- Jan 2025
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Ukraine.hat die Pipeline,durch die bisher russisches Gas nach Westeuropa geliefert wurde, unterbrochen. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/jan/01/breakaway-moldovan-region-cuts-heating-and-hot-water-as-russia-stops-gas-flowa
- Weaning off of Russian gas supplies
- author; Shaun Walker
- Turkstream
- End of Russian gas deliveries via Ukraine 2025-01-01
- Azerbaijan
- Austria
- Hungary
- Center for European Policy Analysis (Cepa)
- Ukraine
- Betraying Ukraine for ‘Blood Gas’
- Gazprom
- Slovakia
- Nordstream
- Moldova
- Russia
- date:: 2025-01-01
- Apr 2024
www.politico.eu www.politico.eu
- Oct 2021
ourworldindata.org ourworldindata.org
Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data-explorer
- Vanuatu
- chart
- Falkland Islands
- Guinea-Bissau
- Ghana
- Norway
- Gibraltar
- Lesotho
- Malawi
- Haiti
- Suriname
- Micronesia
- Ethiopia
- Guernsey
- Canada
- Costa Rica
- Papua New Guinea
- Thailand
- Bosnia
- Macao
- Japan
- Timor
- Cyprus
- Taiwan
- Andorra
- El Salvador
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Djobouti
- Saint Vincent
- Serbia
- Kuwait
- Iceland
- Yemen
- test
- Spain
- Kazakhstan
- Vatican
- Oman
- Mexico
- World
- Solomon Islands
- Morocco
- Vietnam
- Zimbabwe
- Czechia
- Estonia
- Mauritius
- Saint Helena
- Israel
- Poland
- China
- Guinea
- Samoa
- Guyana
- Kenya
- South Africa
- Sudan
- Hong Kong
- Iraq
- Mozambique
- Cape Verde
- Indonesia
- Netherlands
- Hungary
- mortality
- case
- Croatia
- Barbados
- Denmark
- Nepal
- Qatar
- Rwanda
- Somalia
- Chile
- Kosovo
- Niger
- South Korea
- Dominica
- Bahamas
- lang:en
- Panama
- Cambodia
- Burkina Faso
- Palestine
- Italy
- Senegal
- Switzerland
- Australia
- France
- Luxembourg
- Tobago
- Uruguay
- data
- case fatality rate
- Tanzania
- map
- Nicaragua
- Azerbaijan
- Libya
- Kyrgyzstan
- table
- Tajikistan
- Saudi Arabia
- Ukraine
- Gambia
- Sweden
- Cayman Islands
- Europian Union
- Ireland
- Pakistan
- Liberia
- Trinidad
- Slovakia
- Montenegro
- Zambia
- Peru
- Uzbekistan
- Bermuda
- Comoros
- Eswatini
- Brazil
- Gabon
- Oceania
- North Macedonia
- Belize
- Madagascar
- Philipines
- UK
- Uganda
- Singapore
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Finland
- Chad
- Faeroe Islands
- South Sudan
- Ecuador
- Liechtenstein
- Saint Lucia
- Albania
- vaccine
- Herzegovina
- Barbuda
- Malaysia
- Belgium
- Jamaica
- Benin
- Equatorial Guinea
- Tunisia
- Africa
- Togo
- Namibia
- Armenia
- Central African Republic
- Colombia
- Angola
- graph
- South America
- Afghanistan
- Belarus
- Egypt
- Guatemala
- Monaco
- Portugal
- Jersey
- Mauritania
- is:webpage
- Grenadines
- Greece
- Cuba
- Cameroon
- Grenada
- Fiji
- New Zealand
- Mali
- Greenland
- Lebanon
- Moldova
- Mashall Islands
- Russia
- Malta
- Isle of Man
- Turkey
- Bolivia
- Eritrea
- Northern Cyprus
- Venezuela
- Syria
- Maldives
- Nigeria
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Austria
- Bhutan
- Europe
- Antigua
- India
- Mongolia
- Bahrain
- Bulgaria
- Georgia
- Slovenia
- Latvia
- San Marino
- Iran
- Laos
- Anguilla
- Seychelles
- death
- Paraguay
- Sri Lanka
- Dominician Republic
- COVID-19
- Burundi
- Germany
- Argentina
- Cote d'ivoire
- Sierra Leone
- Botswana
- Lithuania
- United Arab Emirates
- Honduras
- Asia
- North America
- Romania
- Jordan
- Congo
- Myanmar
- Algeria
- Bangladesh
- Jun 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
WHO voices concerns over Sputnik V Covid vaccine plant. (2021, June 23). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/jun/23/who-voices-concerns-over-sputnik-v-covid-vaccine-plant
- May 2021
science.sciencemag.org science.sciencemag.org
Pavelka, M., Van-Zandvoort, K., Abbott, S., Sherratt, K., Majdan, M., Group†, C. C.-19 working, Analýz†, I. Z., Jarčuška, P., Krajčí, M., Flasche, S., & Funk, S. (2021). The impact of population-wide rapid antigen testing on SARS-CoV-2 prevalence in Slovakia. Science, 372(6542), 635–641. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abf9648
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Holt, E. (2020). COVID-19 lockdown of Roma settlements in Slovakia. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 20(6), 659. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30381-9
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Lewis, T. (n.d.). Slovakia Offers a Lesson in How Rapid Testing Can Fight COVID. Scientific American. Retrieved April 9, 2021, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/slovakia-offers-a-lesson-in-how-rapid-testing-can-fight-covid/
- Apr 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Henley. J. (2020) Doubts over Russian Covid vaccine doses delay rollout in Slovakia. The Guardian. Retrieved from: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/apr/07/doubts-over-russian-covid-vaccine-doses-delay-rollout-in-slovakia
- Mar 2021
‘How Slovakia Tested 3.6 Million People for COVID-19 in a Single Weekend’. Accessed 26 February 2021. https://www.bi.team/blogs/how-slovakia-tested-3-6-million-people-for-covid-19-in-a-single-weekend/.
- Aug 2018
www.cityone.cz www.cityone.cz
Several cities have been cooperating in shaping our attitude towards Smart Cities as well as in creation of the document, and we have also used some examples of already implemented projects in cities. When setting up the support mechanism, we relied on information from a questionnaire survey that we tried to reach as many places as possible. In our communication with cities, we plan to continue to acquire new themes as well as to improve the Ministry approach to Smart Cities, including
The Ministry has developed a support scheme to support pilot testing of innovative solutions in practice directly on the territory of the city and, with the help of active targeted counseling, to improve the managementof the transition towards administrative and fi nancially more demanding activities. In the framework of the pilot testing of the proposed support mechanism, 5 projects are to be supported, with the allocation for one project covering the costs of preparing a feasibility study of the solution and using a certain share of co-fi nancing of the Ministry resources and City resources for pilot testing in practice. We expect the launch of the pilot call in the 4th quarter of 2017.
The main reason why Slovakia should be involved in the Smart City process is that the market for Smart City services is constantly growing. This year, it is made up of $ 93.5 billion, with global growth expected to reach $ 225.5 billion by 2025. Small and medium-sized businesses will thus create a great deal of opportunity to develop their business. The ministry wants to respond to the global trends and to support the introduction of innovative solutions in Slovak cities, which can help not only their progressive development but also the support of small and medium-sized enterprises. Through the specifi c support mechanisms prepared by the Ministry, it will stimulate an emerging segment of the market for solutions in this area, with the added value of the projects to include a specific economic, social and technical aspect.
www.ekopolis.sk www.ekopolis.sk
PROJECT SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY – The project is part of the national project of the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for the Development of Civil Society entitled Supporting Partnership and Dialogue in the Field of Participatory Creation of Public Policy which is financed by the operational programme Effective Public Administration. The specific output of the project will be an audit in line with the ADVANCE methodology, including an action plan and recommendations for sustainable urban mobility planning for Banská Bystrica.
We want towns and cities in Slovakia to be towns and cities for the people. This concept, known abroad as SMART Cities, defines a new approach to the management (control) of towns based on four priorities, namely investment in human and social capital, investing in transport and communication infrastructure, smart management of natural resources and a participatory approach.