3 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2022
www.who.int www.who.int
COVID-19 vaccine tracker and landscape. (2022, April 22). https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/draft-landscape-of-covid-19-candidate-vaccines
- Feb 2022
Barnes, O., & Alabi, L. O. (2022, January 27). UK coronavirus cases tick up 10%, symptom tracker app shows. Financial Times. https://www.ft.com/content/f9833324-7986-48c4-a96c-153049ed9b5a
- mask wearing
- children
- research
- loosening restrictions
- vaccine passport
- hospitalization
- Denmark
- prediction
- staff shortage
- symptom tracker app
- COVID-19
- infection rate
- data
- variant
- UK
- effectiveness
- school
- Omicron
- daily cases
- transmissibility
- booster
- is:news
- England
- vaccine
- India
- parents
- subvariant
- plan B
- lang:en
- Jan 2022
CDC. (2020, March 28). COVID Data Tracker. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker