13 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. DNA fragmentation by restriction digestion prior to dropletgeneration enables optimal accuracy by separating tandemgene copies, reducing sample viscosity, and improving templateaccessibility for input samples >66 ng per well

      NEB says

      Digestion is recommended whenever DNA input is greater than 75 ng Source

      NEB says that biorad recommends these enzymes: AluI, CviQI, HaeIII, HindIII-HF, MseI

      More guidelines

      • Assemble ddPCR reactions at room temperature, this allows the restriction enzyme to digest the gDNA during the reaction set-up period
      • Prepare reaction mixes as you would for a standard ddPCR reaction. Add 0.5–1 μL of each restriction enzyme (5–20 units, depending on enzyme concentration) to the reaction mixture
      • After set-up, simply continue droplet generation as normal
      • Restriction enzyme will be inactivated during first PCR denaturation step
  2. Dec 2023
    1. what i would call a kind of epistemic fragmentation where where we're losing the ability as societies to have agreement on very basic facts and to the extent that we don't agree on 00:36:41 basic facts about the nature of the world and the nature of the challenges we face it's very hard to to solve those problems effectively democracy for instance can't effective effectively function 00:36:52 if if the people who are talking to each other don't actually agree on what the problems are
      • for: definition epistemic fragmentation, no agreement on basic facts, political polarization, adjacency - epistemic fragmentation - polarization - democracy

      • definition: epistemic fragmentation

        • when major parts of society disagree on basic facts
      • adjacency between
        • epistemic fragmentation
        • polarization
        • democracy
      • adjacency statement
        • democracy is critical to solving our challenges but it won't function if there is so much epistemic fragmentation that we can't agree on basic facts
  3. Aug 2023
    1. We need mass innovation in design of social tools that help us bridge fragmentation and polarization, bring diversity into our media landscapes and help find common ground between disparate groups. With these as conscious design goals, technology could be a powerful positive force for civic change. If we don’t take this challenge seriously and assume that we’re stuck with mass-market tools, we won’t see positive civic outcomes from technological tools.”
      • for: quote, quote - Ethan Zuckerman, quote - fragmentation and polarization, Indyweb - support, MIT Center for Civic Media, Global Voices
      • quote
        • We need mass innovation in design of social tools that help us
          • bridge fragmentation and polarization,
          • bring diversity into our media landscapes and
          • help find common ground between disparate groups.
        • With these as conscious design goals,
          • technology could be a powerful positive force for civic change.
        • If we don’t take this challenge seriously and assume that we’re stuck with mass-market tools,
          • we won’t see positive civic outcomes from technological tools.”
      • author
        • Ethan Zuckerman
          • director of MIT’s Center for Civic Media and
          • co-founder of Global Voices
  4. Jun 2023
  5. Feb 2023
  6. Dec 2022
    1. I don't know how this will look like. What I do think is it will come to cultural identity. What is the cultural identity? And that's what we will all gravitate to, and we'll gravitate.

      !- future global fragmentation : by culture - Michaux believes people will fragment in the future along cultural boundaries as we move through tumultuous transition. This makes sense as ingroups will naturally form - this should be further explored to explore implications: - will we get political polarization? At what level? National, regional, city / community scale? - what implications will this have on cooperation and sharing? will it create policy gridlock? Will it become even more urgent to educate everyone on a Deep Humanity type of open praxis that finds common human denominators (CHD)?

  7. Aug 2022
    1. modern trade is still in the very early stages of development. The numerous traditional trade outlets (e.g. small groceries, mom-and-pop shops, dukas or souks) remain the biggest segment of the market
    2. visibility in the supply chain remains one of the biggest challenges. As outlets are small, contributing low volume, hardware and software costs are major stumbling blocks. African companies are increasingly assessing mid-tech solutions and identifying the “appropriate technology” for their operation
  8. Jul 2021
    1. For much of Americanhistory, people were educated in a wide range of (often highlyeccentric) settings. !is was generally perceived as a problem, andefforts at standardization kicked in, reaching their peak in the1960s. Since then we have seen increasing fragmentation, withordinary public schools, charter schools, magnet schools, variouskinds of private schools, homeschooling, unschooling—but all ofthese work on the same platforms;

      Interesting to note the time period of this peak, which broadly coincides with Brown vs. Board of Education and desegregation in the 1970s. Did the fluorescence of these others begin as a means of better segregating students either racially or economically?

  9. Oct 2020
    1. Think of this essay as a series of strongly held hypotheses; without access to the types of data which i’m not even sure exists, it’s difficult to be definitive. As ever, my wise readers will add or push back as they always do.

      Push back, sure, but where? Where would we find this push back? The comments section only has a few tidbits. Perhaps the rest is on Twitter, Facebook, or some other social silo where the conversation is fraught-fully fragmented. Your own social capital is thus spread out and not easily compiled or compounded. As a result I wonder who may or may not have read this piece...

  10. Jul 2020
  11. May 2020