- Nov 2024
theconversation.com theconversation.com
On covid and long term impact on cognition
Vgl [[Wayfinding by Michael Bond]]
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
"ego investment" ist das problem.<br /> wir mit der impfung seine gesundheit geopfert hat,<br /> der kann nicht zugeben dass die impfung ein fehler war,<br /> der hat falsche hoffnung ("mich trifft es nicht") bis zum bitteren ende.
wandering.shop wandering.shop
Charlie Stross provides a personal anecdotal data point to [[Changes in memory and cognition during the SARS-CoV-2 human challenge study]] that revising his writing after covid showed him cognitive issues he didn't realise as he was writing. Comments / responses add to it. Personally I use a type of puzzle and a timer to gauge my concentration and have done for several years. Since my last Covid and in my burnout I now at times don't finish or make mistakes in a puzzle, where I would consistently be in the 5% fastest solvers before.
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
(Even mild) covid cases are associated with persistent cognitive damage. Empirical data from 2021/2022. Largest diff between measured groups wrt memory and executive functions. No volunteers self-reported cognitive symptoms. Iow covid is associated with cognitive damage, but you won't notice yourself.
Trender et al 2024.
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Terapia antiviral para el virus COVID-19: revisión narrativa y análisis bibliométrico
2019 to 2022
3 años
- Aug 2024
Thus, even where bosses expect attrition, the data shows they get substantially more attrition than they wanted. As a result, 29 percent of these companies are now facing substantial recruitment challenges, as the scale of resignations created serious operational and staffing problems. This misalignment between expectation and reality has left many companies struggling to fill the gaps left by departing employees.
Good. Justice would demand more, but this will probably have to do.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
if we get a bird flu mutation causing a human to human viral mutation that, that could cause also a catastrophic outbreak of a pandemic that would exceed, you know, by far what we experienced with COVID 19.
for - bird flu mutation - can exceed impacts of COVID
studies that are coming in right now from the last two years where we were forced to work remotely we see a decrease in Innovation and creative potential in in companies
for - neuroscience research - remote intentional working during Covid - showed decreased productivity and innovation
neuroscience research - remote intentional working during Covid - showed decreased productivity and innovation - Due to only creating intentional work times and eliminating the opportunities for informal meeting - When it is purely intentional work contexts created and no relaxing, informal opportunities to meet, innovation suffers
- Jun 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Excellent performance.
- May 2024
mygully.com mygully.com
Bitte lasst euch impfen!
- Apr 2024
storage.courtlistener.com storage.courtlistener.com
But the National Emergency Library (NEL) refutes that.
First time the National Emergency Library is mentioned in the brief.
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Drug repurposing for COVID-19 via knowledge graph completion
Reutilización de medicamentos para COVID-19 mediante la finalización del gráfico de conocimiento
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Trends in the application of deep learning networks in medical image analysis: Evolution between 2012 and 2020
Tendencias en la aplicación de redes de aprendizaje profundo en el análisis de imágenes médicas: Evolución entre 2012 y 2020
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Papeles prometedores de Zingiber officinale roscoe, Curcuma longa L. y Momordica charantia L. como moduladores de la inmunidad contra el COVID-19: un análisis bibliométrico
- Mar 2024
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
dc_subject: "COVID-19"
dc_date: 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:26:44][^2^][2]:
La vidéo présente une conférence sur l'importance de reconsidérer les rapports entre les sciences naturelles et sociales à la lumière de la pandémie. Elle souligne comment la pandémie a mis en évidence les inégalités sociales et a forcé une réflexion sur notre relation avec le vivant, ainsi que sur l'interdépendance entre les humains et le monde naturel.
Points clés: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Interdisciplinarité nécessaire * Sciences sociales et naturelles interconnectées + [00:01:14][^4^][4] Impact de la pandémie * Inégalités exacerbées et interaction sociale modifiée + [00:05:34][^5^][5] Conscience écologique et pandémie * Liens entre destruction de la biodiversité et maladies + [00:13:40][^6^][6] Pratiques historiques contre les maladies * Évolution des comportements pour éviter les infections + [00:17:00][^7^][7] Maîtrise des maladies infectieuses * Succès et limites dans le contrôle des microbes + [00:25:43][^8^][8] Vie sociale dans le monde vivant * Sociétés humaines comme extension de la vie sociale animale Résumé de la vidéo [00:26:46][^1^][1] - [00:46:55][^2^][2]: La vidéo aborde les liens entre la biologie et les sciences sociales, en mettant l'accent sur la sociologie des sociétés animales et humaines, l'évolution culturelle et la coévolution gène-culture.
Points clés: + [00:26:46][^3^][3] Connexion biologie-sciences sociales * Sociétés animales comme sociologie ignorée * Importance de l'éthologie et de l'écologie comportementale + [00:35:42][^4^][4] Origines biologiques du culturel * Culture comme solution adaptative * Évolution culturelle parallèle à l'évolution génétique + [00:42:25][^5^][5] Coévolution gène-culture * Impact de la culture sur le biologique * Exemples de coévolution et de construction de niche
- Feb 2024
flowmaps.life.bsc.es flowmaps.life.bsc.es
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo de [00:00:00][^1^][1] à [00:35:00][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo est un reportage sur le projet Citizen Facts, une initiative de journalisme citoyen qui vise à vérifier les informations diffusées sur le web, notamment sur les sujets liés à la pandémie de Covid-19. Le reportage suit le parcours de plusieurs enquêteurs bénévoles qui s'intéressent aux sources, aux motivations et aux conséquences des fausses informations. Il montre comment ils confrontent leurs recherches aux discours de certains influenceurs controversés, comme Jean-Jacques Crèvecoeur, un youtubeur qui prône la médecine naturelle et qui dénonce le vaccin comme une arme de destruction massive.
Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Présentation du projet Citizen Facts * Une plateforme collaborative de vérification de l'information * Plus d'un millier de citoyens européens y participent * Ils enquêtent sur les sujets qui les préoccupent directement + [00:05:06][^4^][4] Enquête sur Jean-Jacques Crèvecoeur * Un youtubeur qui diffuse des informations fausses et dangereuses sur le Covid-19 et le vaccin * Il se présente comme un chercheur de la santé et du bien-être * Il vend des formations de développement personnel inspirées de la méthode Hammer, une pratique médicale contestée + [00:17:17][^5^][5] Rencontre avec Olivia, une admiratrice de Jean-Jacques Crèvecoeur * Une danseuse et comédienne qui partage son discours sur les réseaux sociaux * Elle rejette les résultats de l'enquête qui contredisent son idole * Elle se fie à son intuition et à ses croyances personnelles + [00:23:27][^6^][6] Entretien avec Jean-Jacques Crèvecoeur * Il refuse de reconnaître ses erreurs et ses mensonges * Il accuse les médias mainstream de manipulation et de censure * Il persiste à défendre la méthode Hammer et à dénoncer le vaccin
- Jan 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
hah... seit wann lassen sich junkies ihre drogen wegnehmen.<br /> diese leute glauben, sie haben recht und pflicht dass sie sich totspritzen.<br /> weil warum auch nicht, ich seh das als intelligenztest...<br /> vaxx harder!! when it hurts, that means its working!!
- Dec 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we're getting a taste of that in the pandemic yes you adopt a wartime or emergency mindset that helps to liberate a kind of level 00:15:22 of collective purpose it makes new things possible
for: polycrisis wartime mobilization, climate crisis wartime mobilization, 2024 extreme weather - wartime mobilization opportunity
key insight
- adjacency between
- real COVID mobilization
- imagined future climate crisis wartime mobilization
adjacency statement
The rapid response to the COVID pandemic was a real life case of a wartime scale mobilization in a very short time. This shows that it is possible. We need to see if we can strive for this for climate change. If 2024 becomes the year of extreme weather due to El Nino, then we could use it as an opportunity for a wartime mobilization
one good thing about the COVID pandemic is that it did show that a rapid wartime mobilization is possible, because it did kind of happened during COVID
between middle of March 2020 and the middle of April 2020. 00:44:53 uh four billion people about half the world's population locked down between the middle of March 2020 and middle of April 2020 the concept of social and physical distancing went viral and around the planet and changed 00:45:06 people's behavior all over the planet never has such a large fraction of the human species changed Its Behavior so fast and that was entirely because of the connectivity within the system
for: rapid behaviour change
example - rapid behaviour change: COVID lockdown
- When government policy around the world converged rapidly due to the perception of an imminent threat, civilization responded rapidly
question: could we ever imagine the climate crisis or polycrisis having the same impact?
I you know think this is important in the kind of what the left postur is to regime break to system breakdown which 00:35:27 experiencing has to be anti-regime let
for: Lessons from COVID
- Left position to avoid driving masses to the hard right
- i think this is important in the kind of what the left posture is to regime and system breakdown which it is experiencing has to be anti-regime
- otherwise the anti-regime forces go to the hard right and
- if the left follows the left wing of the management state which is trying to technocratically limit the catastrophe of breakdown,
- it will never get popular support that's basically what happened during COVID.
- the hard right denied science, the left went begging the administrative state and as a consequence, there was a massive expansion of the right around the globe
- otherwise the anti-regime forces go to the hard right and
- Oct 2023
kirschsubstack.com kirschsubstack.com
Thank you. Steve, for raising the alarm on this catastrophe! One minor comment. It should be QC'ed, not QA'ed. Quality control is done first. Quality Assurance (QA) comes after QC. QA is basically checking the calculations and the test results in the batch records. I worked in QC and QA for big pharma for decades. I tried to warn people in early 2021 that there's no way the quality control testing could be done at warp speed. Nobody listened to me despite my decades of experience in big pharma!
"warp speed" sounds fancy, plus "its an emergency, we have no time"...
it really was just an intelligence test, a global-scale exploit of trust in authorities. (and lets be honest, stupid people deserve to die.)
problem is, they (elites, military, industry) seem to go for actual forced vaccinations, which would be an escalation from psychological warfare to actual warfare against the 95% "useless eaters".
personally, i would prefer if they would globally legalize serial murder and assault rifles, then "we the people" would solve the overpopulation. (because: serial murder is the only alternative to mass murder.) but they are scared that we would also kill the wrong people (their servants because they are evil or stupid). (anyone crying about depopulation should suggest better solutions. denying overpopulation is just another failed intelligence test.)
- Sep 2023
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
He says that ultimately, about 50% of participants who were screened to be part of the control group couldn’t be included because of continuing symptoms.
Honestly, this should be the headline. A full 50% of people who volunteered to be in the control were actually still suffering symptoms! Half! Of a self-selected group!
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
food intake and vasoconstriction
Is this why eating is causing instant sleepiness? Non-digestive vessels vasoconstrict and shut off too much cerebral blood flow, then nerves instantly have reduced firing/waste and CO2 build up/diminished mitochondria output/oxidative buildup/ &or then resultant inflammatory triggering cytokine increase?
Vessel endothelial enormous surface area, manipulator of blood flow vasoconstrictor system, and cytokine producer/influencer, and high vulnerability sensitivity to viral infection/corruption...and then it's role or adjacent system and the immediate available Google research on COVID affecting> the vascular elastin system and corrupted elevated production of destructive elastases resulting in reduced vascular compliance then resulting too narrow "pulse pressure" band essentially creating arteriosclerosis.
Also, make sure to be thinking of the entire vascular system not as one system, but subsided by dynamic changing gated sections and inspect signaling creating changing locations and amounts of high/low pressure zones. Also, keep in mind 3 things about BP: 1, when taken with a cuff it is only measuring a reading at the elbow. 2, is a reading from the artery and not giving any direct data from vein part of the system. 3, BP is not the same as blood flow. So I conceive that you could read a good BP, but actual flow could be completely inadequate.
Remember analogy, vascular system is just like car AC system, or any pressurized hydraulic system, or even actually electric circuits. Meaning that there is a high pressure side, the load component(s), and a low pressure side. Also remember veins act as the reservoir tank, and when they constrict it is injecting more blood into the system to, if functioning correctly, allow higher performance and meet increase load demand. It also, therefore has less direct effect on whole system BP vs artery constriction because it's downstream of the load. Arterial constriction conversely has immediate direct effect on systolic BP as it is essentially putting a wall directly downstream of the heart. Therefore, regardless if diastolic pressure is zero or high, when the heart contacts, the pressure shoots straight up.
A working theory component: my pulmonary vein is inappropriately constricting too much. That causes high back up pressure at alveoli. Exercise then induces veinous reservoir injection and increased blood volume into the "working system" further increasing pressure. Possibly arterious had already been fully dilated at rest in order to compensate and then when exercise happens, it can't be dilated further to increase blood flow throughout and BP increases further all behind the pulmonary vein "dam". However it doesn't present as right side heart failure like might initially be guessed (with leg and belly edema) because the right side heart is not failing...yet. So it contains any further backflow and the alveoli are the weakest point and taking the most abuse and pressure is relieved as pulmonary edema. And therefore what may be present is if we look for it, we'll find that actual blood throughput output exiting the heart is too low. And this can exist with a normal ejection fraction because the heart is functioning correctly and pumping the right percentage of what is a low starting volume. And also this can support why right ventricle is showing first signs of enlarging because it's being overpressured and stretching out (enlarging). And this can support why normal BP readings are measured at the arm because it can completely handle the abnormally low blood volume being received in the downstream location it's at. And then therefore this further supports why BP is normal but HR is riding the high limit at rest and then instantly jumps on exertion AND why dizziness happens because the artery system was already maxed out dilation at rest and for any amount of exertion, increasing HR because of the immediate too fast rise in tissue hypoxia due to too low blood supply the brain keeps driving up HR to meet demand. Total result upon exercise: supply continues to more and more not meet demand, HR rises faster and faster to try to inadequately compensate, physically become weaker especially after high output anaerobic every supply deleted in 1-3 minutes and there is no aerobic capacity cavalry with it's O2 rushing in to take over and that's when I fall off the cliff> HR spikes even faster, chest pain immediately jumps, lung edema turns on full tilt as the HR spikes and the resulting pressure is forced to "spray out of the gaskets (alveoli), and brain blood O2 supply immediately becomes super inadequate and the dizziness and need to fall over is the instant result effect. And since dysfuntioning cerebral vasoconstriction is likely the cause or highly involved in migraines, this also supports why the headaches come. ... And perhaps this explaining the rest pain and how it increases with dex and exertion because blood flow o2 becomes inadequate. Then causing lactic acid waste and CO2 buildup... (ie pain). And then it, like all body tissues being deprived necessary blood flow trigger cytokine inflammation response. ... And then, fuck it, maybe this IS chronic fatigue syndrome, and IS long covid explaining PEM, explaining why every symptom imaginable in any combination permutation is being shown, is explaining the observed elevated varing soups of cytokinesis, explaining all variety of tissue damage depending on any person's unique amount of total hit and their particular systems vulnerabilities and ultimately how far down they went on the increasing spiralling cascading systems failure towards total shutdown, and explains why measures at addressing the variety of manifestations are all somewhat helpful, but inadequate and varing efficacy from patient to patient because they are all too downstream of the root cause trunk of the symptom tree where the need to relieve vascular over constriction is the root or next to the root of the symptom tree that is common to all patients. If this were all to be accurate, then the seed would be what caused the break in vasoconstrictor system and repairing/killing it, or perhaps it's a PC bootstrap phenomenon where the simple uncomplex virus was just enough bios code to place innocuous wrenches in any of machines of the systems and then those malfunctioning systems took over control in their new malfunctioning patterns and became the new bosses that are infact the disease, you become your disease, and the initial virus seed has long been killed/departed (they're the ultimate down the road end game that is the totally corrupted bcdhhs that will then exist now as a new monstrous organism slowly lingering and depleting itself and eventually all resources at which point it will have finally killed itself after it destroyed the once thriving self sustaining world it lived in. COVID then is the teenage abusive bf or mean drunk father from their past, that put in motion what would become decades and generations of monsters, years and years after they had been long since gone). And maybe this explains the phasing leaving and returning it symptoms. Because when enough if the symptoms start to be reset/repaired, that starts spiraling the spread of the shutdown of the corruption back to health, but if the spiral up isn't strong enough to overcome the consequential reactive spiral down response, the monster returns and the rebellion is quashed. And so explains why the overall, in every system, stronger less vulnerabilities less armor chinks youth are able to quash with ease the spiral down with their incumbent exceptional spiral up response. .... And aside, this explains why dysautonomia has become a top suspect. And explains why POTS has become almost synonymous with long COVID and CFS.
- Jul 2023
But since Covid-19, I’ve watched people around me – friends, family and perfect strangers my own age whose stories are told in obituaries – drop dead from this contagion. A sharp sense of existential dread has taken up residence in my psyche. That vague inevitability that I assumed would happen in the distant future smashed me over the head like an anvil in an old cartoon. I could easily die sooner than later. My mortality was, for the first time, in center focus.
- due to death of so many young people, covid has shifted mortality salience into center focus for many young people
- Jun 2023
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
D-dimer levels (a fibrin degradation product used to determine the activation of the coagulation cascade), are enhanced in acute COVID-19 cases (Zhou F. et al., 2020; Berger et al., 2020). Different reports have found a correlation between the increase of D-dimer levels and COVID-19 severity with an about 7-fold increase in critically ill patients, associated with an increased mortality risk (Zhou F. et al., 2020; Yao Y. et al., 2020)
- May 2023
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
Réaliser une étude pluridisciplinaire et longitudinale sur les effets à long terme de la crisesanitaire sur la santé mentale des enfants et des adolescents.
- Apr 2023
those who got the updated booster had one-tenth the risk of being hospitalized compared with those who are unvaccinated
Basically 65-79 higher seniors are in high risk of being sent to the hospital rather than other people who aren't even vaccines The booster is much more stronger to seniors.
Ga-eun: So many conditions in life are rapidly changing, making even adults feel confused. I hardly dare to im-agine how much fear and anxiety this might cause among children. What about children having to bear all fam-ily problems by themselves? It makes me feel terribly sad. If it was like now, Hana could not even have gone out-side, she would have felt even more lonesome.
Covid quarantines could change how people understand the film due to feelings during lockdowns.
- Feb 2023
warwick.ac.uk warwick.ac.uk
Conservative estimates suggest thatthe failure of timely contact tracing due to the data glitch is associated withmore than 125,000 additional infections and over 1,500 additional COVID-19-related death
- Jan 2023
defenseurdesdroits.fr defenseurdesdroits.fr
La Défenseure des droits recommandeau ministre des Solidarités et de la santéde réaliser une étude pluridisciplinaire etlongitudinale sur les effets à long terme dela crise sanitaire, sur la santé mentale desenfants et des adolescents
Recommandadion 16
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Selain itu, isolat virus RaTG13 memiliki nilai kekerabatan 96,1%. Virus ini ditemukan di Yunnan, Cina. Sedangkan isolat virus yang berasal dari tenggiling mempunyai nilai kekerabatan sekitar 91%. Adanya nilai kekerabatan yang tinggi ini dimungkinkan akibat dari evolusi yang telah terjadi dari nenek moyang yang sama.
Untuk diperhatikan, artikel yang dikutip dengan judul "Probable Pangolin Origin of SARS-CoV-2 Associated with the COVID-19 Outbreak" sudah di erratum 3 tahun yang lalu (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32315626/)
Sehingga masuk dalam jangkauan diskusi PubPeer dengan komentar sebagai berikut:
Readers should become aware of a preprint (DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.07.077016) entitled "The SARS-CoV-2-like virus found in captive pangolins from Guangdong should be better sequenced" that provides critics to the quality of the sequence runs used in Liu et al. 2019 and also in this paper, to infer the genome sequence of Pangolin-CoV.
This preprint states, in particular, that "I found the genome assemblies of GD/P virus of poor quality, having high levels of missing data. Additionally, unexpected reads in the Illumina sequencing data were identified. The GD/P2S dataset contains reads that are identical to SARS-CoV-2, suggesting either the coexistence of two SARS-CoV-2-like viruses in the same pangolin or contamination by the human virus".
Penting bagi penulis untuk menambahkan informasi kebaharuan dan status riset dan temuan terbaru dari artikel yang dikutip. Semoga menjadi koreksi.
tynan.com tynan.com
I asked why she thought that was happening, and she said, “Covid”. The lack of socialization, especially at such a key time in life, had made this incoming class the first one that lacked basic manners and social skills.
Covid has heavily impacted our social/communication skills
- Dec 2022
www.remnantmd.com www.remnantmd.com
forced on the population
at least in the US, no one is being forced to get a vaccine. Not only that, but there's no evidence anyone's even considered it: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/forced-vaccines-covid-19/
Maybe they're talking about another population?
link.springer.com link.springer.com
We analyzed URLs cited in Twitter messages before and after the temporary interruption of the vaccine development on September 9, 2020 to investigate the presence of low credibility and malicious information. We show that the halt of the AstraZeneca clinical trials prompted tweets that cast doubt, fear and vaccine opposition. We discovered a strong presence of URLs from low credibility or malicious websites, as classified by independent fact-checking organizations or identified by web hosting infrastructure features. Moreover, we identified what appears to be coordinated operations to artificially promote some of these URLs hosted on malicious websites.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
We found that misinformation-exposure scores are significantly positively related to language toxicity (Fig. 3a; b = 0.129, 95% CI = [0.098, 0.159], SE = 0.015, t (4121) = 8.323, p < 0.001; b = 0.319, 95% CI = [0.274, 0.365], SE = 0.023, t (4106) = 13.747, p < 0.001 when controlling for estimated ideology) and expressions of moral outrage (Fig. 3b; b = 0.107, 95% CI = [0.076, 0.137], SE = 0.015, t (4143) = 14.243, p < 0.001; b = 0.329, 95% CI = [0.283,0.374], SE = 0.023, t (4128) = 14.243, p < 0.001 when controlling for estimated ideology). See Supplementary Tables 1, 2 for full regression tables and Supplementary Tables 3–6 for the robustness of our results.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Exposure to elite misinformation is associated with sharing news from lower-quality outlets and with conservative estimated ideology.
Shown is the relationship between users’ misinformation-exposure scores and (a) the quality of the news outlets they shared content from, as rated by professional fact-checkers21, (b) the quality of the news outlets they shared content from, as rated by layperson crowds21, and (c) estimated political ideology, based on the ideology of the accounts they follow10. Small dots in the background show individual observations; large dots show the average value across bins of size 0.1, with size of dots proportional to the number of observations in each bin.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
We find that, during the pandemic, no-vax communities became more central in the country-specificdebates and their cross-border connections strengthened, revealing a global Twitter anti-vaccinationnetwork. U.S. users are central in this network, while Russian users also become net exporters ofmisinformation during vaccination roll-out. Interestingly, we find that Twitter’s content moderationefforts, and in particular the suspension of users following the January 6th U.S. Capitol attack, had aworldwide impact in reducing misinformation spread about vaccines. These findings may help publichealth institutions and social media platforms to mitigate the spread of health-related, low-credibleinformation by revealing vulnerable online communities
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
we found that social bots played a bridge role in diffusion in the apparent directional topic like “Wuhan Lab”. Previous research also found that social bots play some intermediary roles between elites and everyday users regarding information flow [43]. In addition, verified Twitter accounts continue to be very influential and receive more retweets, whereas social bots retweet more tweets from other users. Studies have found that verified media accounts remain more central to disseminating information during controversial political events [75]. However, occasionally, even the verified accounts—including those of well-known public figures and elected officials—sent misleading tweets. This inspired us to investigate the validity of tweets from verified accounts in subsequent research. It is also essential to rely solely on science and evidence-based conclusions and avoid opinion-based narratives in a time of geopolitical conflict marked by hidden agendas, disinformation, and manipulation [76].
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Engagement of religious leaders, for example, has been documented as an important approach to improve vaccine acceptance16,57. Key to the preparation of a COVID-19 vaccine is, therefore, the early and frequent engagement of religious and community-leaders58, and for health authorities to work collaboratively with multiple societal stakeholders to avoid the feeling that they are only acting on behalf of government authorities59.
Similar rates of vaccine hesitance (26% and 25%) and resistance (9% and 6%) were evident in the Irish and UK samples, with only 65% of the Irish population and 69% of the UK population fully willing to accept a COVID-19 vaccine. These findings align with other estimates across seven European nations where 26% of adults indicated hesitance or resistance to a COVID-19 vaccine7 and in the United States where 33% of the population indicated hesitance or resistance34. Rates of resistance to a COVID-19 vaccine also parallel those found for other types of vaccines. For example, in the United States 9% regarded the MMR vaccine as unsafe in a survey of over 1000 adults35, while 7% of respondents across the world said they “strongly disagree” or “somewhat disagree” with the statement ‘Vaccines are safe’36. Thus, upwards of approximately 10% of study populations appear to be opposed to vaccinations in whatever form they take. Importantly, however, the findings from the current study and those from around Europe and the United States may not be consistent with or reflective of vaccine acceptance, hesitancy, or resistance in non-Western countries or regions.
- Nov 2022
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Our kids have lost so much—family members, connections to friends and teachers, emotional well-being, and for many, financial stability at home. And, of course, they’ve lost some of their academic progress. The pressure to measure—and remediate—this “learning loss” is intense; many advocates for educational equity are rightly focused on getting students back on track. But I am concerned about how this growing narrative of loss will affect our students, emotionally and academically. Research shows a direct connection between a student’s mindset and academic success.
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
“Our kids have lost so much—family members, connections to friends and teachers, emotional well-being, and for many, financial stability at home,” the article begins, sifting through a now-familiar inventory of devastation, before turning to a problem of a different order. “And of course, they’ve lost some of their academic progress.”
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
These labor actions underscored the frustrations of teachers, who have had to navigate not only the pandemic but also political harangues about their curricula, as well as insufficient pay and other long-standing issues tied to their actual work as educators. Teachers were already leaving the profession, but stress induced by the pandemic accelerated the pace.
covidsearch.sinequa.com covidsearch.sinequa.com
covid-evidence.org covid-evidence.org
dc-covid.site.ined.fr dc-covid.site.ined.fr
wan-bioinfo.shinyapps.io wan-bioinfo.shinyapps.ioGESS1
dc:subject: "COVID-19"
dc:date: 2021
www.biomedical-web.com www.biomedical-web.com
platform to discover potential drugs and targets of COVID-19 at whole transcriptome scale
bio-annotation.cn bio-annotation.cn
clingen.igib.res.in clingen.igib.res.in
covid-19.ensembl.org covid-19.ensembl.org
cov3d.ibbr.umd.edu cov3d.ibbr.umd.eduCoV3D1
www.wikidata.org www.wikidata.org
t-cov.hse.ru t-cov.hse.ru
Falta agregar el artículo de la fuente a wikidata 10.1093/nar/gkab701
covirus.cc covirus.cc
nar:Aparece en el artículo pero no lo encuentro en la base de datos
dc_subject: "COVID-19"
dc_date: 2021
www.foundersfamilymedicine.com www.foundersfamilymedicine.com
We’re dedicated to providing the highest standards of safety to protect you and your family during your visit to Founders Family Medicine. We screen all patients for COVID-19 symptoms. We also require masks and social distancing at our clinic.
We’re dedicated to providing the highest standards of safety to protect you and your family during your visit to Founders Family Medicine. We screen all patients for COVID-19 symptoms. We also require masks and social distancing at our clinic.
- Oct 2022
www.japantimes.co.jp www.japantimes.co.jp
Many now find Japanese society’s prevalence for mask wearing and the numerous vestiges of preventative measures (social distancing in some restaurants, compulsory temperature checks and hand sanitizer upon entering facilities with cramped quarters, just to name a few) all an overcautious holdover from another time.
lol at westerners thinking wearing masks is overly cautious
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
A study across the population of Scotland researched the affects of covid by comparing those with a positive PCR test with a control group that did not have covid. Vaccinations were shown to decrease symptoms. There are concerns about long-term effects as the virus becomes endemic.
- Sep 2022
bpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com bpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com
COVID-19 pandemic has created a public health crisis
Just testing this out!
www.nadadventist.org www.nadadventist.org
The North American Division has put together a series of links to offer guidance about vaccines from national and international health organizations, the General Conference, and healthcare experts — with the COVID-19 vaccine highlighted in particular.
- Aug 2022
www.nature.com www.nature.com
The socioeconomic disruption associated with COVID-19 represents a highly unusual alteration of the human interaction with the Earth System. This alteration is likely to generate a series of responses, illuminating the processes connecting energy, emissions, air quality and climate, as well as globalization, food security, poverty and biodiversity
La perturbación socioeconómica asociada a COVID-19 representa una alteración muy inusual de la interacción humana con el Sistema Tierra. Es probable que esta alteración genere una serie de respuestas que iluminen los procesos que conectan la energía, las emisiones, la calidad del aire y el clima, así como la globalización, la seguridad alimentaria, la pobreza y la biodiversidad.
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Henley, J. (2021, October 11). UK’s high Covid case rates buck trend as western Europe outperforms east. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/11/covid-rates-lower-western-europe-than-central-and-eastern
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Ben Bradshaw. (2021, November 2). More than 50 #COVID19 cases in Parliament. U.K. still highest infection, hospitalisation & death rates in Western Europe. Still virtually no mask discipline among Tory MPs. Dwindling on public transport too. #Covid19UK [Tweet]. @BenPBradshaw. https://twitter.com/BenPBradshaw/status/1455451405205098498
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Blake. (2021, November 11). Wie ungeheuer peinlich das ist. #impfpflichtjetzt #Neuinfektionen #Corona #Impfung https://t.co/DvIdDhOocM [Tweet]. @BlakesWort. https://twitter.com/BlakesWort/status/1458794747082989574
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- thrombosis
- blood clot
- AstraZeneca
- vaccine
- immune system
- healthcare
- brain
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- BNT162b2 vaccine
- effectiveness
- Pfizer-BioNTech
- Moderna
- is:preprint
- COVID-19
- symptom
- England
- lang:en
- protection
- vaccine
- booster
- over 50s
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- misinformation
- fragile health system
- COVID-19
- variant
- attack
- lang:en
- violence
- vaccine
- healthcare
- government
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- scarcity
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- Omicron
- EU
- unvaccinated
- India
- vaccine mandate
- COVID-19
- Norway
- lang:en
- restriction
- AstraZeneca
- dominant strain
- surge
- blood clot
- is:news
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