9 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. Sep 2021
    1. Besides being a nearly ideal synthesis of the Two Cultures, science fiction also happens to have been one of the principal refuges, in our time, for those of Luddite persuasion.

      Frederic Jameson catches up with his Science Fiction and Other Utopias

  3. Mar 2020
  4. Feb 2020
    1. be terribly self-conscious.

      A characteristic of Post-Modernism . . .

    2. The apotheosis of the pop in postwar art marked a whole new marriage between high and low culture.

      Which is post-modernism.

      They no longer "quote" such "texts" as a Joyce might have done, or a Mahler; they incorporate them, to the point where the line between high-art and commercial forms seems increasingly difficult to draw. Frederic Jameson. "Postmodernism and Consumer Society"

    1. The apotheosis of the pop in postwar art marked a whole new marriage between high and low culture.

      Which is post-modernism.

      They no longer "quote" such "texts" as a Joyce might have done, or a Mahler; they incorporate them, to the point where the line between high-art and commercial forms seems increasingly difficult to draw. https://art.ucsc.edu/sites/default/files/Jameson_Postmodernism_and_Consumer_Society.pdf



  5. Jul 2016
  6. www.rainer-rilling.de www.rainer-rilling.de
    1. howtodevelopanationalpoliticalmovementonthebasisofacitystra-tegyandpolitics.

      Byron Hawk discusses this.

    2. Ihavetriedtosuggestthatthethreehistoricalstagesofcapitalhave eachgeneratedatypeofspaceuniquetoit,eventhoughthesethreestagesofcapitalistspaceareob-viouslyfarmore profoundlyinterrelatedthanarethespacesofothermodesofproduction.

      3 stages of capital, each with its own space.