63 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. results of the survey indicated that the vast majority of the students (91%) consider 24 hoursan acceptably responsive return rate time, and the same majority (91%) reported they consider24 hours an acceptably responsive time for them to return emails they receive from their onlineinstructors

      24 hours acceptable response time for 91%

  2. Mar 2024
  3. Feb 2024
    1. “Community” is a word that is used liberally in the educational context.

      It is important to define 'community' for yourself and for your students. If you use this word in your syllabus, for example, let them know your vision/definition of community so they're more clear on your expectations.

  4. Nov 2023
    1. excessive expectations and reliance on CCUS
      • for: quote - Carbon Capture expectations - unfeasible

      • quote

        • If oil and natural gas consumption were to evolve as projected under today’s policy settings, this would require an inconceivable 32 billion tonnes of carbon captured for utilisation or storage by 2050,
          • including 23 billion tonnes via direct air capture to limit the temperature rise to 1.5 °C.
        • The necessary carbon capture technologies would require 26 000 terawatt hours of electricity generation to operate in 2050,
          • which is more than global electricity demand in 2022.
        • And it would require over USD 3.5 trillion in annual investments all the way from today through to mid-century, which is an amount equal to the entire industry’s annual average revenue in recent years.
  5. May 2023
    1. It was her greatest desire to eat some of the rapunzel

      5 -- Assess Audience Expectations

      In many other versions, the rapunzel vegetable is referred to as rampion or lettuce. Rapunzel stories often incorporate cultural references that are familiar and relevant to their target audience. These references can include traditions, customs, folklore, or popular cultural icons that resonate with specific cultural or regional contexts. By doing so, the adaptations make the story more relatable and enhance the audience's connection to the narrative. It means that Rapunzel is a timeless tale that allows for changes in cultural signifiers but that doesn't change that Rapunzel has remained consistent in nuances and general story progression that it is its own genre.

    2. I shall die.

      5 -- Assess Audience Expectations

      While reimagining Rapunzel for contemporary consumption, it's imperative to use a distinct style tailored to each intended reader group. For instance, younger audiences require lighthearted, easy-to-follow language that speaks directly to their level of comprehension whilst ensuring an enjoyable experience without confusion. In contrast, mature readers may enjoy a more elaborate expression using advanced literary techniques and intricate dramatization techniques synonymous with different variations of Rapunzel.

  6. Dec 2022
  7. Nov 2022
    1. This year my intention was to have fun, to not plan anything in advance and to just see what would emerge organically.

      I believe you were able to do that precisely because you were prepared. The more you prepare, the more beneficial letting go of the plan is .

  8. Oct 2022
    1. Also it expects you to buy a bunch of hardware like a raspberry pi and such in order to do the project. I kind of thought there was going to be some kind of public API that acted like a virtual weather sensor but apparently we're building a real one.
  9. Sep 2022
    1. If we ever moved a file to a different location or renamed it, all its previous history is lost in git log, unless we specifically use git log --follow. I think usually, the expected behavior is that we'd like to see the past history too, not "cut off" after the rename or move, so is there a reason why git log doesn't default to using the --follow flag?
  10. Aug 2022
    1. It should be a truism that material conditions matter much less than expectations. That was true during the Great Depression and it’s true today. The rhetoric of the rant on the web feeds off extreme expectations — any imperfection in the economy will be treated as a crisis and a true crisis will be seen as the Apocalypse. Take the example of Chile. For 40 years, it had high economic growth, rising into the ranks of the wealthiest nations. During this time, Chile enjoyed a healthy democracy, in which political parties of left and right alternated in office. Everyone benefited. Yet in 2019, with many deaths and much material destruction, the Chilean public took to the streets in revolt against the established order. Its material expectations had been deeply frustrated, despite the country’s economic and political successes.

      Martin Gurri talks about how material conditions matter less than expectations. For 40 years Chile had enjoyed a healthy democracy, yet in 2019 the people revolted. They had become deeply frustrated with their material expectations despite the country's successes.

  11. Jun 2022
    1. Kiddo was worried about today’s medicine because box described them as “tablets,” and she thought that meant chewing up something shaped and sized roughly like an iPad.


      Happy (early) Father's Day!

      (Took me a minute to find the permalink for this by itself since it didn't appear on the "Relationships" archive page.)

    1. Kiddo was worried about today’s medicine because box described them as “tablets,” and she thought that meant chewing up something shaped and sized roughly like an iPad.


      Happy (early) Father's Day!

  12. Apr 2022
    1. But in thinking about providing a permanent home for my writing on the web, this kind of chronology isn’t very useful. Who cares that I wrote this post in 2015, and this one in 2017? Organizing posts that way is only useful if someone is reading along as the collection is being written. For a permanent writing home, with writing from a year ago as well as writing from ten years ago, chronological order isn’t that useful. Who’s going to sift through a hundred pages of old posts?

      Part of the question about the ordering of posts on a website comes down first to what the actual content is. Is it posts, pages, articles about particular topics, short notes?

      Most blogs typically default to a particular time ordered display, but also provide search and archives for content by topical headings (tags/categories) as well. Digital gardens and wikis are set up with no particular hierarchies and one is encouraged to wander. Most social media notes and photos are created in a time only order.

      There aren't enough online zettelkasten yet to look at what that might entail, though affordances there are likely to be similar to that of digital gardens which let you pick out something via keyword and then follow links from one thing to the next.

      These are interesting questions for publishers as much as they are from anticipating what one's intended or imagined audience might be looking for.

    1. students is the need to have realistic expectations and exercise responsibility in course enrollment by ascertaining beforehand the time, effort, prior knowledge, volume, and quality of work required

    2. Frustration is a concept related to goal attainment (Lazar, Jones, Bessiere, Ceaparu, & Shneiderman, 2004). People may feel frustrated when they are deprived of their expectations or are not able to complete their plans (Handa, 2003; Mandler, 1975).

  13. Nov 2021
  14. Jun 2021
    1. Mike: So they were like, "Dude, you got to do something. You either going to jail or to fight it, the case. But you're going to jail. You've got to be in jail and you can't be out while you're fighting this case, or you do a voluntary departure and you go." At that time I felt like I wasn't any good to anybody. I didn’t want to be a burden on my family." So I just left. This is just something that I felt like I had to do. I knew if I ran away, I was never going to be able to provide for my kids, because I was always going to have to try to find a way to provide for myself. And I didn't want that for them. So I just did a voluntary departure. I just said, "Screw it."

      Leaving the US, Reasons for Exit, Voluntary Departure

    2. And my mom was—I feel like a lot of Mexican women and men, they have something against black folks even if you want to or not. I feel like that's racist too, because my mom would always be like, "Why do you hang out with them? Why do you do this? Why do you do that?"

      Homelife - family relations - disillusioned expectations

  15. Apr 2021
    1. Every player I've introduced this game to has looked at me as if to say, "We must be doing something wrong." But no, that game is designed that way.
    1. Due to player actions not landing on the beat or being relevant to the background music, this 'rhythm' game falls short of it's goals. No feedback for early or late actions also diminishes the game.
    2. Piano Cat is a challenging rhythm-based platformer game where you [...] jump to the beat [...].No, no, no, just no. This game has nothing to do with rhythm or doing something in sync to the music. If you try to do that, you will fail, a lot. In order to beat the stages you have to mute or ignore the music, ignore the obstacles and only look out for the buttons you have to press. When they light up green, you press the button. This means that you have to press them always too early to the action, ahead of time. If you try to time it to the music, it will be too late and not count. If you are good in these kind of games, this will totally throw you off here.The graphic are nice, the music is ok, but it does a terrible job in having rhythm based gameplay.
  16. Mar 2021
    1. Yes I fully understood that this was going to be a cryptic puzzle game and that it required research outside of the game. I expected this to have ARG elements and require abstract thinking. However, I also expected it to be longer than 2 minutes of content. You are given 10 pages to read in-game, they might as well have just been screenshots posted somewhere on the internet. And you have no way to input your solutions in game.
    2. This is gonna be an uphill slog and I'm really excited for it. If you know that's what you're getting into (a long slow grind on puzzles that may not fit well together), this could be great - especially if you're invested in both the work and the community (posting on here helps loads with games like this!) Your mileage may vary!
    1. Of course user expectations for titles are the most important thing. You don’t want to sell a tiny game at AAA price, because you won’t sell many copies and you’ll make your gamers feel ripped off.
  17. Feb 2021
  18. Jan 2021
    1. Now they have what they need to make an informed decision, with a little intentional ambiguity to temper expectations.
    2. For larger files, the wait time can be especially problematic. A standard download is an all-or-nothing affair—interruptions can corrupt them and render them useless. Worse, it can waste valuable data on a metered data plan, an unfortunately all-too-relevant concern.
  19. Oct 2020
  20. Sep 2020
    1. What I believe should happen is the Svelte compiler should, when a promise is passed to onMount, realise that a promise has been passed, and await the result of the function to be used as the onDestroy function. i.e, it should behave the exact same way for an async function as it does for a non-async function (if this is possible)
    1. The appeal of social networks is partly because they let us create documents without thinking about web technology,

      mirrors strongly another comment i made, that our appetites & expectations for computing has outstripped the personal, that we now expect computing to be connective. we want the digital matter we create to exist not just locally, but widely. https://hypothes.is/a/11-k1v7pEeqJ1qdf5kJahQ

    2. There was a time when we could install applications, give some sort of explicit agreement that something would run on our computers and use our hardware. That time is ending,

      The end seems perilously close at hand for personal computing, but, imo, as much as anything that is because users now expect to compute to have impact & effect far beyond the beige box.

      Open source has many amazing things, but in terms of ways to get user's digital stuff online & available & circulating, there have been precious few compelling attempts. I'd call out in particular RemoteStorage spec, & the newer SOLID specs from MIT & TBL.

  21. Aug 2020
    1. Von Gaudecker. H. M., Holler. R., Janys. L., Siflinger. B., Zimpelmann. C. (2020). Labour Supply in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Empirical Evidence on Hours, Home Office, and Expectations. Institute of labor economics. Retrieved from: https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13158/

  22. Jul 2020
    1. One may expect Array#- to behave like mathematical subtraction or difference when it doesn't. One could be forgiven to expect the following behavior: [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4] - [1,2,3,4] => [1,2,3,4]
  23. May 2020
    1. Given the massive amount of stars it had acquired on Github and the fairly quick and easy setup, it seemed very promising. When it comes down to its isomorphic functionality, it’s hard to match. But when it we started using the static export features, we were dropped on our faces with a very ungraceful transition from isomorphic to static that came with a cold side of faulty hot-reloading, strange routing strategies and highly bloated bundles:
    1. AFAICT the outcome you want is for your webRequest-added CSP header to be applied after document.write resets the page. This seems to me a reasonable thing to expect and I'm surprised it didn't work right away. Consider opening a ticket on crbug.com.
    1. It’s worth saying though that while the law may give you up to 30 days to honor these requests, most subscribers won’t. It is therefore prudent to honor opt-out requests promptly or risk being marked as spam and compromising the total legitimacy of your associated address.
  24. Apr 2020
  25. Feb 2020
    1. Slack messages should be considered asynchronous communication, and you should not expect an instantaneous response; you have no idea what the other person is doing.
  26. Nov 2019
    1. Very anxious at meeting, expectations are unclear and often change unexpectedly.

      unclear expectations. This is a common thread.

  27. May 2019
  28. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. Be respectful of people and their ideas.Be open to new learning and perspectives.Be accountable for raising and resolving issues that occur, with classmates, withyour instructor, with the course content, with assignments.Be prepared to participate in online discussions and activities.Be responsible by being on time with your assignments, insightful about yourcomments, and active with your course readings

      Be.... Respectful, open, accountable, seek amiable resolutions, prepared, responsive, timely, responsible and an active participant.

  29. Aug 2018
    1. Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia told the AP it is “frustratingly common” for technology companies “to have corporate practices that diverge wildly from the totally reasonable expectations of their users,” and urged policies that would give users more control of their data. Rep. Frank Pallone of New Jersey called for “comprehensive consumer privacy and data security legislation” in the wake of the AP report.
  30. Jul 2018
    1. The “connected” in connected learning is about human connection as well as tapping the power of connected technologies.

      Connected learning shifts expectations and content delivery in the classroom.

    1. Attitudes towards looking like you’re working when you aren’t are akin to school policies that require students to perform attention, as though the performance of attention may be linked to actual attention, or even learning. The pretending takes precedence over the actual doing.

      Amazing parallel here.