- Feb 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
It still took a few weeks before I wrote any reviews. At first, I worried that any opinion of mine would be unfair when restaurants were trying so hard to adapt to the new reality. Eventually, I understood that that was exactly what would make the reviews worth writing. Good food in a pandemic was great; great food seemed like a miracle, and I was finding great food all around.
Pathos - he sets up an emotional connection between the reader and the restaurants by conveying his pity with adequate reasoning.
Repetition - he underlines the importance of great food, being a food critic, he goes on to make a biblical reference, calling great food a miracle almost as grand as God's doing.
His satiated hunger drove him to realize how change did not deter the restaurants, yet, they made his job more worth while than it already was. Pete set up these restaurants for success with a slight undertone that relates to a superhero's story. A villain (the pandemic), the hero (great food from great restaurants), and the thankful people who were saved (him and anyone to eat the food).
- Nov 2019
ebooks.adelaide.edu.au ebooks.adelaide.edu.auBallads3
The loaded end of the ómare fell and laid him dead.
i am surprised that they killed tamatea so suddenly instead of maybe taking him before the king for a trial or public execution
Since I carry my tribute of fish to the jealous king of the land
did i miss something in the beginning about the king being bad? it seems like everyone agrees he is not a good king, so why is tamatea bringing him fish?
And Rahéro, the laughing and lazy, sit and rule in his place
i think rahero would be a really terrible king. why did he loath the current king so much?
- Mar 2019
community.articulate.com community.articulate.com
This is specific to Articulate Rise 360 (a rapid development tool) and features brief posts that keep the reader up to date on software changes, which are made frequently. Only a portion of each comment is visible on the main page (just as only a portion of an email is visible without clicking the email) but the subject heading is usually sufficient to describe the content of the post. rating 3/5
blogs.articulate.com blogs.articulate.com
This is associated with the e-learning development tool "Articulate Storyline." There are frequent blog posts and they are not limited to or exclusive to the Articulate products. Posts are brief and not all of the content will be new, but there are worthwhile tips to be had and they combine theory (not to the extent that an academic would) with practice. rating 3/5