- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the conclusion must of course be, okay, so this is the risk assessment we have. Let's, then we have to apply precaution. Precautionary principle. Exactly. Uncertainty in science, which will always be there, should in my view, always be. connected with a risk assessment.
for - adjacency - precautionary principle - risk assessment - progress traps
adjacency - between - precautionary principle - risk assessment - progress trap - adjacency relationship - Precautionary principle is really stating that we don't have enough knowledge and there can be a high risk - Even if there is low probability of occurrence, we must apply precautionary principle to avoid a progress trap
- Mar 2024
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Die Europäische Umweltagentur hat ihren ersten Klimarisiko-Bericht veröffentlicht. Von 36 Risiken erfordern 21 sofortiges Handeln, acht mit besonderer Dringlichkeit. Insgesamt sei Europa bei weitem nicht ausreichend auf die Risiken der globalen Erhitzung vorbereitet, die in Südeuropa am bedrohlichsten seien. Europa ist der von der Erhitzung am stärksten betroffene Kontinent. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000211032/eu-muss-sich-auf-katastrophale-folgen-des-klimawandels-vorbereiten
Bericht: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/european-climate-risk-assessment
- Apr 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Eine n neue Studie untersucht, am welchen stehen der Erde ein Risiko für extreme Hitzewellen versteht, ohne dass es bisher dazu gekommen ist. Bei diesen Gebieten, zu denen sich Deutschland und die Benelux-Staaten gehören, besteht die Gefahr, dass sie sich unzureichend auf Extremereignisse vorbereiten. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/25/climate/extreme-heat-waves.html
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Schlagenhauf, P., & Deuel, J. (2021). Concerts and COVID: Can the beat go on? The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00721-0
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ReconfigBehSci. (2021, December 8). RT @kallmemeg: NEW: @UKHSA Mini Omicron Update Omicron VOC-21NOV-01 (B.1.1.529) update on cases, S gene target failure and risk assessment… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1468673329494216726
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Meaghan Kall. (2022, February 17). BA.2 risk assessment New this week is upgrading Immune Evasion—Amber 🟨 from low to moderate that BA.2 is antigentically different to BA.1 Unsurprising given the mutation profile, with BA.2 slightly more immune evasive than BA.1 on neuts studies https://t.co/n6DWtiRaNH [Tweet]. @kallmemeg. https://twitter.com/kallmemeg/status/1494100170195312646
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Boffey, D. (2021, December 15). Omicron likely to accelerate death toll in Europe, says health agency. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/15/omicron-covid-likely-accelerate-death-rate-europe-eu-health-agency
- government
- forecasting
- hospitalization
- mask wearing
- death toll
- transmissibility
- prevention
- Christmas
- COVID-19
- scientific advice
- EU
- restrictions
- South Africa
- Omicron
- mortality
- Europe
- severity
- risk assessment
- delta
- lang:en
- protection
- modeling
- is:news
- variant
theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/15/omicron-covid-likely-accelerate-death-rate-europe-eu-health-agency -
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Theo Sanderson. (2021, December 8). SGTF Regional data to Dec 6 from https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1039470/Omicron_SGTF_case_update.pdf (Last data point would be expected to be incomplete based on the dates and so to slightly understate growth. And also will already have moved substantially from the midpoint of that last week on 3rd Dec.) https://t.co/1L6tM0sXIZ [Tweet]. @theosanderson. https://twitter.com/theosanderson/status/1468648673668128775
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- government
- hospitalization
- face mask
- mental health
- London underground
- frontline staff
- resources
- COVID-19
- ventilation
- travel
- UK
- key worker
- transmission
- is:blog
- People's Covid Inquiry
- work exposure
- wellbeing
- risk
- risk assessment
- protection
- lang:en
- safety
- response
- inequality
- public transport
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- lockdown
- hindsight
- international
- COVID-19
- UK
- risk assessment
- is:webpage
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- The Lancet
- China
- pandemic inquiry
- Richard Horton
- interview
- response
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- mental illness
- lockdown
- stigma
- bipolar disorder
- mental health
- physical distancing
- treatment
- COVID-19
- telehealth
- quarentine
- medical service
- complication
- social distancing
- social connection
- risk
- self-care
- is:preprint
- lang:en
- resilience
- psychiatry
- infection
- vulnerable groups
- comorbidity
- assessment
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