- Apr 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Eine Gruppe von NGOs hat ein Konzept für eine Klimaschaden-Steuer ausgearbeitet, zu der Öl- und Gasgesellschaften ausgehend vom von ihnen verursachten CO2-Ausstoß herangezogen würden. Würde die Steuer in den OECD-Ländern mit 5$ pro Kilotonne CO2 beginnen und sich jährlich um weitere 5$ erhöhen, stünden 2030 jährlich 900 Milliarden $ vor allem für den Loss and Damage Fund zur Verfügung, der bei der COP28 beschlossen wurde.
Bericht: https://www.greenpeace.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/CDT_guide_2024_embargoed_version.pdf
- actor: OECD
- NGO: Stamp Out Poverty
- NGO: Power Shift Africa
- expert: David Hillman
- report: Climate Damages Tax report
- institution: loss and damage fund
- by: Matthew Taylor
- expert: Areeba Hamid
- topic: climate finance
- 2024-04-29
- event: climate damage fund board meeting in Abu Dhabi
- NGO: Greenpeace
- event: G7 climate, energy and environment meeting in Turin
- topic: climate damages tax
- NGO: Christian Aid
- actor: Big Oil
- Jul 2023
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
Cap top 20% of energy users to reduce carbon emissions
- Title
- Cap top 20% of energy users to reduce carbon emissions
Summary -Consumers in the richer, developed nations will have to accept restrictions on their energy use
- if international climate change targets are to be met, warn researchers.
- The big challenge is to identify the fairest and most equitable way
- that governments can curtail energy use,
- a process known as energy demand reduction. -The research team analyzed several scenarios to identify a potential solution.
- Title
- Jul 2020
Knittel, C. R., & Ozaltun, B. (2020). What Does and Does Not Correlate with COVID-19 Death Rates (Working Paper No. 27391; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27391
- economy
- environment
- elderly
- pollution
- obesity
- health care
- Indiana
- African American
- poverty
- Colorado
- health economics
- climate
- temperature
- Iowa
- COVID-19
- is:article
- lang:en
- employment
- linear regression
- energy
- Louisiana
- California
- public transport
- socio-economic
- county
- telecommuting
- commute
- correlate
- Michigan
- transport
- binomial