5 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
This is not an MDC Web component. It is an addition that SMUI provides.
- Oct 2020
gist.github.com gist.github.com
The problem is that the since both the JSX transpiler and the traceur compiler are actually parsing the full javascript AST, they would have to mutually agree on the syntax extensions you use: traceur can't parse the faux-xml syntax JSX adds, and JSX can't parse the async or await keywords, for example, or generator functions.
- Dec 2019
swiftodoapp.com swiftodoapp.com
Due dates and threshold dates aren't part of the todo.txt format spec! Due date and threshold date are implemented as key:value tags, which are fully compliant with the todo.txt format spec. They both are popular extensions to the todo.txt command line scripts.
play.google.com play.google.com
I guess that's supposed to be a date? Wish they used YYYY-MM-DD format as specified by todo.txt spec.
github.com github.com
uBlock Origin blocks ads through its support of the Adblock Plus filter syntax. uBlock Origin extends the syntax and is designed to work with custom rules and filters.