11 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. Given that we historically didn't release many majors, some people have started to colloquially call "Yarn 2" everything using this new codebase, so Yarn 2.x and beyond (including 3.x). This is incorrect though ("Yarn 2" is really just 2.x), and a better term to refer to the new codebase would be Yarn 2+, or Yarn Berry (which is the codename I picked for the new codebase when I started working on it).
  2. Feb 2024
    1. Yes, but to what version? A patch version only, e.g. you released 1.0.0, so the "next" version is 1.0.1? Why not 1.1.0? You don't know ahead of time what version you'll be releasing until it's actually released
    2. The increment-after-release model makes sense for branching too. Suppose you have a mainline development branch, and you create maintenance branches for releases. The moment you create your release branch, your development branch is no longer linked to that release's version number. The development branch contains code that is part of the next release, so the version should reflect that.
  3. May 2021
    1. If your python3 executable is named "python" instead of "python3" (this particularly appears to affect a number of Windows users), then you'll also need to modify the first line of git-filter-repo to replace "python3" with "python".
  4. Feb 2021
    1. The work put into Trailblazer 2.1 has been tremendous, it could easily have been TRB 3.0, or even TRB III, since Roman version numbering turns out to be quite a fancy thing to do. However, as much as the internals have been improved, as little has changed on the public APIs of Trailblazer, so we decided to go with a minor release.
  5. May 2020
  6. Apr 2020
  7. Mar 2020
    1. Q. What is up with the weird version scheme in Rubinius? A. Rubinius uses a simple epoch.sequence version scheme. For any sequence number N, N+1 will only add new capabilities, or remove something that has been listed as deprecated in <= N.
    2. Q. Why does Rubinius report the Ruby version as 10.0? A. Rubinius is a time machine. When you use it, you travel into the future. Even this README is in the future.
  8. Dec 2019