18 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
  2. Mar 2023
  3. Oct 2022
  4. Sep 2022
    1. Just because you can create a plugin for any tool and manage its versions with asdf, does not mean that is the best course of action for that specific tool.
  5. Nov 2021
    1. Calling a software convention "pretty 90s" somewhat undermines your position. Quite a lot of well-designed software components are older than that. If something is problematic, it would be more useful to argue its faults. When someone cites age to justify change, I usually find that they're inexperienced and don't fully understand the issues or how their proposed change would impact other people.
  6. Jun 2021
    1. '...ee' is usually paired with an '..er', isn't it? Employee/Employer, Trainee/Trainer. I wouldn't use Coachee because to me, it implies you're a Coacher, not a Coach.

      Just because "...ee" is usually paired with an "...er" word doesn't mean it can never be paired with a non-"-er", non-"-or" word.

      I'm sure there are many examples of inconsistencies in English that we could point at to make that point...

  7. Apr 2021
    1. Although echo "$@" prints the arguments with spaces in between, that's due to echo: it prints its arguments with spaces as separators.

      due to echo adding the spaces, not due to the spaces already being present

      Tag: not so much:

      whose responsibility is it? but more: what handles this / where does it come from? (how exactly should I word it?)

  8. Mar 2021
  9. Feb 2021
  10. Nov 2020
    1. This is Sass based, and therefore doesn't require Svelte components

      Just because we could make Svelte wrapper components for each Material typography [thing], doesn't mean we should.


      • material-ui [react] did make wrapper components for typography.

        • But why did they? Is there a technical reason why they couldn't just do what svelte-material-ui did (as in, something technical that Svelte empowers/allows?), or did they just not consider it?
      • svelte-material-ui did not.

        • And they were probably wise to not do so. Just reuse the existing work from the Material team so that there's less work for you to keep in sync and less chance of divergence.
  11. Oct 2020
    1. There are other features you *could* actually polyfill, such as Array.of, Number.isNaN or Object.assign, because those don’t introduce syntax changes to the language – except that you shouldn’t.
  12. Nov 2019