- Jan 2024
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Der Standard über die megalomane Dystopie Neom, die der Kashoggi-Mörder Mohammed bin Salman vorantreibt: das materialisierte Greenwashing des ölreichsten Petrostaats. Beteiligt ist auch der in Graz immer noch gefeierte Architekt Peter Cook, der aber in diesem Artikel nicht erwähnt wird. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000202323/the-line-utopia-auf-sand-wird-mit-blut-bezahlt
- Nov 2023
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Wien- Energie und OMV haben das gemeinsame Geothermie-Unternehmen Deeep gegründet. Es soll 2040 etwa ein Viertel der Wiener Fernwärme liefern. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000193881/wien-energie-und-omv-spannen-kraefte-bei-tiefengeothermie-zusammen
- Feb 2023
we start 00:15:48 two new big projects sponsored um with a lot of money to study art in the real world here in vienna
- two projects sponsored that studies art in the real world in vienna:
- small at installations on the streets
- written text in everyday Life
- two projects sponsored that studies art in the real world in vienna:
- Aug 2022
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Schuetze, C. F. (2021, November 5). Vienna will start to vaccinate young children without E.U. approval. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/05/world/europe/vienna-vaccinate-young-children.html
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Otto Karl Wilhelm Neurath (German: [ˈnɔʏʀaːt]; 10 December 1882 – 22 December 1945) was an Austrian-born philosopher of science, sociologist, and political economist. He was also the inventor of the ISOTYPE method of pictorial statistics and an innovator in museum practice. Before he fled his native country in 1934, Neurath was one of the leading figures of the Vienna Circle.
- Jun 2022
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
Before we begin, please note that this piece assumes intermediate familiarity with Zettelkasten and its original creator, the social scientist Niklas Luhmann (1927–1998).
Even the long running (2013) zettelkasten.de website credits Niklas Luhmann as being the "original creator" of the zettelkasten.
We really need to track down the origin of linking one idea to another. Obviously writers, and especially novelists, would have had some sort of at least linear order in their writing due to narrative needs in using such a system. What does this tradition look like on the non-fiction side?
Certainly some of the puzzle stems from the commonplace book tradition, but this is more likely to have relied on natural memory as well as searching and finding via index methods.
Perhaps looking more closely at Hans Blumenberg's instantiation would be more helpful. Similarly looking at the work of Claude Lévi-Strauss and his predecessors like Marcel Mauss may provide at least an attack on this problem.
My working hypothesis is that given the history of the Viennese numbering system, it may have stemmed from the late 1700s and this certainly wasn't an innovation by Luhmann.
link to: https://hyp.is/hLy7NNtqEeuWQIP1UDkM6g/web.archive.org/web/20130916081433/https://christiantietze.de/posts/2013/06/zettelkasten-improves-thinking-writing/ for evidence of start of zettelkasten.de
- Apr 2022
Another visual-mapping tool is Open Knowledge Maps, a service offered by a Vienna-based not-for-profit organization of the same name. It was founded in 2015 by Peter Kraker, a former scholarly-communication researcher at Graz University of Technology in Austria.
Open Knowledge maps is a visual literature search tool that is based on keywords rather than on a paper's title, author, or DOI. The service was founded in 2015 by Peter Kraker, a former scholarly communication researcher at Graz University of Technology.
- Mar 2022
Corona: Spitalsinzidenz bei Ungeimpften in Wien weitaus höher. (2021, December 7). https://kurier.at/wissen/gesundheit/corona-spitalsinzidenz-bei-ungeimpften-in-wien-weitaus-hoeher/401832469
- Feb 2022
4. What follows is the compilation of the basic catalog; that is, all book titles are copied on a piece of paper (whose pagina aversa must remain blank) according to a specifi c order, so that together with the title of every book and the name of the author, the place, year, and format of the printing, the volume, and the place of the same in the library is marked.
Benedictine abbot Franz Stephan Rautenstrauch (1734 – 1785) in creating the Catalogo Topographico for the Vienna University Library created a nine point instruction set for cataloging, describing, and ordering books which included using paper slips.
Interesting to note that the admonishment to leave the backs of the slips (pagina aversa), in the 1780's seems to make its way into 20th century practice by Luhmann and others.
In the Viennese university library, reopened in 1777, instructions for arranging the “ trea-sury of knowledge ” (Leibniz) advise installing books according to a “ sys-tematic plan of the sciences, and consequently according to the future library sections, ” so that every book can be found by means of the code Roman numeral / Roman letter / Arabic numeral (for example XIV.B.12). 2
- Rautenstrauch 1778, p. 172. The evident software command follows a deductive logic: the Latin numeral denotes a box, the Latin letter the drawer in the box, and the Arabic numeral the place of the book in the drawer.
The numbering system for books in the Viennese university library reopened in 1777 had a code system using a Roman numeral / Roman letter / Arabic numeral.
By 1777, the government of Lower Austria starts a renewed numbering of houses. “ As many new houses were built after the last conscription which have no number yet, this is also an opportunity for the rectifi cation of the house numbers. ” New entries are to be treated as follows: “ If for instance three new houses are found between numbers 12 and 13, the fi rst is to be 12a, the second 12b, the third 12c. ” 7 Moreover, the conscription decree further increases the depth of addressing, including “ women, Jews, and farm animals. ”
Starting with a decree by Her Majesty Maria Theresa on December 24, 1770 to create conscription numbers on Viennese houses and expanded in 1777, the government of Lower Austria created a number system to identify all houses as well as to men, women, Jews, and farm animals. Because new houses had been built since the beginning of the system houses built between whole numbered houses were assigned address including the whole number along with an alphabetic letter a, b, c, and so on depending on the number of new spaces.
It can't escape one's notice that this is substantially similar to the numbering system which Niklas Luhmann used for his zettelkasten.
- Mar 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Erich Neuwirth. (2020, November 11). #COVID19 #COVID19at https://t.co/9uudp013px Zu meinem heutigen Bericht sind Vorbemerkungen notwendig. Das EMS - aus dem kommen die Daten über positive Tests—Hat anscheinend ziemliche Probleme. Heute wurden viele Fälle nachgemeldet. In Wien gab es laut diesem [Tweet]. @neuwirthe. https://twitter.com/neuwirthe/status/1326556742113746950
- Dec 2020
josephmanfredi.georgetown.domains josephmanfredi.georgetown.domains
The first of two references to this song in commonplace books. That's a first! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wccRif2DaGs
mmd.georgetown.domains mmd.georgetown.domains
This is the 2nd mention of this song in Commonplace Books! You should this out!