- Jan 2025
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Julius Caesar. Writing of Gaul(France) in the mid-first century Bc he states, quite deliberately ofthe inhabitants, presumably in an attempt at clarification, ‘we call[them] Gauls though in their own language they are called Celts’.
In many languages, the name people call themselves is often the word for "human" or "people".
www.cambridge.org www.cambridge.org
Transdisciplinary sustainability science is increasingly applied to study transformative change. Yet, transdisciplinary research involves diverse actors who hold contrasting and sometimes conflicting perspectives and worldviews. Reflexivity is cited as a crucial capacity for navigating the resulting challenges
for - adjacency - reflexivity - tool for transdisciplinary research - indyweb - people-centered interpersonal information architecture - mindplex - concept spaces - perspectival knowing - life situatedness - SRG transdisciplinary complexity mapping tool - SOURCE - paper - Reflexivity as a transformative capacity for sustainability science: introducing a critical systems approach - Lazurko et al. - 2025, Jan 10
adjacency - between - reflexivity - tool for transdisciplinary research - indyweb - people-centered, interpersonal information architecture - mindplex - concept space - perspectival knowing - life situatedness - SRG transdisciplinary complexity mapping tool - adjacency relationship - This paper is interesting from the perspective of development of the Indyweb because there, - the people-centered, interpersonal information architecture intrinsically explicates perspectival knowing and life-situatedness - Indyweb can embed an affordance that is a meta function applied to an indyvidual's mindplex that - surfaces and aspectualizes the perspective and worldview salient to the research - The granular information that embeds an indyvidual's perspectives and worldviews is already there in the indyvidual's rich mindplex
What's missing, and that's what I try to work on is, because at the same time we have this exponential growth of millions of people doing regenerative local work, but they're underfunded, they're undercapitalized. Usually, it's like two people getting half a wage from an NGO, and they work 16 hours a day. After five years, they totally burn out. How can we fund that? I think that Web3 can be the vehicle for capital to be invested in regeneration.
for - work to find way to use web 3 / crypto to fund currently underfunded regenerative work done by millions of people - the missing link - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Dec 2024
www.etsy.com www.etsy.com
https://www.etsy.com/shop/BrooksawAntiques<br /> Adam of Brooksaw Antiques<br /> Indicates 5 years of typewriter repair experience in an individual listing from eBay.
www.hrw.org www.hrw.org
Dekoloniale Berlin Africa Conference
for - decolonisation conference - Dekoloniale Berlin Africa Conference - source: human rights watch - Africans and People of African Descent Call on Europe to Reckon with Their Colonial Legacies - 2024 , Nov 18
for - decolonisation - colonialism - legacy of - 140 year anniversary of the dark milestone of the Berlin Africa conference which began a new cycle of horror and institutionalised plundering and dehumanisation of Africa - source: human rights watch - Africans and People of African Descent Call on Europe to Reckon with Their Colonial Legacies - 2024 , Nov 18
// - summary - Reading this story has reminded me of a Stop Reset Go / Deep Humanity / Tipping Point Festival project idea - cosmolocal bottom up movement that creates a community-to-community sister city coupling for development between communities of global / local North and global / local South
- decolonisation conference - Dekoloniale Berlin Africa Conference - source: human rights watch - Africans and People of African Descent Call on Europe to Reckon with Their Colonial Legacies - 2024 , Nov 18
- decolonisation - colonialism - legacy of - 140 year anniversary of the dark milestone of the Berlin Africa conference which began a new cycle of horror and institutionalised plundering and dehumanisation of Africa - source: human rights watch - Africans and People of African Descent Call on Europe to Reckon with Their Colonial Legacies - 2024 , Nov 18
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the more you come into contact with people who are different from you, the less likely it is that you'll feel threatened by them
for - quote - the more you come into contact with people who are different then you, the less likely it is that you will be threatened by them - adjacency - finding commonality - shared humanity - Deep Humanity - Common Human Denominators - from TED Talk - Can curiosity heal division? - Scott Shigeoka - 2024 Dec
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
To put it bluntly, Web3 and the crypto economy is still largely an ‘exit’ play for financial and coding elites, practicing the arbitrage of nation-states, but without much connections to local communities and resilient production; Similarly, local communities engaged in relocalized and regenerative production are not in sync with the mutual coordination capacities developed in the crypto/web3 context.
for - quote - silos - web 3 and crypto silo - localization silo - desiloing can bring about significant empowerment to people everywhere - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20 - adjacency - desilo web 3 / Blockchain and localisation - educate cud events such as - Tipping Point Festival - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
quote - silos - web 3 and crypto silo - localization silo - desiloing can bring about significant empowerment to people everywhere - (see quote below) - To put it bluntly, Web3 and the crypto economy is still largely an ‘exit’ play for financial and coding elites, - practicing the arbitrage of nation-states, - but without much connections to local communities and resilient production; - Similarly, local communities engaged in relocalized and regenerative production - are not in sync with the mutual coordination capacities developed in the crypto/web3 context.
// - We need to create opportunities such as events and workshops to bring these two spheres into dialogue - Tipping Point Festival, as a cosmolocal event can do this by - holding locally organized events hosted by - local community activists at their community level, and - in larger urban centers, at ward and district level - thec internet can be used to facilitate the emergence of trans-national alliances
- adjacency - desilo web 3 / Blockchain and localisation - educate cud events such as - Tipping Point Festival - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- silos - web 3 and crypto silo - localization silo - desiloing can bring about significant empowerment to people everywhere - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
And this is one of the big problems right now— [pointing at the slide] tukdam regularly occurs in non-experts, right? You find, you know, people who are not great trained tantric practitioners who know all the commentaries and, you know, who aren't even monks or nuns— who are just ordinary lay people—and they go into "tukdam."
for - Buddhism - Tibetan - Tukdam - ordinary people with no training also go into Tukdam - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne
emergencemagazine.org emergencemagazine.org
in Vermont, Native Americans lived here—well, like everywhere in North America—they lived here in Vermont for over ten thousand years. The ecosystem was basically intact, and that’s because they had that ethical system built into their fundamental cultural assumptions—the assumptions that guided their lives. They didn’t think about them. They didn’t question them. They were simply the assumptions, the unthought assumptions.
for - philosophy matters! - biodiversity crisis - 10,000 years of preservation vs 100 years of clearcut - David Hinton - comparison - polycrisis - climate crisis - two unthought assumptions - philosophical differences - Indigenous people of Vermont vs European settlers - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton
comparison - polycrisis - climate crisis - biodiversity crisis - Indigneous people of Vermont - vs European settlers - unthought assumptions - unthought assumptions of Indigenous people took care of forests for 10,000 years - unthought assumptions of European settlers clear cut all the forests in 100 years - These are philosophical differences - PHILOSOPHY MATTERS!
- philosophy matters! - biodiversity crisis - 10,000 years of preservation vs 100 years of clearcut - David Hinton
- comparison - polycrisis - climate crisis - two unthought assumptions - Indigenous people of Vermont vs European settlers - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton
beiner.substack.com beiner.substack.com
we need a new countercultural energy that rejects being quantified as data for Technofeudal lords. That rejection can come in many forms, from data-sovereignty to a push toward Web 3.0.
for - counterculture - fightback against technofeudalism - Indyweb - people-centered - Substack article - Best Served Cold: Luigi Mangione and The Age of Breach - Alexander Beiner
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
integration is what people are seeking that's why they're coming to you um they want they often people will seek me out because nothing else seems to have helped all the talk therapy all the Psychotherapy all the things that they've tried not that they are still in being influenced by the patterns that are affecting them uh so we we call this notion the integration imperative
for - definition - integration imperative - people seek integration - talk therapy - psychotherapy has not helped - patterns still there and affecting them - Youtube - Pre and Perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
philanthropy is in some ways the the most symbolic externalization of neoliberal capitalism. Some people have amassed huge amounts of wealth through a rigged game of extraction and destruction of life. And then it's also presented back to us as an alternative to capitalism that somehow philanthropy can solve the problems that capital created in the first place. And in many ways, that is the fundamental paradox and the absurdity of modern philanthropy.
for - paradox - of philanthropy - People who amass huge fortunes through a lifetime of extracting from nature, people and destroying the fabric of life - present philanthropy as a way to atone for their own sins - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- Nov 2024
theconversation.com theconversation.com
for - article - The Conversation climate crisis - mobilize older people - Jones, Aled & Hiller, Bradley, 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
working group three is just Exxon in Disguise um you know there are good people in working group three but working group three and integrated assessment models good people working some of the people are good people there working in deeply subjective boundaries that have been set up by we mustn't Rock the political boat
for - climate crisis - IPCC - warning - working group 3 - Integrated Assessment Models - Some good people here but - It's just Exxon in disguise - Kevin Anderson
www.usatoday.com www.usatoday.com
Bryan Kravitz, who specialized in IBM Selectric repairs. Rhoda wanted to learn, too. Kravitz was happy to teach him."I just put my head down, and learned how to do it," Rhoda said, and he partnered with Kravitz to open Philly Typewriter in 2017.
Bill Rhoda, co-owner and lead mechanic at Philly Typewriter.
Most people in America today (85–90%) agree on most issues and topics (85–90%). The so-called polarization is the result of a media landscape that amplifies the voices of the 10–15% that keep constantly talking about the 10–15% of topics on which people are not on the same page.
for - stats - most people in America agree on 85 - 90% of issues - unpack why and how the 10 - 15% is made so divisive
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
secondly you need to appeal through soft power through engagement with the local communities in the global south
for - second suggestion - exercise soft power in communities of the global South - lift people in the global South of of precarity - Yanis Varoufakis
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
The community becomes the NationThe ‘state’ becomes a Nation-StateThe market becomes Capital
for - trefoil of - people - government - economy - Kojin Karatani
www.familytreenow.com www.familytreenow.com
Research your family tree and genealogy for free!
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
let's go and and create all this great software to deploy it and kind of equalize the the the disparity of wealth across the world and ends up being locked out for by stupid issues like latency and bandwidth
for - internet limitations - server-based location addressing - limits software's capacity to uplift people and address inequality - bandwidth and latency issues affect those who need it most at the edge
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
when it comes to for example people who are deaf there's a learning curve everything has this learning curve to it but when it came to blind people understanding three-dimensional space there was Zero learning curve they immediately got it immediately
for - philosophical question - Immanuel Kant - question - can blind people detect 3D space? - Sensory substitution experiment answer is yes - Neosensory - David Eagleman
a lot of people as they get older their vestibular function diminishes and they can't tell when they're tilting they can't tell when they're off axis and the problem is then they end up falling and they break a hip and they end up in the hospital and then things go downhill so um we just we built a little um you know a n axis uh motion detector and IMU and we can tell where they are axis wise and and when they're tilted we just tell them and they feel it on their wrist
for - BEing journey - The Buzz - sensory substitution - for detecting tilting in older people - prevent falls from losing balance - Neosensory - David Eagleman
we made this thing called the clarify for people with high frequency hearing loss
for - BEing journey - consumer electronic device - the Clarify - sensory substitution - auditory to vibration compensation - for high frequency hearing loss in older people - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- sensory substitution - The Clarify - Performs better than conventional hearing aids - Neosensory - David Eagleman
The Buzz for deafness
for - BEing journey - consumer electronic device - The Buzz - sensory substitution device - auditory to vibration - for deaf people - Neosensory - David Eagleman - The Buzz - 100x cheaper than cochlear implant surgery - being used around the globe
all deaf people that I've met so far are surprised that microwaves make beeps or your car blinker makes a clicking sound you these are just things they didn't know and so there's all kinds of stuff they're picking up on
for - sensory substitution - opens up new universe of experiences for deaf people - David Eagleman
- BEing journey - consumer electronic device - The Buzz - sensory substitution device - auditory to vibration - for deaf people - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- sensory substitution - The Clarify - Performs better than conventional hearing aids - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- philosophical question - Immanuel Kant - question - can blind people detect 3D space? - Sensory substitution experiment answer is yes - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- The Buzz - 100x cheaper than cochlear implant surgery - being used around the globe
- BEing journey - The Buzz - sensory substitution - for detecting tilting in older people - prevent falls from losing balance - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- sensory substitution - opens up new universe of experiences for deaf people - David Eagleman
- BEing journey - consumer electronic device - the Clarify - sensory substitution - auditory to vibration compensation - for high frequency hearing loss in older people - Neosensory - David Eagleman
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
"Religion is the opium of the people." — Karl Marx German: "Die Religion [...] ist das Opium des Volkes" Full sentence (with context): "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
growing up work well that's got about taking more responsibility developing more M mature perspectives on the world and taking a greater degree of um responsibility for our planet
This is why invite people to set up a 501c3 with FSC bylaws - it is adulting
once you realize that the world isn't what you think it is it's very easy to grab onto something else and grab onto some kind of weird conspiracy well that's the thing you've been describing thus far as well sorry to in just say but like the openness requires structure
for - quote conspiracy theories - lizard people - first stage of initiation - if reality isn't as it appears, it's easy to latch onto something else - John Churchill
www.stlpr.org www.stlpr.org
Rolla typewriter enthusiasts open store for those enchanted by the 'clickety clack' by [[Jonathan Ahl]]
Retired collector turned repair person
writingball.blogspot.com writingball.blogspot.com
If you've been dreaming of plunging into this profession, consider the success of Paul Lundy, who took over Bremerton Office Machine Company from nonagenarian Bob Montgomery; or Antony Valoppi, creator of Portland's Type Space, which combines a traditional typewriter shop with a cultural center; or Trevor Brumfield, a young man in his late twenties who has quickly built Dayton's TB Writers Plus into a busy enterprise.
- Oct 2024
www.etsy.com www.etsy.com
Gerren Balch
Gerren Balch is the eminence gris behind HotRod Typewriter Company
fathom.video fathom.video
what will the relationship be to other places where I seek to be building other relational soil?
for - example - people- centered, interpersonal network
example - people-centered, interpersonal network - This is the scenario that innovators find themselves in always - you are at the center of multiple networks, each exploring an idea of interest to you - By its very nature, we often form silos in these groups, as they are sometimes mutually exclusive - for instance, our family group does not often overlap with this group - Sometimes we feel there is enough synergy to pursue de-siloing and introduce members of one group to other groups - If we have a people-centered software system that locates ourselves precisely at the center of all our groups, - then at least we have a uniform information system that can allow us to associate ideas across group silos without friction - As Gyuri says: - https://hyp.is/RVVayCOKEe2OJnff8kssaA/iopcommunity.com/what-is-the-internet-of-people-iop/ - - All financially stable organizations begin as an idea between people, with uncertainty of whether it will succeed
racketmn.com racketmn.com
Vale Typewriter from Ray Vale, who had helmed the stout brick building since it was constructed in 1957.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Typewriter repairman still in business in 2024 by [[Fox 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul]]
Mark Soderbeck started repairing typewriters in 1974. Working at cutting back and retiring soon.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:24:34 Money is not the scare resource. Money is the organising tool that mobilises people and tangible resources to manifest a vision
1:06:53 The true constraints are the resources that are available (and if those resources will co-create together for the good of the WHOLE).
1:03:51 By getting people used to DEBT being SAVINGS, they can focus on the REAL things that matter
56:12 When the Community Treasury spends more of its money, people in the community have more to spend
40:40 UMKC created its own currency - the Buckaroo 40:42 Students had to pay buckaroos to get their grades
34:59 A government does not need money. It needs citizens to need money so that they can pay taxes
- Community Treasury Deficit increases community members savings and spending power
- uneducation
- volunteers
- playground
- People
- public transport
- Predatory Debt
- employment
- Taxation creates Currency
- business
- Energy
- The true constraints are the resources that are available (and if those resources will co-create together for the good of the WHOLE).
- technolgy
- Land
- By getting people used to DEBT being SAVINGS, they can focus on the REAL things that matter
- When the Community Treasury spends more of its money, people in the community have more to spend
- UMKC created its own currency - the Buckaroo
- credit unions
- shop
- education
- timebanks
- 1:24:34 Money is not the scare resource. Money is the organising tool that mobilises people and tangible resources to manifest a vision
- Social Entrpreneurs
- Co-operation
- Co-creation
- Community Shadows
- banks
- factories
- The norm for a currency issuer is to be in DEFICIT so that people can SAVE the currency
- Predators
- community centres
- Employers
- unemployment
- Water
- transporttation
- informal time trading
- interns
- carers
- shamans
- Employees
- water
- Food
- parks
- barter
- gift economy
- trees
- A government does not need money. It needs citizens to need money so that they can pay taxes
- Healthcare
- Students had to pay buckaroos to get their grades
The Time I Met New York’s Patron Saint of Typewriters by [[Thaisa Frank]] March 12, 2019
Stanley Adelman of Osner's Typewriter Repair in New York
(closed in 2001)
oldbobsoldtypewriters.com oldbobsoldtypewriters.com
Scott Drudge is the proprietor<br /> Second generation typewriter repair as his dad Bob was the original namesake of Old Bob's Old Typewriters.
Taking a sabbatical in 2024 and expected back in late 2024.
- Sep 2024
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
for - sustainable building - rammed earth - example - China - low cost - people-built
chicagoreader.com chicagoreader.com
Typewriter ChicagoHours by appointment1525 Ogden, Unit L, Downers Grove, 630-561-5853typewriterchicago.com/
Edmonton’s YEG Typewriters, run by 28-year-old Keith Ferrer, and Tampa Typewriter Co., a repair service run by 19-year-old Jack Armstrong.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Must we expect someone to conquer Zeus?
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
delivery-dan 2 points3 points4 points 6 hours ago (1 child)Mineral spirits with just a touch of transmission fluid. Used to own typewriter repair shop large parts washer with mineral spirits with transfluid strip off case and submerged in fluid ti clean then air blower to dry and reassemble. Wd 40 marvel mystery oil will only be temp fit and become worse over time.
Some advice on cleaning typewriters from someone who previously had a typewriter shop.
Recommendation: mineral spirits with a touch of transmission fluid.
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
10% of natural or semi-natural habitat per km2 is a sharper threshold, below which evidence suggests that many NCP would almost no longer be provided.
for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems -absolute minimum of 10% - below this, many of Nature's contribution to people would no longer be provided
human-modified ecosystems, we systematically analysed six critical NCP at local scales
for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - 6 critical Nature's Contribution to People at local scales
stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - 6 critical Nature's Contribution to People at local scales - pollination pest and disease control - water-quality regulation - soil protection - natural hazards mitigation - recreation
nature's contributions to people (NCP)
for - definition - NCP - nature's contribution to people
- stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - 6 critical Nature's Contribution to People at local scales
- definition - NCP - nature's contribution to people
- stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems -absolute minimum of 10% - below this, many of Nature's contribution to people would no longer be provided
- Aug 2024
www.nashvilletypewriter.com www.nashvilletypewriter.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
17:24 "Under the relentless thrust of accelerating over-population and increasing over-organization, and by means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature. The quaint old forms — elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest — will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial — but democracy and freedom in a strictly Pickwickian sense. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit."<br /> -- Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited (1958)
aka: soft power. psychowar. aggressive exploitation of human stupidity.
we have two worlds: public and private = day and night.<br /> everything in public life is optimized for idiots = neurotics = socialists and nationalists.<br /> smart people are forced to hide in private life = psychotics = communists and fascists.<br /> the basis for this division are personality types, which are inborn and stable for life.<br /> this means, idiots are physically trapped in their stupidity (in plato's cave),<br /> and all forms of "education" can only hide that stupidity.<br /> idiots are physically blind to conspiracies, high-level organized crime, slavery.<br /> so the challenge is to find a better symbiosis between stupid and smart people.
www.baldurbjarnason.com www.baldurbjarnason.com
abc6onyourside.com abc6onyourside.com
Schaefer added that it's usually quiet in that community.
The police incident blotter says otherwise. All this does is establish that this person is routinely unaware of their surroundings.
www.mrmrsvintagetypewriters.com www.mrmrsvintagetypewriters.com
www.swissre.com www.swissre.com
IPBES (2019) identifies 18 NCPs
for - definition - Nature's Contribution to People - 18 categories
definition - Nature's Contribution to People - 18 categories
Regulating Contributions -These are the services provided by nature that regulate environmental conditions.
- Climate regulation
- Air and water purification
- Flood and disaster regulation
- Disease regulation
- Pollination
- Pest and disease control
Material Contributions - These are the tangible products obtained from nature.
- Food and fiber
- Freshwater
- Genetic resources
- Wood, fuel, and other materials
- Medicines
- Energy
Non-material Contributions - These are the intangible benefits derived from nature.
- Cultural identity and spiritual inspiration
- Recreation and ecotourism
- Aesthetic experiences
- Knowledge and education
- Sense of place and belonging
- Mental and physical health
voyagela.com voyagela.com
Meet Bob Marshall<br /> Voyage LA Magazine
willowcreektypewriters.com willowcreektypewriters.comAbout1
https://willowcreektypewriters.com/pages/about<br /> Willowcreek Typewriters
typewritermuse.com typewritermuse.com
https://typewritermuse.com/ <br /> Bob Marshall
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
often I get the question, what should we do? And they expect me to talk about um, mobility and, um how to reduce flying and all forms of consumer choices. And they get surprised when I say that the number one issue is talk to your friends.
for - planetary emergency - Johan Rockstrom - advice - top leverage point - talk to people about the emergency - quote - planetary emergency - Johan Rockstrom - top advice - top leverage point - talk about it
quote - planetary emergency - Johan Rockstrom - top advice - top leverage point - talk about it - (see below)
- The advice I give to all my students, they are, often I get the question, what should we do?
- And they expect me to talk about
- mobility
- how to reduce flying and
- all forms of consumer choices.
- And they get surprised when I say that
- the number one issue is talk to your friends.
- Talk to your friends. Get the dialogue going.
- Speak to your, parents,
- your friends anytime you have a chance.
- Talk about the planet,
- Talk about 1. 5.
- If you go out to the street here in Potsdam, nobody will know what you're talking about if you say 1.5 is the most important number we have in the world today.
- So I think it's really important to keep the buzz going. We need a momentum here.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The people box is used to: - Keep collections of authors and their works located within the bib-box - Keep cards on other people than sources in the book Such as friends and contacts.
Useful to see at a glance how many sources you have read from an author and what the author writes a lot about.
Also useful to find the bib-card codes for any particular work by an author.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
this propaganda plays on psychological structure and if you're able to fish into that you're able to exploit those irrational Tendencies
for - climate crisis propaganda - human psychology used to exploit irrational tendencies of people to delay climate action
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.image.ie www.image.ie
Meet the Dublin man meticulously restoring vintage typewriters | IMAGE.ie by [[Lizzie Gore-Grimes]]
prsm.uk prsm.uk
for - participatory system mapper - system mapping tool - participatory - question -participatory system mapper
question - participatory system mapper -tweak for people centered and Indyweb provenance? - Could we tweak it for Indyweb to simultanously map - people and - their ideas with - provenance
- Jul 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I started a typewriter repair business in my garage, and I got my first customer!
u/Affectionate-Dog8414 has started a small repair shop in their garage. Denver, CO
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.m-morren.nl www.m-morren.nl
johnlewismechanicalantiques.com johnlewismechanicalantiques.com
John Lewis in Albuquerque, NM, a typewriter repair person since 1966.
www.austintypewriterink.com www.austintypewriterink.com
We should also insist that every piece of technology is, by essence, political. That you cannot understand technology without understanding the people. And you cannot understand people without understanding politics. Every choice you made has an impact on the world.
www.tampatypewriter.com www.tampatypewriter.com
https://www.tampatypewriter.com/<br /> Proprietor: Jack<br /> https://www.instagram.com/tampatypewriter/
docdrop.org docdrop.org
most people with elevated LDL cholesterol that's going to be combined with metabolic disease as I said earlier 00:24:14 90% of adults essentially are metabolically unhealthy
for - health - heart - In most people, LDL occurs with metabolic disease, and that's the dangerous situation
scholarworks.arcadia.edu scholarworks.arcadia.edu
Economic Policy Institute,by the year 2032 the majority of the working class willbe composed of people of colo
for - stats - whites become minority percentage of US working class by 2032
stats - whites become minority percentage of US working class by 2032 - From Economic Policy Institute
to - People of color will be a majority of the American working class in 2032 -
www.epi.org www.epi.org
for - from - demographic trends - U.S. - people of color in majority of working class by 2032
summary - These statistics show a major U.S. labor force trend of - people of color constituting the majority of the working class by 2032, -10 years earlier than predicted by the U.S. census bureau. - This is a source of racial tensions in the United States being fanned by the far-right - The bigger picture is that - the working class has universally been ignored and - class inequality has been the result of a complex set of variables that - are fundamental structural issues common to both major political parties
from - Backfire: How the Rise of Neoliberalism Facilitated the Rise of The Far-Right - https://hyp.is/F6XYujyREe-TaldInE8OGA/scholarworks.arcadia.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1066&context=thecompass
The age cohort projected to make the earliest transition to majority-minority is the one that includes workers age 25 to 34. These are today’s 18- to 27-year-olds and for them, the projected transition year is 2021.
for - stats - 25 to 34 year old people of color is earliest U.S. working class cohort to transition in the year 2021.
The prime-age working-class cohort, which includes working people between the ages of 25 and 54, is projected to be majority people of color in 2029.
for - stats - majority of U.S. working class will be people of color by 2029
stats - majority of U.S. working class will be people of color by 2029 - prime-age U.S. working class cohort is age 25 to 54
the working class is projected to become majority people of color in 2032
for stats - U.S. working class projected to become majority people of color by 2032.
stats - U.S. working class projected to become majority people of color by 2032. - source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- from - Backfire: How the Rise of Neoliberalism Facilitated the Rise of The Far-Right
- stats - majority of U.S. working class will be people of color by 2029
- stats - U.S. working class projected to become majority people of color by 2032.
- stats - 25 to 34 year old people of color is earliest U.S. working class cohort to transition in the year 2021.
- demographic trends - U.S. - people of color in majority of working class by 2032
www.retrotast.no www.retrotast.no
- Jun 2024
www.pbssocal.org www.pbssocal.org
spectrumnews1.com spectrumnews1.com
Family Typewriter Repair Business Forced to Relocate After Rent Increase by [[Nic Cha Kim]] for Spectrum News 1 on 2019-04-16
www.theeastsiderla.com www.theeastsiderla.com
Highland Park repair shop enjoys a typewriter revival by [[The Eastsider]]
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Joe Van Cleave makes the interesting observation that while a hobbyist will only take a typewriter apart as much as is necessary to fix the issue at hand, the professional repair person will strip it all down and clean everything out for the coming 50 years to prevent it from coming back to them for something else in the near future thus costing more time, effort, and potential damage to their reputation.
I certainly think 00:05:50 it's our symbolic abilities that have gotten us here tremendous capacities
for - answer - Planet Critical podcast - Terrence Deacon - We're in existential crisis - but difficult to convey to most people - why? - human symbolic abilities - mass collaboration
answer - Planet Critical podcast - Terrence Deacon - We're in existential crisis - but difficult to convey to most people - why? - Our symbolic abilities have given us tremendous capacities - Over the past two thousand years, - our ability to communicate - has allowed us to create amazing technologies - Example: James Web telescope - millions of hours of human thought - thousands of people collaborating - now we an look back billions of years - We are no longer isolated minds - Our symbolic capacity allows us to - share thoughts, - collectively plan futures - unlike any other species
we're going to hit some very very hard limits to growth um and yet it's almost like we can't find the language for it
for - question - Planet Critical podcast - We're in existential crisis - but difficult to convey to most people - why?
- human symbolic abilities - mass collaboration
- answer - Planet Critical podcast - Terrence Deacon - We're in existential crisis - but difficult to convey to most people - why?
- question - Planet Critical podcast - We're in existential crisis - but difficult to convey to most people - why?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
reeselectronics.com reeselectronics.com
Helmut is an amazing engineer/repairman via https://www.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/w8viia/comment/ihrw7cg/
- May 2024
ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub
speaking in the name of the whole nation wouldlook upon them as enemies, and would treat them as such
Speaks to the advanced hostility between the Mi'kmaq and the British as they are willing to accuse Acadian refugees of being British allies to to the militant clause in the oath of allegiance towards the British Crown.
ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub
great captain
The use of the term 'great captain' is interesting as it still denotes respect and a desire towards cooperation but does not have the same reverential quality of earlier messages and rather implies that the author accepted the governor's position as statesman and perhaps an equal but not in relation to their independent nation.
And thou art telling me something which my grand-fathersand fathers never told me. That they had sold my entire land
This goes against the common bias that Mi'kmaq and other Indigenous groups traveled and never had settlements or communities they called home. This helps combat that misconception by showing how ancestors and therefore descendants have claim to certain areas, which is similar to what the European nations were familiar with
ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub
however we see that you want totake it away from us by the places you inhabit, and the threats you make to reduce us to yourservitude, which you should not hope for.
A clear challenge and display of discontent with British Imperial presence and policy. The blatant refutation of British governance after the ousting of the more friendly French is clear and representative of the resistance of Mi'kmaq indigenous people to colonial suppression.
We believe that this land that God has given us
The use of "God" reflects the need to appeal to the readers through Christian imagery, even if the authors were not Christian.
ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub
and not tohave any other religion than that of the French,
Appeal to shared religion between the author and King of France a sign of the extended missionary system in New France as well as indigenous peoples deep awareness of European culture in this era.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for - Brehon Laws - of early Ireland - etymology - glossary - reading between the lines - adjacency - Brehon Laws - Indyweb - reading between the lines - glossary
adjacency - between - Brehon Laws - Indyweb - reading between the lines - etymology - glossary - adjacency relationship - Brehon Laws of early Ireland emerged from the people themselves over many generations - and were not imposed by some authority - For a long time, these laws were orally transmitted and memorized - When writing emerged, the style of writing used by the early Irish was to write with many gaps in between written verses of text - for the purpose of readers to be able to be writers and contribute to the text with their own perspectives - In other words, they were early annotators! - The etymology of the world glossary comes from "gloss" from the practice of writing meaning between the lines - "Glosses were common in the Middle Ages, usually rendering Hebrew, Greek, or Latin words into vernacular Germanic, Celtic, or Romanic. Originally written between the lines, later in the margins." ( https://www.etymonline.com/word/glossary)
source - Zoom meeting this evening with Paul and Trace, as Paul introduced from his understanding of his Irish roots
ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub
The place where you are, where you make your homes, where you build a fort, whereyou now want to enthrone yourself, this land belongs to me.
This shows the importance and deep connection to the land as being more than property, but a place that holds history and is home to Mi'kmaq people. The use of God again also shows the attempt to appeal to the Christian nations, showing how conversion was seen as essential in communication many times.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Note the stated 33 year experience as typewriter repairman
Don't feel bad. Your not the only one. This misconception has been going on for years simply because no typewriter repairman has stood up and said " Now wait a minute! " The collectors have done all the talking and publishing while the typewriter man isn't heard. Consequently, it's the big typewriter collectors that are heard. They never talk about how many times they had to reclean a machine. They often have several and may only use 1 or 2. Also there isn't that many of us real typewriter repairman left to do the talking.
Due to the nature of online communication, it may often be the case that typewriter collectors and their colloquial advice may drown out the more experienced and professional typewriter repair people.
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
for - post comment - Linked I - Daniel Schmachtenberger - why good people comply with evil - direct citizen action - networked commons
summary - A great short video that is a teaser to a longer podcast conversation on the topic of confirmation bias, and recognizing it to empower citizens during this time of rapid whole system change.
tuprd-my.sharepoint.com tuprd-my.sharepoint.com
¹¹ For you al-ways have the poor with you, but you will notalways have me.
Said in the context of his pending crucifixion, with respect to a woman who had poured expensive ointment on Jesus.
This is an interesting proposition in this passage with respect to lots of what he'd said about the poor in the past. See also the Beatitudes
relationship to the idea of "Waging war on poverty, but not on the poor"?
- Apr 2024
davekarpf.substack.com davekarpf.substack.com
One book that I have my students read every semester is E.E. Schattschneider’s 1960 classic, The Semi-Sovereign People. The book is a tight 180 pages.
www.perplexity.ai www.perplexity.ai
We don't anthropomorphize the technology but instead give it to you to wield.
snarfed.org snarfed.org
Moderate people, not code by [[Ryan Barrett]]
Whether ActivityPub or ATProto or webmention, the underlying technical protocol a community uses to interact online is a poor way to judge who they are and whether you might like them.
archive.org archive.org
[Steve Jobs]: If you sort of dig beneath the surface,one of the real successes of the Lisa programwas creating an environment where all these crazy people that could reallybe very, very successful.And I guess that's one of the things that Apple's done best.
appreciate the framing of technologists at the early Apple Inc. as "these crazy people".
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP)<br /> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_in_Basic_Life_Principles
- Mar 2024
Having foughtas an officer under Prince Eugene of Savoy in the Austro–Turkish War of1716–18, he understood military discipline. This was how he came to trustin the power of emulation; he believed that people could be conditioned todo the right thing by observing good leaders. He shared food with thosewho were ill or deprived. Visiting a Scottish community north of Savannah,he refused a soft bed and slept outside on the hard ground with the men.More than any other colonial founder, Oglethorpe made himself one of thepeople, promoting collective effort.43
Description of James Edward Oglethorpe
waste people
waste people seems to already be emerging as her catch-all term for the variety of euphemisms for the poor/lower classes
see also the list at: https://hypothes.is/a/qmesAuoyEe6tq8NIATUmYQ
www.infoworld.com www.infoworld.com
social dynamics in tech jobs punish people who say things like, “Uh, this is too complicated to me.”
- Feb 2024
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The purported reason seems to be the claim that some people find "master" offensive. (FWIW I'd give that explanation more credence if the people giving it seem to be offended themselves rather than be offended on behalf of someone else. But whatever, it's their repo.)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
city people are shitty people<br /> south park tried to warn us
hypothes.is hypothes.is
One of my inquiries was for anecdotes regarding mistakes made between the twins by their near relatives. The replies are numerous, but not very varied in character. When the twins are children, they are usually distinguished by ribbons tied round the wrist or neck; nevertheless the one is sometimes fed, physicked, and whipped by mistake for the other, and the description of these little domestic catastrophes was usually given by the mother, in a phraseology that is some- [p. 158] what touching by reason of its seriousness.
"But twins have a special claim upon our attention; it is, that their history affords means of distinguishing between the effects of tendencies received at birth, and of those that were imposed by the special circumstances of their after lives."
- We can see that mistaken one twin for another by spanking the wrong one could create a god complex in the twin that got away with bad behavior. while the twin who was unjustly spanked could feel inferior to the other twin even other people. Therefore nuture developing different traits based on parent's upbringing.
- This statement focuses on the heavily expolred topic in psychology " Nature v. Nuture. This topic that many excitedily wanted to answer the question of whether people have traits from genetics "Nature" or if the manner parents raise their young is the reason "Nuture". By studying twin psycholgy in this era were finally going to geth the asnwer.
- The parental mistake highlights that even when twins are in the same house or even siblings in the same house can develop diffrent traits through parental mistakes. For instance
azorion.tripod.com azorion.tripod.com
https://azorion.tripod.com/whorf.htm<br /> The (Hopi) World According to Whorf -- a Brief Note<br /> by Gary A. David, 2004
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The connection with ancestors is a central feature of the Constellation process.
Relationship of stars to stories and people to each other (ancestors).
As above, so below...
Reflection of the skys to the earth and to its peoples
The traditional Zulu people lived and acted in a religious world in which the central focal point was the ancestors.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Hellinger told how one of the trainers asked the group, "What is more important to you, your ideals or people? Which would you sacrifice for the other?"
direct attribution?<br /> likely in <br /> Hellinger, B., Weber, G., & Beaumont, H. (1998). Love's hidden symmetry: What makes love work in relationships. Phoenix, AZ: Zeig, Tucker & Theisen. p. 328
- Jan 2024
greattransition.org greattransition.org
Doing that requires new approaches to organizing for transformation where multiple initiatives connect, cohere, and amplify their individual and collective transformative action
for - key insight - global movement requirements - new organising system - indyweb /Indranet - people-centered - interpersonal - individual collective gestalt - a foundational idea of indyweb / Indranet epistemology - Deep Humanity - epistemological foundation of indyweb / Indranet
- The world cannot wait
- for us to learn or know everything that we need to know
- for bringing about purposeful system change
- towards desired and broadly shared aspirations
- for a more
- equitable,
- just, and
- ecologically flourishing
- world.
- The key question before us is
- how to become transformation catalysts
- that work with numerous associated
- initiatives and
- leaders
- to form
- purposeful and
- action-oriented
- transformation systems
- that build on the collective strength inherent
- in the many networks already working towards transformation.
- Doing that requires new approaches
- to organizing for transformation
- where multiple initiatives
- connect,
- cohere, and
- amplify
- their
- individual and
- collective
- transformative actions
Comment - indyweb / Indranet is ideally suited for this - seeing the mention of individual and collective in a sentence surfaced the new Deep Humanity concept of individual collective gestalt that is intrinsic to the epistemological foundation of the Indyweb / Indranet - This is reflected in the words to describe the Indyweb / Indranet as people-centered and interpersonal
docdrop.org docdrop.org
one of the greatest martial arts artists ever was bruce lee who i actually read a lot of his writings
for - William Li influences - Bruce Lee - know yourself - key question to ask people - what do they really enjoy?