6 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2021
I have a rule that I won't allow Capybara to be monkey-patched in Poltergeist. This gives some indication to users about whether something is non-standard. So basically all non-standard stuff must be on page.driver rather than page (or a node).
- Feb 2021
dry-rb.org dry-rb.org
Another solution is using the Safe Navigation Operator &. introduced in Ruby 2.3 which is a bit better because this is a language feature rather than an opinionated runtime environment pollution
- Oct 2020
ponyfoo.com ponyfoo.comPony Foo1
There are other features you *could* actually polyfill, such as Array.of, Number.isNaN or Object.assign, because those don’t introduce syntax changes to the language – except that you shouldn’t.
humanwhocodes.com humanwhocodes.com
github.com github.com
Polyfills are naughty as they patch native APIs, while ponyfills are pure and don't affect the environment.
How are ponyfills better than polyfills? A polyfill is code that adds missing functionality by monkey patching an API. Unfortunately, it usually globally patches built-ins, which affects all code running in the environment. This is especially problematic when a polyfill is not fully spec compliant (which in some cases is impossible), as it could cause very hard to debug bugs and inconsistencies. Or when the spec for a new feature changes and your code depends on behavior that a module somewhere else in the dependency tree polyfills differently. In general, you should not modify API's you don't own.