia, which went for a Democrat for the first time since Bill Clinton in 1992 and just elected two Democratic senators — one Black and one Jewish — there have been a raft of proposed voter restrictions.
This may of stuck out to me purely because I live in Georgia, but Blow's decision to include this in his article is interesting. The democratic victory was determined to be the direct result of increased voter turnout, particularly in communities of color. It is interesting that the legislation he mentions here manages turn this victory into a loss of some sort.
- Aug 2020
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Mull, A. (2020, April 29). Georgia’s Experiment in Human Sacrifice. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/04/why-georgia-reopening-coronavirus-pandemic/610882/
context-cdn.washingtonpost.com context-cdn.washingtonpost.com
Szablewski, C. M., Chang, K. T., Brown, M. M., Chu, V. T., Yousaf, A. R., Anyalechi, N., Aryee, P. A., Kirking, H. L., Lumsden, M., Mayweather, E., McDaniel, C. J., Montierth, R., Mohammed, A., Schwartz, N. G., Shah, J. A., Tate, J. E., Dirlikov, E., Drenzek, C., Lanzieri, T. M., & Stewart, R. J. (2020). SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and Infection Among Attendees of an Overnight Camp—Georgia, June 2020. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(31). https://doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6931e1
- lang:en
- attendee
- asymptomatic
- COVID-19
- Georgia
- physical distancing
- overnight camp
- infection
- is:other
- transmission
- face mask
- prevention
- May 2020
www.politico.com www.politico.com
Cassella, M. (n.d.). Reopening reality check: Georgia’s jobs aren’t flooding back. POLITICO. Retrieved May 22, 2020, from https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/21/georgia-reopening-coronavirus-jobs-273070
- May 2019
2017 - Putin visits Abkhazia
- Mar 2019
www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org
2018 USG Survey ReportonOpen Educational Resources
OER Survey
- Mar 2018
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
they performed slightly better in their identical and blind-marked final assessments -- a finding the study hailed as “the first rigorous evidence that we know of showing that an online degree program can increase educational attainment.”
- Jan 2017
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Georgia Tech’s Model Expands
- Nov 2015
www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org
Discover, Search and Find
Affordable Georgia OER