18 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2023
www.digitalocean.com www.digitalocean.com
In many ways, mail server stacks represent a collision between the tools and values of the early internet — self-hosting open source software using well-defined standards and interoperable protocols — and the reality of the modern internet — a few centralized, trusted authorities.
- Mar 2022
code.visualstudio.com code.visualstudio.com
Note that this is a breaking API change in the libraries (more information in the README.md). It does not affect the backwards compatibility of the protocol itself.
annotation meta: may need new tag: backwards compatibility of the protocol backwards compatibility for [libraries that use [it?]]
- Aug 2021
www.ruby-lang.org www.ruby-lang.org
3. The no-keyword-arguments syntax (**nil) is introduced You can use **nil in a method definition to explicitly mark the method accepts no keyword arguments. Calling such methods with keyword arguments will result in an ArgumentError. (This is actually a new feature, not an incompatibility)
If you extend a method to accept keyword arguments, the method may have incompatibility as follows: # If a method accepts rest argument and no `**nil` def foo(*args) p args end # Passing keywords are converted to a Hash object (even in Ruby 3.0) foo(k: 1) #=> [{:k=>1}] # If the method is extended to accept a keyword def foo(*args, mode: false) p args end # The existing call may break foo(k: 1) #=> ArgumentError: unknown keyword k
- Apr 2021
github.com github.com
if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) < Gem::Version.new('2.1.0')
- Feb 2021
support.system76.com support.system76.com
Windows and Linux store their time in the BIOS differently, this will cause your clock to be desynchronized when you switch from one OS to the other. The easiest solution for it is to fix it in Linux, forcing it to work the same way as Windows. You can do this through the terminal:
- Nov 2020
webpack.js.org webpack.js.orgConcepts1
When enabled, symlinked resources are resolved to their real path, not their symlinked location. Note that this may cause module resolution to fail when using tools that symlink packages (like npm link)
- Oct 2020
humanwhocodes.com humanwhocodes.com
gist.github.com gist.github.com
The problem is that the since both the JSX transpiler and the traceur compiler are actually parsing the full javascript AST, they would have to mutually agree on the syntax extensions you use: traceur can't parse the faux-xml syntax JSX adds, and JSX can't parse the async or await keywords, for example, or generator functions.
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
You may also use a regular expression for include that works regardless of base path.
codingwithspike.wordpress.com codingwithspike.wordpress.com
So how do we deal with this in a sane way, especially when as a package maintainer, you don’t know if someone using your package will be on NPM2 or 3?
- Jul 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
However, this is not working in Python 3, as print has changed from a command to a function, and reduce, filter and map have been declared unpythonic.
link.aps.org link.aps.org
Sayama, H. (2020). Enhanced ability of information gathering may intensify disagreement among groups. Physical Review E, 102(1), 012303. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.102.012303
- Jun 2020
notes.peter-baumgartner.net notes.peter-baumgartner.net
But it has as an external service several disadvantages which opposed the philosophy of static websites diametrically.
- May 2020
github.com github.com
Running kaniko in any Docker image other than the official kaniko image is not supported (ie YMMV). This includes copying the kaniko executables from the official image into another image.
- Apr 2020
haveibeenpwned.com haveibeenpwned.com
In the future, these attributes may expand without the API being versioned. The current attributes are:
- Nov 2019
github.com github.com
To address many issues that have come up over the years, the API in v2 and above is not backwards compatible with the original React addon (v1-stable).