39 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. In the fast-paced world of stock trading, having a reliable and efficient trading platform is crucial. Sharekhan Mini is a lightweight, mobile-friendly trading platform designed for investors who seek a seamless and intuitive trading experience. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, Sharekhan Mini offers a simplified approach to stock market investments.

  2. Nov 2024
    1. if I send you a Google doc and we start all collaborating in the same same thing and it's amazing we're sharing all this data um it's kind of silly that we have to move the updates through the backb to some server out there and shipping them back here when we now have really sophisticated algorithms that can do um you know smart Conflict Free resolution that allows us to collaborate in real time and yet we're still moving all the updates to the backbone right this is very silly and it gets worse when you think about the network falling apart

      for - internet limitations - example - need for offline or local networking - Google docs used by a local group - unnecessary to communicate to the backbone

  3. Jan 2024
  4. Sep 2023
    1. This allows reading your email offline without the need for your mail reader (MUA) to support IMAP operations. Need an attachment from a message without internet connection? No problem, the message is still there.
  5. Aug 2023
    1. We are already seeing the emergence of ‘tech-free’ camps and vacation packages. Experiencing life ‘offline’ will become a generational goal, much like the Millennial generation introduced ride sharing and home sharing. Ironically, it will be technology that enables this trend, and premiums will be paid for uninterrupted time to focus or to simply enjoy being alive. This may also indicate a new kind of disparity between economic strata, with the more-wealthy affording privacy, peace and quiet while the lower strata remain fodder for 24/7 social media aggregators and botnets.
      • for: futures, digital futures, online vs offline role reversal, inequality
      • quote
      • paraphrase
        • We are already seeing the emergence of
          • ‘tech-free’ camps and
          • ' tech-free' vacation packages
        • Experiencing life ‘offline’ will become a generational goal,
          • much like the Millennial generation introduced ride sharing and home sharing.
        • Ironically, it will be technology that enables this trend, and premiums will be paid for uninterrupted time to focus or to simply enjoy being alive.
        • This may also indicate a new kind of disparity between economic strata, with
          • the more-wealthy affording privacy, peace and quiet while
          • the lower strata remain fodder for 24/7 social media aggregators and botnets.
      • author: Sam Adams
        • 24 year veteran of IBM
        • senior AI research scientist, RTI International
  6. Dec 2022
    1. When you meet extremely online people, you would expect them to at least talk. The best internet personalities come off as sharp and funny online and possess a natural digital fluency that conveys a degree of social skill. Even if they are not necessarily normal, you might expect that the strongest posters would be anti-social geniuses—brilliant minds trapped in tortured bodies, released onto the timeline. But in person, they stare straight ahead, pull out their phones, and show you their sharp, funny comments from the internet, then find a way to end the conversation quickly if you don’t have enough mutual followers.
  7. Oct 2022
    1. PolyScale is an intelligent, serverless database caching engine which allows low-latency reads from Supabase globally, no coding required
  8. Sep 2022
    1. We study whether sequence modelingcan perform policy optimization by evaluating Decision Transformer on offline RL benchmarks
  9. Jun 2022
  10. Mar 2022
  11. Oct 2021
    1. With offline first applications, you already have a realtime replication with the backend. Most offline first databases provide some concept of changestream or data subscriptions and with RxDB you can even directly subscribe to query results or single fields of documents. This makes it easy to have an always updated UI whenever data on the backend changes.


    2. In offline-first apps, the operations go directly against the local storage which happens almost instantly. There is no perceptible loading time and so it is not even necessary to implement a loading spinner at all.
    3. Offline-First is a software paradigm where the software must work as well offline as it does online. To implement this, you have to store data at the client side, so that your application can still access it when the internet goes away. This can be either done with complex caching strategies, or by using an offline first database (like RxDB) that stores the data inside of IndexedDb and replicates it from and to the backend in the background. This makes the local database, not the server, the gateway for all persistent changes in application state.
  12. Feb 2021
  13. Jan 2021
    1. A robust solution is always the most desirable—in a time of crisis, it might even save a life. This might sound hyperbolic, but having a stable copy of something that works offline could make all the difference in a time of need.
  14. Nov 2020
    1. Can you image your favorite web app working offline? Well, Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are here. One of their main benefits is that Service Workers will allow you to continue loading your apps even when there’s no internet connection.
    2. Service Workers are also helpful for offline caching and performance. You can write code to cache your application shell to work offline and populate its content using JavaScript.
    1. For example, your application should work offline, but it doesn’t mean that you must set-up a background queue or store your data in a persistent storage – a offline message (e.g. “You’re offline, check your network status.”) is enough.
  15. Sep 2020
  16. Jul 2020
    1. Writer OfflineWriter now works without a connection, so you can take your laptop or iPad on a train or a long flight, and keep writing uninterrupted.
    1. These companies really want us to always be logged in, for obvious reasons.But what’s our incentive?

      just trying to spitball reasons-

      so we can access our saved content easily? so we can save easily?

      i guess my desire would be like, i want my own systems that i trust to have my content, that i store into. then additional systems can push/propogate that back into youtube or what not, if i want that.

      and i'd want my systems to be able to augment some of the experiences i'm having elsewhere, use a 3rd party tool to make favorites of a site, any site, available.

      there is some negative here, this is kind of anti-social. i do like looking at people's favorites! if they off-board them into their own environments, if the practice is that the first system you store to is yours, the online social world suffers. we have no means right now to create links that would be anywhere as effective as what youtube internally can generate, the data is too far apart in this system, rather by design. yet surely some will seek to harvest that distributed data, but will need big tools, & how do we end up with not just the rich & powerful holding our data again?

      one additional though- perhaps just a buffer system, so one can fav stuff while offline, then log in & dump that buffer into youtube.

  17. Jun 2020
    1. offline-first application let’s move to some tools available already for Android platform
    2. what if you really need that backend source of data and what if you want to send some data to it as well? The answer is: make it offline-first – design and write your application as if there was no internet connection at all
  18. May 2020
  19. Apr 2020
  20. Dec 2019
  21. May 2018
    1. You can pull the image on a computer that have access to the internet.

      sudo docker pull ubuntu Then you can save this image to a file

      sudo docker save -o ubuntu_image.docker ubuntu Transfer the file on the offline computer (USB/CD/whatever) and load the image from the file:

      sudo docker load ubuntu_image.docker

  22. Sep 2017
  23. Oct 2015
    1. Essential features flow seamlessly between online and offline modes; examples include cross-references, user annotations, access to online databases, as well as licensing and rights management.