56 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. for - article - Why Human (Contributive) Labor remains the creative principle of human society - Michael Bauwens - PhD thesis - From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas (2016) - Benjamin Suriano - to - P2P Foundation - more detailed presentation of Benjamin Suriano's PhD paper

      Summary - This is a review and high recommendation of the PhD dissertation of Benjamin Suriano by Michael Bauwens - The subject is the historical analysis of labour in medieval times, and - how Christian monasticism provided a third perspective on labour that was an important alternative to the false dichotomy of - cleric - warrior - that was inclusive of the alienated within class majority - a proposal for revival the spirit of this spiritual view of labour - as a means to mitigate modernity's meaning crisis as it relates to the lack of purpose usually associated with work in contemporary society

      to - P2P Foundation - more detailed presentation of Benjamin Suriano's PhD paper - https://hyp.is/7PeMMIxtEe-NOmuU08T3jg/wiki.p2pfoundation.net/From_Modes_of_Production_to_the_Resurrection_of_the_Body

  2. Sep 2024
  3. Jun 2024
    1. for - progress trap - AI music - critique - Folia Sound Studio - to - P2P Foundation - Michel Bauwens - Commons Transition Plan - Netarchical Capitalism - Predatory Capitalism

      to - P2P Foundation - Michel Bauwens - Commons Transition Plan - Netarchical Capitalism - Predatory Capitalism https://hyp.is/o-Hp-DCAEe-8IYef613YKg/wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Commons_Transition_Plan

    2. I think that Noam chsky said exactly a year ago in New York Times around a year ago that generative AI is not any 00:18:37 intelligence it's just a plagiarism software that learned stealing human uh work transform it and sell it as much as possible as cheap as possible

      for - AI music theft - citation - Noam Chomsky - quote - Noam Chomsky - AI as plagiarism on a grand scale

      to - P2P Foundation - commons transition plan - Michel Bauwens - netarchical capitalism - predatory capitalism - https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Commons_Transition_Plan#Solving_the_value_crisis_through_a_social_knowledge_economy

  4. May 2024
  5. idp2p.github.io idp2p.github.io
    1. An identity is also a topic to subscribe to (i.e. the ledger is based on subscription)

      ID as pubsub topic.

    1. The user should know precisely where their data is stored

      And be able to store it locally, on trusted devices, replicated.

    2. no single points of control over conversations or the network as a whole

      Ideally support p2p. Servers/brokers are optional.

    3. across a global open network of federated servers and services

      Better: across devices (p2p) and (optionally) their servers.

  6. Apr 2024
    1. URLs + HTTP + HTML = webURLs + HTTP + RSS = PodcastsURLs + HTTP + JSON = REST APIsURLs + P2P + HTML = Web3

      Very interesting diagram

    1. We believe that thelack of a business model that can incentivize ‘genuine’ peer-to-peer applications and the lackof suitable architectural foundations for such applications are the culprit


  7. Jan 2024
    1. for - social transition - rapid whole system change - cosmolocal - cosmo-local - anywheres - everywheres - commons - Michel Bauwens - P2P Foundation - somewheres - meme - glocalization - meme - cosmos-localization

      summary - A good article introducing cosmo-localism as a logical vasilation of failed markets and states, swinging the pendulum back to the commons as a necessary precursor to rapid whole system change

  8. Dec 2023
    1. Once Satoshi Nakamoto published his white paper on Bitcoin on the P2P Foundation Ning forum
      • for: adjacency - Satoshi Nakamoto white paper - bitcoin - P2P Foundation Ning forum

      • adjacency between

        • Satoshi Nakamoto white paper
        • bitcoin
        • P2P Foundation Ning website
      • adjacency statement
        • I didn't realize that Satoshi Nakamoto first published his paper on the P2P Foundation Ning website.
  9. Sep 2023
  10. May 2023
  11. Apr 2023
      • Michel Bauwens provides a summary and theoretical analysis of

        • the current stagnant, polarized and highly charged political environment, as well as
        • a proposed third commons-based option that could mitigate the problem.
      • In this analysis, he introduces new terminology to describe the three categories of salient actors:

        • somewheres
        • nowheres
        • everywheres
  12. Jan 2023
  13. Dec 2022
    1. Netsukuku adopts a modified distance vector routing mechanism that is well integrated in different layers of its hierarchical network topology.

      important bit

    2. Netsukuku should reasonably work. The most intuitive argument is this: Netsukuku is just trying to automate what the Internet does everyday, that is keeping routes, assigning IP addresses and resolving hostnames.

      since this is an idea I also reinvented from first principles but haven't had time to develop, I'm incredulous that they're particularly far along when they say this, but I'm openminded

    3. ANDNA (A Netsukuku Domain Name Architecture)

      developers have problems naming things but that's ok, it's a moving target right now.

    4. A new Netsukuku user needs do little more than install an antenna within range of other local nodes, linking themselves into the network, and run the Netsukuku software on their computer to take advantage of it. The number of interconnected nodes can grow endlessly. If a node is out of the range of any wifi signals, a "virtual tunnel" over their Internet connection will supply the missing radio link.

      so it's an actual mesh network on top of the other stuff

    5. minimal consumption of CPU and memory resources

      hmm, unsure if believe

  14. Aug 2022
  15. May 2022
    1. 7.1.2 Forwarding from Inbox Note: Forwarding to avoid the ghost replies problem The following section is to mitigate the "ghost replies" problem which occasionally causes problems on federated networks. This problem is best demonstrated with an example. Alyssa makes a post about her having successfully presented a paper at a conference and sends it to her followers collection, which includes her friend Ben. Ben replies to Alyssa's message congratulating her and includes her followers collection on the recipients. However, Ben has no access to see the members of Alyssa's followers collection, so his server does not forward his messages to their inbox. Without the following mechanism, if Alyssa were then to reply to Ben, her followers would see Alyssa replying to Ben without having ever seen Ben interacting. This would be very confusing! When Activities are received in the inbox, the server needs to forward these to recipients that the origin was unable to deliver them to. To do this, the server MUST target and deliver to the values of to, cc, and/or audience if and only if all of the following are true: This is the first time the server has seen this Activity. The values of to, cc, and/or audience contain a Collection owned by the server. The values of inReplyTo, object, target and/or tag are objects owned by the server. The server SHOULD recurse through these values to look for linked objects owned by the server, and SHOULD set a maximum limit for recursion (ie. the point at which the thread is so deep the recipients followers may not mind if they are no longer getting updates that don't directly involve the recipient). The server MUST only target the values of to, cc, and/or audience on the original ob

      Here's where things get spicy

  16. Mar 2022
    1. Holochain is an open-source framework for developing microservices that run peer-to-peer applications entirely on end-user devices without central servers.
  17. Jan 2022
    1. Hypercore Protocol

      From the official site: Hypercore is a distributed append-only log

      Hypercore comes with a secure transport protocol, making it easy to build fast and scalable peer-to-peer applications. Think lightweight blockchain crossed with BitTorrent.

  18. Dec 2021
    1. What is P2P (peer-to-peer) and what can you do with it? https://www.itpedia.nl/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/fingerworld.jpg.webp In a sense, Peer to Peer (P2P) networks are the social networks of the Internet. Every peer is equal to the others, and every peer has the same rights and duties as the others. Peers are clients and servers at the same time.

  19. Nov 2021
    1. 4 Best Payment Solutions for Online MarketplacesDmitryCEOMarketplaceHomeBlogEntrepreneurship4 Best Payment Solutions for Online MarketplacesPublishedAug 7, 2020UpdatedAug 7, 20209 min readDid you know that payment solutions for online marketplaces can shape your e-commerce business and its success? Thus, Uber succeeded in its global expansion right after it switched to Braintree. In early Uber’s scaling, even a dollar-euro currency conversion wasn’t available. Now, with Braintree, it processes mobile payments in 130 currencies in 80+ countries. Of course, each marketplace faces its own payment challenges. So, you should rely on a payment solution with the features vital right for your e-commerce platform. To identify them, let’s dig deeper into two-sided marketplace payment processing, and analyze the best payment gateways for marketplaces.

      Did you know that payment solutions for online marketplaces can shape your e-commerce business and its success? Thus, Uber succeeded in its global expansion right after it switched to Braintree.

      In early Uber’s scaling, even a dollar-euro currency conversion wasn’t available. Now, with Braintree, it processes mobile payments in 130 currencies in 80+ countries.

      Of course, each marketplace faces its own payment challenges. So, you should rely on a payment solution with the features vital right for your e-commerce platform. To identify them, let’s dig deeper into two-sided marketplace payment processing, and analyze the best payment gateways for marketplaces.

  20. Sep 2021
  21. Mar 2021
  22. Nov 2020
    1. I believe this requires building 2 layers of decentralized communal infrastructure. A privacy preserving persistence layer removed from any application (see also cwtch). And an application layer which can interact with it, and provide features for it (microblogging, social networking, filesharing, collaborative editing etc.)

      Este modelo es similar a https://scuttlebutt.nz/ . La federación podría ocurrir con aplicaciones públicas (micro-blogs, redes sociales) mientras que una capa de la comunicación es privada incluso en infraestructuras agenas (como en Scuttlebutt). Es decir, es posible tener infraestructuras federadas confiables para contenidos abiertos/públicos y p2p para los que no lo sean y comunicarlas entre sí.

  23. Sep 2019
    1. P2P payments’ popularity is gaining momentum, and it allows people to transfer funds easily and securely. The statistics speaks for itself. That is why P2P payment app development may become a good business idea. This article covers all necessary things like security issues, legal compliance, and features to take into account if you intend to create a custom P2P payment app and use proven mobile app development services.
  24. Aug 2019
  25. Feb 2019
    1. In the second post in the series, Simon makes the argument that the killer feature of decentralized systems is rule-breaking: “While a decentralized architecture can be effective at routing around a variety of different failures in a network, the type of decentralization that was achieved by Bittorrent (and by Bitcoin for that matter) has enabled routing around rules.”

      <big>评:</big><br/><br/> 从学术领域的开放获取(Open Access)思潮,到政治生活的匿名化社运,再到经济体系的点对点金融——BitTorrent 就像是一颗沧海遗珠,它卷起的滔天巨浪,曾试图侵袭人类社会所有坚不可摧的巨坝高墙。 <br/><br/> 但这番焕新图景背后所昭示的事实是,这代互联网人奉行的创新精神陷入了「不破不立」的窠臼。为什么我们创造新事物的前提是打破(break)或变革(reform)现有的?“routing around” 的最高境界何尝不是「共荣共存」?

  26. Jan 2019
  27. Nov 2018
  28. Oct 2018
  29. Sep 2018
    1. John wants to upload a PDF file to IPFS but only give Mary accessHe puts his PDF file in his working directory and encrypts it with Mary’s public keyHe tells IPFS he wants to add this encrypted file, which generates a hash of the encrypted fileHis encrypted file is available on the IPFS networkMary can retrieve it and decrypt the file since she owns the associated private key of the public key that was used to encrypt the fileA malicious party cannot decrypt the file because they lack Mary’s private key
    1. A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open.
  30. Oct 2017
    1. Criticism of technological utopianism, particularly Benkler's version, and the need to consider power relations within utopian proposals.

  31. Apr 2017
    1. Of course, if you want to put a positive spin on this kind of work, you can call it flexible, decentralized micro-entrepreneurship. But pan out, and it looks more like feudalism, with thousands of small subsistence farmers paying tribute to a baron that grants them access to land they don’t own.
  32. Feb 2017
  33. Oct 2016
    1. The resource-based economy goes like this: In the future robots will do all the jobs (including creating new robots and fixing broken one). Now, imagine the world is like a public library, where you can borrow any book you want but never own it. Fresco wants all enterprise like this, whether it’s groceries, new tech, gasoline, or alcohol. He wants everything free and eventually provided to us by robots, software, and automation.

      I think this is achievable, if we emphasize specialized libraries and cooperative models around resources (i.e. tool/tech libraries, food banks/co-ops)

  34. Mar 2016
    1. Client<->Server API - defines how Matrix compatible clients communicate with Matrix homeservers. Server<->Server API - defines how Matrix homeservers exchange messages and synchronise history with each other.

      Given the data model (which allows merges) forkdb could be a close candidate to substitute a Client <-> Client API (also called peer to peer).

      Play with it.

  35. Aug 2015
    1. “The cat is out of the bag. The content people have no clue. I mean, no clue.” - Bram Cohen



  36. Jul 2015
  37. May 2015
    1. inspirational organizational

      Indeed, it becomes a matrice. It is not a coincidence if free software share its source : the core of the paradigm is both the source and the sharing itself. It is a recursive and viral paradigm.

  38. Nov 2014