14 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
    1. Hall, opposite the chamber where stands the hearth. In this room they entertain the winners in the Olympic games.

      Description of layout.

  2. Nov 2022
  3. view.connect.americanpublicmedia.org view.connect.americanpublicmedia.org
    1. Most of the tourist and sporting infrastructure had to be built at enormous expense — estimates range anywhere from$200 billion to $300 billion. Yet the return on investment for huge events like this is rarely positive. The Olympics are infamously pricey  to put on, and the economic benefits for residents of the host city are questionable.  So, with the big price tag and not much to show in return, why do countries like Qatar, Russia and Brazil offer up billions of dollars to host global sporting events? According to Victor Matheson, a professor of economics at the College of the Holy Cross and a former Major League Soccer referee, they may be seeking to burnish their reputations through international media coverage.   “If you’re putting any sort of significant money into infrastructure like Qatar obviously is doing, there’s just no way you can make that back on ticket sales, on media rights, [or] on the amount of money you make from tourists coming to visit your country,” Matheson said in an interview with Marketplace’s David Brancaccio. “So obviously, you’re hoping for some sort of long-run benefits, some sort of legacy, and often that is an improvement in your reputation, either as a tourist destination or as a world player in some ways.” 

      Alternate thesis for why countries and cities vie to host money-losing events like the World Cup and the Olympics: grift.

      With the necessary need for building infrastructure, there's easy and ample opportunity for cooking the books and pushing cash flow into the pockets of contractors and political figures as well as into the pockets of the governing bodies and their officials.

      Cross reference FIFA bribery

      Some of the money may go into the local economy and workers which is good, but who's really benefitting here? Where is the money going? Who is footing the loss? It can't all be written off to goodwill.

  4. Jun 2022
  5. Oct 2021
  6. Jun 2021
  7. May 2021
  8. Feb 2021
  9. Jan 2019
    1. Other types of gymnastics not currently on the Olympic roster include tumbling, acrobatic gymnastics, and group gymnastics.

      Other types not in Olympics- tumbling, acrobatic, group.

  10. Mar 2017
    1. Such set speeches were often delivered before large assemblies, as at the Olympic Games, where competition between or-ators provided a welcome complement to the at~-letic contests. On such occasions, the only deci-sion that the audience was called upon to make concerned the talent of the orator, by awarding the crown to the victor.

      Okay, so setting aside the claim that oratory was a "welcome complement to the athletic contests," I was still surprised by this claim that the Olympics used to include competitions in oratory. I tried to look into it, but I only found sketchy sources that claimed "The original Olympics featured competition in music, oratory, and theater performances as well," but that phrase appeared word-for-word in several hits, so I am not inclined to trust it's veracity. Does anyone know about this? Was oratory really an Olympic sport at one point?

  11. May 2016
    1. Third, while Brazil’s Zika inevitably will spread globally — given enough time, viruses always do — it helps nobody to speed that up.[14]  In particular, it cannot possibly help when an estimated 500,000 foreign tourists flock into Rio for the Games, potentially becoming infected, and returning to their homes where both local Aedes mosquitoes and sexual transmission can establish new outbreaks.

      This is the most alarming part

    2. Zika infection is more dangerous, and Brazil’s outbreak more extensive, than scientists reckoned a short time ago.  Which leads to a bitter truth: the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games must be postponed, moved, or both, as a precautionary concession. 

      bitter truth

  12. Dec 2015
    1. Rio Olympics No Help to Brazil Economy Based on World Cup

      An article comparing the effects of the 2010 World Cup held in Brazil to the current and projected impact of the 2016 Olympics on the economy.

  13. Oct 2015
    1. Rio 2016: 'The Olympics has destroyed my home'

      This article discusses the construction being done leading up to the 2016 Rio Olympics through different perspectives of individuals in Brazil.

  14. Aug 2015
    1. in the full bid book, which was only exposed to the public eye after a Freedom of Information Act request filed by Boston magazine,

      Why the hell wouldn't this be exposed before a FOIA request had to be filed?!