5 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2024
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Disable all observers in your test suite by default. They should not be complicating your model tests because they should have separate concerns anyway. You don't need to unit test that observers actually fire, because ActiveRecord's test suite does that, and your integration tests will cover it.
- Jul 2022
disqus.com disqus.com
It really slows down your test suite accessing the disk.So yes, in principle it slows down your tests. There is a "school of testing" where developer should isolate the layer responsible for retrieving state and just set some state in memory and test functionality (as if Repository pattern). The thing is Rails is a tightly coupled with implementation logic of state retrieval on core level and prefers "school of testing" in which you couple logic with state retrial to some degree.Good example of this is how models are tested in Rails. You could just build entire test suite calling `FactoryBot.build` and never ever use `FactoryBot.create` and stub method all around and your tests will be lighting fast (like 5s to run your entire test suite). This is highly unproductive to achieve and I failed many times trying to achieve that because I was spending more time maintaining my tests then writing something productive for business.Or you can took more pragmatic route and save database record where is too difficult to just 'build' the factory (e.g. Controller tests, association tests etc)Same I would say for saving the file to the Disk. Yes you are right You could just "not save the file to disk" and save few milliseconds. But at the same time you will in future stumble upon scenarios where your tests are not passing because the file is not there (e.g. file processing validations) Is it really worth it ? I never worked on a project where saving file to a disk would slow down tests significantly enough that would be an issue (and I work for company where core business is related to file uploading) Especially now that we have SSD drives in every laptop/server it's blazing fast so at best you would save 1 seconds for entire test suite (given you call FactoryBot traits to set/store file where it make sense. Not when every time you build an object.)
- Oct 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Royal Statistical Society on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 25, 2020, from https://twitter.com/RoyalStatSoc/status/1317133702183456769
- Sep 2020
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Chatterjee, Patralekha. ‘Is India Missing COVID-19 Deaths?’ The Lancet 396, no. 10252 (5 September 2020): 657. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31857-2.
- Apr 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Edelsbrunner, P. A., & Thurn, C. (2020, April 22). Improving the Utility of Non-Significant Results for Educational Research. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/j93a2