323 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. these people already will have on very high incomes they'll have very high carbon Footprints and what they are often is unable to do is to see the way that they are living their lives as been deeply embedded in the problem

      for - carbon inequality - Kevin Anderson

  2. Jan 2025
    1. Doch eine Vielzahl von Studien hat herausgestellt, dass es vor allem die Allerreichsten sind, die auf Kosten der Allgemeinheit den Planeten zerstören.
    1. Die Angehörigen des reichsten Prozents der Weltbevölkerung haben bereits in den ersten zehn Tagen dieses Jahrs so viel Emissionen verursacht wie es jedem Menschen 2025 zustehen würde, wenn das 1,5°-Ziel erreicht werden soll. Menachen mit einem Gehalt von über 140.000 USD emittieren in 10 Tagen durchschnittlich 2,1 Tonnen CO2. Die Zahlen ergeben sich aus einer Untersuchung zur Carbon Inequality aus dem Jahr 2023 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2025/jan/10/worlds-richest-use-up-their-fair-share-of-2025-carbon-budget-in-10-days

  3. Dec 2024
    1. for - climate crisis - impact of Trump tariff strategy - increasing economic and carbon inequality and precarity for the masses - from - Youtube - Trump wants to crash to benefit the ultra wealthy - Trump's planning to crash the global economy - Richard J Murphy - 2024, Dec

      // - SUMMARY - Richard J Murphy provides us with a big picture of Trump's objective in his calculated Tariff strategy - It's not that it makes no sense and is a strategy of a madman - On the contrary, he has a very calculated and maniacal strategy that will result in significantly increasing the wealth of the elites - By creating high tariffs, he will bring about a global economic crash - Like the 2008 and 2020 crash, central banks will print trillions of dollars of money and handout bailouts - It is the elites who will receive these bailouts and inflate the value of their assets - This will - substantially increase the wealth of the rich - substantially increase the precarity of the vast majority of people - increase global inequality - financial inequality and - carbon inequality - This increased precarity is bad news for the climate crisis as a precarious population have less flexibility in reducing their carbon footprint and are more dependent than ever on whatever remain job and resources they still have - Given we have this knowledge of the elite's hidden strategy, can we the people intervene in any way? - We need to have an understanding of how elites see the world - The entire worldview of externalizing investment as a game of accumulation must be understood deeply - in order to find leverage points for rapid system change


    1. the richest are those who determine countries’ carbon emission levels.

      for - key insight - carbon inequality - the rich individuals of any country - are the ones most responsible for determining the carbon emissions of a country - adjacency - carbon inequality - wealthy - carbon emissions of individuals - carbon emissions of a country

      adjacency - between - carbon inequality - wealth inequality - the richest individuals of a country - the carbon emissions of a country - adjacency relationship - It's startling to draw the connection that - it is the wealthiest individuals in a country - that are most responsible for the bulk of a country's emissions!

    2. for - stats - carbon inequality - poorest 50% emit 12% - richest 10% emit 48% - Chancel, 2022

    1. Almost all of the climate discourse is framed in terms of economic transactions with carbon markets and carbon credits and carbon offsets and the market dynamics associated with them or with technology solutions that corporations can implement.

      for - climate crisis - climate communications - 2nd framing element - majority of discourse framed around economics of carbon markets - or green growth technological solutions from corporation's - Joe Brewer

  4. journals.librarypublishing.arizona.edu journals.librarypublishing.arizona.edu
    1. wareness of plunder from international trade and environmental load displacement,and the complaints over the disproportionate use of the oceans and the atmosphere by the rich to disposeof excessive amounts of carbon dioxide.
    1. Der CO2-Fußabdruck von Reichen und Superreichen wird von diesen selbst wie von.Ärmeren z.T. grotesk unterschätzt, wie eine in vier Ländern.durchgeführte Studie zeigt. So emittiert das reichste Prozent in den USA pro Person und Jahr durchschnittlich 269,3 Tonnen CO2. Sowohl von dieser Gruppe selbst wie von den Menschen der ärmeren Bevölkerungshälfte wird die Menge meist auf nur ca. 30 Tonnen geschätzt. Die Untersuchung ergibt auch, dass die Unterschätzung der carbon inequality mit weniger Unterstützung von Klimapolitik korreliert. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000236252/oekologischer-fussabdruck-von-reichen-wird-drastisch-unterschaetzt

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-024-02130-y

    1. Across all global land area, models underestimate positive trends exceeding 0.5 °C per decade in widening of the upper tail of extreme surface temperature distributions by a factor of four compared to reanalysis data and exhibit a lower fraction of significantly increasing trends overall.

      for - question - climate crisis - climate models underestimate warming in some areas up to 4x - what is the REAL carbon budget if adjusted to the real situation?

      question - climate crisis - climate models underestimate warming in some areas up to 4x<br /> - What is the REAL carbon budget if adjusted to the real situation? - If we have even less than 5 years remaining in our carbon budget, then how many years do we actually have to stay within 1.5 Deg C?

    1. If we are underestimating, then does that mean our carbon budget figures are too high and we don't have 5 years of carbon budget remaining at the BAU rate, but significantly less?

      for - climate crisis - models are underestimating as much as 4x - question - does our current remaining carbon budget of 5 years BAU need to be reduced?

  5. Nov 2024
    1. working group three does exons and the fossil fuel companies for them by delaying action by stuffing their models full of all sorts of spuris pseudo Tech to mean we don't have to do things by well but now by the literally within a few years I mean what really matters now is what we actually do between now and 2030 that's the time frame of action not the time frame to bring about action the time frame in which to act

      for - climate crisis - IPCC - working group 3 - Oil companies delay action through fake Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) technologies - We need to act before 2030 - CDR technologies create inaction now when we most need it - Kevin Anderson

    1. A study published in Nature Climate Change estimated a reduction of 17% in daily emissions in early April 2020 (Figure 1). Greenhouse gas emissions had a reduction of 17 percent from a year earlier on April 7. At the time, China, the United States, India, and other major carbon-emitting countries were all at high levels of quarantine. Overall, daily carbon dioxide emissions decreased by an average of 8.6% between January and April compared to the same period in 2019 (Figure 1).

      for - stats - carbon emissions reduction during covid - decarbonization rate - 17% in early April 2020 and 8.6% average between Jan and Apr 2020 compared to same period in 2019

    1. CO2 emissions from buildings operations have reached an all-time high of around 10 GtCO2, around a 5% increase from 2020 and 2% higher than the previous peak in 2019.

      iI summary, the worldwide emissions share for the construction of buildings, including both operational emissions and embodied emissions from materials production, is estimated to be around 37% of global CO2 emissions in 2021.

    1. Eine neue Studie bestätigt, dass die Hauptursache des immer schnelleren Anstiegs des Methan-Gehalts der Atmosphäre die Aktivität von Mikroaorganismen ist, die durch die globale Erhitzung zunimmt. Damit handelt es sich um einen Feedback-Mechanismus, durch den sich die globale Erhitzung selbst verstärkt. https://taz.de/Zu-viel-Methan-in-der-Atmosphaere/!6045201/

      Studie: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2411212121

      Vorangehende Studien: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-023-01629-0, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-022-01296-7.epdf?sharing_token=CDMa5-ti34UNBqv3kfuCB9RgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0NZRKXEI-7kyXEEvNI7duu65JLcZpmhGxWTeSfYcMCqxqYk5nUrdR60izmjToMNw56RgBqIcn3JXKxSjx13vmB9ZYndGTUMt-52Vs7HT_T6K9Oth4QFRyP51eOpz8pV8l65HFDo2VSfQ6xDXklMtmvt-HGwltAINb_2xgmtAR-V4g%3D%3D&tracking_referrer=taz.de

  6. Oct 2024
    1. Erstmals wurde genau erfasst, welcher Teil der von Waldbränden betroffenen Gebiete sich auf die menschlich verursachte Erhitzung zurückführen lässt. Er wächst seit 20 Jahren deutlich an. Insgesamt kompensieren die auf die Erhitzung zurückgehenden Waldbrände den Rückgang an Bränden durch Entwaldung. Der von Menschen verursachte – und für die Berechnung von Schadensansprüchen relevante – Anteil der CO2-Emissione ist damit deutlich höher als bisher angenommen https://www.carbonbrief.org/climate-change-almost-wipes-out-decline-in-global-area-burned-by-wildfires/

    1. Cakedinkmayberemovedwithtypeputty,alcohol,carbontetrachloride,oroneoftheproprietarydry-cleaningfluids,appliedwithabrush.Pressthetypeputtyontothetype,peelitoff,andthecakedinkcomeswithit.Ifyouusealiquid,firstliftthetypeandputpaperunderitto prevent dirt from dripping into the machine. When using type-cleaning fluid, be sure toWipe the type dry with a cloth before using the place paper under type to prevent dirt frommachine again.

      dry cleaning solvents in 1941 were likely Varsol or Stoddard's Formula.

      compare to trichloroethane<br /> https://hypothes.is/a/EyBIAFXAEe-AcP-Atlj_aQ

      Note discontinuation of carbon tetrachloride<br /> https://hypothes.is/a/bfdi_I90Ee-OQLN0HpsE7Q

    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_tetrachloride

      Carbon tetrachloride or carbon tet is a non-flammable, dense, colorless liquid which was often used as a cleaning agent in the mid 1900s, but was phased out due to safety and environmental concerns. High exposure can affect the central nervous system and cause damage to the liver and kidneys. Prolonged exposure can be fatal.

    2. Zilphia Horton (1910–1956), American musician and activist who died from accidentally drinking a glass full of carbon tetrachloride-based typewriter cleaning fluid that she mistook for water.[82]

      Glen, John M. (1996). Highlander: No Ordinary School, 2nd ed. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. p. 138.

    1. Finnland hatte sich beim Ziel der CO2-Neutralität 2035 darauf verlassen, dass große Mengen von CO2 von Wäldern, Böden und Feuchtgebieten absorbiert werden. Inzwischen ist das Land dort keine Kohlenstoffsenke mehr. Dazu trägt die globale Erhitzung selbst bei, durch die viele Bäume sterben, aber auch die Abholzung des Waldes. Finnland ist ein Beispiel für die Schwächung der ländlichen Kohlenstoffsenken, von der viele Länder betroffen sind. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/15/finland-emissions-target-forests-peatlands-sinks-absorbing-carbon-aoe

    1. 2023 haben Böden und Landpflanzen fast kein CO2 absorbiert. Dieser Kollaps der Landsenken vor allem durch Dürren und Waldbrände wurde in diesem Ausmaß kaum vorausgesehen, und es ist nicht klar, ob auf ihn eine Regeneration folgt. Er stellt Klimamodelle ebenso in Frage wie die meisten nationalen Pläne zum Erreichen von CO2-Neutralität, weil sie auf natürlichen Senken an Land beruhen. Es gibt Anzeichen dafür, dass die steigenden Temperaturen inzwischen auch die CO2-Aufnahmefähigkeit der Meere schwächen. Überblicksartikel mit Links zu Studien https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/14/nature-carbon-sink-collapse-global-heating-models-emissions-targets-evidence-aoe

    1. Noch nie ist die CO2-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre so stark gestiegen wie im vergangenen Jahr, nämlich um 3,37 parts per million (PPM). Die Konzentration liegt jetzt bei 422 PPM. Vor allem die sehr geringe CO2-Aufnahme durch Ozean- und Landsenken hat diese Steigerung verursacht https://taz.de/Hiobsbotschaft-fuers-Klima/!6040258/

    1. Viele CO2-Kompensationsgeschäfte mit chinesischen Firmen, die Bestätigungen für angebliche „upstream emission reduction“ anbieten, sind vermutlich betrügerisch. Durch die Anrechnung solcher angeblicher Reduktionen haben österreichische Firmen wie die OMV, Shell Austria und MOL Austria versucht, den vorgeschriebenen Anteil von 13% erneuerbare Energie in ihren Produkten zu erreichen. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat eine entsprechende Anzeige des österreichischen Klimaschutzministeriums bisher nicht weiter verfolgt, die beweislage ist aber deutlich. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000239520/millionen-betrugsverdacht-rund-um-co2-ausgleichsgeschaefte-mit-china-weitet-sich-aus

    1. The price we pay for this salutary change is, no doubt, great.

      for - quote / critique - The price we pay for this salutary change is, no doubt, great - Andrew Carnegie

      quote / critique - The price we pay for this salutary change is, no doubt, great - Andrew Carnegie - Carnegie goes on to write that the great freedoms offered by industrial mass production has an unavoidable price to be paid - Successful manufacturing and production cooperatives, B-Corporations, worker-owned companies, etc have disproved that it is an either-or situation. - Consider the case of the Spanish manufacturing giant, Mondragon, a federation of worker cooperatives employing 70,000 people located in Spain - where this price is NOT paid - Carnegie's essay reflects a perspective based on the time when he was alive - Were Carnegie alive today to witness the natural conclusion of his trend of progress in the Anthropocene, he would witness - extreme pollution levels of industrial mass production threatening to destabilize human civilization itself - astronomical wealth inequality - And these two are linked: - wealth inequality - a handful of elites have the same wealth as the bottom half of humanity - carbon inequality - that same handful pollutes as much as the bottom half of humanity

      to - Mondragon cooperative - explore - https://hyp.is/GeIKao1rEe-9jA_97_KRBg/exploremondragon.com/en/ - Oxfam wealth and carbon inequality reports - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=oxfam

    1. 1962 Vintage IBM Typewriter Training Film IBM Selectric Proper Typing Procedures, w/ Bud McDole by [[Computer History Archives Project]]

      Right at the Typewriter. 16 mm. San Francisco, CA: KQED, 1962. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPfHAW_OfGo.

      On manual typewriters one "snaps" the keys while on an electric keyboard one "taps" the keys for maximum speed and accuracy.

      Overview of functionality of an IBM typewriter.

      To add longevity to one's carbon papers they should be rotated both top to bottom and front to back within one's packs.

      Use plastic type cleaner, meant for cleaning type slugs, to clean the excess ink from a typewriter. Form it into a point and press it to the letter to erase several times. Then erase with eraser shield and eraser.

      To type to the very bottom of the page, particularly with a carbon pack, to prevent slippage at the bottom, insert a "trailer sheet" about halfway down the first page. Insert it at the back of the pack just behind the original and between the first carbon sheet.

      For typing small sheets of paper (index cards) fold a pleat into a regular sheet of paper and use the lip to hold the smaller sheet you're typing on.

      To more quickly type envelopes, do the first then reverse the platen so that only about an inch of the top of the envelope is visible. Then insert the next envelope behind the first and continue reversing the platen. This will allow the finished envelopes to stack at the paper table and speed the threading and typing of envelopes in rapid succession.

      Use of the divots on the typing guide for making horizontal or vertical lines while moving the carriage or rotating the platen respectively.

      How to change the typeball and the ribbon cartridge on the IBM selectric.

  7. Sep 2024
    1. Die Methanemissionen haben einer neuen Studie zufolge 2020 mit 400 Millionen Tonnen einen Rekordwert erreicht. In den vergangenen 5 Jahren sind sie schneller gewachsen als je zuvor seit Beginn der Industrialisierung. Zwei Drittel der Methan-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre sind menschlich verursacht. Ein Drittel der Erderhitzung seit der vorindustriellen Zeit geht auf Methan zurück. Die Ziele des 2021 von EU und USA initiierten Global Methane Pledge seien, so einer der Autoren, so fern wie eine Oase in der Wüste. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/climat-lhumanite-est-desormais-responsable-de-deux-tiers-des-emissions-mondiales-de-methane-20240910_WAPRSVRKVNFABEPS55M46JCGDE/

      Studie: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ad6463

    1. Die Fossilindustrie finanziert seit Jahrzehten Universitäten und fördert damit Publikationen in ihrem Interesse, z.B. zu false solutions wie #CCS. Hintergrundbericht anlässlich einer neuen Studie: https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/sep/05/universities-fossil-fuel-funding-green-energy

      Studie: https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.904

  8. Aug 2024
    1. Advanced Typing - Shortcuts (1943)

      Advanced Typing: Shortcuts. 16 mm. Vol. MN-1512c. United States Navy Training Film, 1943. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUJfCfqgsX0.

      Correct typing posture: fingers curved<br /> arms sloping up<br /> light fast strokes<br /> steady rhythm

      fast continuous motion of return lever<br /> using backing sheet (aka temping sheet ??)

      Shortcuts:<br /> mise en place for office supplies (she doesn't use this phrasing though) - greater efficiency - cuts down on searching

      tabulators can be helpful. There are two types:<br /> - automatic - handset

      Use tabs for paragraphs, dating letters, columns of numbers, and letter closings.

      To clear all tab stops, put carriage to left, hold tab clear key and move the carriage across. (Usually applies to Royal, Remington, Underwood, and Electromatic).

      On LC Smith and Woodstock machines sometimes have a tab clear lever on the back.

      Decimal tabulator keys help to align a variety of numbers around a decimal point.

      Always have a few tabs set to prevent a flying carriage which can be hard on the machine.

      When using carbon sheets which are slightly longer than the paper size, cut off a small triangle at the top left hand side. This makes it easier for one to separate the carbons from the copies by holding the top left with one hand and pulling the carbons out from the bottom of the stack.

      To align multiple sheets of paper for carbon copies, use a folded sheet at the top to taco the pages into the machine. Remove the folded sheet once the carbon pack is rolled forward.

      Paper bail rollers should be set to split the pages into thirds (for two rollers).

      Remington noiseless machines have a pressure indicator on the front of the machine (usually above the keyboard) which can be used when using thick carbon packs that may cause the ribbon guide to stick or bind.

      Only erase when the carriage is fully left or right to prevent eraser crumbs from falling into the machine.

      Use a soft eraser on carbon copies. Use and insert slips of paper behind the carbons and allowing them to stick out the sides, erasing from back sheet to front so as not to allow the eraser to mark your carbon copies. For the front sheet, use a shield and ink eraser and erase with a horizontal motion. After erasing, easily pull out the inserted sheets.

      When typing a correction, tap the key lightly two or three times rather than hard once.

      When in a rush and it's necessary to add a word (on double spacing), underline the last letter of the prior word and type a slash (/). Then move the typing line up and type the insertion above the prior line. This creates an "arrow" of sorts for the inserted word.

      Details for inserting extra letters in misspelled words using half-spacing machines. (Underwoods and Electromatics don't have this function.)

      Light pencil marks at the bottom of the sheet can help to indicate the coming bottom of the sheet.

      Putting up the card holders (fingers) on Underwoods and Royals. They help to hold the card and improve print quality and reduce noise.

      Card holders can cause markings on carbon packs if they're not lowered.

      Trick for quickly writing postcards in succession: Disengage the ratchet using the platen spring release (or variable platen switch) Type the address on the front of the card. When done give the platen a quick practiced spin. The postcard with "jump" up and stop at the paper table and be in position for rolling in the opposite direction to write the message on the back of the card! When done a faster spin of the platen will shoot the card over the back of the typewriter where it can land in a box to collect all the postcards which were written in such a manner. <br /> timestamp 23:22

      Time saving methods for addressing envelopes:

      • Front seat principle. Insert the envelope in the usual way and type out the address. When done, turn the envelope down through the machine with the right hand. With the left hand, place the next envelope between the top of the first envelope and the front of the platen. Feed the first envelope back through the machine (in reverse) and the second will be rolled in to place for typing. Continue in this fashion until finished. All the finished envelopes will stack up in the back at the paper table.

      • Chain feeding. The first envelope is inserted and rolled partway into the machine. A second envelope is inserted between the platen and the second envelope (behind the platen). Turn the first envelope to the writing line and type the address. Take out the first envelope and insert the next the same way as before.

      • Uses paper bail. Do the first envelope in the usual way. Spin it out of the machine up and behind the paper bail into a box behind the typewriter.

      For quickly doing labels or small cards:<br /> Create a small zig-zag fold into a piece of paper to create a pocket slot which can be scotch taped on either side. This template paper can then be inserted so that the pocket is visible above the writing line, but the paper below it is still in the platen. The label or card can be placed into the pocket and the platen reversed to feed the label or card in backwards to the desired typing line. Using a v-groove or hole in the typing line can create a pencil line to serve as a guide for inserting many labels at the same place so that the typing lines up between labels.

      Some offices had special platens for holding cards like this.

      Pockets like this can also be used to hold the page to add additional lines at the bottom of pages. Deeper pockets may need to be used for doing this with carbon packs whose carbons are longer than the pages.

      Alternately one can do something similar by creating a inverted u-shaped set of slits into an index card. to hold such labels.

      When in the midst of a page and needing to do another piece urgently, roll back the letter until about 2 inches from the top, and then place in the new page and one between each of the carbons. Then roll forward to do the short message as necessary. Turn back to the insertion position to remove the copies and then continue with the first letter where you left off.

      For drawing horizontal lines on typewriter paper, push the carriage to the extreme left and place the pencil or pen at the edge of the card guide and the scale. Then move the carriage to the right to effect the line. For vertical lines, put the carriage at the desired space and place the pencil at the card guide and scale and move the platen up/down as necessary.

    1. “Building housing in existing communities is one of our best climate solutions, and paving over 17,000 acres of non-irrigated farmland is not,

      for - sustainable building - building reuse vs new build - which is better? - California Forever - intentional community - green debate

      sustainable building - building reuse vs new build - which is better? - Study by Preservation Green Lab in 2012 concluded that in most cases, reusing existing buildings is far lower carbon footprint than building new - Research study shows that we cannot expand human activity into intact nature any longer if we are to stay within planetary boundaries - Rockstrom - https://hyp.is/0dbJ4FQSEe-QxY8q4Y3yvw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaboF3vAsZs

  9. Jul 2024
    1. for - urban agriculture - 2024 study - 6x carbon footprint as conventional agriculture

      summary - The results are not surprising. It is the infrastructure used to build the urban agriculture system that has the greatest carbon footprint - This can be lowered dramatically by - having longer lasting UA projects - having larger scale projects - reusing urban demolition waste materials to build UA systems

      from - search - Google - 2024 percentage of carbon emissions from food system - https://www.google.com/search?q=2024+percentage+of+carbon+emissions+from+food+system&sca_esv=9d5b952a18faf0f8&sxsrf=ADLYWIIlye-Qwjiqr8aEdCoiJshs-88Yqw%3A1720874425938&ei=uXWSZvvuOMjXhbIP-YeX6Aw&ved=0ahUKEwi7r_HmhKSHAxXIa0EAHfnDBc0Q4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=2024+percentage+of+carbon+emissions+from+food+system&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiNDIwMjQgcGVyY2VudGFnZSBvZiBjYXJib24gZW1pc3Npb25zIGZyb20gZm9vZCBzeXN0ZW0yChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEcyChAAGLADGNYEGEdI3A5QmwhYpA1wAXgBkAEAmAGUA6AB6QiqAQUzLTIuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCAaACBJgDAIgGAZAGCJIHATGgB6IR&sclient=gws-wiz-serp - search results returned of interest - Food from urban agriculture has carbon footprint 6 times - A new study finds that fruits and vegetables grown in urban farms and gardens have a carbon footprint that is, on average, six times greater . - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/01/240122140408.htm

    1. in completely hijacking the the global car carbon cycle now you know the temperature 00:42:19 of the planet in in the future and the pH of the oceans and the oxygen levels in uh the oceans is no longer you know determined 00:42:32 by Earth system processes like it has been for all of Earth history it is um fundamentally rooted through human institutions

      for - quote - carbon cycle - hijacked by political institutions and business

      quote - carbon cycle - hijacked by political and business institutions - (see below) - In completely hijacking the global car carbon cycle now - the temperature of the planet - the pH of the oceans and - the oxygen levels in the oceans - are no longer determined by Earth system processes like it has been for all of Earth history - it is fundamentally rooted in human institutions - There really isn't any disentangling the the science from the the political

      adjacency - between - carbon cycle - human processes - politics and business - adjacency relationship - The carbon cycle is no longer controlled by earth system processes, - as it has been for billions of years, - but rather by human processes of politics and business

  10. Jun 2024
    1. As the International Energy Agency recently reported, the top 10% of emitters accounted for nearly half of global CO₂ emissions from energy use in 2021, compared with 0.2% for the bottom 10%

      Die 10% der Weltbevölkerung mit den höchsten pro-Kopf-Emissionen sind für etwa die Hälfte des Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen durch den Energieverbrauch verantwortlich. Die 10% mit den niedrigsten Emissionen verursachen nur 0,2% der gesamten energiebezogenen Emissionen. Kevin Anderson fasst eine der Aussagen eines Kommentars von IEA Mitarbeiter:innen zusammen.

    1. for - paper

      paper - title: Carbon Consumption Patterns of Emerging Middle Class - year: 2020 - authors: Never et al.

      summary - This is an important paper that shows the pathological and powerful impact of the consumer story to produce a continuous stream of consumers demanding a high carbon lifestyle - By defining success in terms of having more stuff and more luxurious stuff, it sets the class transition up for higher carbon consumption - The story is socially conditioned into every class, ensuring a constant stream of high carbon emitters. - It provides the motivation to - escape poverty into the lower middle class - escape the lower middle class into the middle class - escape the middle class into the middle-upper class - escape the middle-upper class into the upper class - With each transition, average carbon emissions rise - Unless we change this fundamental story that measures success by higher and higher levels of material consumption, along with their respectively higher carbon footprint, we will not be able to stay within planetary boundaries in any adequate measure - The famous Oxfam graphs that show that - 10% of the wealthiest citizens are responsible for 50% of all emissions - 1% of the wealthiest citizens are responsible for 16% of all emissions, equivalent to the bottom 66% of emissions - but it does not point out that the consumer story will continue to create this stratification distribution

      from - search - google - research which classes aspire to a high carbon lifestyle? - https://www.google.com/search?q=research+which+classes+aspire+to+a+high+carbon+lifestyle%3F&oq=&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgGECMYJxjqAjIJCAAQIxgnGOoCMgkIARAjGCcY6gIyCQgCECMYJxjqAjIJCAMQIxgnGOoCMgkIBBAjGCcY6gIyCQgFECMYJxjqAjIJCAYQIxgnGOoCMgkIBxAjGCcY6gLSAQk4OTE5ajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 - search results returned of salience - Carbon Consumption Patterns of Emerging Middle Classes- This discussion paper aims to help close this research gap by shedding light on the lifestyle choices of the emerging middle classes in three middle-income ... - https://www.idos-research.de/uploads/media/DP_13.2020.pdf

    1. Ein Report zum Stand der Dinge bei der Entfernung von CO2 aus der Atmosphäre (CO2 Removal) ist in der zweiten Version erschienen. Insgesamt ist die CO2-Menge, die mit anderen Mitteln als der Wiederaufforstung im Pflanzen von Bäumen aus der Atmosphäre entfernt wird, extrem gering. Der Bericht kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Pariser Klimaziele ohne CDR unerreichbar sein werden, dass aber CDR ohne deutlich mehr Investitionen und eine schnelle Verringerung von Treibhausgasemissionen wirkungslos bleiben wird. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000222642/treibhausgase-aus-der-atmosphaere-saugen-wo-wir-bei-der-co2-entnahme-stehen

    1. At present, much of the demand for CDR is coming from voluntary commitments by companies to buy carbon removal credits
    2. Currently just 2 billion tons of CO2 are being removed by CDR per year, mostly through conventional methods like tree planting.
    1. In fact, capturing CO2 from ethanol production is so easy that ethanol production is the biggest source of purified CO2 in the US, and the second biggest source in Europe. This is where we source the CO2 that we use in fizzy drinks, food production, fire extinguishers, etc.

      Interesting. I thought it was Steam Reformed Methane

    2. In fact, capturing CO2 from ethanol production is so easy that ethanol production is the biggest source of purified CO2 in the US, and the second biggest source in Europe. This is where we source the CO2 that we use in fizzy drinks, food production, fire extinguishers, etc.

      Interesting. I thought it was Steam Reformed Methane

    1. He is referring to a mechanism SAP first tested in 2016 across 10 countries. This prices CO2 (from €40 to €400 per ton; depending on the flight and its distance) to release money for sustainability initiatives, as SAP ramps up not just its own internal decarbonisation programme (it aims to reach net zero by 2030) but continues to build out a suite of sustainability products for its expansive customer base.

      SAP have been using internal carbon pricing, for nearly ten years, and they are sophisticated enough to have different prices even within aviation

  11. May 2024
    1. Well said. But then why are so many prominent voices, business interests, and documentaries about Regenerative Ag pitching wildly unrealistic levels of carbon removal as the primary benefit?

      for post comment - LinkedIn - carbon sequestration - Jonathan Foley - Regenerative Agriculture

    1. Der Bezos Earth Fund wird bis zum Ende des Jahrzehnts 10 Milliarden Dollar für den Kampf gegen die Klima und die Biodiversitätskrise zur Verfügung stellen. Die Mittel des Fonds geben ihm enormen Einfluss. Viele in der NGOs Szene sehen die Politik des Fonds als Gefährdung für die Unabhängigkeit der von ihm geförderten Organisationen. Der Guardian berichtet anlässlich einer Preisverleihung kritisch vor allem über das Engagement des Fonds für CO2 Kompensationen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/20/jeff-bezos-earth-fund-carbon-offsets-climate-sector-uneasy-aoe

    1. Erschienen: 2024-05-08 Genre: Studien-Report Die Autor:innen des neuen Global Electricity Reports des Thinktanks Ember gehen davon aus, dass 2023 der Höhepunkt der Treibhausgas-Emissionen durch die Stromerzeugunng erreicht wurde. Erstmals stammten 30% des weltweit erzeugten Stroms aus erneuerbaren Energien. Hinzu kommen fast 10% Strom aus Kernkraft. Die Kohlendioxidemissionen aus der Stromerzeugung erreichten allerdings ebenfalls einen Rekord, weil der Strombedarf stieg.<br /> https://www.zeit.de/wissen/umwelt/2024-05/gruener-strom-klimapolitik-energiewende-klimaschutz

    1. Die wirtschaftlichen Schäden durch die globale Erhitzung sind sechsmal größer als bisher angenommen und vergleichbar mit denen eines andauernden Kriegs. Ein Prozent Temperaturanstieg verringert einem – noch nicht peer-reviewten – Arbeitspapier des amerikanischen National Bureau of Economic Research zufolge das weltweite Bruttosozialprodukt um 12%. Ein Temperaturanstieg bis 2100 um 3° wird Kapital und Verbrauch im Vergleich zu einer Welt ohne Erhitzung um 50% senken. Ohne die bisherige globale Erhitzung wäre die die weltweite Kaufkraft schon jetzt 37% höher. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/17/economic-damage-climate-change-report

    1. Seit dem Pariser Abkommen finanzierten die 60 größten Banken 425 fossile Großprojekte - sogenannte carbon bombs mit einem zu erwartenden CO2-Ausstoß von jeweils über einer Gigatonne - mit insgesamt 1,8 Billionen Dollar. Der Standard-Artikel geht auf ein Projekt zurück, bei dem Daten des Carbon Bombs-Projekts, des Global Energy Monitor und von Banking on Climate Chaos ausgewertet und visualisiert werden. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000193065/billionenkredite-fuer-fossile-grossprojekte-wie-banken-die-klimakrise-mitfinanzieren

      Bericht/Visualisierung: https://www.carbonbombs.org/

    1. Der Artikel im Guardian stellt eine neue Studie dar, aus der hervorgeht, wie viel von der bereits existierenden Infrastruktur zur Förderung fossiler Brennstoff stillgelegt werden muss, um das 1,5° Ziel zu erreichen. Dabei geht die Autoren davon aus, dass man CO2 nicht realistisch wieder aus der Atmosphäre entfernen kann, und dass das 1,5° Ziel also nur zu erreichen ist, wenn nicht zu viel emittiert wird. Diese Studie fordert das Gegenteil der Planungen der fossilen Industrien, über der über die der Guardian gerade berichtet hatte. Der Artikel ist auch bemerkenswert, weil er auf eine Reihe weiterer wichtiger Studien zu fossilen Lagerstätten verweist.

    1. Im nördlichen Amazonasgebiet versuchen Firmen, ein Geschäft aus der Wiederaufforstung zu machen und Carbon Credits für durch Bäume absorbiertes CO2 zu verkaufen. Vielfach wird erwartet, dass die Carbon Credits lukrativer sein werden als die Verwendung des Landes für die Viehzucht. Reportage der New York Times über die in vielen problematische Praxis, unter anderem auch über die Schwierigkeiten, die Wirkung der Bäume zu messen. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/02/climate/amazon-reforestation.html

    1. In den Ländern, die sich in Paris 2015 einer Initiative gegen das Verbrennen von nicht genutztem Erdgas (flaring) angeschlossen hatten, wird das Verbrennen mit offener Flamme oft nur durch Verbrennung in geschlossenen Anlagen ersetzt, wie eine investigative journalistische Recherche ergab. Die Menge der Emissionen sinkt dadurch nicht wesentlich, aber diese Anlagen sind für Satelliten nicht äußerlich erkennbar. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/may/02/methane-emissions-gas-flaring-hidden-satellite-monitors-oil-gas

      Ressourcen für die Recherche zu Methan-Emissionen: https://gijn.org/resource/new-tools-investigate-methane-emissions/

  12. Apr 2024
    1. Rangelands are also importantpools of soil organic carbon stored in soil and vegetation(figure A-4). On a global basis, 9.1 billion ac (3.7 billion ha)of rangeland stores about 20–25percentof the total global terrestrial carbon (306–330 Petagramsof organic carbon and 470–550 Petagramsof inorganic carbon) (A petagram (Pg) is a unit of mass equal to 1015grams) (Batjes 1996; Kimble et al. 2001). On rangelands, carbon sequestration dynamics are quite complex, and estimation of rates and amounts are systematically more difficult than cultivated croplands (Schuman et al. 2002). This is because rangelands havemore heterogeneous soilcharacteristics, wide daily temperature fluctuations, intermittent precipitation, and diverse vegetation life and growth forms(productivity,root-shoot ratios, herbivore use, and imposed disturbance and management practices).(ii) Globally, forests (1.2–1.4 Pg Carbonyr-1) and cropland (0.4–1.2 Pg Carbonyr-1) have the largest potentials for sequestering carbon,although grazinglands (range and pasturelands) can contribute up to 10percentof the overall terrestrial sink capacity. On a global perspective, rangelands occupy about half of the world’s land area, 10percentof the terrestrial biomass, and 10–30percentof the soil organic carbon (Schlesinger 1997). An average estimate of globallysequestered soil carbon on rangelands is 0.5 Pg Carbonyr-1(Schlesinger 1997; Scurlock and Hall 1998). Table A-3shows global and U.S. potential carbon storage for varied terrestrial biomes.
  13. Mar 2024
    1. for - liberal blind spot - Chris Yates - book - liberalism and the challenge of climate change - adjacency - liberalism - individual liberty - progress - bond spot - political polarization - fuel for the right -hyperobjects

      Summary - This short article contains some key insights that point to the right climate communication strategy to target and win over the working class - Currently, climate communications speak to elitist values and is having the opposite effect - The working class farmer protests spreading across the EU is a symptom of this miscommunication strategy - as is the increasing support and ascendency of right wing political parties - Researcher and author Chris Yates is in a unique position with one foot in each world - He articulates his insightful ideas and points is in the right direction to communicate in a way that reaches the working class

      comment - the figure 4 graph is an example of carbon inequality

      Example - carbon inequality - see figure 4

    1. Die vom deutschen Bundeswirtschaftsminister Habeck verkündete Carbon-Management-Strategie erlaubt CCS auch bei Gaskraftwerken, bei denen es aber nicht gefördert werden soll. Vorgesehen ist ein Pipeline-System zur Speicherung von CO<sub>2</sub> im Boden des deutschen Teils der Nordsee. Der BUND-Vorsitzende Olaf Brandt sprach davon, dass Habeck damit eine Büchse der Pandora öffne. Durch die Strategie wird eine kommerzielle CCS-Infrastruktur möglich, von der die Gasindustrie profitiert. https://taz.de/Habecks-CO2-Speicherplaene/!5991971/

  14. Feb 2024
    1. Eine neue Studie der Universität für Bodenkultur beziffert erstmals, wieviel Kohlenstoff zwischen 1900 und 2015 langfristig oder kurzfristig in menschlichen Artefakten wie Gebäuden gespeichert wurde. Die Menge des dauerhaft gespeicherten Kohlenstoffs hat sich seit 1900 versechzehnfacht. Sie reicht aber bei weitem nicht aus, um die globale Erhitzung wirksam zu beeinflussen. Die Möglichkeiten, Boot in Gebäuden zu nutzen, um der Atmosphäre CO2 zu entziehen, werden bisher nicht genutzt. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000208522/co2-entnahme-durch-holzbau-ist-bisher-nicht-relevant-fuer-den-klimaschutz

      Studie: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ad236b

    1. The Inventory of Embodied Carbon and Energy 2019 says ‘general stone’

      for - stats - carbon footprint of stone, steel, concrete

      stats - carbon footprint - stone, steel , concrete - ( see below)

      • The Inventory of Embodied Carbon and Energy 2019 says carbon footprint of the following building materials are:
        • ‘General stone’ - 0.079kg carbon per kg .
        • Concrete - 0.15kg carbon per kg and
        • Steel - 2.8kg carbon per kg.
    1. Der CO<sub>2</sub>-Gehalt der Atmosphäre wird 2024 weiter steigen, so dass die vom IPCC erarbeiteten Pfade, um das 1,5°-Ziel einzuhalten, nicht mehr eingehalten werden können. Das ergibt sich aus einer Studie des britischen Met Office, die sich auf die Daten des Mauna Loa-Observatoriums in Hawai stützt. (Die obere Grenze der Unsicherheitsbereiche dieser Pfade ist erreicht, selbst wenn der El-Niño-Einfluss abgezogen wird. Ein Einhalten der Pfade würde ein sofortiges Absinken des CO<sub>2</sub>-Gehalts erfordern.) https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat-les-concentrations-de-co2-cette-annee-menacent-la-limite-de-15c-daugmentation-globale-des-temperatures-20240119_6JIALPQDBNADFGNHS4MVDXR5QA/?redirected=1

      Animation: https://youtu.be/RYPDvTWDi0E?si=wWEUnypFxQO8M9D7

      Bericht: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/climate/seasonal-to-decadal/long-range/forecasts/co2-forecast-for-2024

    1. Eine Empfehlung des Zusammenschlusses nationaler Akademien der Wissenschaften und eine zusammenfassende Studie zum globalen Plastiksystem empfehlen die Reduktion des Verbrauchs um 50% und eine Reihe weiterer Schritte wie das fast vollständige Recycling von Plastik und die Produktion aus Biomaterialien. Anlass sind die Verhandlungen zum internationalen Plastikabkommen. Plastikproduktion und Verbrauch führen schon jetzt – abgesehen von zahlreichen anderen negativen Folgen – zu Emissionen von ca einer Gigatonne CO2 im Jahr. Ohne drastische Änderungen wird sich diese Menge vervielfachen. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000205422/wissenschaft-fordert-radikale-abkehr-von-herkoemmlicher-plastikproduktion

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06939-z.epdf?sharing_token=-UPbgMcUGHbtK4Uscd0XZdRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0MMo2Wo13ejTIFhNPD522LiogzEIVWxfHy01bK9MbFLdv59qFdQ73NDNguF2Bf0icTMUsLgWI2hE3OyG7VDGuf_3LODlHS0WEkABpLs5LAtVCiW0_JyVU7n_UL0EP7LiRS0q6s0fIpcIjaEfVFyDe4cez-4KdfAAphy-2weBUevmIZv9sURtFCEk7-LtaOTCmM%3D&tracking_referrer=www.derstandard.de

  15. Jan 2024
    1. “If we can afford to fly around just for the sake of collecting countries and leaving a massive carbon footprint, then we are rich enough to afford to pay back somehow,”

      for - carbon emissions - flying to every country

      comment - Exactly how is this justified with 5 years on the climate clock left?

    1. Ein neuer Standard für Caroen Credits verzichtet auf das Konzept einer angeblichen CO2-Neutralität durch sogenannte Carbon Offsets. Stattdessen werden nur Beiträge zu einer tatsächlicher Reduktion der CO2 Emissionen akzeptiert. Dass viele Unternehmen sich an diesem Standard orientieren wollen, hängt auch damit zusammen, das Gerichtsverfahren gegen wahrheitswidrige Behauptungen von CO2 Neutralität begonnen wurden.https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/10/carbon-offsetting-environmental-claims-aoe

    1. Der Chef des größten Zertifizierers sogenannter Carbon Offsets ist zurückgetreten. Erst vor kurzem hatte eine Analyse des Guardia, der ZEIT und weiterer Publikationen ergeben, dass die Kompensationen für das Emittieren von Treibhausgasen, die von Verra zertifiziert wurden und werden, weitgehend nicht mit realen Emissionsminderungen verbunden sind. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/23/ceo-of-worlds-biggest-carbon-credit-provider-says-he-is-resigning

    1. Das neueste Update zum Global Carbon Budget ergibt, dass die CO2-Emissionen sich auf einem Rekordhoch Bewegungen. Der Anstieg hat sich leicht verlangsamt. 2023 lagen die Emissionen aus fossilen Quellen bei 36,8 Gt CO2 und damit etwa 1,1% über denen des Vorjahres. Mit 50% Wahrscheinlichkeit wird die 1,5°-Grenze in etwa 7 Jahren dauerhaft überschritten. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000198140/co2-emissionen-erreichen-neuen-hoechststand

      Global Carbon Budget 2023: https://globalcarbonbudget.org/carbonbudget2023/

    1. It doesn’t matter if *you* believe in climate change or not… Because Insurance companies believe in climate change. And so you're *already* paying for the costs of climate breakdown
      • for: climate denial - insurance companies will make everyone pay, climate deniers - will pay carbon tax - via insurance, carbon tax - climate deniers
  16. Dec 2023
    1. There is now as big a disparity in carbon emissions within countries as there is between them
      • for: carbon emissions - within and between countries, Southern-North, Northern-South, Local North, Local South, Global North - Global South terminology - improving

      • comment

        • The wealth and carbon inequality both between and within countries can be better articulated using terminology developed by Stop Reset Go
          • Southern-North
          • Northern-South
          • Local North
          • Local South
      • reference

    2. Almost by definition this would significantly alleviate poverty, as society’s resources will need to move from furnishing the relative luxuries of people like me (along with Elon Musk and Bill Gates) and be mobilised to decarbonise every facet of society. And all this in two decades tops
      • for: climate crisis - resource flow, carbon budget - resource flow, carbon budget - resource redistribution

      • comment

        • This is really a major change in the way resource flows
        • The high consuming countries and individuals need to drop their consumption drastically and give those to the decarbonization effort and to the disenfranchised who need to be uplifted to a state of wellbeing
    3. This 1% of humanity uses its awesome power to manipulate societal aspirations and the narratives around climate change. These extend from well-funded advertising to pseudo-technical solutions, from the financialisation of carbon emissions (and increasingly, nature) to labelling extreme any meaningful narrative that questions inequality and power.
      • for: quote - Kevin Anderson, quote - elite positive feedback carbon inequality loop, climate crisis - societal aspirations, elites - societal aspirations, societal aspirations, key insight - societal aspirations

      • quote

        • This 1% of humanity uses its awesome power to manipulate
          • societal aspirations and
          • the narratives around climate change.
        • These extend from
          • well-funded advertising to
          • pseudo-technical solutions,
          • and financialisation of carbon emissions (and increasingly, nature) to
          • labelling extreme any meaningful narrative that questions inequality and power.
      • comment

      • key insight - societal aspirations
        • it is the societal aspiration of the logic of capitalism and the free market that continues to create the next generation of the 1%
        • How can the luxury industry NOT BE high carbon intensity? It's an oxymoron. High carbon is baked into the definition of luxury, and it is luxury goods and services which accelerate climate breakdown.
        • The elites have a strong feeling of entitlement. They feel they DESERVE to reward themselves with a luxury lifestyle. That aspiration and reward structure multiplied by 80 million (1% of 8 billion) is a major variable driving the climate crisis
    4. the wealthiest 1% of people on the planet are responsible for double the greenhouse gas emissions of the poorest half
      • for: carbon inequality, question - new COP - focused on elites?

      • comment

        • while COP28 fights over which nations bear what responsibility, from this perspective, there is an entirely different class of people that must be held responsible, not at the nation state level, but at the individual level. Why isn't there a COP where the elites are held responsible?
      • question

        • Are we making a grave category error in holding the wrong class of people responsible? Should questions of carbon equity concern both high polluting nations AND individuals?
        • At the very least, should we formally recognize a parallel set of responsibilities and elevate that recognition to the level of COP conventions to deal with the problem?
      • for: climate crisis - elites, Kevin Anderson - elites, carbon emissions - elites, adjacency - elites - carbon inequality - incentives - luxury - capitalism

      • title: A Habitable Earth Can No Longer Afford The Rich – And That Could Mean Me And You

      • author: Kevin Anderson
      • date: Nov. 29, 2023

      • comment

      • adjacency between
        • elites
        • capitalism
        • free market
        • incentives
        • double bind
        • wicked problem
        • inequality
        • carbon inequality
        • luxury industry
      • adjacency statement
        • This article was pulled by "The Conversation" for being too controversial
        • It addresses the double-bind / wicked problems that we find ourselves in.
        • It's not just that the elites that are the highest per capita polluters, but
          • it is an indictment of the entire philosophy and worldview of capitalism and the market economy which produces winners and losers and
          • the winners reap enormous resource benefits, including being able to afford luxury items as rewards which constitute the largest ecological footprint of all
        • while at any one time, there is always a minority of the 1%, who hold the most outsized ecological footprint of all, the logic that produced that 1% also serves as the incentives for the majority of the 99%, who because of the inherent precarity created by capitalism, will fight and struggle to become part of that 1%
        • So while one generation of the 1% die off, a new generation is born and created by the incentive structure of scarcity and precarity.
        • In this sense, capitalism has its own self-reinforcing, positive feedback loop that keeps the masses of the disenfranchised aspiring to the same high resource and ecological footprint, luxury lifestyle
        • Look at the culture industry of sports, entertainment, movies, music, TV, etc. and of business in general. The leaders of these and ALL fields are celebrated as heros and they all reward themselves with an ultra-high carbon intensity, luxury lifestyle.
        • Unless we do more than simply demonize the current set of elites, and recognize the root cause and change the incentive structure itself, we will only ever deal with the symptom and not the problem, and continue to generate the next generation of elites
        • The luxury lifestyle industry is a important role-player in the self-reinforcing feedback loop
    1. we need to build this this again this bridge and it's obviously not going to be written in the 00:50:41 same style or standard as your kind of deep academic papers if you think this is uh U unnecessary or irrelevant then you end up with is a scientific 00:50:56 Community which talks only to itself in language that nobody else understands and you live the general Republic uh uh prey to a lot of very 00:51:09 unscientific conspiracy theories and mythologies and theories about the world
      • for: academic communication to the public - importance, elites - two types, key insight - elites, key insight - science communication

      • comment

      • key insight

        • Elites are necessary in every society
        • Historically, people who strongly believe that the current elites aren't necessary or are harmful often become the revolutionaries who become the new elites
        • elites need to speak in their own specialist language to each other but there are two kinds of elites
          • those who serve society
          • those who serve themselves
          • often, we have fox in sheep's clothing - elites who serve themselves but disguise themselves in the language of elites who serve others in order to gain access to power ,
          • we normally think of wealthy people as elites, but Harari classifies scientists as also a kind of elite
        • elites may be necessary but
          • We are caught in a double bind, a wicked problem as elites are also the world's greatest per capita energy consumers and their outsized ecological, consumption and energy footprint is now a existential threat to the survival of our species
      • references

      • for: Kevin Anderson, transition, climate equity, climate justice, climate justice - Kevin Anderson, carbon inequality - Kevin Anderson, life within planetary boundaries, lifestyle within planetary boundaries - elites, climate crisis - Kevin Anderson

      • summary

        • Kevin offers a picture of what a world within the stable climate planetary boundary would look like for the wealthy of the planet.
    1. almost all wealthy countries now is dominated 00:13:37 by the car it's not about moving people it's about moving lumps of metal around with one person in them You' have to move away from that
      • for: inefficiencies - example - cars, low carbon futures - reduce cars
    1. for some large corporations, the carbon footprint from their investments and cash in banks can be their largest source of emissions; for PayPal, for example, its carbon footprint from banking in 2021 was 55 times larger than all of its other emissions combined.
      • for: carbon footprint of investments - example, carbon footprint - Paypal

      • example

        • Paypals carbon footprint of investments and cash in bank was 55x higher than all other emissions combined. Wow!
    2. Find a better bank
      • for: carbon emissions - colonialism correction

      • title: Revealed: How colonial rule radically shifts historical responsibility for climate change

      • date: Nov. 26, 2023
      • author:
        • Simon Evans,
        • Verner Viisainen
      • publication: Carbon Brief

      • SUMMARY

        • first-of-its-kind climate justice analysis that measures the contribution of colonial contributions of carbon emissions
        • total emissions to date since 1850: 2,558bn tonnes of CO2 (GtCO2).
        • planetary global warming since 1850: 1.15C above pre-industrial temperatures.
        • 1850 was chosen as start year for humanity's measurable carbon budget due to available records and most emissions happening after this point"
        • carbon budget used from 1850 to 2023:92%
        • remaining carbon budget: 8%
        • chances of staying under 1.5 Deg C if we do not exceed our budget: 50/50
        • burn rate of remaining 8%: 1% / month
        • time remaining to stay within budget: 8.4 years:
        • emissions corrected by colonial emissions accounting"
          • Portugal emissions: > 3x more
          • Netherlands emissions: 3x more
          • UK emissions: 2x more
            • UK ranks 4th when colonial emissions are counted
          • France emissions: 1.5x more
          • EU+UK emissions:19% more
            • As a group, EU+UK ranks only 2nd behind US
          • India emissions: 15% less
          • Indonesia: 34% less
          • Africa: 24% less
          • On a per capita basis, China, Africa and India are far behind developed nations' emissions contributions.
          • Many former colonial powers are now net CO2 importers. This raises their emissions contributions even further if accounted for
  17. Nov 2023
    1. In contrast, media ecologists focus on understanding media as environments and how those environments affect society.

      The World Wide Web takes on an ecological identity in that it is defined by the ecology of relationships exercised within, determining the "environmental" aspects of the online world. What of media ecology and its impact on earth's ecology? There are climate change ramifications simply in the use of social media itself, yet alone the influences or behaviors associated with it: here is a carbon emissions calculator for seemingly "innocent" internet use:

    1. excessive expectations and reliance on CCUS
      • for: quote - Carbon Capture expectations - unfeasible

      • quote

        • If oil and natural gas consumption were to evolve as projected under today’s policy settings, this would require an inconceivable 32 billion tonnes of carbon captured for utilisation or storage by 2050,
          • including 23 billion tonnes via direct air capture to limit the temperature rise to 1.5 °C.
        • The necessary carbon capture technologies would require 26 000 terawatt hours of electricity generation to operate in 2050,
          • which is more than global electricity demand in 2022.
        • And it would require over USD 3.5 trillion in annual investments all the way from today through to mid-century, which is an amount equal to the entire industry’s annual average revenue in recent years.
    2. Many producers say they will be the ones to keep producing throughout transitions and beyond. They cannot all be right.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - fight for survival

      • stats: oil and gas industry - fight for survival

        • competing oil producers will have to reach an agreement on who has the right to produce the remaining carbon budget
        • 24 million barrels a day are still produced in a 1.5 Deg C scenario but are largely uncombusted
          • 75 % of that will be used in petrochemical and other industry
          • 920 billion cubic meters of natural gas
            • 50% of this for hydrogen production
    1. By chance I was reading Robert Goodin's 30 year old book on Green Political Theory yesterday - yes, how I get my kicks. A statement near the end of the book jumped out at me - and, I think, pertinent to the Netherlands now and the heat and noise in my home town, Oxford re. transport policy."...greens will have to impose tougher restraints on the rich than on the poor; they will have to let the poor continue to damage the environment in ways that they are prepared to prevent the rich from doing."
      • for: carbon tax, tax the rich, carbon inequality

      • comment

        • an obvious and logical strategy because
          • the elites are few in number, but hold much wealth
          • the disenfranchised are many in number but hold little wealth
            • but the disenfranchised exist in larger numbers
            • so when it comes to voting, they are a strategic cohort to win over
        • this is in effect the same logic as the Paris Agreement and climate justice
        • climate justice requires us to protect the poor and give them the remaining carbon budget whilst those who already have enough must cut back
    1. what worries me is again the the long-term future of the economy in a carbon constrained world 00:27:32 and as a futurist uh what what is your perspective on on the the role of oil going into 2050
      • for: carbon budget - Alberta, carbon-constrained world - Alberta's future
  18. Oct 2023
    1. The key benefit and primary motivation for installing hydrogen fuel cells within a data center is to reduce carbon emissions. As stated, some fuel cells, such as SOFCs, can use natural gas. While it is less damaging to the environment than diesel, it still results in significant carbon emissions.

      Is this some of the missing context for the CCS next to datacentre patents from M$?

      If you can capture the CO2, and use the waste heat to separate the CO2 from the absorbing material, then it might improve the economics of the SOFC fuel cells, AND deal with the CO2 emissions problem.

    1. Die Erde befindet sich bereits in einem "uncharted territory". 20 von 35 Indikatoren, mit denen sich das Funktionieren des Klimasystems beurteilen lässt, zeigen inzwischen extreme Werte. Die aktualisierte Version einer von den renommiertesten Erdsystemwissenschaftler:innen erstellten (und von 2000 Wissenschaftlern unterzeichneten Studie) von 2019 kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Warnungen aus der Wissenschaft, den Planeten nicht überzubelasten, nicht rechtzeitig ernst genommen wurden und das Erdsystem seinen stabilen Zustand verlassen hat. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/24/earth-vital-signs-human-history-scientists-sustainable-future

      Report: https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biad080

    1. Let’s just pause to emphasise this point: no amount of R&D, innovation or technology will allow us to remove CO2 from the atmosphere without spending at least 191 kWh per tonne of CO2.

      Even if we acheive perfect efficiency we tax the global economy 10% to remove annual emissions

    1. Table 5.10a. Solar REC prices during the period March 2020 – March  2021 (US$/MWh)

      This are nearly 100x the cost of Hydro RECs in come cases

    1. Carbon capture is a phishing scheme introduced by the Koch brothers at MIT in 2004, the same year that Charles and David Koch provided the funds for Americans for Prosperity.
      • for: Carbon capture - MIT hoax, climate delay, kick the can down the road
    1. Die EU hat offiziell mit der Einführung des sog. Klimazolls“ begonnen, also einer Abgabe für Produkte aus Ländern, in denen mit mehr Emissionen produziert wird als in der EU. Dabei geht es um Zement, Eisen und Stahl, Aluminium, Dünger, Strom und Wasserstoff. In einer zweijährigen Übergangsphase werden zunächst nur die nötigen Informationen gesammelt. https://taz.de/Einfuhr-von-Stahl-Duenger-und-Co/!5963230/

  19. Sep 2023
    1. Die Biden-Administration hat alle amerikanischen Bundesbehörden angewiesen, bei allen Projekten die Kosten, die durch die globale Erhitzung verursacht werden, mit zu budgetieren. Damit wird eine bisher schon von der Umweltbehörde EPA verwendete Metrik der "social costs of carbon" auf die gesamte Regierungstätigkeit ausgeweitet.Mit einem Budget von ungefähr 600 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr ist die amerikanische Bundesregierung der größte Verbraucher von Gütern und Dienstleistungenn in der Welt. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/21/climate/biden-climate-change-economic-cost.html

    1. the pathways must have the equity dimension of who really needs to do the heavy lifting here, which is the the rich minority.
      • for: carbon inequality
    2. better health, better security, better economy, secure job, better... Simply a more modern, attractive life.
      • for: Johan Rockstrom - wellbeing economy, wellbeing economy, green growth, degrowth, question, question - Johan Rockstrom - green growth or degrowth?
      • question
        • Does Johan Rockstrom advocate for a green economy or degrowth?
        • He would seem to be arguing for green growth as degrowth, if not done extremely carefully, can result in a drop in wellbeing.
        • How does he see this taking place when the elites perceive that they have the most (at least materially) to give up? Is there a contradiction here?
    3. people generally don't recognize is that forest across the planet has responded in a tremendously helpful way 00:16:29 by absorbing roughly 25% of carbon dioxide from our fossil fuel burning. And we generally talk about this as a positive. "Isn't that fantastic!" But, in reality, it's a stress response.
      • for: carbon sinks, carbon sinks - oceans, carbon sinks - forests, stats, stats, forest carbon sink, stats - ocean carbon sink, question, question - when do carbon sinks turn into carbon sources?
      • stats

        • forests are absorbing 25% of carbon dioxide emissions
        • oceans are absorbing 50% of carbon dioxide emissions
        • these are stressing these carbon sinks
      • question

        • how much longer can they absorb without unintended consequences playing out?
    4. these are not represented in the models, they're not in the global carbon budget estimates, they're not in the IPCC.
      • for: carbon budget - underestimate, IPCC - underestimate, 1.5Deg C - underestimate, question, question - revise 1.5 Deg C target downwards?
      • highlight

        • the 1.5 Deg C target does not account for cascading tipping points. In fact the cascading tipping point research is not accounted for in any of:
          • current climate models
          • global carbon estimates
          • IPCC
        • the implications are that the carbon budget is even smaller than the current number.
        • the implications are that 1.5 Deg C is not the threshold we should be aiming for, but even less. We are now at 1.2 so it has to be 1.3 or 1.4.
      • question

        • Given the underestimates, should the target actually be revised downwards to 1.3 or 1.4 deg C?
    5. there are so many uncertain factors on soil carbon, ocean carbon, ocean heat, ice melt, biodiversity loss, biome tipping points.
      • for: precautionary principle, fossil fuel phase out, carbon budget - uncertainties, carbon budget - underestimate
      • highlight
        • the precautionary principle dictates that the uncertainties in:
          • soil carbon
          • ocean carbon
          • ocean heat
          • ice melt
          • biodiversity loss
          • biome tipping points
        • implies that the any one of these can easily bring our remaining carbon budget down to zero.
      • for: velocar, low carbon transportation
      • Title: The Velomobile as a Vehicle for more Sustainable Transportation
  20. Aug 2023
    1. contacting your city council members running for office yourself donating to projects like black space and getting involved in zoning board meetings that could help change the density and makeup of the 00:20:08 communities where you live
      • for: zoning, city council, re-zoning, low carbon city, walkable city
    1. if you're very poor then you're living in some kind of Wilderness Area you're going to destroy the environment in order to survive let me take for 00:08:05 example Gumby Street National Park in 1960 it was part of the Great Forest built by the late 1980s was a tiny Islander forest and all the hills around were bare more people living there in 00:08:19 the land could support two poor to buy food elsewhere struggling to survive cutting down the trees to make money from charcoal or Timber or to make more land grow more food and that's when it 00:08:33 hit me if we don't help these people these local communities find ways of living without destroying the environment we can't save chimpanzees forests or anything else so we need to 00:08:46 alleviate poverty
      • for: inequality, poverty, W2W, Jane Goodall, socio-ecological system, climate justice, emptiness - example, entanglement - inequality and climate crisis
      • key insight
        • if you're very poor and you're living in some kind of Wilderness Area
          • you're going to destroy the environment in order to survive
          • example: Gumby Street National Park
            • in 1960 it was part of the Great Forest
            • but by the late 1980s was a tiny Islander forest and all the hills around were bare
            • more people living there than the land could support
            • too poor to buy food elsewhere
              • struggling to survive
              • cutting down the trees to make money from charcoal or Timber
              • or to make more land grow more food and
            • that's when it hit me
              • if we don't help these people these local communities find ways of living without destroying the environment
              • we can't save chimpanzees forests or anything else so we need to alleviate poverty
      • comment
        • This is why the inequality crisis is entangled with the climate crisis
    1. why does it in a sense if we think of money as a voting tool why is it that a billionaire has a 00:32:31 billion times more power to decide what society should be like than i do
      • for: voting, power - money, money - voting, inequality, voting - money, equity, voting power - rich
      • paraphrase
      • question
        • if we think of money as a voting tool
          • why does a billionaire have a billion times more power to decide what society should be like than i do?
    1. And where the artists take part in a fantasy of overconsumptionThe place where artists play a distinctive role, exactly like high-level sports athletes, is in the propagation of a certain fantasy.
      • for: W2W, carbon inequality, carbon footprint - 1%, carbon emissions - 1%, luxury advertising, luxury advertising contracts, carbon emissions - luxury goods
      • key insight
        • the elites are often the main popularizers, influencers and propagandists of the fantasy of overconsumption
        • culture of overconsumption
        • such elites have a close tie to the luxury industry via large advertising contracts
        • Media posts critical of the carbon air travel emissions of famous DJ named DJ Snake offers a prime example of a common attitude of privilege and self-righteousness found amongst a number of elites
    2. The Shift Project has estimated that if only 3% of festival-goers attending the Vieilles Charrues Festival come by plane, they account for more than 60% of carbon emissions linked to public transport!
      • for carbon inequality, carbon emissions - air travel, carbon emissions - concerts, stats - air travel - concerts
      • paraphrase
      • stats
        • The Shift Project has estimated that
          • if only 3% of festival-goers attending the Vieilles Charrues Festival come by plane, they account for more than 60% of carbon emissions linked to public transport!
        • Tomorrowland concert - close to 25,000 festival-goers fly in via "party flights"
        • North America Burning Man - 20% of festival goers fly in
        • In general, the largest footprint for famous cultural events is air travel
    3. artists are complicit in
      • for: carbon emissions of the 1%, carbon inequality, carbon emissions - artists, high carbon lifestyle
      • comment
        • top tier entertainers are conditioned to a high carbon lifestyle. This is a challenge to overcome.
        • example given
          • DJ who flew to perform in four different EU cities in the same evening!
    4. Most renowned artists and the trades and professions around them (producers, broadcasters, booking agents, distributors, internet platforms…) are today dependent on hyper-intensive energy-consuming models.
      • for: carbon footprint - music industry, carbon footprint - concerts, carbon footprint - touring
      • paraphrase
        • Most renowned artists and the trades and professions around them
          • producers,
          • broadcasters,
          • booking agents,
          • distributors, internet platforms
          • studios
          • equipment and service providers
        • are today dependent on hyper-intensive energy-consuming models.
        • Music or showbusiness artists, for example, depend more and more on touring and festivals.
        • Namely because with a remuneration of 0,0034 dollars per listened music track,
          • only 1% of music artists receive a minimum wage through streaming and
          • because, in the meantime, sales in the physical media market (CD, vinyl) have collapsed,
            • and streaming has not made up for loss of value.
        • Unsurprisingly, the artists who are most successful at making a living receive the quasi-totality of their revenue from the tours they do via concerts or festivals
          • (which incur high travel carbon footprint)
        • And those have a tendency to increase at an unchecked rate.
        • To attract the largest crowd possible, these artists demand
          • more and more top billings
          • with equally
            • increasing fees and
            • technical requirements.
        • example
          • Coldplay travels with no less than 2 kits of 32 articulated lorries on the road (for their “ecological” tour),
          • Rammstein accounts for
            • almost 100 articulated lorries
            • 7 cargo planes for their tours and
            • burns no less than 1000 litres of heating oil for their pyrotechnical effects at each concert (something the group proudly displays on social media).
      • noteworthy
        • due to loss of product sales, touring and concerts is the only way musicians can make money, and that comes at high carbon emission cost
    5. Culture, a hyper-consumerist sector
      • for: carbon emissions - culture, carbon emissions - cultural sector, carbon footprint - culture,

      • paraphrase

      • stats
        • for France
        • culture and leisure are the third reason for travel after work and shopping
        • watching movies at movie theatre alone is responsible for nearly one million tons of CO2 emissions
        • culture takes up 60% of all downloads on the internet, 80% if porn is included
        • tens of thousands of buildings such as auditoriums are depending on fossil fuels to operate
        • cultural events drive high carbon tourist industry:
          • account for 60% of revenue of hotels and restaurants at the Avignon Festival
          • Louvre's carbon footprint of 3.4 million tons of CO2 emissions are in large part due to air travel of tourists from around the globe
      • for: emissions reduction, bend the curve, TPF, W2W, emissions reduction - cultural sector, bend the curve - cultural sector, TPF - cultural sector, W2W - cultural sector, carbon emissions - cultural sector, carbon inequality

      • comment

        • well written article on the carbon emissions challenges of the cultural sector
        • this is related to the carbon emissions of the luxury industry as well
      • question
        • same question as asked about luxury, since there is overlap with culture industry and luxury
        • Given that the 1% have the same carbon emissions as the bottom half of humanity, does the sustainability impacts of the decarbonization efforts of the luxury aspects of the culture industry measure up to stay under earth system boundaries in time?
      • reference
    1. there's 00:08:43 nothing there that could be secured and here's the important point I think we experienced that we experience it as a sense of lack 00:08:58 that is to say the sense that something is wrong with me something is missing something isn't quite right I'm not good enough and the reality is I think all of us to 00:09:14 some degree have some sense of that some sense of lack even though we might ignore it or cover it up there's there's some sense of that but because it's mostly sort of unconscious in the sense that we don't 00:09:29 really know where it comes from
      • for: sense of lack, sense of self, sense of self and sense of lack, human condition, poverty mentality, alienation, separation, emptiness, emptiness of emptiness, W2W, inequality
      • key insight
        • sense of self is equivalent to
          • sense of lack
          • duality
          • disconnection
          • alienation
          • separation
          • solidification - the opposite of emptiness
      • comment
        • this sense of lack that is intrinsically associated with the sense of self is perhaps the deepest root of our unhappiness
        • this is a key insight for sharing for both those who have too much (the 1%) as well as those who are so materially impoverished and deprived that they are forced to adopt survivalist strategies to stay alive, and if successful, take on a hard edge to survivalism, over-appreciating materialism
        • the same mistake is committed on both end of the disparity spectrum, both groups are still under the illusion that that sense of lack can be filled
    1. Our findings suggest that the share of US$2020-millionaires in the world population will grow from 0.7% today to 3.3% in 2050, and cause accumulated emissions of 286 Gt CO2. This is equivalent to 72% of the remaining carbon budget, and significantly reduces the chance of stabilizing climate change at 1.5 °C.
      • for: millionaire emissions, carbon inequality, inequality, W2W
      • paraphrase
        • Our findings suggest that the share of US$2020-millionaires in the world population will grow
          • from 0.7% today
          • to 3.3% in 2050,
        • and cause accumulated emissions of
          • 286 Gt CO2
          • equivalent to 72% of the remaining carbon budget,
        • and significantly reduces the chance of stabilizing climate change at 1.5 °C.
        • Continued growth in emissions at the top makes a low-carbon transition less likely,
          • as the acceleration of energy consumption by the wealthiest
          • is likely beyond the system's capacity to decarbonize.
          • To this end, we question whether policy designs such as progressive taxes targeting the high emitters will be sufficient.
    1. According to a new study by tourism professor Stefan Gössling, the millionaires will, within just a few decades, be responsible for almost three quarters of carbon dioxide emissions.
      • for: wealth inequality, inequality, carbon inequality, elite emissions, 1% emissions, millionaire emissions
      • According to a new study by tourism professor Stefan Gössling,
        • the millionaires will, within just a few decades, be responsible for almost three quarters of carbon dioxide emissions.
  21. Jul 2023
    1. In addition to their high GHG emissions from consumption, high-SES people have disproportionate climate influence through at least four non-consumer roles: as investors, as role models within their social networks and for others who observe their choices, as participants in organizations and as citizens seeking to influence public policies or corporate behaviour
      • for: high-SES, 1%, W2W, inequality, carbon inequality, elites, billionaires, millionaires, leverage point
      • five high carbon emission areas of high-SES, HNWI, VHNWI
        • consumption
        • investor
        • role model within social networks
        • participants in organizations
        • citizens seeking to influence public policies or corporate behavior
    2. We focus on individuals and households with high socioeconomic status (SES; henceforth, high-SES people) because they have generated many of the problems of fossil fuel dependence that affect the rest of humanity.
      • for: high-SES, 1%, W2W, inequality, carbon inequality, elites, billionaires, millionaires, leverage point
      • definition
        • high-SES
          • high socioeconomic status
          • equivalent to high net worth individual (HNWI) or
          • very high net worth individual (VHNWI)
      • for: carbon inequality, w2w, leverage point - climate change, 1%, inequality, wealth tax
      • title
        • The role of high-socioeconomic-status people in locking in or rapidly reducing energy-driven greenhouse gas emissions
      • authors
        • Kristian S. Nielsen
        • Kimberly A. Nicholas
        • Felix Creutzig
        • Thomas Dietz
        • Paul C. Stern
      • date
      • abstract
        • People with high socioeconomic status disproportionally affect energy-driven greenhouse gas emissions directly
          • through their consumption and
          • indirectly through their financial and social resources.
        • However, few climate change mitigation initiatives have targeted this population segment,
          • and the potential of such initiatives remains insufficiently researched.
        • In this Perspective, we analyse key characteristics of high-socioeconomic-status people and explore five roles through which they have a disproportionate impact on energy-driven greenhouse gas emissions and potentially on climate change mitigation, namely as:
          • consumers,
          • investors,
          • role models,
          • organizational participants and
          • citizens.
        • We examine what is known about their disproportionate impact via consumption and
          • explore their potential influence on greenhouse gas emissions through all five roles.
        • We suggest that future research should focus on strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by high-socioeconomic-status people and to align their
          • investments,
          • organizational choices and
          • actions as social and political change agents
        • with climate change mitigation goals.
      • for: inequality, 1%, carbon inequality private jets, carbon emissions, patriotic millionaires
      • title
        • He’s a millionaire with a private jet. But now he’s selling it for the sake of the environment
      • source
      • date
        • July 13, 2023
      • Stephen Prince, vice-chair of the Patriotic Millionaires – a group of wealthy Americans pushing for higher taxes which also contributed to the report – is giving up his Cessna 650 Citation III.
      • for: inequality, climate justice, wealth tax
      • policy paper
      • title
        • survival of the richest
      • date
        • Jan 16, 2023
      • executive summary
        • Since 2020, the richest 1% have captured almost two-thirds of all new wealth
          • nearly twice as much money as the bottom 99% of the world’s population.
        • Billionaire fortunes are increasing by $2.7bn a day,
          • even as inflation outpaces the wages of at least 1.7 billion workers, more than the population of India.7
        • Food and energy companies more than doubled their profits in 2022,
          • paying out $257bn to wealthy shareholders,
          • while over 800 million people went to bed hungry
        • Only 4 cents in every dollar of tax revenue comes from wealth taxes and
          • half the world’s billionaires live in countries with no inheritance tax on money they give to their children.
        • A tax of up to 5% on the world’s multi-millionaires and billionaires could raise $1.7 trillion a year,
          • enough to lift 2 billion people out of poverty, and fund a global plan to end hunger.
    1. "In the paper we sketch five different roles
      • for: carbon inequality, W2W, leverage point

      • five leverage points

        • consumer.
        • investors
        • lobbyist
        • influencer
        • citizen
    2. "The top 1% use basically a similar amount to the bottom 50% of humanity.
      • for: carbon inequality, w2w
      • comment
        • it would be useful to have the accounting process used to calculate how the top1% emit carbon equivalent to bottom 50% to help us identify areas where interventions can be developed
    1. Wenn die reichsten Menschen in Europa ihren Energieverbrauch auf 170 Gigajoule pro Jahr reduzieren würden, ließen sich allein damit 10% der EU-Emissionen reduzieren - wobei 170 Gigajoule mehr sind, als 80% der europäischen Bevölkerung verbrauchen. Eine neue Studie zeigt das Potenzial von Reduktionen auf der Nachfrageseite vor allem bei Wohlhabenden. Eine bessere Befriedigung grundlegender Energiebedürfnisse von Armen hat dagegen nur geringe Auswirkungen auf die Emissionen. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000179254/energiesparen-bei-reichen-kann-erhoehten-verbrauch-bei-armen-kompensieren

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41560-023-01283-y

    1. Guided meditation: The carbon cycle
      • Guided meditation
        • consciousness thinking about its own atomic constituent
      • Carbon cycle meditation

        • to help achieve awareness of our physical connection to the world
      • Comment

        • This is a limited practice as it still depends on conceptual models.
        • An atom is not an object we can directly experience phenomenologically.
        • Rather, it is a conceptual model and through social norm of using it as if it were phenomenologically a directly experienced object, we confuse ideas of phenomena with the phenomena itself
        • One way to determine if it is a fundamental human quality or if it is simply one narrative, is to determine if there are people such an exercise would NOT resonate with?
          • For instance, it would likely not resonate strongly with
            • climate deniers,
            • uneducated people
            • religious fundamentalists
        • to develop a method to reach ALL people, we need to look at even more fundamental commonalities - namely, how we use language to mediate reality
        • Perhaps a BEing journey can consist of two lievels
          • 1st level: conceptual
            • do the BEing journey as described using conventional concepts
          • 2nd level: meta-level
            • observe how you construct the narrative using language
        • it could be good to animate this with AI drawing program
    2. guided meditation to help achieve this awareness of our physical connection to the world around us.
      • comment
        • these guided meditations are interesting because they are one level of our superorganism (consciousness)
          • thinking about a lower level of the same human superorganism
            • carbon molecule that was part of us
            • genetic material that was part of our ancestors going back billions of years
    1. we are left with questions of how to split the burden of collectively staying within the PBs. To know if e.g. a person or a company is absolute environmentally sustainable, we need to know that person’s or the company’s assigned SoSOS. How to determine a person’s or a company’s assigned SoSOS is not only normative, but essentially a question of distributive justice.
      • question
        • how to we split the burden of collectively staying within the PBs?
        • To know if e.g. a person or a company is absolute environmentally sustainable,
          • we need to know that person’s or the company’s assigned SoSOS.
        • How to determine a person’s or a company’s assigned SoSOS is not only normative,
          • but essentially a question of distributive justice.
    1. One option is to cap the top 20% of energy users while allowing those people who use little energy and have poverty-level incomes to be able to increase their consumption levels and improve their quality of life.
      • One energy demand reduction strategy
        • Cap the top 20% of energy users
        • while allowing those people
          • who use little energy and
          • have poverty-level incomes
        • to be able to
          • increase their consumption levels and
          • improve their quality of life.
    2. Cap top 20% of energy users to reduce carbon emissions
      • Title
        • Cap top 20% of energy users to reduce carbon emissions
      • Publication

      • Summary -Consumers in the richer, developed nations will have to accept restrictions on their energy use

        • if international climate change targets are to be met, warn researchers.
        • The big challenge is to identify the fairest and most equitable way
        • that governments can curtail energy use,
          • a process known as energy demand reduction. -The research team analyzed several scenarios to identify a potential solution.
    1. protest and disrupt the “exclusive vacations of wealthy fossil fuel investors and polluters driving the climate crisis
      • comment
        • Disney is an ardent wealth and climate reformer and was protesting the 1%'s use of carbon intensive jet planes.
    1. Tonne-for-tonne offsetting has historically relied upon the cheapest possible carbon credits that do little to benefit the climate and represent no real pollution cost for companies. Polluters should move to money-for-tonne contributions instead, based on an internal carbon price (WWF recommends $50-250), which would encourage the purchase of higher quality carbon credits with co-benefits. The internal carbon price in turn could be proportional to companies’ revenues or profits. 

      Buying carbon credits with co-benefits, not offsets