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- neurological symptoms
- pre-existing condition
- COVID-induced disability
- children
- acute
- risk
- is:article
- disability
- COVID-19
- long influenza
- hospitalization
- disablism
- pandemic
- mortality
- policy
- morbidity
- health economy
- long covid
- policymaker
- disability rights
- lang:en
- brain damage
- history
- chronic
- ableism
- flu
- vulnerable
twitter.com twitter.com
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- interaction
- censorship
- scientific information
- decision making
- shallowfake
- misinformation
- social media
- technology
- is:webpage
- information environment
- deepfake
- policymaker
- behavioral science
- online platform
- climate change
- vaccine
- search engine
- bots
- science
- lang:en
- malinformation
- misleading
- provenance enhancing technology
- information
- academic
- public trust
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- policymaker
- spread
- change
- guidance
- clinical
- insight
- COVID-19
- psychology
- lang:en
- personality
- reduce
- psychological
- is:news
- communicator
- behavior
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- policymaker
- behavioral science
- behavioral economics
- is:article
- lang:en
- economy
- nudge
- nudging
- policy
- decision-making
- economic
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- inaction
- policymaker
- is:blog
- response
- priority
- COVID-19
- science
- lang:en
- UK
- expert
- decision-making
- government
- shift
- transparency
- advice
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- reputation
- policymaker
- evidence
- is:blog
- support
- communication
- network
- synthesis
- lang:en
- UK
- language
- policy
- decision
- government
- research
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
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