84 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
  2. Aug 2024
  3. Jul 2024
    1. “New strains of nationalism are emerging around the world. They are personalising political power, strangling free speech, attacking diversity and adopting ‘strongman’ authoritarian measures – all in the name of saving the soul of the nation,”

      for - quote - rise of populism

    1. for - from - demographic trends - U.S. - people of color in majority of working class by 2032

      summary - These statistics show a major U.S. labor force trend of - people of color constituting the majority of the working class by 2032, -10 years earlier than predicted by the U.S. census bureau. - This is a source of racial tensions in the United States being fanned by the far-right - The bigger picture is that - the working class has universally been ignored and - class inequality has been the result of a complex set of variables that - are fundamental structural issues common to both major political parties

      from - Backfire: How the Rise of Neoliberalism Facilitated the Rise of The Far-Right - https://hyp.is/F6XYujyREe-TaldInE8OGA/scholarworks.arcadia.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1066&context=thecompass

    1. for - adjacency - Neoliberalism - rise of the Far-Right - paper summary

      paper summary - title: Backfire: How the Rise of Neoliberalism Facilitated the Rise of the Far-Right - author: Jacob Fuller - date: April 2023 - publication: The Compass: Vol.1: Iss. 10, Article 3 - download link: https://scholarworks.arcadia.edu/thecompass/vol1/iss10/3

      summary - A good paper that examines the root causes of the ascendency of the far-right in U.S. politics, based on harmonizing two theories - emergence of neo-liberalism - racialized economic anxieties

      • NAFTA is complex and is often oversimplified
      • See this article that discusses its complexities

      to - How Did NAFTA Affect the Economies of Participating Countries? - https://hyp.is/0j7PsjyUEe-LGOsFIWCyWA/www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/08/north-american-free-trade-agreement.asp

  4. May 2024
    1. Erschienen: 2024-05-17 Genre:: Studienbericht Selbst in einem optimistischen Szenario (44 cm Meeresspiegel-Anstieg) werden bis 2100 mehr als ein Drittel der Feuchtgebiete in der Nähe der Mittelmeerküsten überschwemmt sein. In der Camargue ist das Wasser bereits um 15 cm gestiegen. Möglich sind in diesem Jahrhundert bis zu 1,61 Meter Anstieg. Eine neue Studie erfasst systematisch die Folgen der globalen Erhitzung für diese besonders bedrohten und besonders schwer zu schützenden Lebensräume. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/biodiversite/en-camargue-la-montee-des-eaux-menace-le-paradis-des-flamants-roses-20240517_L6LRO3TY2ZD4FESAHWAWGA32YY/

  5. Apr 2024
  6. Mar 2024
  7. Feb 2024
  8. Jan 2024
  9. Dec 2023
    1. the problem is that most of our 01:04:45 institutions in the Democratic World evolved in the 18th and 19th centuries at a time when uh Transportation the fastest mode of transportation was horseback and almost all the information was communicated verbally 01:04:58 and uh and now we're in a world that's just radically different
      • for: adjacency - outdated government institutions - delegitimization - authoritarianism

      • adjacency between

        • outdated government institutions
        • delegitimatization
        • authoritarianism
      • adjacency statement
        • Since old government institutions are not coping with the challenges of modernity, suffering an ingenuity gap, it's fueling a political crisis enabling the rise of authoritarianism
      • for: visualizations - sea level rise at 3 Deg C

      • comment

        • Look to canal cities like Venice or Amsterdam for inspiration because if it cities are salvagable, parts of them will become canal cities.
  10. Nov 2023
    1. Eine neue Studie ergibt, dass sich das Abschmelzen des westantarktischen Eisschilds selbst dann fortsetzen wird, wenn die Erderhitzung auf 1,5° begrenzt wird. Das Schelfeis stellt ein Kipppelememt dar. Der Abschmelzvorgang verstärkt sich selbst und führt zu einer unaufhaltsamen Erhöhung des Meeresspiegels, weil er den Weg für das hinter dem Schelfeis gelegene Gletschereis frei macht. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000192327/meterhoher-meeresanstieg-durch-abschmelzen-des-westantarktischen-eisschelfs

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-023-01818-x

      Mehr zur Studie: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%27report%3A+Unavoidable+future+increase+in+West+Antarctic+ice-shelf+melting%27

  11. Sep 2023
  12. Aug 2023
  13. Jul 2023
    1. The second great separation followed the industrial revolution.
      • Second great separation
        • Industrial Revolution
          • The early enclosure movement during the 1600s
          • Prior to the enclosures, land was held in common for public use, not owned by individuals.
          • The rise of capitalism also occurred during this time.
            • Adam Smith wrote his landmark book, The Wealth of Nations, in 1776.
            • Land was privatized so the most efficient use of land could be determined
              • by market competition rather than
              • community consensus.
            • Labor then also had to be ​“commodified,” or bought and sold,
              • so non-farmers could work for wages and buy food and the other necessities of life they had been getting from the land.
            • With reliance on working for wages, buying, and selling
              • the necessity for personal relationships were diminished.
            • With the diminished necessity for personal relationships,
              • the social cohesion within families, communities and society began to diminish as well.
          • The persistence of chronic poverty and malnutrition, even during times of tremendous economic growth and individual wealth, are direct consequences of a growing sense of disconnectedness from each other that was nourished by the industrial era of economic development.
  14. Apr 2023
  15. Mar 2023
    1. Eine neue Modellierung der Witterung der globalen Erhitzung auf die Gletscher der Arktis i und Antarktis und auf ihreWechselwirkungen mit den Ozeanen ergibt, dass der Meeresspiegel bis Mitte der kommenden Jahrhunderts um anderthalb Meter steigen wird, wenn die Temperatur derbAtmosphäre um mehr als 1,8 Gerade steigt.

  16. Aug 2022
  17. Apr 2022
    1. Max Roser. (2021, April 4). Confirmed cases in India are rising very rapidly. • It does not appear to be an increase in testing, the positive rate has increased from less than 2% to more than 6%. • Deaths are also rapidly increasing. You find all metrics about all countries here: Https://t.co/YcMAq5ooMb https://t.co/6EQRKhKjYP [Tweet]. @MaxCRoser. https://twitter.com/MaxCRoser/status/1378486286047182849

    1. Prof. Christina Pagel. (2021, May 3). THREAD: Update on B.1.617 (‘India’) variant in England using latest data from the Sanger institute. This data excludes sequenced cases from travellers & surge testing so ‘should be an approximately random sample of positive tests in the community’ TLDR: warning signs! 1/10 https://t.co/0UzhM8GNIA [Tweet]. @chrischirp. https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1389273187586875396

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2022, March 8). RT @DrEricDing: ⚠️UPDATE—#BA2 is now 11.6% in US, up from 8.3% last week. It’s definitely increasing, as warned. #COVID19 still dropping, b… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1501248333876240385

  18. Mar 2022
  19. Feb 2022
  20. Jan 2022
  21. Dec 2021
  22. Oct 2021
  23. Sep 2021
  24. Aug 2021
    1. Craig Spencer MD MPH. (2021, August 6). Even with Delta, the likelihood of severe illness if you’re fully immunized is still a small fraction of the likelihood for the unvaccinated. In other words, nearly every COVID-19-related death right now is preventable with vaccination. [Tweet]. @Craig_A_Spencer. https://twitter.com/Craig_A_Spencer/status/1423674337089949710

  25. Jul 2021
  26. Jun 2021
  27. May 2021
    1. Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH. (2020, December 1). There is something funny happening with COVID hospitalizations Proportion of COVID pts getting hospitalized falling A lot Just recently My theory? As hospitals fill up, bar for admission rising A patient who might have been admitted 4 weeks ago may get sent home now Thread [Tweet]. @ashishkjha. https://twitter.com/ashishkjha/status/1333636841271078912

  28. Apr 2021
  29. Mar 2021
  30. Feb 2021
  31. Oct 2020
  32. Jun 2020
    1. Pell, Samantha, closeSamantha PellReporter covering the Washington CapitalsEmailEmailBioBioFollowFollowC, ace Buckner, closeC, and ace BucknerNational Basketball Association with an emphasis in covering the Washington Wizards EmailEmailBioBioFollowFollowJacqueline Dupree closeJacqueline DupreeNewsroom Intranet EditorEmailEmailBioBioFollowFollow. ‘Coronavirus Hospitalizations Rise Sharply in Several States Following Memorial Day’. Washington Post. Accessed 10 June 2020. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/06/09/coronavirus-hospitalizations-rising/.

  33. Jan 2020
  34. Mar 2019
    1. This is specific to Articulate Rise 360 (a rapid development tool) and features brief posts that keep the reader up to date on software changes, which are made frequently. Only a portion of each comment is visible on the main page (just as only a portion of an email is visible without clicking the email) but the subject heading is usually sufficient to describe the content of the post. rating 3/5

  35. Jun 2017