212 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. www.buckyverse.org www.buckyverse.org
    1. During one-third of a century of experimental work, I have been operating on the philosophic premise that all thoughts and all experiences can be translated much farther than just into words and abstract thought patterns.
  3. www.buckyverse.org www.buckyverse.org
    1. Buckyverse

      This experiment is a digital research library for R. Buckminster Fuller and his ideas.

      Created by Brett Elmendorf, a member of the Trimtab Book Club, as an extension of the group’s affinity for R. Buckminster Fuller, the Buckminster Fuller Institute, and Design Science Studio.

    2. This experiment is a digital research library for R. Buckminster Fuller and his ideas.

      Created by Brett Elmendorf, a member of the Trimtab Book Club, as an extension of the group’s affinity for R. Buckminster Fuller, the Buckminster Fuller Institute, and Design Science Studio.

  4. Jan 2025
  5. Dec 2024
  6. Nov 2024
    1. Poverty, by America Book Club DiscussionQuestions
    1. How to Spot Emerging Note Clusters Without Alphanumeric Note Numbering? by [[Ton Zijlstra]] in Interdependent Thoughts

      I recall Bob Doto had a video at some point in which he used the local graph to show relationships to find bunches of notes for potentially writing pieces or articles as indicated in Tons' article.

      One of the biggest issues with digital note taking tools is that they don't make it easy to see and identify chains of notes which might make for articles, chapters, or books.

      Surely there must be some way to calculate neighborhoods of notes from a topological perspective? Perhaps if one imposed a measure on the space to create relative distances of notes?

  7. Oct 2024
    1. This guy learns music creation efficiently, by learning the theory first and really analyzing worked examples (the masters). Positively surprises me. I rarely come across a non-learning expert who intuitively uses proper processes for skill acquisition.

    2. Levels of understanding genres: - 0) No understanding Like the song, never heard anything like it before, but no idea about anything. - 1) Basic Understanding Knowing a bit about the name of the genre and subgenres, but you can be wrong. - 2) Immersion Really dive into subgenres and flavors of the main genre... Also a bit of history about the genre. Research. - 3) Structure Breaking down the structure of the tracks in the genre. For example through DAW. Basically first-principles thinking.

      To level 1: Song Analyzer tools (for example musicstax or AI). The author recommends everynoise.com too to gain a basic understanding of genres.

      To level 2: Find similar songs and artists for your playlists with that genre. Perhaps playlists. Important to understand the origin of the genre.

    1. On October 20, 1949 the Hollywood columnist Erskine Johnson published the tale. This is the earliest instance located by QI:[1] 1949 October 20, Dunkirk Evening Observer, In Hollywood by Erskine Johnson, Page 22, Column 5, Dunkirk, New York. (NewspaperArchive) Groucho Marx’s letter of resignation to the Friars’ Club: “I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.”


      ref: 1949 October 20, Dunkirk Evening Observer, In Hollywood by Erskine Johnson, Page 22, Column 5, Dunkirk, New York. (NewspaperArchive)

  8. Sep 2024
    1. In den usa ist jetzt zum ersten mal die entscheidung gefallen komma ein stillgelegten nuklear reaktor zu reaktivieren punkt die bundesregierung stellt dafür eine kredit garantie von eins komma fünf milliarden dollar und weitere beträge zur verfügung punkt auch der die reaktoren von free mails heilend sollen nach einem dir mit microsoft wieder in betrieb genommen werden punkt der bau der reaktoren du wird vor dem hintergrund von entnahme schnell steigendem energiebedarf auch von demokraten befördert befürwortet punkt trotz scharfer kritik von engine aus die auch die kosten der nuklearer energie ins feld führen

    1. tamal (singular) or tamale from Nahuatl tamalii<br /> tamaladas - tamale making events/parties<br /> tamaleras - people who make tamales

      flour - masa harina<br /> masa preparada - ready made dough<br /> slaked lime (aka "cal")

      alternate names for customized tamal: pasteles, hallacas, humitas

    1. Der kalifornische.Generalstaatsanwalt hat einen Prozess gegen Exxon Mobil angestrengt, weil der Konzern.den Verkauf von nichtwiederverwenbarem Plastik über Jahrzehnte mit Fehlinformationen über Recycling gefördert habe. Die Firma hätte gewusst und bewusst verschwiegen, dass eines ihrer Hauptprodukte erheblich zur Plastik-Verschmutzung beiträgt. NGOs, die Exxon ebenfalls verklagten, begrüßen, dass damit ein Ölkonzern auch wegen der Plastikverschmutzung juristisch zur Rechenschaft gezogen wird, under erwarten weitere Prozesse dieser Art. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/23/climate/california-exxon-mobil-plastics-pollution-recycling-lawsuit.html

    1. 24:22 klimathema. eltern sind schuld. eltern sind dumm. eltern nicht ernst nehmen.<br /> 25:15 club of rome. der mensch ist das problem. wird heute reduziert auf CO2.<br /> nein, das problem ist die globale übervölkerung. global overpopulation.<br /> wie dumm muss man sein dass man die globale übervölkerung leugnet? ernsthaft?!

      Die größte Schwäche der Spezies Mensch<br /> ist unsere Unfähigkeit zum Verstehen der Exponentialfunktion.<br /> -- Albert Bartlett - The Physics Teacher (1976)

      The greatest shortcoming of the human race<br /> is our inability to understand the exponential function.<br /> -- Albert Bartlett - The Physics Teacher (1976)

    1. This photo of the Louis Vieux Elm Tree was taken by Willard Balderson, Wamego, in 1986. The tree stood 90 feet high with a crown spread of 104 feet, and a trunk circumference of 317 inches. For several years the Louis Vieux Elm Tree held the title of U.S. Champion. The estimated age of the elm tree was 300 years and since 1986 succumbed to age, weather, and disease leaving only a stump. In 2011, even the stump, which the Pottawatomie County Historical Society attempted to save, protect and shelter, was burned down, leaving nothing but a pile of ashes.
    1. Bei der Fernsehdebatte zwischen Harris und Trump bezog sich die letzte Frage darauf, wie sie den „Klimawandel“ bekämpfen wollen. Beide beantworteten sie nicht. Kamala Harris, die zuvor die nationale Öl- und Gasproduktion als sicherheitspolitisch wichtig bezeichnet hatte, hob hervor, dass die USA unter Biden bei Gas und Erneuerbaren Rekordwerte erreicht hätten. Trump wich der Frage aus und warf Harris zu Unrecht vor, dass sie eine Gegnerin des Fracking sei. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/11/climate/trump-harris-climate-change-debate.html

  9. Aug 2024
    1. https://newsela.com/ - a source for current events that offer the same stories at different levels. One argument is that a teacher with a wide variety of students could assign the same story so all could read via Mark Grabe @ DABC

  10. Jul 2024
    1. Lucy Calkins Retreats on Phonics in Fight Over Reading Curriculum by Dana Goldstein

      Not much talk of potentially splitting out methods for neurodivergent learners here. Teaching reading strategies may net out dramatically differently between neurotypical children and those with issues like dyslexia. Perceptual and processing issues may make some methods dramatically harder for some learners over others, and we still don't seem to have any respect for that.

      This example is an interesting one of the sort of generational die out of old ideas and adoption of new ones as seen in Kuhn's scientific revolutions.

    1. The Portal A podcast hosted by Eric Weinstein, The Portal is a journey of discovery. It is wide ranging and deep diving discussions with distinguished guests from the realms of science, culture and business. Join us as we seek portals that will carry us through the impossible- and beyond.
    1. George MacDonald (10 December 1824 – 18 September 1905) was a Scottish author, poet and Christian Congregational minister. He became a pioneering figure in the field of modern fantasy literature and the mentor of fellow-writer Lewis Carroll. In addition to his fairy tales, MacDonald wrote several works of Christian theology, including several collections of sermons.
  11. Jun 2024
  12. May 2024
    1. ¹¹ For you al-ways have the poor with you, but you will notalways have me.

      Said in the context of his pending crucifixion, with respect to a woman who had poured expensive ointment on Jesus.

      This is an interesting proposition in this passage with respect to lots of what he'd said about the poor in the past. See also the Beatitudes

      relationship to the idea of "Waging war on poverty, but not on the poor"?

  13. Apr 2024
  14. Mar 2024
  15. Feb 2024
    1. Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln (face rubbed), in mitre and red cope, with crosier, seated on left speaks to a seated group of five people, mostly women. Tree on right; large bird with long beak at top.

      image of MS 522 f1r Lambeth Palace Library

      Folio 1 of MS 522 of Château d'amour

      Close up of inset image via link close up of image on folio 1r of Château d'amour

      Book and images mentioned in Chapter 2 of @Duncan2022 Index, A History of the

  16. Jan 2024
  17. Dec 2023
  18. Nov 2023
    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory

      “The Sam Vimes "Boots" Theory of Economic Injustice runs thus:<br /> At the time of Men at Arms, Samuel Vimes earned thirty-eight dollars a month as a Captain of the Watch, plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots, the sort that would last years and years, cost fifty dollars. This was beyond his pocket and the most he could hope for was an affordable pair of boots costing ten dollars, which might with luck last a year or so before he would need to resort to makeshift cardboard insoles so as to prolong the moment of shelling out another ten dollars.<br /> Therefore over a period of ten years, he might have paid out a hundred dollars on boots, twice as much as the man who could afford fifty dollars up front ten years before. And he would still have wet feet.<br /> Without any special rancour, Vimes stretched this theory to explain why Sybil Ramkin lived twice as comfortably as he did by spending about half as much every month.”<br /> ― Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms (1993)

  19. Oct 2023
    1. "Iron Eyes" Cody (1904–1999)[79][80] – Born as Espera Oscar de Corti, and came to be known as "The Crying Indian". An Italian-American actor most well known for his appearance in a 1970's anti-littering commercial. Cody pretended to be from various tribes and denied his Italian heritage for the rest of his life.
    1. Part I: Inventors

      I've come to think that the purpose of part 1 of the book is part rhetorical device (ethos). David Lipsky is using it to build up some credibility as a writer. He's covering topics that many are likely somewhat knowledgeable about, but is adding some additional color, details, and information which most surely don't know. This has the effect of showing the depths to which he's researched the topics to be able to weave them into such a story.

      This will tend to pay off as he begins addressing the potentially more contentious (for some) material in the climate crisis section.

    2. https://www.theparrotandtheigloo.com/

      The endnotes missing from the book.

  20. Sep 2023
    1. https://www.amazon.com/How-Make-Notes-Write-Allosso-ebook/dp/B0B7FSQP35/

      Dan Allosso purchased a 30 drawer card catalog (three sections of 5 x 2 without any base) for $300 in 2022.

      It's pictured on the cover of his book "How to Make Notes and Write".

      Purchased at $10 per drawer.<br /> local sale

      Price mentioned at the end of Dan Allosso Book Club 2023-09-16.

    1. Gould, Jessica. “Teachers College, Columbia U. Dissolves Program behind Literacy Curriculum Used in NYC Public Schools.” Gothamist, September 8, 2023. https://gothamist.com/news/columbia-university-dissolves-program-behind-literacy-curriculum-used-in-nyc-public-schools.

      The Teachers College of Columbia University has shut down the Lucy Calkins Units of Study literacy program.

      Missing from the story is more emphasis on not only the social costs, which they touch on, but the tremendous financial (sunk) cost to the system by not only adopting it but enriching Calkins and the institution (in a position of trust) which benefitted from having sold it.

      link to: https://hypothes.is/a/eicbpgSKEe6vc0fPdIm05w

  21. Aug 2023
    1. Players confront challenges mirroring those in the real world: they extinguish forest fires, obstruct illegal logging, replant native trees and clean up rivers.

      And destroy mining equipment in the video - amazed an ad agency would let that through

  22. Jun 2023
  23. May 2023
  24. Apr 2023
  25. Mar 2023
    1. Graeber, David. Pirate Enlightenment, or the Real Libertalia. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2023.

      annotation target: url: urn:x-pdf:5a3fb6ca3c4ae2face96d0cb615518fe

    1. Paul, Annie Murphy. The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2021, https://www.hmhbooks.com/shop/books/The-Extended-Mind/9780544947580.

      annotation target: urn:x-pdf:37343666363464373933303538336161623732646237386463616662643365313266653032623035373331303031636338326237316361396637343432643431

    1. Scheper, Scott. Antinet Zettelkasten: A Knowledge System That Will Turn You Into a Prolific Reader, Researcher and Writer. Greenlamp, LLC, 2022.

      annotation target: url: urn:x-pdf:614d5b6d353f410da4a46e5eddde997e

    1. Rank, Mark Robert, Lawrence M. Eppard, and Heather E. Bullock. Poorly Understood: What America Gets Wrong About Poverty. Oxford University Press, 2021.

      Reading as part of Dan Allosso's Book Club

      Mostly finished last week, though I managed to miss the last book club meeting for family reasons, but finished out the last few pages tonight.

      annotation target: url: urn:x-pdf:c3701d1c083b974a888f7eaa4009f11f

  26. Dec 2022
  27. Nov 2022
    1. despite that scare, there’s no public record that prosecutors moved forward with felony kidnapping and menacing charges against Aldrich, or that police or relatives tried to trigger Colorado’s “red flag” law

      I think many are wondering if it's because the suspect was the grandson of a politician, "Assemblyman Randy Voepel, longtime mayor of Santee".


      Gov is usually very understanding and looks the other way when it comes to policing the friends and family of its own "officials".

    2. suspect evaded Colorado’s red flag gun law

      If you read lower in the article you'll see that the headline is a blatant lie.

      The Gov failed to prosecute a violent person, so AP spins it as if this guy "evaded" (which is an action).

      One can't evade a law that is never applied against them.

    1. his 1964 album Live At The Star-Club Hamburg, recorded by the Dutch label Philips as part of a series of live recordings from the German venue, and about which Rolling Stone Magazine later raved, "It's not an album, it's a crime scene ... with no survivors but The Killer."

      what a great review...

  28. Oct 2022
  29. Sep 2022
    1. Fossil fuel combustion and growth in industrial and military power have gone hand with colonial conquest and control.In the 1990s, the idea of ‘contraction and convergence’, developed by the UK-based Global Commons Institute, gained a lot of traction in climate negotiations: ‘the Contraction and Convergence strategy consists of reducing overall emissions of greenhouse gases to a safe level (contraction), resulting from every country bringing its emissions per capita to a level which is equal for all countries (convergence)’.https://lnkd.in/eKq4vKep

      !- for : futures - very appropriate description of what appears to be the most sensible futures for civilization

  30. Aug 2022
  31. Jun 2022
    1. Around 1941, Barzun took on a larger classroom, becoming the moderator of the CBS radio program “Invitation to Learning,” which aired on Sunday mornings and featured four or five intellectual lights discussing books. From commenting on books, it was, apparently, a short step to selling them. In 1951, Barzun, Trilling, and W. H. Auden started up the Readers’ Subscription Book Club, writing monthly appreciations of books that they thought the public would benefit from reading. The club lasted for eleven years, partly on the strength of the recommended books, which ranged from Kenneth Grahame’s “The Wind in the Willows” to Hannah Arendt’s “The Human Condition,” and partly on the strength of the editors’ reputations.
  32. Apr 2022
  33. Mar 2022
  34. Jan 2022
    1. Season 2 of [[node club]] has begun! This week I took a little look at [[Agroecology]]. Some notes from [[Jayu]] on it helped me to form an initial gut feeling that [[I like agroecology]].

      This is amazing, thank you so much!

      I'll try to think of something for the upcoming week, but first I'll try to highlight/annotate your writings.

  35. Nov 2021
  36. Oct 2021
    1. The Hidden History of the Geodesic Dome - Part 3: The Teamwork of Walter Gropius

      The Hidden History of the Geodesic Dome - Part 3: The Teamwork of Walter Gropius

      Understanding one’s limitations leads to a recognition of the power of relationships in an interconnected and interdependent world.

    2. Because of his handicap, Walter Gropius achieved his goals by working through other people, and harnessed their abilities to produce efficient and practical architecture.

      The Hidden History of the Geodesic Dome - Part 3: The Teamwork of Walter Gropius

      Understanding one’s limitations leads to a recognition of the power of relationships in an interconnected and interdependent world.

    1. Alicia Boole Stott

      Alicia was the only Boole sister to inherit the mathematical career of her parents, although her mother Mary Everest Boole had brought up all of her five children from an early age 'to acquaint them with the flow of geometry' by projecting shapes onto paper, hanging pendulums etc. She was first exposed to geometric models by her brother-in-law Charles Howard Hinton when she was 17, and developed the ability to visualise in a fourth dimension. She found that there were exactly six regular polytopes in four dimensions and that they are bounded by 5, 16 or 600 tetrahedra, 8 cubes, 24 octahedra or 120 dodecahedra.

    1. Team syntegrity and democratic group decision making: theory and practice

      Team Syntegrity

      Stafford Beer created Team Syntegrity as a methodology for social interaction that predisposes participants towards shared agreement among varied and sometimes conflicting interests, without compromising the legitimate claims and integrity of those interests. This paper outlines the methodology and the underlying philosophy, describing several applications in a variety of countries and contexts, indicating why such an approach causes us to re-think more traditional approaches to group decision processes, and relating Team Syntegrity to other systems approaches.

      Shared by Kirby Urner in the Trimtab Book Club

  37. Sep 2021
    1. Design for the Real World

      Mike Monteiro references Victor Papanek’s book, Design for the Real World, in his article, Design’s Lost Generation.

      The Anti UX UX Club will be discussing Mike Monteiro’s article on Clubhouse.

    1. I've been wanting to read Zinn, so perhaps this is a good place to follow along? A sort of pseudo book club perhaps?

      It's interesting to see Dan struggle with an obvious listicle article in Forbes as an authoritative source. This example is a great indicator that Forbes online has created far too much of a content farm to be taken seriously anymore. From what I've seen of it over the past several years it's followed the business model of The Huffington Post before Huffington sold it and cashed out. My supposition is that Forbes is providing a platform for people to get reach and isn't actually paying those writers to create their content.

      Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States


    1. What happens to this graph when we overlay pure capitalism instead of a mixed economy? What if this spectrum was put on a different axis altogether? What does the current climate of the United states look like when graphed out on it. Which parts have diminished over the past 50 years with the decrease in regulation?

      four quadrant diagram of market goods, club goods, common goods, and public goods graphed along the axes of excludability and rivalry

      Some of these areas benefit heavily by government intervention and regulation.

      We need the ability to better protect both common and public goods.


      • rivalry: does use by one person physically preclude use by others?
      • excludability: do laws prohibit access to these goods?
  38. Aug 2021
    1. Radamel Falcao García y Sofiane Feghouli para informarles que deben buscar equipo porque no hay como pagar sus altos salarios

      La situación tampoco es fácil para el club, este tipo de acciones demuestran que no se pasa por un momento espléndido. Sin embargo, son decisiones que hay que tomar, el hecho de que no solo se le haya comunicado esto a Falcao demuestra que no hay más opciones, o que esta es la más viable para mejorar la situación económica y futbolística del club.

    2. Las lesiones (8) complicaron el rendimiento de Falcao en estos dos años en Turquía en los que jugó 41 partidos, se perdió más de 40 compromisos y marcó 20 goles.

      A esto me refería cuando decía que ya no le aportaba lo suficiente a la institución. A pesar de todavía ser un jugador de Selección Colombia, sus números ya no son los de antes.

  39. Jun 2021
    1. I feel like I may have just stumbled on a back alley book club on design.

      It's digital books+Hypothes.is+Fight Club...

      The rules of Back Alley Book Club:

      1. We don't talk about Back Alley Book Club.
      2. We don't talk about Back Alley Book Club.


      1. If this is your first night at Back Alley Book Club, you have to annotate.

    1. Et de plus, cette démarche émanant de groupes ou collectifs, marquera le travail éditorial d’un aspect social, dans le sens où le livre permet de communiquer ses idées, de rassembler, mais aussi de tisser des réseaux de lecteurs.

      Un travail très intéressant est celui de Damien Bauza et Pedro Cardoso. Ils se passionnent pour les clubs de livre (qui se développent notamment après guerre et qui ont la volonté de vendre des livres à petit prix à un large public). Leur projet Club Collect (https://clubcollecte.fr/) propose une grosse archive constamment augmentée.

      Finalement ces clubs où on réimprimait des livres un peu cheap, ce sont un peu les premières chaines de production d'édition : entre ceux qui ajoutaient la préface, des images, celui qui travaillait les couvertures, l'échange avec les lecteurs...

      Source : conférence de Damien Bauza et Pedro Cardoso à l'ésac de Cambrai le 12 avril 2021 (https://urlz.fr/fT9K)

  40. Feb 2021
  41. Nov 2020
    1. Een graai in de geschiedenis leerde hem dat elke beschaving ooit in verval is geraakt. ‘Dat is nu ook het geval. Het stomme is: het is allemaal voorspeld. De Club van Rome heeft in de jaren zeventig modellen gemaakt over onze productiviteit, de hypergroei, levensverwachting en de limits to growth.We zijn de planeet aan het leegroven. Die modellen kloppen tot op de letter. We gaan er allemaal in mee, want ach, het komt toch wel goed? Iemand lost ons probleem toch wel op? Toen het Romeinse Rijk in verval was dacht men ook jarenlang dat het prima ging. Niet dus.’

      Alef Arendsen

  42. Oct 2020
    1. This is an interesting concept to be sure. It seems sort of odd that it's an explicitly organized thing though given that there's (used to be?) a less organized, but bigger distributed blogosphere.

      I suppose this version helps to focus multiple people on specific ideas and work that might otherwise occur.

      I recognized most of the bookmarked material and writers mentioned here. One or two may be worth revisiting.

  43. May 2020
  44. Oct 2018
    1. The Eden Club - Exclusive Golf Club Membership | International Private Members Club

      The Eden Club is an international private members' club providing three very special dimensions: the most luxurious private members club in St Andrews, Scotland – the home of golf; an outstanding schedule of annual events and a unique Secretariat service.

  45. Sep 2018
    1. Classics Book Club

      If you are interested in reading Classic books you can join r/ClassicsBookClub on reddit where we will be hosting groups reads and discussions.

  46. Jun 2018
    1. Dnmt2 mediates intergenerational transmission of paternally acquired metabolic disorders through sperm small non-coding RNAs

      Queuosine metabolite necessary for DNMT2-induced tRNA modification; salvaged from bacteria of microbiome

  47. May 2018