26 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Special Marks on Cards

      In Miles' visual examples of cards, he presents them in portrait (rather than landscape) orientation.

      This goes against the broad grain of most standard card index filing systems of the time, but may be more in line with the earlier French use of playing cards orientation.

      His portrait orientation also matches with the size ratios seen in his Card-Tray suggestion on p187. https://hypothes.is/a/llEgpIf4Ee-dVfcaIGUryQ

  2. Jun 2024
    1. Gottfried Benn’s Ikarus is unmistakably a description of the Brueghel painting, “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus,” which is patiently described in the poem.

      Gottfried Benn his poem Ikarus (1915) as inspired by the work of Brueghel)

  3. May 2024
    1. There's so many different worlds So many different suns 00:02:58 And we have just one world But we live in different ones

      for - Indyweb - connecting the multimeaningverse - multimeaningverse - lebenswelt - perspectival knowing - quote - Mark Knopfler - Brothers in Arms - private inner world / public outer world - self other gestalt - adjacency - Brothers in Arms - We have just one world but live in different ones - perspectival knowing - self other gestalt - lebenswelt - semantic fingerprint - salience mismatch - Indyweb - Deep Humanity salience landscape - John Vervaeke

      quote - Mark Knopfler - Brothers in Arms - (See quote below)

      • There's so many different worlds
      • So many different suns
      • And we have just one world
      • But we live in different ones

      adjacency - between - Brothers in Arms - We have just one world but live in different ones - - perspectival knowing - self other gestalt - lebenswelt - semantic fingerprint - salience mismatch - Indyweb - John Vervaeke - salience landscape - Deep Humanity - meaningverse - multimeaningverse - adjacency relationship - This verse is so beautiful in summarizing the human condition - We each have our own unique lifeworld, what Edmund Husserl called "Lebenswelt" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=lebenswelt - The self / other gestalt has its two poles, each belonging to two complimentary worlds: - The self has a private inner space only accessible to the individual organism - At the same time, the individual self phenomenologically experiences other living organisms, both of the same and different species - Different individual organisms can share a common public space, which for humans is navigated using the instrument of language - Deep Humanity defines the words - "meaningverse" - the individuals world of meaning - "multi-meaningverse" - the shared meaning of many individuals converging their respective individual meaningverses together - The song employs these verses to articulate the complimentary and sometimes contradictory-appearing worlds of the private-inner ad the public-outer - The semantic fingerprint of each word in an individual's vocabulary is unique to that individual as a function of - varying enculturation and social conditioning - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=semantic+fingerprint - and all these different perspectives - something cognitive scientist John Vervaeke calls "perspectival knowing" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=John+Vervaeke - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=perspectival+knowing - can lead to what we call in Indyweb / Deep Humanity terminology "salience mismatch" (ie. misunderstanding) - derived from John Vervaeke's popularization of the term "salience landscape" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=salience+landscape - War, hatred, crime and violence are all extreme forms of othering which emerge when we fail to understand the nature of the self/other and individual/collective gestalt

  4. Nov 2023
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20231108195303/https://axbom.com/aipower/


      Per Axbom does a nice overview of actors and stakeholders to take into account when thinking about AI's impact and ethics. Some of these are mentioned in the [[EU AI Regulation]] but not all actors mentioned there are mentioned here I think: EU act not only defines users (of the application) but also users of the output of an application separately. This to ensure that outputs from un-checked or illegal applications outside the EU market are admissable to the EU market.

  5. Jul 2023
      • Title
        • The landscape of biomedical research
      • Authors
        • Rita González-Márquez,
        • Luca Schmidt,
        • Benjamin M. Schmidt,
        • Philipp Berens
        • Dmitry Kobak
      • Date
        • April 11, 2023
      • Source
      • Abstract
        • The number of publications in biomedicine and life sciences
        • has rapidly grown over the last decades,
        • with over 1.5 million papers now published every year.
        • This makes it difficult to
          • keep track of new scientific works and
          • to have an overview of the evolution of the field as a whole.
        • Here we
          • present a 2D atlas of the entire corpus of biomedical literature, and
          • argue that it provides
            • a unique and
            • useful overview
          • of the life sciences research.
        • We base our atlas on the abstract texts of
        • 21 million English articles from the PubMed database.
        • To embed the abstracts into 2D, we use
          • a large language model PubMedBERT, combined with
          • t-SNE tailored to handle samples of our size.
        • We use our atlas to study
          • the emergence of the Covid-19 literature,
          • the evolution of the neuroscience discipline,
          • the uptake of machine learning, and
          • the distribution of gender imbalance in academic authorship.
        • Furthermore, we present an interactive web version of our atlas that
          • allows easy exploration and
          • will enable further insights and facilitate future research.
  6. bafybeihzua2lldmlutkxlie7jfppxheow6my62x2qmywif2wukoswo5hqi.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeihzua2lldmlutkxlie7jfppxheow6my62x2qmywif2wukoswo5hqi.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. forms might be asso-ciated with structures
      • comment
        • A Deep Humanity analog to the word "structure" is the word "pattern"
        • Hence we have the equivalency:
          • platonic form = structure = pattern
        • and the author's prior statement that
          • These mental and subsequently materialized ideas then
          • have the potential to
            • influence the physical world and to
              • feedback into the mental world to produce additional structure and
              • physical material
        • is equivalent to Indyweb / Deep Humanity statement that
          • individual and collective learning are deeply entangled
          • cumulative cultural evolution is mediated through this entanglement
          • that is best represented by the idea of dependent origination
          • individuals articulate ideas and externally present them to other consciousnesses
          • a multi-meaningverse exists whenever social learning occurs and
            • multiple perspectives, multiple meaningverses converge
          • each individual perspective surfaces their own adjacencies of ideas drawn from their own salience landscape
            • which in turn emerge from their own respective unique lebenswelt
        • We might also say that to the degree that internal patterns of the symbolosphere correlate with external patterns of the physiosphere, then
        • that is the degree to which the universal pattern manifests in both nature nature and in human nature
        • since humans (human nature) are an expression of nature (nature nature), we should not expect otherwise
  7. Aug 2022
  8. Jun 2022
    1. if the process of seeing differently is the process of first and foremost having awareness of the fact that everything you do has an assumption 00:00:14 figure out what those are and by the way the best person to reveal your own assumptions to you is not yourself it's usually someone else hence the power of diversity the importance of diversity 00:00:26 because not only does that diversity reveal your own assumptions to you but it can also complexify your assumptions right because we know from complex systems theory that the best solution is most likely to 00:00:40 exist within a complex search space not a simple search space simply because of statistics right so whereas a simple search space is more adaptable it's more easily to adapt it's 00:00:52 less likely to contain the best solution so what we really want is a diversity of possibilities a diversity of assumptions which diverse groups for instance enable

      From a Stop Reset Go Deep Humanity perspective, social interactions with greater diversity allows multi-meaningverses to interact and the salience landscape from each conversant can interact. Since each life is unique, the diversity of perspectival knowing allows strengths to overlap weaknesses and different perspectives can yield novelty. The diversity of ideas encounter each other like diversity in a gene pool, evolving more offsprings which may randomly have greater fitness to the environment.

      Johari's window is a direct consequence of this diversity of perspectives, this converged multi-meaningverse of the Lebenswelt..

    1. at the individual 00:11:56 level the trade-off priorities are unbelievably individual like it just there's no average you're saying yeah there's no like when you looked at the average

      Another way to articulate this is to say that there is an enormous range of salience landscapes.

  9. May 2021
    1. Winston picked his way up the lane through dappled light and shade, stepping out into pools of gold wherever the boughs parted. Under the trees to the left of him the ground was misty with bluebells. The air seemed to kiss one's skin. It was the second of May. From somewhere deeper in the heart of the wood came the droning of ring-doves.

      Compare this description to the first chapter of the novel. Is this the same world? Made different by rose-colored glasses of love? Or is this really the divide between the city and the outskirts?

  10. Apr 2021
    1. If we accept the idea that the entire surface of the earth is migratory, then why not landscapes in particular? A landscape — as a scene, landschap, ecosystem, and socio-political territory — is a material assembly of moving entities, a dynamic medium which changes in quality and structure through the aggregate movements or actions of the things that constitute it.
  11. Jan 2021
    1. this paper identifies / lists 5 reasons to follow the money in health care. These reasons are applicable to social services or other areas of philanthropy as well.

  12. Oct 2020
    1. Human empathy in the perception of nature

      Many people seem to think that a universal conception of morality requires that we find moral principles that admit no exceptions. If, for instance, it is indeed wrong to lie, it must always be wrong to lie—and if one can find a single exception, any notion of moral truth must be abandoned. However, the existence of moral truth—that is, the connection between how we think and behave and our well-being—does not require defining morality in terms of unvarying moral precepts. Morality could be a lot like chess: some principles generally apply, but they might admit to essential exceptions. If you want to play good chess, a principle like “Do not lose your Queen” is almost always worth following. Nevertheless, it admits exceptions: sometimes sacrificing your Queen is a brilliant thing to do; occasionally, it is the only thing you can do. However, it remains a fact that from any position in a game of chess, there will be a range of objectively right moves and objectively bad ones. Suppose there are objective truths to be known about human well-being—if kindness, for instance. It is generally more conducive to happiness than cruelty is—then science should one day be able to make exact claims about which of our behaviors and uses of attention are morally right, which are neutral, and worth abandoning (Harris 2010).

      Harris, Sam. The Moral of Landscape. New York: Free Press, 2010.

  13. Sep 2020
    1. The  Chinese garden underwent a  significant period of development during the Six Dynasties. In addition to the continuation of the imperial park, the private garden (in the form of either a retreat in a sizable country estate or a scholar’s small garden attached to a residence) and the garden that was part of a Buddhist or a Daoist temple also greatly flourished in this period.  The scholar’s garden,  which developed from the  Eastern  Jin period onward, was particularly significant as its aesthetics influenced both the imperial and the temple gardens. The art of garden design and construction became increasingly sophisticated. And the functions of the garden went through some significant changes as well.  The  Six  Dynasties period was indeed important in the history of the  Chinese garden because it witnessed a number of developments that remained conventional throughout the subsequent imperial dynasties. Let us now turn to the most important developments in the garden during the Six Dynasties that bear special relevance to the topic of this chapter.


      The Chinese view of nature and its aesthetics have been influenced by a culture of distinctive spiritual and philosophical currents such as Daoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. The traditional Chinese landscape and the conceptions of the garden are a compilation of successive dynasties, social models, architecture, and techniques with also an understanding of the beauty of nature and the ability to symbolize it.

      The triad of human beings, earth, and heaven is part of nature. A continuous cosmos of universal, dynamic, self-creative, spontaneous, and unpredictable order, The Dao. The basic and most pure expression of a patterned and harmonious act of nature.

      In The Six Dynasties period, the motivations of garden creation were drawn by a spirit of evocation, the search, and capture of “essence” and “spirit resonance” of nature. Where the function of gardens pursues an aesthetic of contemplation and enjoyment, where people gather together in a representational scenario of nature.

      Zhou (1999) talks about the Chinese thinking of "nature and principle of man and things" and how the conception of a unitary cosmos and the understanding of selves and parts acting by patterns is the strongest driving force that shaped the Chinese tradition in terms of ethics, politics, religion but also architecture and landscape form. What shaped the Chinese landscape was the integration of the object's understanding in terms of opposition, integration, harmony, and relationships.

      Zhou, Weiquan (1999). Chinese classical landscape history. Beijing. Qing-Hua University Publishing.

  14. Aug 2020
  15. Jul 2020
  16. Apr 2019
  17. Jan 2018
    1. iteral connotation ofrelativedhardnessTand to include the material aspects of society

      A nivel macro, dentro de la mlp el landscape es el factor exógeno, de mayor rigidez, e incluye arrangements de tipo material [diseño urbano, tendido eléctrico, mapa de caminos] y no tanto [cambios culturales]



  18. Oct 2016
    1. Subsequently, we expand the campus ‘learning environment’ to also include a university’s open space, we also include in our definition of nature, the concept of a “landscape.”