2 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the problems I've mentioned are being tackled by groups of people 00:11:18 sad thing is those people are often operating in silos just concerned to solve their particular problem not realizing that if they don't have the whole picture they may solve their 00:11:31 problem and cause problems in other places
- for: indyweb, silos, emptiness - example, entanglement - example, progress trap
- paraphrase
- quote
- all the problems I've mentioned are being tackled by groups of people
- sad thing is those people are often operating in silos just concerned to solve their particular problem
- not realizing that if they don't have the whole picture they may solve their problem
- and cause problems in other places
- author
- Jane Goodall
- comment
- the Indyweb and SRG strategy is designed specifically to mitigate progress traps through radical collaboration built into the communication and information system itself.
if you're very poor then you're living in some kind of Wilderness Area you're going to destroy the environment in order to survive let me take for 00:08:05 example Gumby Street National Park in 1960 it was part of the Great Forest built by the late 1980s was a tiny Islander forest and all the hills around were bare more people living there in 00:08:19 the land could support two poor to buy food elsewhere struggling to survive cutting down the trees to make money from charcoal or Timber or to make more land grow more food and that's when it 00:08:33 hit me if we don't help these people these local communities find ways of living without destroying the environment we can't save chimpanzees forests or anything else so we need to 00:08:46 alleviate poverty
- for: inequality, poverty, W2W, Jane Goodall, socio-ecological system, climate justice, emptiness - example, entanglement - inequality and climate crisis
- key insight
- if you're very poor and you're living in some kind of Wilderness Area
- you're going to destroy the environment in order to survive
- example: Gumby Street National Park
- in 1960 it was part of the Great Forest
- but by the late 1980s was a tiny Islander forest and all the hills around were bare
- more people living there than the land could support
- too poor to buy food elsewhere
- struggling to survive
- cutting down the trees to make money from charcoal or Timber
- or to make more land grow more food and
- that's when it hit me
- if we don't help these people these local communities find ways of living without destroying the environment
- we can't save chimpanzees forests or anything else so we need to alleviate poverty
- if you're very poor and you're living in some kind of Wilderness Area
- comment
- This is why the inequality crisis is entangled with the climate crisis