7 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. But in my opinion nothing can excuse the laziness ofa great number of Editors. When the Writers arepoor and have staked a great deal on their Writings,then the laziness is simply disgusting : in fact, it amountsto cruelty. It is concerned with some of the verysaddest tragedies that the world has ever seen, andI only mention it because it is very common and be-cause itis as well that the novice should know what toexpect.
  2. Apr 2024
    1. it would in most cases be sufficient to indexfrom the most authoritative paper

      When possible, use the most authoritative source in your work, but one should balance this out with the additional work required to find and quote that source versus taking it from a secondary and reliable source.

      Academic researchers ought to default to the original and most authoritative, but others may find it more expedient and just as valuable to rely on secondary sources.

  3. Jan 2024
  4. Sep 2022
    1. There is a still more barbarous method, whichneed not receive more than passing mention. Thisis simply to register documents in the memorywithout taking written notes. This method hasbeen used. Historians endowed with excellentmemories, and lazy to boot, have indulged thiswhim, with the result that their quotations andreferences are mostly inexact. The human memoryis a delicate piece of registering apparatus, but it isso little an instrument of precision that such pre-sumption is inexcusable.
  5. Sep 2021
    1. ple". The Mexican mineworker had the custom of returning to his village for corn planting and harvest: His lack of initiative, inability to save, absences while celebrating too many holidays, willingness to work only three or four days a week if that paid for necessities, insatiable desire for alchohol - all were pointed out as proof of a natural inferiority. He

      In the next paragraphs, it turns out that there isn't laziness, but misaligned incentives. The lifeways of the people involved were not those of the writer who jumped to conclusions about the people who were different from him.

      In generalizations supported by another study of Mexican labour conditions, Wilbert Moore remarks: "Work is almost always task-orientated in non-industrial societies ... and ... it may be appropriate to tie wages to tasks and not directly to time in newly developing areas".

      When comparing and contrasting cultures, empathy for each and their particular incentives must be taken into account.

      This is particularly important as he's spent a dozen pages talking about how poorly the English dealt with industrialization over centuries themselves. How quickly we forget.

    2. ve. By the 1830s and 1840s it was commonly observed that the English industrial worker was marked off from his fellow Irish worker, not by a greater capacity for hard work, but by his regularity, his methodical paying-out of energy, and perhaps also by a repression, not of enjoyments, but of the capacity to relax in the old, uninhibited ways. There is no way in which we can quantify the

      This shows some nationalism and institutionalized classism. Note the general harms here of comparing cultures and societies, even in "modern" and Western culture.

    1. Build commitment  After connecting, you need to build students’ commitment. Educationalist Daniel Willingham argues that students are driven by a mixture of curiosity and laziness: they want to find out new things and solve puzzles, but they don’t want to invest too much effort in the process. That means the best way to build commitment is start out with a task that piques their interest but doesn’t take much effort. Once they have completed this task, they are much more likely to commit to your next task. The trick then becomes slowly ratcheting up that commitment as the course progresses. 

      Students want to discover, learn new things, and solve puzzles, but they don't want to invest too much effort into the process.

      How does this fit into or relate to the idea of flow?

      What relationship does it have to addictive behaviors like scrolling social media which are low effort, but provide new discovery?