160 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. when consciousness puts on the glasses of a finite mind a human mind it puts on the glasses that consist of thinking and perceiving it is that activity which seems to localize consciousness within itself as a separate subject of experience from whose perspective it views its own activity as the outside universe

      for - key insight - universal consciousness contracts to localized human consciousness - experiences its own activity as the outside universe - Rupert Spira

    1. “Building housing in existing communities is one of our best climate solutions, and paving over 17,000 acres of non-irrigated farmland is not,

      for - sustainable building - building reuse vs new build - which is better? - California Forever - intentional community - green debate

      sustainable building - building reuse vs new build - which is better? - Study by Preservation Green Lab in 2012 concluded that in most cases, reusing existing buildings is far lower carbon footprint than building new - Research study shows that we cannot expand human activity into intact nature any longer if we are to stay within planetary boundaries - Rockstrom - https://hyp.is/0dbJ4FQSEe-QxY8q4Y3yvw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaboF3vAsZs

  2. Jan 2024
    1. for - Rainbow body - Deep Humanity - superorganism - multi-level communication - adjacency between - contemplative practice - direct experience of body's cellular activity

      summary - Father Tiso and his catholic lineage combined with scholarship in Tibetan studies places him in a unique position for interfaith dialogue - His research interest in investigating the extraordinary and unexplained Tibetan meditation phenomena of Rainbow Body manifested by the greatest practitioners at the time of death (including contemporary ones) sheds light on the Rainbow Body phenomena in many spiritual traditions and challenges the scientific community to come up with an explanation for it. - If scientifically proven true, it offers an extraordinary possibility of human potential - Contemplation could be the practice technique that could directly bridge normal human consciousness with the microscopic world around us, which to date, is only accessible through scientific instrumentation.

      question - Does deep contemplative practice offers a direct access to the microscopic reality? - If so, how does it accomplish this direct communication with human cells, and indeed, even the universe itself? - Father Tiso shares centuries old recorded visual drawings of experiences reported by Rainbow Body practitioners and speculates whether these drawings represent direct experience of the cellular scale of our human form - Indeed, could it even be at the quantum level of experience, since rainbows are an optical phenomenal?

  3. Mar 2023
  4. Dec 2022
  5. Nov 2022
    1. As you note, Activity diagrams inherently can include concurrency and timing. If you look at this example cribbed from Wikipedia, shown below, you can observe the section with two heavy horizontal bars, and two parallel activities of "present idea" and "record idea". That is read as "start these activities in parallel, and continue only when both are complete." Flowcharts can't express this within the notation. Practically, using activity diagrams lets you think clearly about concurrent processes. I think you'll find that anyone who can read a flowchart will quickly adapt.
    2. Activity diagram spreads confusion by its own name, there must be a reason why nobody understand them and ask similar questions.
    3. It might seem as a preference, but if we have a standardized language for describing software systems, Why do we use something else? This can lead to bad habit of overusing flowcharts. Activity diagrams are really simple. But if you decide to describe a more complicated aspect of the system or try to change the part you are describing, you might have to switch anyway. So just use UML and prevent confusion in the future.
  6. Aug 2022
  7. Mar 2022
  8. Jan 2022
  9. Dec 2021
    1. A sharp rise in reported active volcanoes immediately post-WW II was followed by another steep increase in the early 1950s that has no obvious relationship to historic events.

      'No obvious relationship to historic events' is blatantly inaccurate here. The US military was active in the Pacific for the entirety of this time frame reestablishing the power in the Pacific US colonies. It naturally would follow that volcanic activity would be reported at higher rates as military vessels were combing the area.

  10. Nov 2021
  11. Oct 2021
    1. A simplified freezing point depression (FPD) equation was derived for calculating water activity (aw) of food systems. The aw values as calculated by FPD data agreed with literature data for a variety of foods to within ± 0.01 aw units. The FPD equation was found particularly useful for calculating aw values of frozen foods at temperatures between 273.1.5–233.15 °K (0 to −40°C).

      ± 0.01 aw? That's crazy accurate. Temperature is extremely easy to measure at home, which makes this a perfect technique for home food preservation. In particular, it can be used with sugar-free, salt-free, and other obscure recipes for which water activity is hard to estimate.

      Additionally, this accuracy could be run in reverse. Knowing the water activity of ice-cream can tell you the freezing point. Moreover, a mini fridge could keep select food items chilled below 0°C for better preservation. In particular, I plan to dissolve erythritol into unsweetened plant milks and lower my fridge temp accordingly.

  12. Sep 2021
    1. About 1930 it began to be evident that the nerve cell is not physiologically inert, does not have to be excited from outside in order to discharge (19, p. 8). The nervous system is alive, and living things by their nature are active. With the demonstration of spontaneous activity in c.n.s. it seemed to me that the conception of a drive system or systems was supererogation. For reasons I shall come to later, this now appears to me to have been an oversimplification; but in 1945 the only problem of motivation, I thought, was to account for the direction taken by behavior. From this point of view, hunger or pain might be peculiarly effective in guiding or channeling activity but not needed for its arousal. It was not surprising, from this point of view, to see human beings liking intellectual work, nor to find evidence that an animal might learn something without pressure of pain or hunger. The energy of response is not in the stimulus. It comes from the food, water, and oxygen ingested by the animal; and the violence of an epileptic convulsion, when brain cells for whatever reason decide to fire in synchrony, bears witness to what the nervous system can do when it likes. This is like a whole powder magazine exploding at once. Ordinary behavior can be thought of as produced by an organized series of much smaller explosions, and so a "self-motivating" c.n.s. might still be a very powerfully motivated one. To me, then, it was astonishing that a critic could refer to mine as a "motivationless" psychology. What I had said in short was that any organized process in the brain is a motivated process, inevitably, inescapably; that the human brain is built to be active, and that as long as it is supplied with adequate nutrition will continue to be active. Brain activity is what determines behavior, and so the only behavioral problem becomes that of accounting for inactivity.

      New ways to think on motivation and c.n.s. That the views of the past were too simple, and that you don't have to use pain to motivate animals whether lower or high functioning. You can also motivate with food, water, oxygen which causes the energy of response. When prior it was thought stimulus was what caused the energy or response. They noted brain cells fired together in sync, showing us that the nervous system can do what it wants and not just based on stimulus or physical motivation.

  13. Aug 2021
    1. What the Internet has done to date is expand the potentiality formore widespread, instantaneous awareness of activity and consequences on aglobal scale. This means that verifiability need not be personal—so long asreliable information can be retrieved from information systems. But havingretrieved the information or having it instantaneously available does not meanthat we have the capacity to act upon it.
  14. Jul 2021
  15. Jun 2021
    1. The PDMs of this model show promise in revealing the important dynamic characteristics of the underlying physiological mechanisms and allow the formulation of specific quantitative hypotheses about the role of the sympathetic and parasympathetic activity (corresponding to specific PDMs) in cerebral perfusion and autoregulation. Consistent with the widely held view regarding the temporal characteristics of autonomic control of the cardiovascular system, it is posited that the HR PDMs with a resonant spectral peak around 0.2 Hz may be associated with parasympathetic activity, whereas the PDMs with a resonant spectral peak around 0.12 Hz may be associated with sympathetic activity
    1. Of the different instantaneous HRV indices computed by the point process technique, we selected the instantaneous high frequency power (HF) as our representative HRV metric. Heart rate HF power has garnered the greatest consensus for reflecting respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) modulation by parasympathetic activity
  16. May 2021
    1. Beltran, D. G., Isch, C., Ayers, J. D., Alcock, J., Brinkworth, J. F., Cronk, L., Hurmuz-Sklias, H., Tidball, K. G., Horn, A. V., Todd, P. M., & Aktipis, A. (2021). Mask wearing behavior across routine and leisure activities during COVID-19. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/2qya8

  17. Apr 2021
    1. I enjoy it as a quiet type of game you can play even when you've had a long, tough day. And I don't mind pulling unusable tiles; at least you get to take another one instead of missing your turn. There's just something relaxing about it. After all, lots of people enjoy sitting for hours playing Patience and this is much more entertaining than that.
  18. Mar 2021
    1. “Follow your blisters” implies something that you come back to so many times that you eventually move past the blister stage, into toughened skin. Eventually, the activity “marks you” through use and practice, and you develop a special competence. When you practice an activity a bit more obsessively than other people, you build unique character – you earn some wear and some healing that makes you idiosyncratic, and a little unbalanced.It is something that you don’t need to put on your to-do list, something you care enough about to return to repeatedly, even though it causes discomfort. Over time, you develop a layer of protection that enables you to do that something more easily.
    1. When nesting an activity with multiple outcomes, you can wire each terminus to a different route.
    2. For example, an output using Track(:create) will snap to the next possible task that is “magnetic to” :create. That’s how tracks or paths are created.
    3. Semantics are mostly relevant for nesting
    4. Remember, in a railway activity each task has two standard outputs with the “semantics” success and failure.
    5. By using Output(:semantic), you can select an existing output of the task and rewire it.
    6. Why don’t we put the “create user” task onto the failure track, and in case of successfully persisting the new user, we deviate back to the happy path?
    7. the Activity component is the heart of TRB
    8. To implement such an activity, we only need to rewire the second step’s failure output to a new terminus.
    9. Since you can reference outputs by their semantic, you as a modeller only connect conceptual termini to ongoing connections!
    10. it’s a bit as if the following wiring is applied to every task added via #step
    11. Additionally, you may add debugging steps, error handler or rewire the conditions dynamically without touching the original snippet.
    12. Suppose that the validate task was getting quite complex and bloated. When writing “normal” Ruby, you’d break up one method into several. In Trailblazer, that’s when you introduce a new, smaller activity.
    13. Knowing about the wiring mechanics in Trailblazer is one thing. However, the real fun starts with nesting activities. That’s when the ideas of encapsulation, interfaces and reducing dependencies really come into play.
    14. Nesting an activity into another is a bit like calling a library method from another method
    15. the explicit modelling has one massive advantage: all possible outcomes of the nested activity are visible and have to be connected in the outer diagram
  19. Feb 2021
    1. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a standard for business process modeling that provides a graphical notation for specifying business processes in a Business Process Diagram (BPD),[3] based on a flowcharting technique very similar to activity diagrams from Unified Modeling Language (UML).
  20. Jan 2021
    1. Was this change gradual? Deliberate? Fortuitous? And/or contrary to the desires of most Americans?

      evaluate the kind of change

    2. In your evaluation, rank the successes and failures of each and their most significant limitations.
    3. Evaluate business reform, labor reform, the Populists, the Progressives, and efforts to expand democratic participation during our period.
    4. Why was such great energy, passion, and courage committed to reform movements during our period?
    5. How did WASP winners “understand” the casualties of the American system?
    6. Are these issues and behaviors relevant today?
    7. What behaviors did the document seek to justify
    8. Was there a consensus of ideology
    9. Were they unique in fundamental ways?
    10. Define these people and demonstrate their most significant characteristics and behaviors
    11. Connect causes and consequences to each. Were these outcomes inevitable
    12. What factors best explain the relative conditions of the groups on your lists?
    13. List, in rank order, the most significant groups of winners and losers.
    1. How We Make Sense of Time

      Use this article along with Sing, Unburied, Sing to expand discussion of various spatial representations/ cultural conceptions of time.

  21. Nov 2020
  22. Oct 2020
    1. An in depth read that has plenty of sources and data to back its findings that peer evaluation has many positive impacts on learning when done the correct way.


    1. Activity Thoery: who is doing what, why and how, looks at how people carry out tasks. The theory is mainly used in research, it can also be used when doing a needs assessment to figure design purposeful training.


  23. Sep 2020
    1. “I’ll skip my turn, thanks.”

      Having an option to not participate when not comfortable, I feel actually makes students want to participate more since they feel as if they have a choice.

  24. Aug 2020
    1. Malani, A., Soman, S., Asher, S., Novosad, P., Imbert, C., Tandel, V., Agarwal, A., Alomar, A., Sarker, A., Shah, D., Shen, D., Gruber, J., Sachdeva, S., Kaiser, D., & Bettencourt, L. M. A. (2020). Adaptive Control of COVID-19 Outbreaks in India: Local, Gradual, and Trigger-based Exit Paths from Lockdown (Working Paper No. 27532; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27532

  25. Jul 2020
    1. Matz, alas, I cannot offer one. You see, Ruby--coding generally--is just a hobby for me. I spend a fair bit of time answering Ruby questions on SO and would have reached for this method on many occasions had it been available. Perhaps readers with development experience (everybody but me?) could reflect on whether this method would have been useful in projects they've worked on.
  26. Jun 2020
  27. May 2020
    1. Mancastroppa, M., Burioni, R., Colizza, V., & Vezzani, A. (2020). Active and inactive quarantine in epidemic spreading on adaptive activity-driven networks. ArXiv:2004.07902 [Cond-Mat, Physics:Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.07902