7 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
    1. they're probably about 15 or 20 major long-term stresses that you can identify that are affecting 00:09:43 Humanities outcomes for Better or For Worse and Trigger events which which are much less predictable
      • for: stats - major stressors of the polycrisis, trigger events

      • stats: major stressors of the polycrisis

        • profile of a crisis
          • a crisis occurs when
        • a major stressor occurs
          • there are between 15 and 20 of them
        • and combines with much less predictable "trigger" events
          • also called stochastic or random events
  2. Nov 2023
    1. Reflecting on this, I'm reminded of a pattern that has been evident since my days co-running Third Wave with Johannes: the adoption of Uncertainty Coping Strategies. Broadly speaking, these are various behaviors, products, and practices people employ to manage the strains of everyday reality. Our work has consistently identified a spectrum ranging from technological interventions like neuroimplants to the rise in mindfulness services.The staggering contrasts in how different socioeconomic groups address these pressures are well illustrated by the recent New York Times article.

      'uncertainty coping strategies' equal living your life I suppose, in the face of the 'strains of everyday reality' since the groups in caves. What is different here wrt Igor and Johannes' work experience and patterns. Just Urbanism (then how is this diff from 18th century?) The complexity of those strains? The inability to withdraw from strains created by others through industrial work practices / social media algo inducement? The sense of looming doom wrt ecocollapse, financial crash etc, systemic threats iw and no agency to individually address some of that? Or is it merely the high end market catering to it, exploiting the stress rather than solving the stressors? What is Igo saying here?

  3. Mar 2021
    1. This, of course, makes it possible to report observations without specifying causes. One of the observations Taleb makes is that "Humans tend to do better with acute than with chronic stressors, particularly when the former are followed by ample time for recovery." (70) Is this true? In what domains? Probably in weight training. I'm not so sure in response to Black Swans.

      acute famine is better than chronic famine as an example.

      What are some examples of Black Swans in this instance? If there are any solid examples of Black Swans, they're most likely to cause death and not be survivable.

  4. Feb 2021
  5. Sep 2020
  6. Jun 2020
  7. May 2020