7 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. here are seven classes of fats in our diet seven and some of them will save your life and some of them will kill you

      for - health - 7 classes of dietary fat - to - article showing vegetarians can get enough DHA from non-animal, plant-based dietary sources

      health - 7 classes of dietary fat - arranged from best to worst - omega 3 - alpha lonolenic acid (ALA - EPA (icosopentinoic acid) - DHA (docohexainoic acid) - only from marine life - fish - vegans and vegetarians NEED DHA to function properly. They cannot get in outside of fish. This poses a real problem - monosaturated fatty acids - olive oil

      to - Physician's committee article on Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Plant-Based Diets claims that vegetarians do get enough DHA from non-animal sources - https://hyp.is/_4klxD1jEe-VvxuChksdEw/www.pcrm.org/good-nutrition/nutrition-information/omega-3

    1. for - diet - vegetarian - sources of omega 3 DHA - from - prof. emeritus Robert Lustig talks about lack of DHA omega 3's in plant-based diets

      Robert Lustig says that it is a concern that vegetarians don't have a good non-animal source of omega 3 DHA but this source seems to show research that show vegetarians can get enough DHA

      from - prof. emeritus Robert Lustig talks about lack of DHA omega 3's in plant-based diets - https://hyp.is/sMonLj1gEe-nPdM5M2H0qQ/docdrop.org/video/WVFMyzQE-4w/

  2. Mar 2024
  3. Jan 2024
  4. Jan 2023
    1. the numbers are 00:14:09 something like that you drop it down to you've got 88 percent less chance or actually it's it's 12 percent chance for most diseases so most diseases are protected by these diets

      !- vegan and pescatarian diets : disease impacts - reduce by 88%

  5. May 2022
    1. ocio-cultural and lifestyle changes can accelerate climate change mitigation (medium26confidence). Among 60 identified actions that could change individual consumption, individual27mobility choices have the largest potential to reduce carbon footprints. Prioritizing car-free mobility by28walking and cycling and adoption of electric mobility could save 2 tCO2eq cap-1 yr-1. Other options with29high mitigation potential include reducing air travel, cooling setpoint adjustments, reduced appliance30use, shifts to public transit, and shifting consumption towards plant-based diets

      The highest potential for demand side reduction among lifestyle change are: mobility, cooling setpoint adjustments, appliance usage, and diet.

  6. Aug 2021