65 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Noch nie ist die CO2-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre so stark gestiegen wie im vergangenen Jahr, nämlich um 3,37 parts per million (PPM). Die Konzentration liegt jetzt bei 422 PPM. Vor allem die sehr geringe CO2-Aufnahme durch Ozean- und Landsenken hat diese Steigerung verursacht https://taz.de/Hiobsbotschaft-fuers-Klima/!6040258/

  2. Aug 2024
    1. it's about concentration prioritization and drifting away and doing something different

      for - neuroscience - ideation depends on three different brain functions and brain areas - concentration - prioritization - and drifting away

      neuroscience - ideation depends on three different brain functions and brain areas - concentration<br /> - frontal area of brain - prioritization and - deep inner part of the brain - drifting away - back part of the brain

  3. Jul 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:50:47][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente les bienfaits de la cohérence cardiaque pour la gestion du stress et d'autres aspects de la santé. Caroline Sévoz-Couche, neuropharmacologue, explique les mécanismes physiologiques derrière cette technique de respiration et ses effets sur le corps et l'esprit.

      Points forts : + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Introduction à la cohérence cardiaque * Présentation de Caroline Sévoz-Couche * Importance de la cohérence cardiaque * Objectifs de la présentation + [00:01:00][^4^][4] Mécanismes physiologiques * Explication du nerf vague * Fréquence respiratoire optimale * Effets sur les organes et le cerveau + [00:14:00][^5^][5] Avantages de la cohérence cardiaque * Amélioration de la concentration * Réduction du stress * Effets bénéfiques prouvés scientifiquement + [00:25:00][^6^][6] Applications pratiques * Utilisation avant les compétitions sportives * Techniques de respiration spécifiques * Importance de la respiration nasale + [00:37:00][^7^][7] Recommandations et outils * Durée et fréquence des séances * Applications et dispositifs recommandés * Conseils pour intégrer la cohérence cardiaque dans la vie quotidienne

  4. Jun 2024
  5. Apr 2024
    1. By the process of indexing therefore we boildown, we reduce our materials to that which is essential forour purpose, we create a nucleus of effective information, in-formation which will be of real use to us in the pursuit ofour business. We cast aside what after due examination isfound to be of no value or to lie outside our field of action.

      compare this boiling down to his comment at https://hypothes.is/a/psgmlu7qEe6MIiNGfuzB2A

  6. Mar 2024
    1. As the functionof the caU number is separation, so the function of references isconcentration.

      Placing call numbers or location numbers on items to be filed allows them to be separated from other items while placing cross-references or links allows them to be brought back together again. These two affordances allow for divergence as well as convergence of items or ideas.

    2. AU references are indicated by the word " See," " See also,"" compare," etc. preceding the term to which reference is made.
  7. Feb 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [01:44:47][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo est une conférence de Jean-Philippe Lachaux, un neuroscientifique spécialiste de l'attention, qui présente le programme ATOL (Apprendre à être attentif à l'école) aux enseignants. Il explique les principes et les enjeux de l'éducation de l'attention, ainsi que les activités et les exercices proposés aux élèves pour développer leur attention et leur concentration.

      Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] L'attention, une compétence transversale et essentielle * L'attention permet de sélectionner et de traiter les informations pertinentes pour apprendre * L'attention n'est pas un état stable, mais un processus dynamique qui varie selon les situations et les individus * L'attention n'est pas innée, mais se construit et s'améliore avec l'entraînement et la pratique + [00:23:15][^4^][4] Les trois dimensions de l'attention * La sélectivité: la capacité à choisir une cible parmi les distractions * La flexibilité: la capacité à adapter son attention selon le contexte et le but * La stabilité: la capacité à maintenir son attention sur la durée + [00:41:07][^5^][5] Les trois composantes de l'attention * La perception: ce qu'on perçoit avec nos sens ou notre imagination * L'intention: ce qu'on veut faire ou obtenir avec notre attention * La manière d'agir: comment on réagit ou on transforme ce qu'on perçoit + [00:57:20][^6^][6] Le programme ATOL * Un programme conçu avec des enseignants pour apprendre aux élèves à être attentifs à l'école * Un programme basé sur des activités ludiques et interactives qui sollicitent les trois dimensions et les trois composantes de l'attention * Un programme qui vise à développer la conscience, la compréhension et le contrôle de son attention

      Résumé de la vidéo [01:00:00][^1^][1] - [01:44:47][^2^][2] :

      Cette vidéo est la deuxième partie d'une conférence sur l'attention et la concentration à l'école, animée par Jean-Philippe Lachaux, neuroscientifique et directeur de recherche à l'INSERM. Il présente le programme ATOL (Apprendre à être attentif à l'école), qui vise à développer les compétences attentionnelles des élèves à travers des exercices adaptés à leur âge et à leur niveau. Il explique les principes et les objectifs de ce programme, ainsi que les bénéfices attendus pour les apprentissages scolaires et la vie quotidienne.

      Points forts : + [01:00:00][^3^][3] L'attention et la perception * L'attention influence la façon dont on perçoit le monde * L'attention peut être sélective, globale ou locale, selon la cible * L'attention peut être entraînée à mieux percevoir les détails + [01:15:00][^4^][4] L'attention et l'action * L'attention permet de contrôler son comportement et ses réactions * L'attention implique des conversions entre différents types de données (visuelles, auditives, etc.) * L'attention nécessite de programmer ses actions en fonction de son intention + [01:30:00][^5^][5] L'attention et la mémoire * L'attention est liée à la mémoire de travail, qui stocke temporairement les informations * L'attention permet de transférer les informations de la mémoire de travail vers la mémoire à long terme * L'attention permet de récupérer les informations de la mémoire à long terme vers la mémoire de travail + [01:40:00][^6^][6] L'attention et la motivation * L'attention est influencée par la motivation, qui donne du sens et de la valeur aux activités * L'attention peut être renforcée par des récompenses, des encouragements ou des feedbacks * L'attention peut être régulée par des stratégies de gestion du stress et des émotions

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:35:42][^2^][2] :

      Cette vidéo est une conférence de Jean-Philippe Lachaux, directeur de recherche à l'INSERM et spécialiste du système attentionnel, sur l'attention et la concentration à l'école. Il présente les principes de base de l'attention, ses enjeux pour l'apprentissage, et les moyens de la développer chez les élèves. Il propose également des exemples d'activités et de programmes d'éducation de l'attention, comme Atol et Adolesc.

      Points forts : + [00:01:13][^3^][3] L'attention est sélective et limitée * Elle permet de choisir ce qui est important parmi les informations disponibles * Elle nécessite d'identifier la cible de son attention et de s'y connecter activement * Elle peut être perturbée par des distracteurs internes ou externes + [00:10:10][^4^][4] La concentration est différente de l'attention * Elle implique une intention claire et une seule à la fois * Elle demande de coupler la perception et l'action * Elle peut être facilitée par des stratégies mentales adaptées + [00:21:00][^5^][5] L'attention s'apprend et se développe * Elle peut être entraînée par des exercices spécifiques * Elle peut être renforcée par des habitudes de vie saines * Elle peut être stimulée par des situations pédagogiques variées et motivantes + [00:29:00][^6^][6] L'attention est au cœur de l'apprentissage * Elle permet de se connecter à son objet d'étude et d'en extraire le sens * Elle favorise la mémorisation et la compréhension * Elle contribue à la motivation et à la confiance en soi

  8. Nov 2023
  9. Jun 2023
    1. la carica di Pikolo, vale a dire di fattorino-scritturale, addetto alla pulizia della baracca, alle consegne degli attrezzi, alla lavatura delle gamelle, alla contabilità delle ore di lavoro del Kommando

      The character of Pikolo is introduced by listing his roles as part of the workforce and hierarchy in the camp.


    2. «perciò»

      The causative connector in inverted commas aims at highlighting the perverted logic regulating life in the Lager. Levi repeatedly noticed this disturbing lack of consequentiality, which prevented the prisoners from deducing from observation what the expected behaviour was, which in turn translated into a constant state of insecurity and danger: ‘ogni congettura è arbitraria ed esattamente priva di ogni fondamento reale’. Pikolo’s privileged condition follows another ‘fierce law’ of the Lager: ‘a chi ha, sarà dato; a chi non ha, a quello sarà tolto’.


    3. un allarme aereo

      Air raid sirens were a common occurrence in Monowitz from the summer of 1944. Air raids gave prisoners a chance to escape, to meet and speak to fellow prisoners, to steal food, to gain some respite from their labours and the torment of the Kapos. Some prisoners welcomed the air raids as a sign that the Third Reich was obviously nearing its end. The air raids also frightened their tormentors, the SS guards.

      There were large scale air attacks by the US Air Force against the I. G. Farben synthetic oil plant in Monowitz on 20 August, 3 September, 18 December and 26 December 1944, and on 19 January 1945, the day after the beginning of the evacuation of the camp. During the raid of 20 August, seventy-five prisoners were killed and a hundred and fifty injured; on 3 September, three hundred people, including SS and prisoners, were killed or injured. The high number of prisoner casualties was in part due to I. G. Farben employees forbidding prisoners to take cover in makeshift shelters.


      Subcamps of Auschwitz project

    4. rancio

      The system of rationing reached its extreme in the Nazi Lager. Nonetheless, Levi and many of his companions had already experienced the dilemmas of provisioning in the context of war and the violent repression enacted by the Salò Republic. This situation of scarcity and black market profiteering proved acute in the Valle d’Aosta to which Levi and his family had fled, along with many draft evaders and foreign Jews from the Balkans. When Levi joined his partisan comrades in the Col de Joux, they likewise experienced the challenges all partisans faced: how to safely secure supplies without alienating the local population or risking capture.


    5. la carica di Pikolo

      With the chapter ‘I sommersi e i salvati’, Levi introduces the theme of Prominenz into his reconstruction of life in the Lager. From here on, Levi highlights the web of political relations structuring the concentration camp, wherein power circulates despite and as a function of the persecutors’ will to domination (Forti 2014). A web of relations following the gregarious dynamics of the human--animal as ‘social animal’ (see the conviction ‘every stranger is an enemy’ in the Preface) tends to establish hierarchical forms of cohabitation.

      However, Levi also inspects such a ‘hierarchy of Prominenz’ from an ethical perspective: the ‘saved’ enter the circuit of Prominenz by assuming a certain ethical posture, that is, by calibrating their privilege either with solidarity towards their fellow inmates (such as Alberto or Lorenzo) or with a will to power and prestige that becomes blind towards his fellows’ oppression (such as Alfred L, Elias, Alex or Frenkel).

      Pikolo is no exception: like any other human figure of salvation in SQ, he is initially presented to readers for his ethical value. The first part of ‘Il canto di Ulisse’ describes Pikolo’s story of salvation: he obtained his privilege shrewdly as he understood the voids of power that could be filled with his collaboration. However, he does not use his privilege to increase the oppression of those located in the lower ranks, such as Levi, but works instead to share the advantages his higher position affords him. It is not by chance that Pikolo’s decision to ask Levi to help him to carry out a convenient job that day also, and unconsciously, creates the condition for one of the most intense and memorable dialogues of our literary tradition. If Dante’s verses could resound in Auschwitz and, with them, a moment of hope and mental wellbeing (‘it is doing me good’), it is because of a simple and small act of solidarity that we can never take for granted wherever privilege rules.


    6. il Pikolo

      In this same paragraph, the ‘Pikolo’ is said to be a ‘fattorino-scritturale, addetto alla pulizia della baracca, alle consegne degli attrezzi, alla lavatura delle gamelle, alla contabilità delle ore di lavoro del Kommando’, and three paragraphs later Levi adds that ‘la carica di Pikolo costituisce un gradino già assai elevato nella gerarchia delle Prominenze’.

      Whereas the other titles mentioned in this chapter - Vorarbeiter; Kapo - identify recognised positions within the hierarchy of the Lager, Pikolo, according to the testimony of Jean Samuel, was the invention of Primo Levi: ‘Pikolo was not a camp job. The term was coined for me by Primo Levi. I was the only Pikolo. Of course, all the Kapos had helpers, often very young people, sometimes as young as twelve, who served as their assistants, doing everything they asked, including prostitution. The Kapos’ lovers, their sexual victims, were called “Pipel”. I escaped all that’ (Samuel, Dreyfus 2015, 37; my translation).

      Jean’s testimony also raises questions about the spelling of this term. In a letter he sent to Levi on 13 March 1946, Jean signed his name with his title and identification number from Auschwitz, ‘Picolo ex 176.397’, amending the spelling to ‘Piccolo’ in subsequent correspondence (Franceschini 2017, 268). Moreover, Levi replied to Jean’s letter with a note dated 24 May 1946, attached to which was an early draft of ‘Il canto di Ulisse’, which differs in some ways from what would become the published version, including identifying Levi’s conversation partner as ‘Jean detto Piccolo', a spelling that corresponds to that adopted in the draft of the chapter that Levi sent to Anna Foa on 14 February 1946 (269). Beginning with the first edition of SQ, however, the spelling of Jean’s title was changed to ‘Pikolo’. Fabrizio Franceschini argues that Levi adopted this term, with its new spelling, from its common usage in northern Italian (and possibly also in Vienna in German usage) to refer to shop boys and other minor functionaries (272-79).


    7. Vorarbeiter

      The Vorarbeiter, or foreman, was responsible for supervising the prisoners’ labour. This was a privileged position within the Lager, for which extra food rations were provided (Megargee 2009-2012, 200). A study of another camp reports that those ‘employed as foremen (Vorarbeiter) represented the most hateful attitudes towards Jews’ (4), a finding that might inform our understanding of Levi’s account of Auschwitz. In SQ, Levi discusses the Vorarbeiter in the chapter ‘Il lavoro’, where he explains the discriminatory power that the role affords: ‘Il Vorarbeiter ha distribuito le leve di ferro a noi e i martinetti ai suoi amici’ (OC I, 44).

      For confirmation of the violence with which this power was enforced, we can consult the archives of the United States Holocaust Museum, which contain the contents of a talk given to members of the French Army in October November 1945 in which the deportee Henry Cogenson testified that: ‘As for Kapos and Vorarbeiter, mostly German, Russian or Polish “common criminals”, they, like the SS, never knew when to stop; after having been hit by others when they were simple inmates, they returned the favor on their peers now that they were given a smidgen of power. It was rather common to bring back to camp in the evening a comrade who had been struck during the day and was unable to withstand the blows’. The Auschwitz Museum online hosts images of the armbands worn by the Vorarbeiter, and of the whips they used to beat prisoners. We might also compare Levi’s account with that contained in the Auschwitz survivor Tadeusz Borowski’s 1946 collection of short stories Pożegnanie z Marią (This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen, 1967), wherein the Vorarbeiter Tadeusz is a frequent protagonist.


    8. Passa Frenkel, la spia

      In developing the concentration camp system in the 1930s, amongst other methods, the SS used prisoner spies to undermine prisoner solidarity, and to uncover resistance and escape plans and other perceived prisoner infringements. The spies would be given increased food rations and other “luxuries” in return for supplying information on prisoners to Kapos or SS guards.

      Being a prisoner spy was not without risk. If the occasion arose, prisoners sometimes took the opportunity to rid themselves of a spy.


      Subcamps of Auschwitz project

    9. gamella

      Levi’s reference to the bowl is significant. The bowl was the most important possession of the concentration camp prisoner. No bowl, no food. If you lost your bowl or had it stolen, you either starved or stole somebody else’s bowl. At night in the barracks, you slept with your bowl safe in your hand or under your body.

      The bowl is life.


      Subcamps of Auschwitz project

    10. Passò una SS in bicicletta

      This sentence suggests Sunday afternoon bicycle rides and walks with family in bourgeois pre-war Germany. Levi’s subsequent use of the SS man’s first name in the next sentence (‘È Rudi’) also suggests a relatively relaxed atmosphere, as if Levi sees a friend on that Sunday afternoon ride or walk.

      The picture painted of a quant Sunday afternoon bicycle ride is highly ironic. By 1943, Germany was struggling to keep its armed forces and economy operating. There was a serious lack of fuel for the vehicles of the Wehrmacht and the factories of the Third Reich. Resort was made to the use of the horse and bicycle for transport, wood gas for powering automobiles, and, above all, there was rationing. Synthetic oil production was seen as an alternative to overcome the lack of access to natural resources, including oil. I. G. Farben, the giant German chemical conglomerate, took the decision in 1941 to build a synthetic oil plant at the village of Monowitz, near Auschwitz, utilising the slave labour from the Auschwitz camps and the local abundance of coal and water. As the war progressed and the fuel shortage worsened, the importance of the synthetic oil plant at Auschwitz surged. This was visible in the increasing number of Auschwitz prisoners assigned to work at the I. G. Farben plant, and the creation of a Monowitz sub camp of Auschwitz in 1942 and, subsequently, an independent camp, Auschwitz III–Monowitz in 1943. By 1944, ten thousand Auschwitz prisoners were housed at the concentration camp Auschwitz III–Monowitz, working solely for I. G. Farben.

      ‘Rudi’ is riding his bike as there is little petrol for vehicles, even for the SS and the concentration camps, and even at the plant supposedly producing synthetic oil.


      Subcamps of Auschwitz project

    11. Alex, il Kapo

      For Levi, Alex, the Kapo, was one of the most fearsome individuals in the Monowitz camp, even more so than the SS men. The SS had developed and honed the concentration camp system, starting in 1933 in Dachau. They developed the system to control and eventually break the prisoners. One of the methods used was to introduce camp prisoner functionaries who would have total powers over other prisoners. This had the benefits of reducing SS manpower needed to administer the camps but also of breeding division in the prisoner community.

      The Kapo was the most feared of all prisoner camp functionaries. He was responsible for prisoner roll calls, overseeing the prisoner barracks, and supervising the prisoners at work. He literally had power of life and death over the prisoners. The Kapos were originally chosen from the German criminals (‘green triangles’) incarcerated in the concentration camps from the 1930s. They were chosen for their brutality and because they were German, and therefore separate from Jews, gypsies, and foreign political prisoners increasingly incarcerated in the concentration camps from 1941. Later in the war, Kapos were also chosen from the other prisoner communities including Jews, who could be equally as brutal as the German criminal Kapos.

      Levi was correct to be afraid of ‘Alex, il Kapo’.


      Subcamps of Auschwitz project

    12. sigaretta

      Levi explores the economy of cigarettes and smoking in the chapter of SQ entitled ‘Al di qua del bene e del male', where he explains that ‘Mahorca’, a low-quality tobacco, is officially distributed in the canteen in exchange for the coupons provided to the best worker, but because those coupons are distributed infrequently and inequitably, the tobacco is also sold unofficially in the Market, ‘in stretta obbedienza alle leggi dell’economia classica’, with the resulting booms and busts in price (OC I, 200-01). Because it can be exchanged for more food rations, newer clothing, and other vital necessities, ‘[f]ra i comuni Häftlinge, non sono molti quelli che ricercano di Mahorca per fumarlo personalmente; per lo più, esce dal campo, e finisce ai lavoratori civili della Buna’. That Deutsch is smoking during this work detail is thus a sign of his status and position within the camp.


    13. Häftling

      Levi introduces the term ‘Häftling’ (pl. Häftlinge), German for ‘detainee’ or ‘prisoner,’ in the chapter of SQ entitled ‘Sul fondo,’ wherein he recounts his arrival in Auschwitz, a camp designed to produce ‘un uomo vuoto, ridotto a sofferenza e bisogno, dimentico di dignità e discernimento’, so that ‘Si comprenderà allora il duplice significato del termine «Campo di annientamento»’ (OC I, 152). It is immediately after offering this reflection that Levi provides the term used to denote this ‘uomo vuoto’: ‘Häftling: ho imparato che io sono uno Häftling. Il mio nome è 174 517; siamo stati battezzati, porteremo finché vivremo il marchio tatuato sul braccio sinistro’ (ibid.). Later in the same chapter, Levi explains the distinction between ‘Häftlinge privilegiati’ and ‘comuni Häftlinge’ and describes how the various groups of prisoners are distinguished: ‘Tutti sono vestiti a righe, sono tutti Häftlinge, ma i criminali portano accanto al numero, cucito sulla giacca, un triangolo verde; i politici un triangolo rosso; gli ebrei, che costituiscono la grande maggioranza, portano la stella ebraica, rossa e gialla’ (OC I, 158).


  10. May 2023
    1. Messungen des österreichischen Sonnblick-Observatoriums bestätigen, dass Anteil an Treibhausgasen in der Atmosphäre neue Höchstwerte erreicht hat. Bei CO2 wurden im Monatsmittel 425,3 Parts Per Million. bei Methan 2,014 Parts Per Million gemessen. Die Durchschnittstemperatur in Österreich liegt 2,7 Grad über der vorindustriellen Zeit. https://www.derstandard.de/story/2000146084907/sonnblick-observatorium-vermeldethoechstwerte-an-co2-und-methan

  11. Feb 2023
  12. Jan 2023
    1. A few months ago, during an insomnia-inducing crisis of confidence about where the hell I should be going next with my writing, I suddenly remembered my journal. I hadn’t written in it for a while. Although it was 1:30 in the morning, I got out of bed, went into my study, opened up my journal, and simply began to write. I wrote about being unable to write, the things I thought were preventing me from writing, and what I thought I should do about it. The simple act of writing these thoughts down meant that I no longer felt the need to rehearse them over and over in my head, so I could return to bed and sleep the sleep of the effortlessly talented. When I woke next morning, my crisis of confidence had reduced to a mild concern. My late-night journal session had put things in perspective. It had shown me a way forward.

      Example of someone getting the crap and worries out so that their writing can begin apace. Its sort of like writers' therapy and closely akin to those who talk about morning pages.

      Also similar to teachers of young children who encourage their students to get their "wiggles out" so that they can focus on the classwork at hand.

  13. Dec 2022
    1. Blackstone

      Some important points about Blackstone:

      • In separate cases in 2018 and 2019, the hotel chain Motel 6, owned by Blackstone, agreed to settle for a total of $19.6 million for giving guest lists to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) without a warrant.
      • The company has invested in companies with links to the commercialization and deforestation of the Amazon rainforest.
      • In 2019, a United Nations report found that Blackstone's massive purchasing of single-family homes after the financial crisis of 2007–2008 had "devastating consequences." The report alleged that Blackstone had abused tenants with exorbitant fees, rent hikes, and aggressive eviction practices, and that Blackstone's real estate practices had a disproportionate impact on communities of color, in part because the company targeted foreclosures resulting from subprime loans.
      • In July 2020, Blackstone invested US$200m in the Swedish oat milk brand, Oatly, for a 7% stake in the company, triggering outrage among some segments of its customer base.
  14. Sep 2022
    1. Not related to this text, but just thinking...

      Writing against a blank page is dreadful and we all wish we would be visited by the muses. But writing against another piece of text can be incredibly fruitful for generating ideas, even if they don't necessarily relate to the text at hand. The text gives us something to latch onto for creating work.

      Try the following exercise:<br /> Write down 20 things that are white.<br /> (Not easy is it?)

      Now write down 20 things in your refrigerator that are white?<br /> (The ideas come a lot easier don't they, even if you couldn't come up with 20.)

      The more specific area helped you anchor your thoughts and give them a positive direction. Annotating against texts in which you're interested does this same sort of anchoring for your brain when you're writing.

      Is there research on this area of concentration with respect to creativity?

  15. Jun 2022
  16. Mar 2022
    1. Shelly Miller, PhD. (2020, December 8). And here is an example calculation showing the difference in indoor virus concentrations with 3 vs. 6 ACH room ventilation when a person shedding the virus hangs out for an hour in that space https://t.co/p7M3boIh2w [Tweet]. @ShellyMBoulder. https://twitter.com/ShellyMBoulder/status/1336410448342736899

  17. Feb 2022
    1. Even though results of these studies are currently under intensescrutiny and have to be taken with a grain of salt (Carter andMcCullough 2014; Engber and Cauterucci 2016; Job, Dweck andWalton 2010), it is safe to argue that a reliable and standardisedworking environment is less taxing on our attention, concentration

      and willpower, or, if you like, ego. It is well known that decision-making is one of the most tiring and wearying tasks...

      Having a standardized and reliable working environment or even workflow can be less taxing on our attention, our concentration, and our willpower leaving more energy for making decisions and thinking which can have a greater impact.

      Does the fact that the relative lack of any decision making about what to see or read next seen in doomscrolling underlie some of the easily formed habit of the attention economy? Not having to actively decide what to read next combined with the random rewards of interesting tidbits creating a sense of flow is sapping not our mental energy, but our time. How can we better design against this?

  18. Jan 2022
    1. Fernandez-Castaneda, A., Lu, P., Geraghty, A. C., Song, E., Lee, M.-H., Wood, J., Yalcin, B., Taylor, K. R., Dutton, S., Acosta-Alvarez, L., Ni, L., Contreras-Esquivel, D., Gehlhausen, J. R., Klein, J., Lucas, C., Mao, T., Silva, J., Pena-Hernandez, M., Tabachnikova, A., … Monje, M. (2022). Mild respiratory SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause multi-lineage cellular dysregulation and myelin loss in the brain (p. 2022.01.07.475453). https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.07.475453

  19. Dec 2021
    1. But Wanberg sees no contradiction in fighting gadgets with gadgets. “Can you sit down for three hours and just think about one thing deeply?” he asked me. “Because I can’t. And this device helps me.”

      This feels like it relates to the ideas of extending self-consciousness in dialogue and dialectic from the other day: https://hyp.is/bBIVHmFPEeyvFMtzXQYYWA/docdrop.org/video/EvUzdJSK4x8/

      Is being in dialogue with oneself via their writing or notes an innovation that has moved humanity forward.

  20. Oct 2021
    1. The fact that someone is a billionaire doesn’t make them more capable of solving any of our problems. In fact, the pursuit of that amount of wealth means that they were able to ignore — and in fact directly profit off of — the exploitation and violation of rights that is required to get there.

      This is an astute observation about the destructive journey towards wealth concentration...it often leaves a trail of destruction in its wake. It would make a good subject for a book.

  21. Jun 2021
    1. The result is to scatter our attention and diffuse our concentration.

      Computer and phone notifications can be insidious. I've personally turned most of them off.

      I also find that reading and annotating with Hypothes.is has helped me to have more focus while reading---even despite the short turnoffs to cogitate a bit, write a bit, and then return.

  22. May 2021
  23. Apr 2021
  24. Mar 2021
  25. Feb 2021
    1. Using a terminus to indicate a certain outcome - in turn - allows for much stronger interfaces across nested activities and less guessing! For example, in the new endpoint gem, the not_found terminus is then wired to a special “404 track” that handles the case of “model not found”. The beautiful thing here is: there is no guessing by inspecting ctx[:model] or the like - the not_found end has only one meaning!
  26. Jan 2021
    1. Chess thinking provides a rich metacognitive context that leads me to believe that we should tease apart three notions that are related but often conflated – attention, flow and concentration. Attention is fundamentally grounded in perception (how we attend), flow is fundamentally grounded in experience (how we feel), and concentration is grounded in praxis (how we purposively coalesce).
  27. Dec 2020
    1. Antibiotics, according to strain sensitivity, were used at the following concentrations: tetracycline 2 μg/ml for Rm1021, BM7, BM299 and BM300, 4 μg/ml for LMG18864, 10 μg/ml for other Sinorhizobium strains and for E. coli; streptomycin 600 μg/ml and kanamycin 200 μg/ml were used for Rm1021; kanamycin for E. coli S17.1 was used at 40 μg/ml; gentamicin was used at 20 μg/ml for all strains
    1. That means when I record them, I need to have a large block of uninterrupted time, completely free of distractions, and I need to be well-rested, in a good mood, full of joyful energy and inspiration.
    2. Well, I have a four-year-old at home. I absolutely love being with my son all day, but there's definitely not much stillness around here, and any extra energy is either spent on getting some freelance work done, cleaning up the house, or trying to fit in a grownup movie or game before bed.
  28. Sep 2020
  29. Aug 2020
    1. Lednicky, J. A., Lauzardo, M., Fan, Z. H., Jutla, A. S., Tilly, T. B., Gangwar, M., Usmani, M., Shankar, S. N., Mohamed, K., Eiguren-Fernandez, A., Stephenson, C. J., Alam, M. M., Elbadry, M. A., Loeb, J. C., Subramaniam, K., Waltzek, T. B., Cherabuddi, K., Morris, J. G., & Wu, C.-Y. (2020). Viable SARS-CoV-2 in the air of a hospital room with COVID-19 patients. MedRxiv, 2020.08.03.20167395. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.08.03.20167395

  30. May 2020
    1. to concentrate the viruses, the 1‐l aliquot was acidified with 1 mol l−1 acetic acid to pH ~3·0 and then viruses were filtered onto a 47‐mm, 0·45‐μm HA negatively charged nitrocellulose filter
    1. The 1MDS-method and the HA-method did not provide as high recovery yields of the virions as the Mg-method.

      The reason for this could be the beef extract used to elute the virions from both these membranes. The other two successful methods (Mg and Al) used H2SO4 for elution.

  31. Jan 2020
  32. Oct 2019
    1. Meanwhile at Microsoft's GitHub, employees at both companies have objected to GitHub's business with ICE, not to mention Microsoft's government contracts. Employees at Amazon have also urged the company not to sell its facial recognition technology to police and the military.
  33. Sep 2019
    1. I feel by far less distracted. My attention span feels more robust than it ever has. I also clocked in at 1000 consecutive days of meditation this past year so I’m not sure which can lay claim to more of these benefits, but my hunch is that getting rid of social media helped.

      No Facebook/Instagram/"social media" better concentration. I'm quite sure that this adheres to a lot of people.

  34. Apr 2019
    1. Thalamus: Our Thalamus is like a cook.  It takes in info from all the senses and then blends it with our autobiographical memory. Breakdown of the thalamus explains why trauma is primarily remembered not as a story with a beginning, middle, or end, but as isolated sensory imprints: images, sounds, physical sensations that are accompanied by intense emotions usually terror and helplessness. In normal circumstances, the thalamus also acts as a filter or gatekeeper. This makes it a central component of attention, concentration, and new learning—all of which are compromised by trauma. People with PTSD have their floodgates wide open. Lacking a filter, they are on constant sensory overload. In order to cope, they try to shut themselves down and develop tunnel vision and hyperfocus. If they can’t shut down naturally, they may enlist drugs or alcohol to block out the world. The tragedy is that the price of closing down includes filtering out sources of pleasure and joy as well.
  35. Jan 2017
    1. The stresses build up around the discontinuity or hole and that can be concentrated on the edges is the shape has a an elliptical shape. The more elongated the crack to more stress is concentrated at the edges of crack. The total stress was the same but because of the discontinuity the bonds at the edges of the crack saw too much stress and with this the geologic stresses of 100 see total stresses of 1000 in those sports which would mean the paradox we had is essentially solved. stresses at the tips of cracks will continually keep multiply and continue cracking until... no more airplane wings. The concentration is caused by the loss of the stress the crack or hole could have handled if were whole. Nature keeps propagating the cracks so while t the hole may keep getting bigger the force the stresses likely will not get more intense.

      Wednesday we will se how this works with compression

  36. Jul 2015
    1. In extreme cases, an entire project would stall because I couldn't carve out enough contiguous time to get through the next part of it.

      This is the hardest problem of writing and the ways it gets undermined can be so subtle. A roommate asking, "Is this your sock?" can wreck an afternoon.