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- vaccine
- COVID-19
- brain
- is:news
- lang:de
- Paul-Ehrlich-Institut
- blood clot
- thrombosis
- immune system
- AstraZeneca
- healthcare
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Although if you catch it as an adult it has one major, VERY nasty side effect: something about a measles infection temporarily 'resets' the immune system. Meaning that all your previous immunities, from illness or vaccination, go away. In the western world if you catch measles you will later need to redo your entire childhood vaccination program, just in case.
Ugh. That's so nasty.
- Apr 2022
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Edward Nirenberg 🇺🇦 [@ENirenberg]. (2021, November 30). This is also not limited to the vaccine- any infection we encounter will do the same thing. It’s how we evolved to get around a massive genetic and bioenergetic challenge and it’s brilliant and it’s happening all the time regardless of any vaccines we get. [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/ENirenberg/status/1465698637434933254
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- vaccine
- COVID-19
- infection
- science
- antibodies
- Omicron
- lang:en
- B cells
- immune system
- self-attacking antibodies
- is:webpage
- research
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- is:article
- COVID-19
- question
- evolution
- AY.4.2.
- takeaway
- variant
- lang:en
- Delta variant
- transmission
- virus
- emergence
- immune system
- transmissibility
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- outgroup
- emotion regulation
- cultural psychology
- heuristic
- lang:en
- emotion
- behavioural immune system
- family
- facial resemblance
- life science
- cognitive psychology
- bias
- ingroup
- framing
- COVID-19
- is:preprint
- survival
- behavioural science
- infectious disease
- cross-cultural psychology
- prejudice
- pathogen avoidance
- psychological adaptation
- social science
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- disgust
- intention
- vaccination
- lang:en
- behavioural immune system
- evolutionary psychology
- vulnerable
- behavioral science
- germ aversion
- perceived infectability
- immune response
- individual differences
- COVID-19
- evolution
- vaccine hesitancy
- contaminant aversion
- is:preprint
- health psychology
- social science
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By and large, this first defense is effective and may be why many people who contract COVID-19 are asymptomatic.
It may be that some people have the virus enter their nostrils but the mucus captures it and the virus doesn't enter the cells.
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- pandemic
- vaccination
- limited
- lang:en
- effectiveness
- dose
- vaccine
- COVID-19
- strain
- mutation
- mask
- immune system
- social distancing
- protection
- is:blog
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- consequences
- risk perception
- authoritarianism
- infection
- study
- government
- politics
- public health
- lang:en
- social psychology
- disposition
- cross-cultural
- infection-avoidance
- COVID-19
- is:preprint
- research
- attitude
- behavior
- behavioral immune system
- infectious disease
- psychology
- socio-political
- ideology
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Systematic discovery of antiphage defense systems in the microbial pangenome