11 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. (~0:45)

      Justin mentions that a better way to think about learning is in systems rather than techniques. This is true for virtually anything. Tips & Tricks don't get you anywhere, it is the systems which bring you massive improvements because they have components all working together to achieve one goal or a set of goals.

      Any good system has these components working together seamlessly, creating something emergent; worth more than the sum of its parts.

  2. Aug 2023
    1. 12 AI tools to 3X your Peoductivity!AI tools can save 100s of hours.AI tools greatly enhance productivity in various sectors. They automate routine tasks, thereby freeing up time for employees to focus on more complex tasks. For example, AI chatbots can handle customer inquiries 24/7.
  3. Sep 2022
    1. Memory techniques are the fix for a rather artificial situation. Whenit comes to academic writing, we don't have the need for this trick,

      He's wholly wrong on this score because he lacks a deeper appreciation for how this works or its value to oral societies. He uses the word "trick" in a disparaging sense with respect to mnemotechniques.



    1. Well, some of us tried to be unreasonable. But another thing he invented was what he called the type one and the "type two argument." So when a "type one argument" was verging towards the personal and towards this not making progress thing, he would say "type two argument," and everybody would groan. And a "type two argument" is when each of the arguers has to make the other person's argument to them.DEVON: Right. Steel man it, instead of straw man it.ALAN: Yeah, until they agree that they're making their argument.DEVON: Right.ALAN: Yes, that is the argument I'm making. And then the other person... And this takes for-fucking-ever.DEVON: Yeah.ALAN: But-DEVON: But it means that you actually understand where the other person is coming from before you try to tear it down.ALAN: Well, it's not even that. One way to think about it, took all the human drama out of it, in the end almost everything that we did at PARC, in the end we didn't vote. In the end we would usually pick somebody to make the decision.

      !- for : collaboration trick - applied empathy

    2. We were a floor culture at PARC so we not only had the bean bags instead of chairs. Why bean bags? Well, you can't leap to your feet to denounce somebody from a bean bag.

      !- for : collaboration tricks - physically preventing drama

  4. Sep 2020
    1. Overall MOFU content success is measured by conversion rate (75%) and the number of leads (54%). 


  5. Oct 2019
    1. one of the for-profits to take to the OpenEd stage visited my campus (again, around me) and led a presentation that directly resulted in upper admin questioning the need for an Open Education Librarian (me!) were they to sign a contract with Lumen.

      Yeah, the idea that suggesting firing a librarian would enhance student success happens within a "civil" discourse is problematic.

  6. Dec 2018
    1. Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks

      李沐老师们的 paper!Pretty much summaries of various tricks by itself!

      Paper Summary

      Reddit: http://t.cn/Ey1gZKo

  7. Aug 2016
    1. Continuity – the strict adherence of prior texts and their treatment as sacrosanct records – paralyzes comics all too often. It punishes new readers by their virtue of being new. It rewards trivia over opening up the world and blazing new trails. It cuts the pie into smaller pieces instead of making the pie bigger. It builds barriers and creates gatekeepers. And it’s really hard to write well.
  8. Sep 2015
    1. The debugger allows you to access the currently selected element in the console as $0 variable.