- Dec 2024
reso-avenirs.onisep.fr reso-avenirs.onisep.fr
Fiche ONISEP pour organiser un forum des métiers au collège
- Nov 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Digital Sequence Information
- author:: Patrick Greenfield
- Campaign for Nature
- Common Initiative
- Catherine Weller
- author:: Phoebe Weston
- Global Environment Facility (GEF)
- date:: 2024-11-03
- Brian O’Donnell
- Convention on Biological Diversity
- COP16 biodiversity
- Pierre du Plessis
- Kunming-Montreal pact
- Bernadette Fischler Hooper
- International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB)
- Fauna & Flora
- Oscar Soria
- Oct 2024
- Sep 2024
www.curbed.com www.curbed.com
I suggest to Caro that it’s become one of those things young New Yorkers do, or at least say they do, on the path to becoming a serious adult: Get a Met membership, figure out where Film Forum is, buy (and maybe even finish) The Power Broker.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der Flugtourismus hat.inzwischen das Niveau vor der Covid-Krise übertroffen. Das Wachstum des Tourismus gehört zu den wichtigsten Treibern der Klimakrise. Die Branche reagiert darauf mit Ignoranz, Greenwashing und dem Verweis auf falsche Lösungen wie CO<sub>2</sub>-Kompensatio und Biofuels. Hintergrundartikel mit Verweisen auf weitere Informationen.https://www.theguardian.com/news/article/2024/sep/06/flight-shame-climate-impact-tourism-boom-covid-environment-net-zero
- International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)
- Andrea Papu Carrone
- International Transport Forum (ITF)
- Transport and Environment
- Flugindustrie
- Stefan Gössling
- Luis Martinez
- Thomas Earl
- Tourismus
- by: Ajit Niranjan
- Travalyst
- Hannah Lawrence
- false solutions
- Stay Grounded
- Anna Spenceley
- carbon offsets
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
World Economic Forum, we're working very closely. They're also integrating planetary boundaries in, their global economy kind of policy agenda
for - World economic forum - integration planetary boundaries into their strategy
Concern - unintended consequence - The WEF is perceived by many to be an elitist organisation - who do not have the best interest off the people in mind - This could lead to potential reputational damage to the planetary boundary framework thru their association with it
- Jul 2024
www.universityworldnews.com www.universityworldnews.com
New deceptions: How illiberalism is hijacking the university by [[Jo-Anne Dillabough]] and [[Andrea Peto]] on 04 May 2024
- Jun 2024
www.neoprofs.org www.neoprofs.org
forums-enseignants-du-primaire.com forums-enseignants-du-primaire.com
- May 2024
www.heise.de www.heise.de
- Apr 2024
www.derblindefleck.de www.derblindefleck.de
- Feb 2024
Eine Studie des Forums Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft und des Ökoinstituts fordert, dass sich Deutschland besser auf die kommende Ausweitung des EU-Emissionshandels auf Tanke und Heizen einstellt, den geltenden CO<sub>2</sub>-Preis erhöht und zugleich Maßnahmen zur sozialen Abfederung wie das Klimageld umsetzt. https://taz.de/Europaeischer-Emissionshandel/!5992314/
Studie: https://foes.de/publikationen/2024/2024-02_KAD_ETS2-KSF.pdf
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Reclaiming Resilience: Building Better Systems of Care<br /> by Stephanie Moore
- Jan 2024
greattransition.org greattransition.org
World Social Forum
for - World Social Forum - failure to reach action consensus
greattransition.org greattransition.org
World Social Forum
for -globalization from below - example - World Social Forum
Battle of Seattle
for - globalization from below - example
globalisation from below - example - Battle of Seattle - World Social Forum
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Zwei der Reports, die zum Weltwirtschaftsforum 2024 publiziert wurden, betonen die Bedeutung von Risiken, die mit der globalen Erhitzung, der Zerstörung der Biodiversität und der lebenserhaltenden Systeme des Planeten verbunden sind. Der Artikel der Repubblica zählt klimapolitisch wichtige Ereignisse des Jahres 2024 auf.https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2024/01/17/news/world_economic_forum_2024_cambiamento_climatico-421899576/
library.glendaleca.pbc.guru library.glendaleca.pbc.guru
Based on the interface, pbc.guru looks like a custom skinned version of Discourse with managed service tacked on.
- Dec 2023
Die Firma Leag will in der Lausitz bis 2038 Braunkohle fördern. Die sächsische Landesregierung - einschließlich der Grünen - überlässt die Entwicklung dem Markt, obwohl die Verstromung der Kohle ziemlich sicher nicht mit den deutschen Klimazielen vereinbar ist, Reportage in der taz https://taz.de/Kohle-Abbau-in-der-Lausitz/!5972597/
- Nov 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Kurz vor der COP28 hat das Lancet-Countdown-Team seinen jährlichen Bericht über Gesundheit und Klimawandel vorgelegt. Die globale Erhitzung habe im vergangenen Jahr für 127 Millionen mehr Menschen zu leichter bis schwerer Nahrungsmittelunsicherheit geführt. In vielen Gebieten hätte die Klimaveränderung die Ausbreitung neuer Krankheiten begünstigt. Durch die anhaltenden Investitionen in fossile Energien bewege sich die Welt in die falsche Richtung https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/nov/14/paying-in-lives-health-of-billions-at-risk-from-global-heating-warns-report
Advancing media and information literacy Bryan Alexander interviews Laura Hilliger, Ian O'Byrne, and Doug Belshaw
With discussion of Promoting Informed Citizenship in a Connected World: Advancing Media and Information Literacy preprint version available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ztAJGD-6KooF3ligI0H9DChpBdc-ROBdCLXJDbaTJm4/edit
blog.weareopen.coop blog.weareopen.coop
social.coop social.coopMastodon1
I use expiration dates and refrigerators to make a point about #AI and over-reliance, and @dajb uses ducks. #nailingit @weareopencoop
—epilepticrabbit @epilepticrabbit@social.coop on Nov 09, 2023, 11:51 at https://mastodon.social/@epilepticrabbit@social.coop/111382329524902140
www.laurahilliger.com www.laurahilliger.com
Laura Hilliger<br /> https://www.laurahilliger.com/
👋 Hi! I’m an expert in open principles, community building, technology for a better world and some other things.
soundcloud.com soundcloud.comSeason 81
Podcast of the We are Open co-op<br /> https://blog.weareopen.coop/
helenbeetham.substack.com helenbeetham.substack.com
Helen Beetham's work and newsletter are recommended by Doug Belshaw. If I heard correctly, she'll shortly appear on Season 8 of the Tao of Wao podcast: https://soundcloud.com/tao-of-wao/sets/season-8
regenesis.org.au regenesis.org.au
ailiteracy.fyi ailiteracy.fyi
Doug Belshaw joint
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
How to Apply the SAMR Model with Ruben Puentedura, 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQTx2UQQvbU.
Enhancement:<br /> - Substitution: Tech acts as a direct tool substitute with no functional improvement - Augmentation: Tech acts as a direct tool substitute with functional improvement
Transformation - Modification: Tech allows for significant task redesign - Redefinition: Tech allows for the creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable
- Oct 2023
bryanalexander.org bryanalexander.org
Alexander, Bryan. “Undents, Volvelles, and Didymus the Brazen-Gutted: Notes on Ann M. Blair’s Too Much to Know.” Bryan Alexander (blog), January 12, 2016. https://bryanalexander.org/reviews/undents-volvelles-and-didymus-the-brazen-gutted-notes-on-ann-m-blairs-too-much-to-know/.
www.thenewatlantis.com www.thenewatlantis.com
Jacobs, Alan. “The Garden and the Stream.” Digital magazine. The New Atlantis (blog), May 4, 2018. https://www.thenewatlantis.com/text-patterns/the-garden-and-stream.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
checkpleasecc.notion.site checkpleasecc.notion.site
How intermediary organizations can help save higher education
Envisioning the next wave of emergent AI
Are we stretching too far by saying that AI are currently emergent? Isn't this like saying that card indexes of the early 20th century are computers. In reality they were data storage and the "computing" took place when humans did the actual data processing/thinking to come up with new results.
Emergence would seem to actually be the point which comes about when the AI takes its own output and continues processing (successfully) on it.
press.princeton.edu press.princeton.edu
Shulman, James L. The Synthetic University: How Higher Education Can Benefit from Shared Solutions and Save Itself. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 2023. https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691190990/the-synthetic-university.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
links between nature and technology
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The increased efficiency in the use of a resource doesn't imply a decrease in the usage of that resource, but rather may cause in incommensurate increase in use because of decrease in cost.
The increased efficiency of the use of a resource may act as a catalyst for increasing usage.
Mark Corbett Wilson mentioned Remi Kalir's work with Claude.ai
bryanalexander.org bryanalexander.org
- Sep 2023
www.heise.de www.heise.de
Aber absolute Gewissheit hat man nur, wenn man einen Außerirdischen auch tatsächlich gesehen hat. Denn letztenendes geht's ja genau darum.Einen Außerirdischen zu finden und die eigene Speisekarte zu erweitern.Aus "Hypothetisch" wird "Esstisch". Thoriumkreaturen klingen nicht sehr genießbar.
www.liberatingstructures.com www.liberatingstructures.com
flyingleapgames.com flyingleapgames.com
Recommended by Jesse Stommel.
www.urmc.rochester.edu www.urmc.rochester.edu
www.jessestommel.com www.jessestommel.com
saragoldrickrab.com saragoldrickrab.com
Envisioning the next wave of emergent AIAn experimental Future Trends Forum workshop event
www.britannica.com www.britannica.com
R.U.R.: Rossum’s Universal Robots, drama in three acts by Karel Čapek, published in 1920 and performed in 1921. This cautionary play, for which Čapek invented the word robot (derived from the Czech word for forced labour), involves a scientist named Rossum who discovers the secret of creating humanlike machines. He establishes a factory to produce and distribute these mechanisms worldwide. Another scientist decides to make the robots more human, which he does by gradually adding such traits as the capacity to feel pain. Years later, the robots, who were created to serve humans, have come to dominate them completely.
Deutschland subventioniert die fossilen Industrien mit sechsmal so hohen Beträgen wie die entkarbonisierung, wie eine im Auftrag von Greenpeace durchgeführte Studie zeigt. Von 16 Milliarden im Jahr entfallen 10 Milliarden auf Entlastungen beim europäischen und nationalen Emissionshandel, 3,8 auf die Stromproduktion mit fossilen Energieträgern und 2,2 auf den Verbrauch fossiler Energien. https://taz.de/Finanzsystem-und-Klimakrise/!5954984/
Studie: https://www.greenpeace.de/publikationen/Zukunftsplan_Industrie.pdf
- Aug 2023
remikalir.com remikalir.com
Kalir, Remi H. “Playing with Claude.” Academic blog. Remi Kalir (blog), August 25, 2023. https://remikalir.com/blog/playing-with-claude/.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Local file Local file
Mills, Anna, Maha Bali, and Lance Eaton. “How Do We Respond to Generative AI in Education? Open Educational Practices Give Us a Framework for an Ongoing Process.” Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching 6, no. 1 (June 11, 2023): 16–30. https://doi.org/10.37074/jalt.2023.6.1.34.
Annotation url: urn:x-pdf:bb16e6f65a326e4089ed46b15987c1e7
www.byanyothernerd.com www.byanyothernerd.com
docs.discourse.org docs.discourse.org
- May 2023
www.heise.de www.heise.de
- Apr 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Bei einer Vollversammlung des permanenten Forums der UN für indigene Angelegenheiten warnten Vertreter indigener Völker nachdrücklich vor einer Dekarbonisierung auf ihre Kosten, etwa durch Bergbau. Auch Artenschutz wird angeführt um indigene zu vertreiben, wie bei einem von den Vereinigten Arabischen Vereinigten Emiraten vorangetrieben Wildreservat im Massai-Gebiet. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/23/un-indigenous-peoples-forum-climate-strategy-warning
- Jan 2023
wordpress.org wordpress.org
Do Not Post About Commercial Products For support of commercial themes or plugins, go to the official support channel. In order to be good stewards of the WordPress community, and encourage innovation and progress, we feel it’s important to direct people to those official locations. Doing this will provide the developer with the income they need to make WordPress awesome. Forum volunteers are also not given access to commercial products, so they would not know why a commercial theme or plugin is not working properly. Ultimately, the vendors are responsible for supporting their commercial product. If you are a vendor and observe someone asking questions about your paid plugin or theme, please direct them towards your own support resources.
- Dec 2022
archiv-14.re-publica.com archiv-14.re-publica.com
- Nov 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
This question was removed from Stack Overflow for reasons of moderation.
- Oct 2022
www.heise.de www.heise.de
www.heise.de www.heise.de
www.heise.de www.heise.de
- Aug 2022
- Jun 2022
www.heise.de www.heise.de
In einer gut laufenden Firma löst man die Probleme die Computer nicht lösen können beispielsweise im Pair oder kleineren Gruppen. Das nimmt dann wenige Stunden im Tag ein und man verbringt die restliche Zeit mit lockeren Plaudereien mit Kollegen oder dem Einlesen in neue Technologien.
blogs.timesofisrael.com blogs.timesofisrael.com
- May 2022
- Apr 2022
- Mar 2022
- Jan 2022
www.heise.de www.heise.de
Ich will das nicht verteidigen, aber wer eine Kettensäge verwendet als Nasenhaarschneider, muss trotzdem höllisch aufpassen.
www.heise.de www.heise.de
- Dec 2021
www.heise.de www.heise.de
Kreative Menschen leisten am meisten, wenn sie den Eindruck erwecken als täten sie nichts.
www.heise.de www.heise.de
Ich drücke dem Unternehmen wirklich alle Daumen, Zehen und was sonst noch so dazu taugt.Wenn die am 24. starten, können die anderen ihre Geschenke alleine auspacken. Ich sitze vor dem Rechner und schaue NASA-TV!
- Nov 2021
meta.stackoverflow.com meta.stackoverflow.com
- Sep 2021
This is the wrong place for this conversation though.
Most issues have been manually labelled as stale rather than automated and closure will be manual too, so we have time to think.
manual action time to think
www.heise.de www.heise.de
www.heise.de www.heise.de
… denn wer die Dinge von ihrem möglichen Mißbrauch her definiert, wird kaum noch in Frieden leben können. Weil sich dann jedes Bettlaken zur Schlinge dreht, und ein Fenster etwas wird, aus dem man nicht sieht, sondern stürzt.Hermann Kant in »Neue Deutsche Literatur«, Heft 10/1977
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Mod note: This question is about why XMLHttpRequest/fetch/etc. on the browser are subject to the Same Access Policy restrictions (you get errors mentioning CORB or CORS) while Postman is not. This question is not about how to fix a "No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'..." error. It's about why they happen.
Please stop posting: CORS configurations for every language/framework under the sun. Instead find your relevant language/framework's question. 3rd party services that allow a request to circumvent CORS Command line options for turning off CORS for various browsers
- Jul 2021
articles.mercola.com articles.mercola.com
If the average American is pushed out of the housing market, and most of the available housing is owned by investment groups and corporations, you become beholden to them as your landlord. This fulfills part of the Great Reset’s “new normal” dictum — the part where you will own nothing and be happy. This isn’t a conspiracy theory; it’s part of WEF’s 2030 agenda.
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
A better place to ask would be on the new (since 2010) coreutils user mailing list.
- Jun 2021
github.com github.com
Please keep in mind that the GitHub issue tracker is not intended as a general support forum, but for reporting bugs and feature requests.
- May 2021
www.heise.de www.heise.de
www.heise.de www.heise.de
diese Wortwahl ist hochgradig unsachlich — so, wie es auch unsachlich war, elektromagnetische Wechselfelder in der Berichterstattung über Mobiltelephonie als "Strahlung" zu bezeichnen, denn damit assoziiert die Allgemeinheit i.d.R. schädliche ionisierende Strahlung mit Wellenlängen ab hartem UV.
www.heise.de www.heise.de
Was ihn auszeichnete war etwas, das ich einen philosophischen Humor nennen würde. Er hat die ganzen kleinen Absurditäten des menschlichen Lebens gesammelt und sie in seinen Romanen zu Gags gemacht. Vielleicht sind seine Bücher deshalb im Jugend- und Reifealter besonders bekömlich, weil man später selbst zu sehr in die Absurdität eingewickelt ist.
- Apr 2021
github.com github.com
Please do not directly email any Sidekiq committers with questions or problems. A community is best served when discussions are held in public.
www.heise.de www.heise.de
- Mar 2021
blog.dropbox.com blog.dropbox.com
Boutin, P. (2020, July 29). The Great Reset is here, like it or not. Dropbox Blog. https://blog.dropbox.com/topics/work-culture/the-great-reset-is-here
valme.io valme.io
- Feb 2021
Time. ‘The Great Reset: How to Build a Better World Post-COVID-19’. Accessed 19 February 2021. https://time.com/collection/great-reset/.
- Jan 2021
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
Group Rules from the Admins1NO POSTING LINKS INSIDE OF POST - FOR ANY REASONWe've seen way too many groups become a glorified classified ad & members don't like that. We don't want the quality of our group negatively impacted because of endless links everywhere. NO LINKS2NO POST FROM FAN PAGES / ARTICLES / VIDEO LINKSOur mission is to cultivate the highest quality content inside the group. If we allowed videos, fan page shares, & outside websites, our group would turn into spam fest. Original written content only3NO SELF PROMOTION, RECRUITING, OR DM SPAMMINGMembers love our group because it's SAFE. We are very strict on banning members who blatantly self promote their product or services in the group OR secretly private message members to recruit them.4NO POSTING OR UPLOADING VIDEOS OF ANY KINDTo protect the quality of our group & prevent members from being solicited products & services - we don't allow any videos because we can't monitor what's being said word for word. Written post only.
Wow, that's strict.
itsfoss.com itsfoss.com
Hi, I Need some help regarding my Ubuntu, is there any way to reach out to you personally ? Vote: 0 0 Share Facebook Twitter Copy link to comment Reply to SAK Copy link to comment Abhishek Prakash People's Favorite with 100+ Upvotes 30 Replies 3 weeks ago This comment is awaiting moderation Use our community forum, please.
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
The RFC repo (where the reaction was strongly positive) is the place for discussion about what features to add; the decision has been made.
please direct questions like yours to the proper channels, i.e. the systemd mailing list. Random github issues are really not the place to ask such questions.
- Oct 2020
Discussion is not necessary, but could be useful for critiquing a pattern. This would be useful for people who are proposing a pattern to the community or for people who want to gather feedback on an experiment.
github.com github.com
It's really useful if your PR relates to an outstanding issue, so please reference it in your PR, or create an explanatory one for discussion. In many cases, features are absent for a reason.
- Sep 2020
discuss.rubyonrails.org discuss.rubyonrails.org
You’re doing some things I’d like you to stop doing:
github.com github.com
GitHub issues aren't the right place for support questions like this. Please ask on StackOverflow or in our Discord chat room.
It was actually cross-posted here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62101637/urql-svelte-function-called-outside-component-initialization-if-not-in-onmou
snarp.github.io snarp.github.io
The same post was on a couple of different forums, and each time told slightly differently.
Maybe Chelicerae?
github.com github.com
Further discussion can take place when this has a PR.
That's funny that he mentions a PR being a prerequisite for having further discussion, when elsewhere ( ), someone said that instead of talking about the
So is a specific proposed implementation (how to built it) necessary/useful in order to have a general discussion about a feature proposal? I would say no.
www.w3.org www.w3.org
GitHub Issues are preferred for discussion of this specification.
pandoc.org pandoc.org
Extension: yaml_metadata_block
github.com github.com
Yarn also has an RFC process which may offer a better discussion platform compared to this GitHub issue.
- Aug 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
Finding facts during a crisis / Stand with the Facts / KUOW / CIP. (n.d.). Retrieved 19 August 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mErLBpIz1f8
As a result, I end up quoting multiple people, sometimes quoting several people back-to-back, before even writing my reply. In those instances it feels like I'm not properly citing those individuals. I feel like it might seem I'm not providing new readers appropriate context for a given quote. It might also be implied that separate quotes are from the same person, leading to mis-attribution.
- Jul 2020
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Overall, the process of moderating individual comments is really really really fucking hard.
dire need for some IBIS or other, where people can make structured arguments & thread out, rather than this endless growing log of comments that pick up wherever they feel like & push whichever-which-way.
we need higher fidelity information to begin to moderate effectively.
this is a really nicely written thread from one of the most ultra-productive extremely-high-quality coders on the planet, detailing what challenges moderators face. and how they are equipped with only: a) moderation of individual comments b) locking threads c) bannings, all fiat acts.
www.nachhaltige-digitalisierung.de www.nachhaltige-digitalisierung.de
- Jun 2020
github.com github.com
I suggest you start a thread in the forum as this is a support request.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Westrupp, E., Greenwood, C., Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M., Berkowitz, T., Hagg, L., & Youssef, G. J. (2020). Text Mining of Reddit Posts: Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation to Identify Common Parenting Issues [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/cw54u
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Sure, all these other answers show ways to not do what the OP asked, but that really screws up the rest of us who searched for the OP's question.
- May 2020
I would recommend they visit SU because that's a place to get help with commands, like openssl rsa and openssl rsautl
httpd.apache.org httpd.apache.org
This is not a Q&A section. Comments placed here should be pointed towards suggestions on improving the documentation or server, and may be removed again by our moderators if they are either implemented or considered invalid/off-topic.
forum.gitlab.com forum.gitlab.com
Hey there. We see you’ve been busy reading, which is fantastic, so we’ve promoted you up a trust level! We’re really glad you’re spending time with us and we’d love to know more about you. Take a moment to fill out your profile, or feel free to start a new topic.
featuredcontent.psychonomic.org featuredcontent.psychonomic.org
Mickes, L. (2020, March 31). COVID-19: What can we do now? Psychonomic Society Featured Content. https://featuredcontent.psychonomic.org/covid-19-what-can-we-do-now/
- Apr 2020
support.google.com support.google.com
You may receive better information if you ask your question in the help forum for that topic
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I'm happy to try to reach agreement with you, but this isn't the right place. Feel free to invite me to a more appropriate forum.
There are paywalls, cookie walls. Should we call this a "comprehension wall"?
github.com github.com
- Dec 2019
vle.exeter.ac.uk vle.exeter.ac.uk
Prior exams with answers and ‘mock exams’
See tips on how to answer and mark breakdowns in the student forum, responding here: https://vle.exeter.ac.uk/mod/forum/post.php?edit=383503
www.heise.de www.heise.de
- Nov 2019
Please submit questions like this on StackOverflow next time. People answers on GitHub don't compound as much
- Oct 2019
- Aug 2019
omnidirhalo.netlify.app omnidirhalo.netlify.app
public forum
What about public forums like G2, Capterra, or Stackshare, how can these be leveraged to share government software insights? Could be framed as open ongoing RFI processes. We should be sharing with each other openly on these platforms. Hope it would at-least improved the level of interfaces / skin vendors put on the same "management" software.
npm.community npm.community
www.smashingmagazine.com www.smashingmagazine.com
Comments are moderated and will only be made live if they add to the discussion in a constructive way. If you disagree with a point, be polite. This should be a conversation between professional people with the aim that we all learn.
- Mar 2019
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
- Jan 2018
www.authorea.com www.authorea.com
threading structure of discussion forums leads to branching and increasingly fragmented conversations, with repetition and duplication appearing in different threads
Of course Hypothesis uses threading as well.
But is threading really the issue? Isn't is more a matter of the correct "parenting" of forums and replies? It's part of the skill of discussion/discussion forums that student-users read other's posts and not repeat what has been said before...
- Dec 2017
sites.google.com sites.google.com
Discussion Forum - I believe using a technology like the discussion forum allows for students to expand on their thinking and interaction. I know I often think of things I wish I had said after class; students tell me the same thing. This forum allows for students to respond in their own time and ponder what they want to say. It provides a more equal platform, as some students may be reluctant to speak in class and others just process things for a longer period before responding and may rarely speak in class. Some of our class discussions in ENG101 would take the place of an online discussion assignment later in the week. Many weeks, these discussion questions would be generated from what we discussed, or didn't have time to discuss, in class, as well as concerns I see with skills or that the students have with assignments. This is why only a few weeks have been posted as examples.
- May 2017
Independent Women's Forum
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
www.iwf.org www.iwf.org
Independent Women's Forum
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
Independent Women's Forum
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
www.onenewsnow.com www.onenewsnow.com
Independent Women's Forum
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
www.cecildaily.com www.cecildaily.com
Independent Women's Forum
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
www.washingtonexaminer.com www.washingtonexaminer.com
Independent Women's Forum
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
iwf.org iwf.org
Independent Women's Forum
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
www.iwf.org www.iwf.org
Independent Women's Forum
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
www.washingtonexaminer.com www.washingtonexaminer.com
Independent Women's Forum
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
Independent Women's Forum
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
www.weeklystandard.com www.weeklystandard.com
Independent Women's Forum
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
www.iwf.org www.iwf.org
Independent Women's Forum
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
Independent Women's Forum
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
www.iwf.org www.iwf.org
Independent Women's Forum
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
learn.wsu.edu learn.wsu.edu
Is this forum closed for posting? How are students supposed to insert voice thread intros into this forum? I have been playing with Embed Audio, Embed Flash and nothing seems to work.
- Mar 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
Great example of a forum which will cause burnout (for both student and professor). I like the idea for using Twitter as explained below. Students are probably already using the tool, it can be used as a back channel, and it has a more normal flow of conversation with potential guest speakers.
- Jan 2016
www.legisocial.fr www.legisocial.fr
convention collective nationale Judicial branch: Supreme Court of Appeals or Cour de Cassation, judges are appointed by the president from nominations of the High Council of the Judiciary; Constitutional Council or Conseil Constitutionnel, three members appointed by the president, three members appointed by the president of the National Assembly, and three appointed by the president of the Senate; Council of State or Conseil d'Etat.