- Apr 2024
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And have not we affections,Desires for sport, and frailty, as men have?Then let them use us well, else let them know,The ills we do, their ills instruct us so
Firstly, sort of an allusion to Adam and Eve, since Eve is built of Adam, so what Adam has is inherited or learnt by Eve. Secondly, she is one of the first characters to accept their vices, and therefore be immune or unbelieving to the devil (Iago's whispers). She sees him not as a honest man.
- Mar 2024
Local file Local file
If imputation and strong circumstancesWhich lead directly to the door of truthWill give you satisfaction, you may have ’t
The dirty satisfaction of knowing is what tears everything down. The desire of knowing the full truth once it has been handed a little to you -- curiosity kills the cat. In this way Iago is the fruit of TEMPTATION!
The wine she drinks is made ofgrapes.
As opposed to Jesus's blood? Does this imply she is a fake? And that she wears a facade?
- Jan 2024
Local file Local file
know not where is that Promethean heatThat can thy light relume. When I have plucked thy roseI cannot give it vital growth again,
Allusion to Prometheus who brings life in the form of fire. Is fire/light a recurring motif in the story for life and passion?
that comes to tell you your daughter andthe Moor are now making the beast with two backs
Could this be an illusion to the birth of the Minotaur under a curse?
- Sep 2022
pressbooks.pub pressbooks.pubBeowulf2
Cain had become a [Grendel’s progenitor, Cain, is again referred to.] Slayer-with-edges to his one only brother, The son of his sire; he set out then banished, Marked as a murderer, man-joys avoiding, 15 Lived in the desert
More reference to Cain
Geatish Higelac, Grandson of Swerting, last had this jewel When tramping ’neath banner the treasure he guarded, The field-spoil defended; Fate offcarried him When for deeds of daring he endured tribulation, 15 Hate from the Frisians; the ornaments bare he O’er the cup of the currents, costly gem-treasures, Mighty folk-leader, he fell ’neath his target; The corpse of the king then came into charge of The race of the Frankmen, the mail-shirt and collar: 20 Warmen less noble plundered the fallen, When the fight was finished; the folk of the Geatmen The field of the dead held in possession.
Hygelac is Beowulf's king, who dies in a raid against the Frisians. This is possibly a real world event recorded by Geoffrey of Tours in his History of the Franks.
- Dec 2021
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
Seven Sleepers’ den
It's an allusion to a Christian legend about seven Christian youths who hid in a cave in hopes of avoiding the persecution of Decius in AD 249 in Ephesus. Eventually, they were caught, tortured and were walled up alive in the cave they once hid. However, miraculously, they did not die, slept for 187 years and were awaken in AD 479, a new world where Christianity became the major religion.
Same imagery with the poem of waking up in a new world.
Source : https://catholicsaints.info/seven-sleepers-of-ephesus/
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
And then the moon, like to a silver bow New bent in heaven, shall behold the night
Diana is known to go hunting at night and she is very fond of her "silver bow."
Or on Diana’s altar to protest
Diana is related to chastity and is known for support women and virgins.
Another moon; but oh, methinks, how slow This old moon wanes! She lingers my desires,
Diana is most associated with the moon or sometimes as the moon. She is also viewed as a guardian of virginity and fertility. When Theseus complains about how the "old moon wanes," perhaps he is complaining about the moon/Diana might be lingering on purpose delaying his marriage to the virginal Hippolyta
This old moon wanes
Diana is most associated with the moon or sometimes as the moon. She is also viewed as a guardian of virginity and fertility. When Theseus complains about how the "old moon wanes," perhaps he is complaining about the moon/Diana might be lingering on purpose delaying his marriage to the virginal Hippolyta
Diana is related to chastity and is known for support women and virgins.
And then the moon, like to a silver bow New bent in heaven
Diana is known to go hunting at night and she is very fond of her "silver bow."
- Sep 2021
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
Donne also uses the symbol of the Phoenix, for both sexual and spiritual meanings, in "An Epithalamion, or Marriage Song on the Lady Elizabeth and Count Palatine Being Married on St. Valentine's Day."
sonnets pretty rooms
A sonnet is a one-stanza poem, and in Italian, the word "stanza" means room. Donne uses this double meaning to craft a clever line, since the sonnets he builds are indeed composed of one stanza (or room).
die and rise the same
Though The Canonization can be separated from his "earlier poems that reflect more generally to erotic encounters," John Donne still uses some sexual allusions to show his wit and connection of this poem to his early reputation as an ingenious erotic poet.
Here, following words can be interpreted as below. Die - Orgasm
Rise - Erection
Die and Rise - Copulation
Source: Source: Hadfield. Andrew. John Donne : In the Shadow of Religion, 2021, p132
The phœnix
In many literary works, the phoenix is used as a reference to Christ dying and rising again.
eagle and the dove
These two literary symbols refer to poles of human action. The eagle is war-like and stern, while the dove represents peace and gentleness. Additionally, the eagle may act as a predator of doves.
king’s real, or his stampèd face
In this line, Donne tells the reader to pursue either courtly ("king's real...face") or economic ("king's...stampèd face) endeavors. The king's real face is what a courtier would see in the palace, while his stampèd face is displayed on coins.
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
musical brocade
Larkin refers to religion as a "musical brocade". A musical brocade is used to describe religion based stories about immortality, so Larkin uses this term to emphasize ways in which religions try to ignore, simplify, or explain death.
Larkins ALLUDES to religion, criticizing the tendency of religious groups to try and understand death. This is a more general allusion, so it reaches a larger audience, but it also signifies the universal nature of death-related fears.
- Feb 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
It still took a few weeks before I wrote any reviews. At first, I worried that any opinion of mine would be unfair when restaurants were trying so hard to adapt to the new reality. Eventually, I understood that that was exactly what would make the reviews worth writing. Good food in a pandemic was great; great food seemed like a miracle, and I was finding great food all around.
Pathos - he sets up an emotional connection between the reader and the restaurants by conveying his pity with adequate reasoning.
Repetition - he underlines the importance of great food, being a food critic, he goes on to make a biblical reference, calling great food a miracle almost as grand as God's doing.
His satiated hunger drove him to realize how change did not deter the restaurants, yet, they made his job more worth while than it already was. Pete set up these restaurants for success with a slight undertone that relates to a superhero's story. A villain (the pandemic), the hero (great food from great restaurants), and the thankful people who were saved (him and anyone to eat the food).
- Sep 2020
svelte-native.technology svelte-native.technology
Draw the rest of the owl
Alluding to connect-the-dot or similar "learning drawing" pictures for kids...
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
The Colonel had been a notorious opium-eater for years past
It should be mentioned that Wilkie Collins was a "notorious opium-eater" himself. The Colonel may be an allusion to himself, and the negative way in which he is depicted could be interpreted as Collins' self-loathing.
The curse of the Diamond itself may be an allegory for the corrupting influence of opium addiction. The "wretched crystal" that he "picked up" in India can be construed as a metaphor for a bad drug habit.
- Dec 2019
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
I was like the Arabian who had been buried with the dead
In "Sinbad's Fourth Voyage," from One Thousand and One Nights ((c. 1706 – c. 1721), Sinbad is buried alive with his wife's corpse, following local custom. He sees a light, follows it to a small passage, then escapes. Commentators have suggested that Victor's allusion to the story refers to his pending marriage with Elizabeth.
- May 2018
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
lifeless clay
Biblical allusion to Adam and Eve?
at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow.
This almost seems like an allusion to Plato's Allegory of the Cave.
I am going to unexplored regions, to “the land of mist and snow,” but I shall kill no albatross;
An allusion to Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner where one of the seamen killed an albatross and cursed his crew.
- Apr 2018
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
and not lead you to reject the offered olive-branch
After the great flood, Moses released a dove from the ark to see if the water has receded. The dove returned with an olive leaf in its mouth which was a sign from God that the water is gone and that there is peace.
Genesis 8:11 KJV
- Feb 2018
scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu
Unlike The Waste Land, Moulin Rouge!’s allusions are only rarely critical; the closest it comes to social commentary is in the use of Nirvana’s dark hymn to the ennui of consumerism, ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit,’ as the Moulin Rouge’s rich male customers enter the club.
What are the functions allusion besides layering? I think there is something important about the critical function that occurs in this use of allusion. Fitzgerald was a moralist describing the evils of capitalism and American society, so the use of Trimalchio as Gatsby is a critical allusion.
lthough less obviously ‘difficult’ than The Waste Land, Moulin Rouge!makes effective use of the dense layering effect allusion allows.This complex layering is put into the service of a simple, melodramatic love story, rather than a meditation on the spiritual aridity of modern life. Moulin Rouge!’s innocent, sentimental celebration of love could, in fact, be read as Luhrmann’s response the kind of dislocation Eliot portrays in The Waste Land.
I really find this argument fascinating. The "less obviously difficult" perspective as it relates to many works that have been in-part inspired by The Waste Land. I like the idea of nuanced allusion, you don't necessarily need to know all the allusion to understand the storyline. This manifests itself well in works with more plot-based writing. The novel or cinema might be better at achieving the "less obviously difficult" allusion because it has a strong narrative already. The allusion comes alongside of it, or in the case of Moulin Rouge, the allusions are a part of the pop culture the audience is already familiar with.
Allusive works are also prey to allegations of plagiarism at worst, and lack of originality at best. Eliot commented that one justification for including the notes to The Waste Landwas to counter the accusations of plagiarism that had greeted his earlier, heavily allusive poems.45Such accusations show a basic misunderstanding of the nature ofallusion. Plagiarism, unlike allusion, seeks to be invisible and undiscovered, and furthermore, it does not attempt to create any tensions of meaning between the old and new usage of the plagiarized materials.
William Carlos Williams criticism of The Waste Land-- "copyist tendencies," and "the traditions of plagiarism." from Spring and All. A common criticism.
In this sense, allusion and other intertextual references ‘should be distinguished from the customary rhetorical situation in which texts are considered by artists and audience alike to be mimetic analogs or representations of real-life people, places, or things.’31By drawing attention to itself, intruding on the conventional narrative flow, systematically deployed allusion continually reminds audiences that they are dealing with an artificial construct.
Naturalism and allusion don't coincide. The Great Gatsby may be an example of this missing reality-- a sort of artificial construct of Fitzgerald's imagination with dramatic, over-top descriptions of gatsby as Trimalchio in his mansion that looks like "the world's fair." https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/chapter-5-begins-with-nick-observing-gatsys-house-436789
For allusion to operate at all, the author and the reader must have a shared pool ofpoetic memory on which to draw,25and the author assumes a (possibly nonexistent) knowledgeable reader when engaging in allusion.26Conte goes so far as to suggest that the author ‘establishes the competence of his (or her) own Model Reader, that is, the author constructs the addressee and motivates the text in order to do so,’27
what if there is not a Model Reader? Can the audience not be aware of the allusion? In that case, the new works have to create new meanings. In connecting The Waste Land to modern audiences, are there ways to "establish competency" in a visual scene that the page would not be able to do?
The mental energy required for readers to constantly jump from the present text to an older one is considerable, and if readers must supply the gaps in their ‘allusive competency’ by engaging in ‘textual archaeology,’35or going outside the text to research its allusions, the demand is indeed extreme.
This demand seems especially daunting in poetry, with few words as it is. Does the novel or film have an easier go of connecting the reader to the demands of allusion? Less of a loss in understanding the idea of the work if the reader doesn't bat a thousand with the allusions because other elements carry the storyline.
- Sep 2017
We the people
I was raised with the help of a white grandfather who survived a Depression to serve in Patton’s Army during World War II and a white grandmother who worked on a bomber assembly line at Fort Leavenworth while he was overseas.
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown Till human voices wake us, and we drown
allusion. The Odyssey. Mermaids (sirens) lure men into the sea with their voices and drown them.
Prince Hamlet
Allusion to Shakespeare's work Hamlet
S’io credesse che mia risposta fosse A persona che mai tornasse al mondo, Questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse. Ma percioche giammai di questo fondo Non torno vivo alcun, s’i’odo il vero, Senza tema d’infamia ti rispondo.
This excerpt is from Dante's Inferno. Translated from Italian, it means, "If I thought that my reply were given to anyone who might return to the world, this flame would stand forever still; but since never from this deep place has anyone returned alive, if what I hear is true, without fear of infamy I answer thee." Prufrock's constant state of self-doubt and overanalyzation constitutes a form of hell for him.
(I know this isn't my section but I thought this was interesting)
- Apr 2017
explorecommonsense.com explorecommonsense.com
Ass for a Lion.
The Ass in the Lion's Skin is one of Aesop's Fables. In the fable, a donkey puts on a lion's skin and uses it to scare his fellow animals until the Fox sees through his deception because of the sound of his voice. The moral of this fable cautions against presumption and trusting appearances.
The Ass in the Lion's Skin (Illustration by Arthur Rackham, 1912)
explorecommonsense.com explorecommonsense.com
Behold thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways, now make us a king to judge us, like all the other nations.
This passage is from 1 Samuel 8:1-22.
Rule thou over us, thou and thy son and thy son's son.
This and the following quote are from Judges 8:22-23.
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
A reference to a 1779 novel, Columella, or The Distressed Anchoret, a colloquial tale by Richard Graves. Susan Allen Ford points out how this rather esoteric reference to literature makes Elinor more alike her mother than previously indicated.
explorecommonsense.com explorecommonsense.com
The Society of Jesus, called the Jesuits, an order of Catholic priests, was established in 1540 by Ignatius of Loyola. The Jesuits were renowned for being teachers and scholars. They also had a reputation for being wily and able to twist words and rules to their own ends. Hence, calling something "jesuitical" means that the logic or reasoning behind it is suspect.
explorecommonsense.com explorecommonsense.com
In ancient Greece and Rome, a sophist was a teacher of rhetoric and logic. Paine uses it here to refer to a learned person.
in Adam all sinned
The doctrine of original sin was originally developed by St. Augustine. As a part of Christian theology, it explains humanity's tendency towards sin as the direct result of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
Adam and Eve, on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, by Michelangelo
explorecommonsense.com explorecommonsense.com
Mahomet like
"Mahomet" refers to the Prophet Muhammad. Europeans in the eighteenth century had a very negative view of Islam. This may refer to Voltaire's 1742 play Mahomet, a direct attack on the character of Muhammad, in which Mahomet is depicted as using his power, religious fanaticism, and the pretense of divine right to act as an absolute ruler.
explorecommonsense.com explorecommonsense.com
Paine may be referring to the Egyptians or to other early Middle Eastern civilizations.
Render unto Caesar the things which art Caesar’s
Mark 12:13-17, Matthew 22:15-22, Luke 20:20-26. In this Bible story, inquisitors are trying to trap Jesus into making a rebellious statement against Roman rule by asking him if he opposes a tax the Jews owe to the Romans. Jesus replies by differentiating between the things owed to God and the things owed to earthly rulers (ie, taxes) and says that it's acceptable for the Jews to pay taxes to the Romans.
explorecommonsense.com explorecommonsense.com
an housedivided against itself
This is an allusion to Mark 3:25, famously used in an 1858 speech by a young senatorial candidate from Illinois, Abraham Lincoln.<br>
Lincoln in 1858
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
The narrator often switches between the minds of Elinor, and that of Marianne's. The usage of "mama" gives readers a clear knowledge of whose mind we are in - in this case, we are in the younger character (Marianne's) mind. Elinor, the older character, typically refers to her mother as Mrs. Dashwood; much more maturely. This shows the way that ladies carried themselves in this time.
- Mar 2017
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
Rose of Sharon loosened one side of the blanket and bared her breast.
Rosasharn has become a mother figure, even though she no longer has a baby. Similar to Mary from the bible?
- Oct 2016
teaching.lfhanley.net teaching.lfhanley.net
as previously mentioned, Tiresias lived life both as a man initially, but he was transformed into a women for several years. He makes appearances in many Greek legends and stories, but the one that stands out to many is his role in Oedipus the King. He speaks truths that people often don't want to know (like when Oedipus asks who killed Laius). His prophesies always come true through the actions of others (even as they try to prevent it). Even in the afterlife, he advises Odysseus, which is what is alluded to in the following line: "bring the sailor home from sea." Tiresias experiences a doubleness which allows him to see more.
Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.
This line is taken from Hamlet. Ophelia speaks it to Gertrude and Claudius while she grieves (and sings) for the death of her father. This line is interesting to think about in that context, especially when you consider the tragic/unfair fate Shakespeare writes for Ophelia and the larger issue of gender in Hamlet. Does this relate to Lil?
- Sep 2016
millercenter.org millercenter.org
And I've always believed in what Martin Luther King, Jr. called “the fierce urgency of now” -- we should not fear change, we should embrace it.
Obama alludes to a moving, and fiery quote from MLK to emphasize the amount of determination that he wants expressed towards this change.
And today, I want to share with you my vision of what our future can be. I want the Cuban people -- especially the young people -- to understand why I believe that you should look to the future with hope
This passage resembles part of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech. President Obama is comparing his views for Cuba to those Martin Luther had for his community.
and later today our players will compete on the same Havana field that Jackie Robinson played on before he made his Major League debut. (Applause.) And it's said that our greatest boxer, Muhammad Ali, once paid tribute to a Cuban that he could never fight -- saying that he would only be able to reach a draw with the great Cuban, Teofilo Stevenson. (Applause.)
President Obama alludes to the great Dr. Finlay, Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Teofilo Stevenson to create a sense of attractiveness and appeal to the thought that these two cultures must obviously be commendable separately and even more so collaboratively.
In his most famous poem, Jose Marti made this offering of friendship and peace to both his friend and his enemy. Today, as the President of the United States of America, I offer the Cuban people el saludo de paz.
In this section of the text, President Obama uses a very strategic allusion to the work of famous Cuban poet and national hero, Jose Marti. This reference to poetry that the Cuban audience would be familiar with builds trust between the listeners and the president and also causes President Obama to appear well read and intelligent.
- May 2016
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
Catherine then ran directly upstairs, and watched Miss Thorpe’s progress down the street from the drawing–room window; admired the graceful spirit of her walk, the fashionable air of her figure and dress; and felt grateful, as well she might, for the chance which had procured her such a friend.
Here Austen is having Catherine admiring Isabella because of her charm that she possesses to her move up in society. She can see here how Isabella uses her appearance to win over people not to mention her manners. It brings up the thought of why there were so many balls during this time period. What was expected of women? The balls that Austen describes seem to be more like debutante ball. A Debutante ball is when younger women are brought into society so they can meet eligible men to marry but also be seen as ladies.
If the heroine of one novel be not patronized by the heroine of another, from whom can she expect protection and regard? I cannot approve of it. Let us leave it to the reviewers to abuse such effusions of fancy at their leisure, and over every new novel to talk in threadbare strains of the trash with which the press now groans.
Austen writes Catherine to be one of those readers who gets so engrossed with what she is reading that she becomes sucked into that world. She loses her sense of what is really going on in her own reality. But also here she reads way too much into a heroine in a novel. Webster’s 2 Dictionary defines are heroine as “the principal female character in literacy work or dramatic presentation”. To contrast that Merriam Webster defines it at “a woman who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities”. Which one could fine Catherine as a heroine or even excel her expectations of a heroine in what she reads into?
Work Cited: Webster’s 2 Dictionary
A novel by Maria Edgeworth. She was born in Blackbourton, England (1767) and sadly passed in Edgeworthstown, Ireland (1849). The novel Belinda was considered scandalous due to the topic of interracial marriage being brought into the storyline.
A novel by Francis Burney. The novel was published in 1796. The novel is about Camilla is seen as a gothic romance due to the themes of misunderstandings going a long with trying to find love with a theme of uncanny.
Work cited: http://www.britannica.com/biography/Fanny-Burney
A novel by Francis Burney who was not only a novelist but also wrote letters. She was born in England King’s Lynn England (1752) and sadly passed in London England (1840). Her novel Celica was published in 1782. The novel depicts about a young woman who wants to move up in society and along the way falls in love with an older socialite.
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
Nobody can fasten themselves on the notice of one, without injuring the rights of the other. I consider a country–dance as an emblem of marriage. Fidelity and complaisance are the principal duties of both; and those men who do not choose to dance or marry themselves, have no business with the partners or wives of their neighbours.”
I feel as though this quote says a lot about the how relationships were built in that time period but also in this story. Not only that but how the roles were set for men and woman. The man is so be the leader and the woman fallows. I do find it an interesting comparison with marriage being seen as dancing. In this example would you say Catherine and Mr. Tilney are dancing around each other?
- Apr 2016
www.penguinrandomhouse.com www.penguinrandomhouse.com
From: Jennifer Scribner-Snyder To: Beth Fremont Sent: Wed, 08/18/1999 9:06 AM Subject: Where are you?
This novel opens with an unusual form of point of view: an email exchange. Embedded in this first chapter are allusions to the era in which the novel is set. How does the email "POV" and the allusions help contextualize the story?
- Oct 2015
gamberthompsonenglish.wordpress.com gamberthompsonenglish.wordpress.com
hollow man
Here Greene directly alludes to Eliot's poem.
The Power and the Glory
The title is from the Lord's Prayer, from Matthew 6:9-13, in which Jesus says to his disciples:
After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
It finishes the line, "For Thine is the Kingdom..." Perhaps significantly, T.S. Eliot's 1926 poem "The Hollow Men" contains the unfinished line. It is as if Greene is finishing Eliot's misremembered line for him. The title to Eliot's poem itself is taken from a description of Mr. Kurtz in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
Helen of Greece
Helen, daughter of Zeus and the mortal Leda, and wife to King Menelaus of Sparta, was reputed to be the most beautiful woman in the ancient world. Her abduction (some would say seduction) by Paris was the spark that ignited the Trojan War.
- Oct 2013
fchasen.github.io fchasen.github.io
What a great text to demo epub.js and hypothes.is! Moby-Dick must be the most mind-blowingly allusive and hypertextual writing in the English language!