4 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Hello Mr. Hoorn, How great to have a fellow Antinetter. Thank you for your kind greeting. I used the sticky notes because I wanted to be able to show you certain pages that caught my interest when I was pre-reading. After recording my podcast I took them all out. I should have mentioned that. Thank you for pointing that out.
    2. I notice you put sticky markers into the book... Two questions. A) Does this not take too much effort/time for an inspectional read a la Adler? B) What is the purpose of the sticky markers? Warm regards, Mr. Hoorn -- Fellow Antinetter
    3. ( ~ 10:20)

      Kathleen recommends as part of an inspectional reading to find out who the author is. This is valuable and I believe not something Adler & van Doren mentioned in their book.

      Knowing who the author is gives more context to the book and potentially some information about credibility.

      Will implement this.

    4. (~5:40)

      It appears she put some sticky notes at important points/structure references while reading inspectionally...

      Does this not take too much effort/time for an inspectional read a la Adler?