3 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. the majority of working group three which has been dominated by the integrated assessment model these big models that basically economic models with a bit of technology or a bit of mythical technology and a bit of um social sciences bolted on the side and and a small climate model but basically just economic models the business as usual models these models have dominated what we have to do about climate change

      for - climate crisis - IPCC - warning - working group 3 - integrated assessment models - are basically economic models - with a bit of mythical technology - a bit of social science - Kevin Anderson

  2. Apr 2023
  3. Oct 2016
    1. The resource-based economy goes like this: In the future robots will do all the jobs (including creating new robots and fixing broken one). Now, imagine the world is like a public library, where you can borrow any book you want but never own it. Fresco wants all enterprise like this, whether it’s groceries, new tech, gasoline, or alcohol. He wants everything free and eventually provided to us by robots, software, and automation.

      I think this is achievable, if we emphasize specialized libraries and cooperative models around resources (i.e. tool/tech libraries, food banks/co-ops)