5 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. here you see a company with three different departments depicted in blue red and green

      for - neuroscience - example - diverse and low density connections beats non-diverse and high connections

      neuroscience - example diverse and low density connections vs non-diverse high density connections - having access to many diverse perspectives is a key enabler of good problem-solving and innovation

  2. Dec 2023
    1. Ultra deep geothermal power
      • for:: clean energy source with high energy density -;ultra deep brother power

      • comment

        • a practical, cost-effective, initiator ubiquitous, reliable high energy density substitute for fossil fuels can
          • give us authentic hope and
          • propose complimentary actions that can now make sense like
            • temporary energy diet until the practical solution manifests
    2. it's mainly a problem of providing huge quantities of high power density zero carbon energy
      • for: modernity - high energy density

      • paraphrase

        • high density energy sources of a few thousand watts per square meter are required to operate high energy density infrastructure like transportation vehicles and large buildings that consume the same types of energy density
  3. Jul 2020