8 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2024
www.rauljimenez.info www.rauljimenez.info
And you, what do you think, have you tried these or other things, please share your experience so that other people can be enriched by them 😊.
And what about you? Have you tried these or other methods? Please share your experiences so that others can benefit from them 😊.
If you have tried all of the above and it still doesn't work for you... something that could happen, since f
If you have tried all of the above and it still doesn't work, consider more dramatic changes. It's possible that traditional methods may no longer suffice. F
offer include
, and use
. Also, consider using
, although ideally
. Ideally,
share it afterwards so people can come by,
sharing them afterward. This encourages people to come by,
, in
. This was done in
- Apr 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Davidai, S., Day, M. V., Goya-Tocchetto, D., Hauser, O. P., Jachimowicz, J., Mirza, M. U., … Tepper, S. J. (2020, April 27). COVID-19 Provides a Rare Opportunity to Create a Stronger, More Equitable Society. Retrieved from psyarxiv.com/hz4c7