- Jul 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
it's um really it's it's a beautiful system because an approach because it is quick and it is scalable in that sense and within three months 00:16:54 we we can start uh commercialize individual farms whether that's small holder farmers looking to supplement their income or larger uh estates and and farming cooperatives
for - seawater farming - business startup speed - 3 month
- Aug 2023
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Capra Biosciences harnesses the superpowers of a biofilm-forming organism Marinobacter atlanticus to make fat-soluble products like retinol which is used in anti-aging face creams, and high-end industrial lubricants for electric car engines
Some startups, like MicroByre, have been working to domesticate those reluctant, recalcitrant, and rebellious microbes by adapting them for use in the lab and creating genetic tools to manipulate them
- Jul 2023
www.shopify.com www.shopify.com
A vision statement provides a brief description of a company’s long-term goals. It’s typically ambitious and communicates how the company plans to make a difference in the world. Think of it as a roadmap for making decisions that align with your company’s philosophy and objectives. A good vision statement helps you: Inspire teams and keep them focused Connect with customers in niche markets Make smarter decisions Attract top talent
It doesn’t have a set length. You can craft a one-sentence statement or write a three-page document discussing the company’s future. The goal of a vision statement is to differentiate yourself from competitors and focus efforts on achieving your objectives.
A vision statement articulates where you aspire to be once you achieve your mission. Often, it describes where you want certain people or the world to be as a result of your mission. Vision statements convey a long-term goal, generally a time range of five to 10 years, or beyond. Your mission statement is essentially an action-oriented vision statement, declaring the who, what, and why of your retail business. Your mission statement can be the roadmap for your vision statement.
A mission statement is usually part of your business plan when you start a business. It identifies your company’s purpose and is a way to publicly share why your company exists. Crafting your mission statement helps you unify your business and avoid potential business mistakes by keeping you on track. Your mission statement should: State what your company does. You don’t need to be fancy, simply state whatever it is your retail business produces or provides. State how your company does what it does. This does not need to be a detailed description of how you operate your business. You can describe how your business works in more general terms and incorporate one or more of your core values. State why your company does what it does. Think about why you started your business in the first place—share your passion for starting your company.
- Mar 2023
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Impossible Foods, Zymergen, Pivot Bio, Novartis, and Calyxt
- Sep 2022
community.algorand.org community.algorand.org
PlanetWatch: Sensing is Mining
I see.
- Aug 2022
Meet the media startups making big money on vaccine conspiracies. (n.d.). Fortune. Retrieved December 23, 2021, from https://fortune.com/2021/05/14/disinformation-media-vaccine-covid19/
- Jul 2022
jgooc5ig5w.feishu.cn jgooc5ig5w.feishu.cn
企业家成功的故事通常是这样的:你致力于一个巨大而且不断增长的市场,你筹集资金,你扩大规模,打出一记漂亮的本垒打,然后你退出,作为一个新生的百万富翁在日落的白色沙滩上漫步,享受永无止境的美景和美酒。 这个故事引人入胜,但有一个问题:它从未真正发生过。在开办企业之初,你就会被鼓动被期待着制定退出计划。但是企业被收购的可能性非常小,万分之一,也许千分之一?把注意力放在退出上是一场愚蠢的赌博。你创业的动机应该比渴望致富更深一层。此外,对兑现财富的过分关注很可能造成自我破坏。Jason和David看到,策划退出和全力以赴追求成功不可能兼得。你需要执着于保持船舶航行,而不是想着随时跳船。用他们的话说,你需要的不是退出策略,而是持久策略。——Basecamp
企业家成功的故事通常是这样的:你致力于一个巨大而且不断增长的市场,你筹集资金,你扩大规模,打出一记漂亮的本垒打,然后你退出,作为一个新生的百万富翁在日落的白色沙滩上漫步,享受永无止境的美景和美酒。 这个故事引人入胜,但有一个问题:它从未真正发生过。在开办企业之初,你就会被鼓动被期待着制定退出计划。但是企业被收购的可能性非常小,万分之一,也许千分之一?把注意力放在退出上是一场愚蠢的赌博。你创业的动机应该比渴望致富更深一层。此外,对兑现财富的过分关注很可能造成自我破坏。Jason和David看到,策划退出和全力以赴追求成功不可能兼得。你需要执着于保持船舶航行,而不是想着随时跳船。用他们的话说,你需要的不是退出策略,而是持久策略。——Basecamp
www.techemails.com www.techemails.com
The way I think about things, consider FB a giant fly-wheel.... You want the external edge to move very quickly and iteratively -- and small dings when you get things wrong don't cost much, but the deeper you go in the stack / towards the infrastructure core (and really the human capital core even below that), you want things to move more slowly and predictably.
This is an interesting analogy
www.ycombinator.com www.ycombinator.com
Most Favored Nation (“MFN”) provision (the “MFN safe”)
...giving the company money now but at the terms you will negotiate with other investors later.
- Jun 2022
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TƯ DUY LÀM STARTUP: CẦN "XÂY MÓNG THẬT VỮNG CHẮC TRƯỚC, XÂY NHÀ SAU"Đang trong giai đoạn viết ebook phần 2 bổ sung miễn phí cho ae đã mua hôm trước, nên tranh thủ nhắn cafe với anh Dong Xuan Nguyen để "lượm chữ" về viết tiếp. Quả là không uổng công sức chút nào!Nội dung học được buổi này đáng giá "tiền tỷ" với riêng mình, nên ae chịu khó ĐỌC KỸ & cho 1 #like nha! (Lâu lắm rồi chưa có post nào trên 2k like). kkNói thật là mình ko biết background a Đông khủng vậy, cho đến khi ngồi cafe với ảnh hôm nay:- Thời 2005 đã bắt đầu phát triển trang anhso-net với anh Nguyễn Bá Đức, giờ a Đức đang phát triển Homedy rất đình đám (cái này mình mới đọc sách "Từ nông thôn đến triệu đô" của anh Tuấn A1 về case Coolmate mới biết đó)- Anh cũng từng đồng sáng lập phát triển một cty agency, sau đó bán lại. (trước mình có đọc cuốn sách nào đó, có nói game xây doanh nghiệp xong bán là CON ĐƯỜNG LÀM GIÀU NHANH NHẤT). Cách làm này rất giống với thằng bạn @Hứa Phước Trường của mình. kk- Sang năm 2015 a Đông tại tiếp tục startup & là đồng sáng lập của Ecomobi, giờ doanh nghiệp này chắc phải vài chục triệu đô (mình đoán vậy, hoặc có thể trên trăm-triệu-đô rồi)- Chưa dừng lại ở đó, a Đông cũng là người "đứng sau" hỗ trợ cho Coolmate "xây móng" từ ngày đầu, và có cổ phần tại doanh nghiệp này. (Định giá gần nhất ~20 triệu đô, và tốc độ đang tăng trưởng thần tốc x nhiều lần, hướng đến IPO vài giai đoạn 2025)- Bất ngờ hơn a Đông còn đang làm việc với vai trò quỹ đầu tư, đã đầu tư chục startup khác, và cũng đang tìm kiếm các cơ hội "xuống tiền". Nên ae nào làm startup tranh thủ hẹn a Đông cafe để "bào tiền" lúc quỹ của ảnh đang còn nhiều cash nha! kk- ...Đó là vài thông tin về a Đông để ae trust hơn với nội dung, và dưới là một số chủ đề ae nói chuyện & hỏi đáp trong buổi cafe...1. Làm startup cần "xây móng thật vững". Nên trang bị năng lực vững vàng để lựa chọn hướng đi đúng, làm chậm rãi & chắc chắn ở những bước đầu tiên. Có “móng vững” rồi thì bước “xây nhà” sẽ không khó nữa & bền vững hơn. Nếu có mentor giỏi/nhiều kinh nghiệm định hướng cho việc này sẽ tốt hơn, để quá trình build doanh nghiệp chuẩn chỉnh & phát triển xa được. (Mình cũng đang nhờ a Đông góp ý để "tái cấu trúc" lần thứ n cho ATP Holdings)2. Làm startup, khát vọng/ước mơ của nhóm founders rất quan trọng, từ những khát vọng đó mới ra được plan thực thi & kết quả. Nhưng người làm startup cũng phải thực tế với nguồn lực của mình chứ đừng quá viển vông (Chúng ta sẽ ntn sau 3-5 năm nữa? Tại sao phải làm nó? Kế hoạch cụ thể ntn?)3. Quan điểm mình làm doanh nghiệp trước giờ theo hướng đơn giản, tập trung sự hiệu quả để ra lợi nhuận sớm, tiết kiệm & an toàn (ko bỏ nhiều vốn, ko cần gọi vốn). Nhưng cũng vì đó mà có những vấn đề nhất định trong doanh nghiệp sau 3-5 năm & tăng trưởng chậm. A Đông bảo nên thay đổi tư duy chút sẽ đi nhanh hơn: "nếu em là cô gái đẹp, thì nên biết tô son thêm sẽ đẹp hơn, sẽ được nhiều người khác để mắt đến hơn & nâng giá trị của mình lên".4. Một cái cây muốn phát triển nhanh hơn & bền vững đôi khi phải biết hi sinh/cắt đi những cành lá gây "cồng kềnh" & ảnh hưởng đến sự phát triển của chính nó. Nhiều mô hình DN gặp vấn đề về mặt scale up, hoặc khi lớn lên/khi có nhiều khách hàng hơn thì biên lợi nhuận giảm vì sự cồng kềnh trong khâu vận hành.5. Khi bàn về vấn đề nhân lực giỏi, mình có đề cấp đến background & năng lực học tập trước đây của các bạn. A Đông giải thích, "Tại sao bọn giỏi chúng nó lại giỏi? (chủ đề này ae thảo luận khá sâu)- Vì sự TẬP TRUNG của "chúng nó"- Vì sự quyết tâm/khát vọng đã hơn rất nhiều những đứa bình thường khác- Vì phương pháp học tập- Vì thói quen/quản lý bản thân/sự chủ động- Vì phát triển đúng sở trường/điểm mạnh- Vì có trang bị các kỹ năng mềm & cứng nhất định- Vì tư chất/năng khiếu/có đầu óc tốt- Vì môi trường ("bọn Ngoại Thương" đầu vào cũng đã là một BỘ-LỌC rồi, nhưng ở đó cũng có môi trường tốt để chúng nó phát triển. A Đông, Nhu (Coolmate) cũng là dân FTU)- Vì khả năng tư duy & giải quyết vấn đề của chúng nó- ...Nên doanh nghiệp nếu thu hút được nhân lực giỏi này về, "đặt đúng chỗ" nữa sẽ phát triển đi xa được. Chơi được với bọn thủ khoa/á khoa các trường top là ngon. 6. Bàn về một số mô hình startup, một số gợi ý "ngon" mà ATP có thể tập trung được.7. Kinh nghiệm làm việc với các co-founders, các nhân lực giỏi ngang tuổi & lớn hơn mình. -> Đó là xây dựng VĂN HÓA TỔ CHỨC & SỰ RÕ RÀNG ngay từ đầu, mỗi người tập trung được THẾ MẠNH của mình & khéo léo kết hợp với nhau. Như case Coolmate 3 co-team là Nhu Phạm (CEO) - Xuân Lan (CMO) - a Hiệp (CTO) kết hợp với nhau rất nhuần nhuyễn. (Mà thực tế theo mình để binh được cơ chế rõ-ràng này cần rất nhiều kinh nghiệm, là TÍNH CÁCH phù hợp/nhượng bộ, tinh thần startup hướng đến mục tiêu chung,... Có vậy DN mới đi xa được)8. Tư duy về việc chọn "game ngon để chơi", chọn mô hình làm startup đúng rất quan trọng. Làm startup cần có sự mới mẻ, sáng tạo riêng. Như case Coolmate có rất nhiều "sáng tạo đột phá" để có được như bây giờ. Tại sao có những DN định giá chỉ vài trăm triệu/vài tỷ, mà có những DN khác lại định giá hàng triệu đô/hàng chục triệu đô? (Nó đến từ tư duy chọn game, và cách chơi game?)9. Founder muốn đi nhanh & xa cần HÀNH ĐỘNG & CAM KẾT (Nhu - Coolmate, là hình mẫu của founder như này).10. Ở góc độ quỹ đầu tư, cũng có những áp lực giải ngân vốn, lựa chọn các startup để đầu tư. Cũng có những quyết định sai, thường là bởi: dữ liệu đầu vào không chính xác, và đánh giá sai năng lực founder. Founder giỏi & "cháy hết mình" với dự án là yếu tố quyết định lớn đến sự thành bại.11. Hỏi thêm về các campaign ngon ở Ecomobi để tạo ra tiền tốt. Cái này dự án ATP Media đang rất cần để tối ưu luôn. Đang có >10tr traffics từ SEO mỗi tháng mà kiếm tiền bèo bọt quá!12. Nếu muốn IPO, phải trả lời câu hỏi "Tại sao phải làm nó?", và "sau 3 năm nữa sau IPO sẽ ntn?". Rất nhiều case doanh nghiệp công nghệ sau IPO đều tệ hơn như: Yeah1, Grab, Uber,...13. Chủ doanh nghiệp & teamwork phải giữ được "lửa" trên hành trình khởi nghiệp. Xây dựng cơ chế & chính sách để đội ngũ có động lực làm việc mạnh mẽ14. Nhiệm vụ của cấp quản lý, nên tập trung vào ĐỊNH HƯỚNG, đào tạo nhân lực. Đào tạo kỹ năng mềm & quản lý cảm xúc khi làm việc của nhân sự. Nó cũng góp phần xây dựng văn hóa đội ngũ gắn kết, các startup rất cần tập trung yếu tố này để giữ người & teamwork có nhiệt huyết làm việc.15. Thế mạnh của các nhà đầu tư thiên thần (Angel investors) như a Đông là xuất phát điểm từ dân làm startup mười mấy năm, không như một số ae làm tài chính sang. Nên có thể hỗ trợ về mặt định hướng, kinh nghiệm & giúp nhiều hoạt động khác cho startup ngoài tiền.16. Làm doanh nghiệp sẽ có hàng nghìn thứ ngớ ngẩn ập đến, vì những thứ nhỏ nhưng nó sẽ ảnh hưởng đến tâm lý của chúng ta. Nên làm sao chuẩn chỉnh ngay từ đầu. Nhất là khâu thuế má/giấy tờ, thông tin minh bạch, mô hình chuẩn chỉnh,... (có kế toán giỏi & thuê dịch vụ luật bên ngoài rà soát các hoạt động đang làm thường xuyên)17. Một vài thông tin về cách định giá doanh nghiệp startup? Cách xây dựng startup ban đầu ntn để dễ gọi vốn?, Cách để bán thành công DN? Lộ trình chuẩn bị cho IPO?,... A Đông vẫn đang chưa có case về IPO thành công, còn lại mấy cái khác hầu như ảnh đều đã trải qua hết & có rất nhiều kinh nghiệm về nó. Trong buổi cafe mình đặt rất nhiều câu hỏi, nhưng buổi cafe ngắn ngủi nên thông tin chưa đủ sâu. Để hẹn a Đông thêm các buổi cafe thứ 2,3 để có thêm từng keys sâu chia sẻ với ae. @@...Sau buổi cafe này, nếu làm dự án nào đó mới, chắc chắn sẽ nhờ a Đông tư vấn "xây móng thật vững" trước để có game gọi vốn win, có startup nhiều triệu đô để chém gió, để showcase viết ebook kiếm tiền lẻ tiếp. kk
- Apr 2022
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Best Ways to Scale a Startup or Business Successfully
Your dream project is no longer merely a concept. It's now a reality. You've successfully launched your product, and it's gradually growing in popularity. You might be wondering now, "How does one scale a startup?"
However, there is another critical question to consider: Is your project ready to scale?
According to the Startup Genome Report, up to 90% of all startups fail because they try to scale too quickly. You risk a lot if you make a mistake and start scaling a business before you're ready.
It's not easy, but you can avoid those dangers. In this blog post, we'll show you how to tell if your startup is ready for scale, and if it isn't, how to get ready. We’ve
- Feb 2022
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How Obsidian starts upI will oversimplify what Obsidian does when it starts up, but it has to do several things to get Obsidian ready for use:Obsidian initializes its internal memory cache, a database of information about files in your vault.It loads the user interface the visual elements of the program (buttons, panes, workspaces, and so on).Obsidian starts loading the plugins one by one if you have enabled plugins.
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four part process to experimentation: hypothesis generation, design, execution and analysis
- Jan 2022
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Build an MVP” is the mental image that comes to mind, but “Get One User” is a better answer.
- Dec 2021
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Change is the only constant. One of the challenges in this constantly changing world is the lack of a guiding ability to overcome these impediments to movement. Change, according to Startup consulting firms in India's startup consulting businesses, does not have to be a burden, but may actually be an empowering force for improvement. With a basic understanding of the internet, you have access to a wealth of information; however, the trick is knowing how and when to use it to help your business flourish. Startup consulting firms in India are specialists in execution, which is the best way to manage progressions.
In India, there are startup consulting services with the goal of transforming a CEO's movement vision into major, focal, and vital strategies that produce results. Our main goal is to assist organisations in rapidly accelerating their revenue growth.
It may be both exhilarating and overwhelming to start a new business. Startup consulting firms in Indiacurrent genuine environment, business people and innovators rely on starting projects and reaching to market as quickly as possible – yet they can get bogged down and relegated to a back seat due to administrative or major obstacles that prevent them from concentrating on the big picture. So that they can meet with Indian startup consulting businesses.
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- Nov 2021
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As an aside, asking for operating advice from VCs is generally dumb anyway. They’re VCs, not operators. If you want advice on what your company has to look like to be considered valuable, ask the VCs. If you want advice on how to actually do that, you will get plenty of advice that probably has very little applicability. Many VCs were operators once, of course, but the half-life of that knowledge is shorter than you thin
Do not surprise your board members. This sounds obvious, but founders do it all the time. You probably have too. If you use the board meeting as a time to convey new and important information then you are surprising your board.
Boards firing the CEO happens quite often, especially as a company gets larger and more valuable. As Feld and Ramsinghani point out, “by the time the ventures were three years old, 50% of the founders were no longer the CEO.” (p. 145.) Some firms, like Sequoia Capital, even trumpet their propensity to fire CEOs. The fact that early-stage founders continue to take their money has to be some sort of delusional grandiosity, in my humble opinion. “Well yes, they fire half the CEOs they back, but surely not me.”
The VCs are not on your board so they can help you, they can help you without being on the board. They are on your board for one reason: to monitor their investment so they can do something if things aren’t going how they want. Founders have many reasons they start companies, but investors really have only one reason they back them: to make money.
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Avoid These Costly Mistakes During Web Application DevelopmentDmitryCEOCustom SoftwareHomeBlogTechnologyAvoid These Costly Mistakes During Web Application DevelopmentPublishedJan 16, 2020UpdatedJan 16, 202015 min readAccording to the Startup Genome Report, over 90% of startups fail after launch. There can be different reasons like skipping the market research, hiring wrong specialists, too early scaling, and so on. However, one of the most important elements of startup success is the product you provide. Neglecting estimates, avoiding the MVP stage, designing unnecessary functionality, and saving time on testing may become fatal errors that can result in a complete failure. In this article, we will tell you about the most costly mistakes you should avoid during web app development to succeed after product launch.
According to the Startup Genome Report, over 90% of startups fail after launch. There can be different reasons like skipping the market research, hiring wrong specialists, too early scaling, and so on.
However, one of the most important elements of startup success is the product you provide. Neglecting estimates, avoiding the MVP stage, designing unnecessary functionality, and saving time on testing may become fatal errors that can result in a complete failure.
In this article, we will tell you about the most costly mistakes you should avoid during web app development to succeed after product launch.
- progressive web app
- online marketplace
- multi-vendor
- progressive web application
- domain expertise
- MVP guide
- product guide
- MVP development
- web development
- startup
- software provider
- product management
- e-markteplace
- custom software
- software development
- web app
- Minimum Viable Product
- web app development
www.codica.com www.codica.com
4 Best Payment Solutions for Online MarketplacesDmitryCEOMarketplaceHomeBlogEntrepreneurship4 Best Payment Solutions for Online MarketplacesPublishedAug 7, 2020UpdatedAug 7, 20209 min readDid you know that payment solutions for online marketplaces can shape your e-commerce business and its success? Thus, Uber succeeded in its global expansion right after it switched to Braintree. In early Uber’s scaling, even a dollar-euro currency conversion wasn’t available. Now, with Braintree, it processes mobile payments in 130 currencies in 80+ countries. Of course, each marketplace faces its own payment challenges. So, you should rely on a payment solution with the features vital right for your e-commerce platform. To identify them, let’s dig deeper into two-sided marketplace payment processing, and analyze the best payment gateways for marketplaces.
Did you know that payment solutions for online marketplaces can shape your e-commerce business and its success? Thus, Uber succeeded in its global expansion right after it switched to Braintree.
In early Uber’s scaling, even a dollar-euro currency conversion wasn’t available. Now, with Braintree, it processes mobile payments in 130 currencies in 80+ countries.
Of course, each marketplace faces its own payment challenges. So, you should rely on a payment solution with the features vital right for your e-commerce platform. To identify them, let’s dig deeper into two-sided marketplace payment processing, and analyze the best payment gateways for marketplaces.
- payment gateway
- online marketplace
- commerce platform
- multi-vendor
- entrepreneurship
- gateway
- peer to peer
- peer-to-peer
- marketplace development
- web development
- startup
- e-markteplace
- payment solution
- custom software
- two-sided marketplace
- emarketplace
- ecommerce
- P2P
- marketplace website
- ecommerce website
- Codica
- custom solution
www.codica.com www.codica.com
Spree Commerce: How to Quickly Build an Ecommerce WebsiteAlinaE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistMarketplaceProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipSpree Commerce: How to Quickly Build an Ecommerce WebsitePublishedAug 31, 2020UpdatedAug 31, 202011 min readThe hype around Amazon and eBay has driven up the demand for marketplace development services. Business owners turn to software consultancies to launch a thriving e-commerce website. Here comes a question: what do they need to get the most successful online marketplace website? We believe that a profitable e-commerce project starts with the right tech stack. The main qualities that a modern marketplace should possess are scalability, easy customizations, and flexibility. Therefore, it’s important to choose the technologies that will help these qualities.
The hype around Amazon and eBay has driven up the demand for marketplace development services. Business owners turn to software consultancies to launch a thriving e-commerce website. Here comes a question: what do they need to get the most successful online marketplace website?
We believe that a profitable e-commerce project starts with the right tech stack. The main qualities that a modern marketplace should possess are scalability, easy customizations, and flexibility. Therefore, it’s important to choose the technologies that will help these qualities.
- spree commerce
- online marketplace
- marketplace
- multi-vendor
- entrepreneurship
- building marketplace
- product guide
- software agency
- marketplace development
- web development
- startup
- e-markteplace
- custom software
- software development
- ecommerce
- marketplace website
- ecommerce website
- Codica
- custom solution
www.codica.com www.codica.com
10 Best SaaS Startups in 2022 for Your InspirationDmitryCEOStartupSaaSHomeBlogEntrepreneurship10 Best SaaS Startups in 2022 for Your InspirationPublishedJul 29, 2020UpdatedNov 5, 202111 min readToday, the SaaS industry is gaining momentum. According to research, 80% of businesses already use at least one SaaS application. Hence, building a SaaS company is currently a skyrocketing business idea. To help you find inspiration and launch the best SaaS startup ever, in this article you will find 10 great examples of SaaS startups you can learn from. All of them produce valuable and fast-growing products for now. Likewise, Growthlist and AngelList marked them as promising SaaS startups of 2021-2022. Without further ado, let’s take a closer look at them.
Today, the SaaS industry is gaining momentum. According to research, 80% of businesses already use at least one SaaS application. Hence, building a SaaS company is currently a skyrocketing business idea.
To help you find inspiration and launch the best SaaS startup ever, in this article you will find 10 great examples of SaaS startups you can learn from. All of them produce valuable and fast-growing products for now. Likewise, Growthlist and AngelList marked them as promising SaaS startups of 2021-2022.
Without further ado, let’s take a closer look at them.
www.mobindustry.net www.mobindustry.net
10 Ideas to Start a SaaS Business in 2021
Software as a service, or SaaS, is one of the most promising business models in 2021. It’s popular among entrepreneurs, investors, and customers alike. Learn about the most promising ideas you can tap into to build your own SaaS startup and make it successful.
- Aug 2021
www.codica.com www.codica.com
How to Build a SaaS Startup in 10 Smart StepsAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistSaaSStartupHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Build a SaaS Startup in 10 Smart StepsJul 30, 202018 min readSaaS solutions are noted for their flexibility. This quality serves as a key reason why 37% of businesses switch to cloud-based systems. Given their growing popularity, the idea of launching a company offering SaaS products seems very lucrative. So, how to build a SaaS startup? In this article, we will answer this question, and guide you through the main stages of starting a SaaS business. You will learn to make market research and write a lean plan. Also, we will discuss the most suitable pricing models and effective marketing strategies. Finally, you will know how to track the progress of your startup.
SaaS solutions are noted for their flexibility. This quality serves as a key reason why 37% of businesses switch to cloud-based systems. Given their growing popularity, the idea of launching a company offering SaaS products seems very lucrative.
So, how to build a SaaS startup? In this article, we will answer this question, and guide you through the main stages of starting a SaaS business.
You will learn to make market research and write a lean plan. Also, we will discuss the most suitable pricing models and effective marketing strategies.
Finally, you will know how to track the progress of your startup.
www.codica.com www.codica.com
7 Top Strategies To Attract Sellers to Your Peer to Peer MarketplaceDaniil TorkutDeveloper AdvocateMarketplaceHomeBlogEntrepreneurship7 Top Strategies To Attract Sellers to Your Peer to Peer MarketplaceJun 4, 20208 min readUser acquisition is one of the most important aspects to make your marketplace website successful. When you attract sellers and buyers to your platform, you start making a profit and improve your market presence. Our previous article covered the topic of attracting buyers for a peer to peer marketplace. We have considered 4 simple techniques that will help you solve the chicken and egg problem even before you launch your marketplace. These are a referral system, landing page, free offers, and constraints that can help you attract early buyers. Today we want to discuss the second important aspect - acquisition of sellers. We prepared 7 quick ways to attract vendors to your peer to peer marketplace platform. This detailed guide will help you make your e-commerce website profitable and successful.
User acquisition is one of the most important aspects to make your marketplace website successful. When you attract sellers and buyers to your platform, you start making a profit and improve your market presence.
We prepared 7 quick ways to attract vendors to your peer to peer marketplace platform.
How Much Does it Cost to Create a Classifieds Website Like CraigslistDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow Much Does it Cost to Create a Classifieds Website Like CraigslistDec 27, 201918 min readOnline classifieds websites have replaced printed ads in many ways. They help find a job, a place to live, a car, and other things we can’t do without in our everyday life. In addition, people actively use these platforms to buy or sell second-hand items. You have probably heard of Craigslist - this classifieds website is among the 20 most visited websites in the US. In this article, you will learn how to build a website like Craigslist. We will analyze how classifieds websites work, discuss revenue models that help reap profits from this type of online platform, and functionality they should have. Finally, you will take notice of the issues you may face when building a classifieds platform.
Online classifieds websites have replaced printed ads in many ways. They help find a job, a place to live, a car, and other things we can’t do without in our everyday life. In addition, people actively use these platforms to buy or sell second-hand items.
You have probably heard of Craigslist - this classifieds website is among the 20 most visited websites in the US.
In this article, you will learn how to build a website like Craigslist. We will analyze how classifieds websites work, discuss revenue models that help reap profits from this type of online platform, and functionality they should have. Finally, you will take notice of the issues you may face when building a classifieds platform.
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Website Like IndeedDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow Much Does it Cost to Build a Website Like IndeedJan 23, 202021 min readJob search websites have revolutionized the employer-employee relationships. No printed classifieds on the walls and no extra movements. Everything you need to do is to visit such a platform, enter the position details and choose the most relevant option to hire or apply for. Indeed is the most visited platform among other job-related online marketplaces. In this article, you will find out what makes Indeed so famous and special. Besides, we will discuss the challenges you may face before and during the development process, the things to consider before starting, and the functionality your platform should have. On the whole, you will know how to create a job search website like Indeed using 3 effective solutions.
Job search websites have revolutionized the employer-employee relationships. No printed classifieds on the walls and no extra movements. Everything you need to do is to visit such a platform, enter the position details and choose the most relevant option to hire or apply for. Indeed is the most visited platform among other job-related online marketplaces.
In this article, you will find out what makes Indeed so famous and special. Besides, we will discuss the challenges you may face before and during the development process, the things to consider before starting, and the functionality your platform should have. On the whole, you will know how to create a job search website like Indeed using 3 effective solutions.
www.codica.com www.codica.com
How much Does It Cost to Create a Bidding Website Like eBayDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerMarketplaceProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow much Does It Cost to Create a Bidding Website Like eBayFeb 19, 202021 min readE-commerce platforms offer a greatly simplified shopping experience. People can purchase any kind of goods or services in a matter of minutes. We believe you have definitely heard of eBay - one of the most popular marketplaces in the world. This website gives you an opportunity to supply and purchase any product you can imagine. Hundreds of categories allow attracting lots of users interested in most of the spheres. This way, the platform generates an enormous profit. You may wonder how to build a website like eBay right? In this article, we will share steps on how to make a website like eBay, including the required functionality. Also, you will find out the pros and cons of auction websites.
E-commerce platforms offer a greatly simplified shopping experience. People can purchase any kind of goods or services in a matter of minutes. We believe you have definitely heard of eBay - one of the most popular marketplaces in the world.
This website gives you an opportunity to supply and purchase any product you can imagine. Hundreds of categories allow attracting lots of users interested in most of the spheres. This way, the platform generates an enormous profit. You may wonder how to build a website like eBay right?
In this article, we will share steps on how to make a website like eBay, including the required functionality. Also, you will find out the pros and cons of auction websites.
www.codica.com www.codica.com
How to Build a Marketplace Website MVP and Not FailDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerKate DavydovaMarketplace Growth StrategistMarketplaceMVPHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Build a Marketplace Website MVP and Not FailApr 9, 202013 min readDo you want to know how to build a marketplace website that will become popular and profitable? And you don’t want to risk money and waste a lot of time, right? A great plan is to start with a minimum viable product (MVP). This way you will not spend a lot of time and money, and you will get valuable feedback on the product and its primary features. Using this approach, you will definitely understand whether your idea is worth investing in or not. Today, we want to discuss how to build a marketplace MVP through several simple steps.
Do you want to know how to build a marketplace website that will become popular and profitable? And you don’t want to risk money and waste a lot of time, right?
A great plan is to start with a minimum viable product (MVP). This way you will not spend a lot of time and money, and you will get valuable feedback on the product and its primary features. Using this approach, you will definitely understand whether your idea is worth investing in or not.
Today, we want to discuss how to build a marketplace MVP through several simple steps.
- Jun 2021
brunch.co.kr brunch.co.kr
주로, 인생에서 첫 번째로 취업하게 된 회사에 이러한 형태의 애정을 갖게 되는 경우가 많은데요, 좋은 부모건 나쁜 부모건 이 세상에 나를 존재하게 해 준 부모에게 공경의 마음을 갖게 되듯이, 사회생활의 시작을 만들어 준 첫 번째 회사에 애사심을 갖게 되는 것도 당연한 것 같습니다.
공경적 애사심
www.gnu.org www.gnu.org
After reading that file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and is readable.
The key point is "from the first one that exists and is readable". It won't read and execute all of them but only the first one.
- May 2021
www.codica.com www.codica.com
SaaS startups have become a popular business recently. However, very few startups become successful. How can you avoid startup failure? Check our article.
4irelabs.com 4irelabs.com
Fintech is transforming the way financial businesses operate, the way they cooperate and negotiate with their clients, regulators, and other industry players. Almost all types of businesses use fintech, from start-ups and growth companies to established and reputable mastodons. In recent years, many new directions have appeared in fintech that rely on advanced technologies created specifically for certain sectors or functions in the financial ecosystem.
- Apr 2021
Custom Software Development for Startups: 6 Tips to Save Costs
- Mar 2021
Here are my thoughts: making vim startup time shorter is GOOD added complexity - BAD my main concern is with the complexity that gets added to get startup time improvements. User has to tag scripts, and then manually BundleBind to get scripts loaded. This seems like too much hassle(manual involvement) to me. Fixing 1 time thing (startup) we're adding many more (like BundleBinding required scripts once they're used) For instance in my case i don't start Vim often because i'm using --remote-tab-silent option. So i'll get no benefit along with complexity (
- Feb 2021
www.schneems.com www.schneems.com
The alternative was to have multiple scripts or stylesheet links on one page, which would trigger multiple HTTP requests. Multiple requests mean multiple connection handshakes for each link “hey, I want some data”, “okay, I have the data”, “alright I heard that you have the data, give it to me” (SYN, ACK, SYNACK). Even once the connection is created there is a feature of TCP called TCP slow start that will throttle the speed of the data being sent at the beginning of a request to a slower speed than the end of the request. All of this means transferring one large request is faster than transferring the same data split up into several smaller requests.
- Jan 2021
sahillavingia.com sahillavingia.com
We also have an “anti-overtime” rate: past twenty hours a week, people can continue to work at an hourly rate of 50 percent. This allows us to have a high hourly rate for the highest leverage work and also allows people to work more per week if they wish.
anti-overtime... love it.
www.howtogeek.com www.howtogeek.com
The downside is the installation files are bigger than the traditional Debian package manager (DEB) files. They also use more hard drive real estate. With snaps, every application that needs a particular resource installs its own copy. This isn’t the most efficient use of hard drive space. Although hard drives are getting bigger and cheaper, traditionalists still balk at the extravagance of each application running in its own mini-container. Launching applications is slower, too.
discourse.ubuntu.com discourse.ubuntu.com
How can you work when an application take a long time to open? even a calculator. On the first opening of writer, i do not have ssd, i have time to drink a coffee when with a deb i can work. Use snap only when it will be as effective as a deb.
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
It won't affect your startup time, as scripts are loaded only on demand*.
- Nov 2020
diff.substack.com diff.substack.comThe Diff1
the lifecycle of most companies is that they grow by delivering much more value than they charge for, they raise funds based on their growth, and then they make those investments pay off by capturing more value. In its maturity, a company will capture a greater share of the value it creates.
The deal with pharma, in theory, is that they're given market exclusivity for a limited time to recoup their investment in R&D. With startups, they give us free or subsidized service for a limited time and recoup by exploiting their scale afterwards. Whereas with pharma, their upside is capped, with startups, society's upside is capped.
- Oct 2020
www.paulgraham.com www.paulgraham.com
work on projects that seem like they'd be cool
Interesting, so, work for startups to get in the habit of thinking of things that are missing, so that you can make your own startup.
is PG suggesting that startups should go after niches?
- Sep 2020
www.wsj.com www.wsj.com
Scott, G. G. and C. L. (2020, September 26). Is It Insane to Start a Business During Coronavirus? Millions of Americans Don’t Think So. Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-it-insane-to-start-a-business-during-coronavirus-millions-of-americans-dont-think-so-11601092841
- Aug 2020
www.flutterstory.com www.flutterstory.com
Some of the top companies that use the flutter framework for creating their mobile apps include Alibaba, realtor.com, eBay, and Dream11, and so on.
stackoverflow.blog stackoverflow.blog
Leyden aims to address the startup time of Java applications. For monoliths and single applications, Java sometimes took a while to get going, but once up and running, they were fast. “That’s great if your app server is going to run for two weeks or two months or two years, but it’s not that great if you want to run for 30 milliseconds,” said Saab. Server-side software is getting smaller and more distributed, so quick starts are key to fast response times.
Sounds similar to the problems that ruby/rails has; and spring/bootsnap.
- Jul 2020
refactoring.guru refactoring.guru
Great news, right?
My first annotation! This is a great platform. Love what you are doing! Anyone knows similar websites to this one that talks about software development?
- Mar 2020
www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.rice.edu www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.rice.edu
the start-up (achieving 70% TN removal) was shortened from 21 days to 5 days when Anammox sludge concentration increased from 0.02 g VSS L−1 to 0.2 g VSS L−1 with 2 g VSS L−1 AS as inoculum
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Hydrazine addition resulted in much higher anammox biomass enrichment observed as higher nitrogen removal rate [0.512 kgN (m3 d)−1 with hydrazine versus 0.256 kgN (m3 d)−1 without reagent]
- Dec 2019
everydesignslogo.blogspot.com everydesignslogo.blogspot.com
7 Best Services that are Essential for Your Startup Growth Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Other Apps December 12, 2019 As an entrepreneur, the primary focus of your startup is to grow big and increase brand awareness. For any startup, the initial stages are the most challenging one. Many businesses fail because they cannot withstand this stage. If you want to increase your business growth then you need to do business strategy and planning. Initially, you need help from other businesses for certain services that you cannot do on your own. Here is the list of 7 services that you need for growing your startup. Market Membership In order to increase country growth Government promote businesses and commerce. Financial System is the backbone of a country. Therefore, the Government establishes promotion council for every niche market. These promotion councils have one primary objective and that is to promote businesses and create big market share globally. Some of the benefits that you can experience by subscribing to these council memberships are an increase in business growth, new leads, marketing, discounted promotional booths in trade fares and much more. Office Space Services In order to run your office you need to have an office. The best option that you can have is to rent out a building. But an even better option is Co-working space. Here, many other startups and businesses share the office space and amenities required by any businesses. The rates are decided on per seat bases which are very nominal. IT services- Website, Graphic Design & technical support For any business, being online is now very essential. This is the digital age, where every business is turning online. In order to meet this digital need you need to have some IT support. There are a lot of services that come under this department like website designing, logo design services, etc. For website services, it is best to use word press, as it powers 23% of all websites in the world. This platform is an open source platform and very easy to use. For an affordable solution to your graphic needs like logo design, you can use a good logo designcontest website that provides affordable services. There are a lot of IT services that you might need. So, researching about them on Google will be very helpful. Marketing Services Marketing your businesses is very important part of any business. What’s the purpose of any business if they cannot find you? You can use multiple marketing streams to get customers, but the best marketing channel that every business is using is Digital Marketing. Other marketing methods used by businesses are merchandise marketing using tools like t shirt design online. Accounting Services Hiring an accountant can be very costly. So, the best option is to outsource this service. You can choose any local accountant for this job. Customer Relationship Management As the name suggests, it is another part of business that cannot be overlooked. Establishing a good relationship with your customer is essential for your business to grow. These third party services help you in engaging your customers more. Human Resource Services As a startup you need to hire people to make your job easy and fast. This can be done using effective Human Resource services. HR services can handle the hiring process which saves you time and money. Investing Investment is an essential need for your business. If you cannot find a good investor then your fund can get easily exhausted fast. To run a business in this competitive world you need to have an investor who not only provides you funds but, also helps you in mentoring. The best resource to find investors is using services like Gust.
This guide will help you in finding the necessary services that your startups needs. These services helps your businesses to grow faster.
- Nov 2019
playbook.samaltman.com playbook.samaltman.com
We once tried an experiment where we funded a bunch of promising founding teams with no ideas in the hopes they would land on a promising idea after we funded them.All of them failed. I think part of the problem is that good founders tend to have lots of good ideas (too many, usually). But an even bigger problem is that once you have a startup you have to hurry to come up with an idea, and because it’s already an official company the idea can’t be too crazy. You end up with plausible sounding but derivative ideas. This is the danger of pivots.
on pre-idea founding
- Sep 2019
blogs.ei.columbia.edu blogs.ei.columbia.edu
MicroBio Engineering Inc., a research and engineering consulting firm specializing in developing improved algal strains and cultivation processes for wastewater reclamation, animal feeds, higher value products and, yes, biofuels.
- May 2019
www.derrickreimer.com www.derrickreimer.com
I published the Level manifesto with great fanfare: The War on Developer Productivity (And How I Intend to Win It).
Quite a fascinating and interesting way to kick-off such endeavor. This can act as a major source of encouragement for giving one's 100% to the purpose. Of course, avoiding the risks of over-committing without periodic self-examination.
www.andrewaskins.com www.andrewaskins.com
- Jan 2019
www.jinse.com www.jinse.com
在求变的过程中,总会有两派行动纲领互为对斥的声音站出来相互抨击。例如当人们谈论「本土」和「外域」时,本土原教旨主义者和全球化开放主义者之间的吵闹声总是尖锐刺耳,但恰恰是在这种极端到偏颇的较量之中产生了张力,推动现世朝着互不偏倚的方向演进,避免了演化成所谓的「分叉」(fork)。 <br/><br/> 有趣的是,即使是处在矛盾两端的反义词也可以互相转化,就像「草食男」也可以被视作「性感」一样,清晰的定义为「模糊另面」赋予了合理性。既然如此,那么像商业应用这么中庸且自制的容器也就更没有理由冒天下之大不韪去自立门户。创业者们不应该用工程化融合的方案看待技术,他们应该用这种视角去审视技术背后的人。
www.scribd.com www.scribd.com
The Process of Startup Ideation
- Dec 2018
“They’re actively, actively recruiting,” said Cheddar’s Alex Heath. “They’re also trying to scoop up crypto start-ups that are at the white-paper level, which means they don’t really even have a product yet.”
- Oct 2018
- Nov 2017
wrapping.marthaburtis.net wrapping.marthaburtis.net
I sought to shut down a startup culture at the school that was resulting in sites built with decidedly unregulated palettes and proportions.
- Aug 2017
www.lenddo.com www.lenddo.com
financial inclusion startup
www.techinasia.com www.techinasia.com
mClinica’s mobile technology connects drug companies, their distributors, pharmacies, and patients on a common platform. By unifying them, the company’s network collects comprehensive data that allows for the deployment of programs to improve patients’ health outcomes and access to affordable medicine
- Jun 2017
www.blissfully.com www.blissfully.com
Quick Start Foundational Stack Here’s a handful of critical apps you’ll need to get any organization up and running quickly and cost effectively.
using saas to boost your startup
- May 2017
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
So to a start up founder, timing correctly when to do something is far more important than doing that thing amazingly well
Words of wisdom - The act of doing should go hand in hand with the act of figuring out when to do something.
"I don't have a system and need to build one."
It's a POC - GSD and most importantly see what sticks.
dopeboy.github.io dopeboy.github.io
($20*3)-($20*3*.1) = $54
10% of $2000(cost of camer) * 3days = Rental Price
Rental Price - Commission = Rental Made This guy totally forgot taxes here.... :)
54$ for 3 days 365 days a year about 50 % usage so roughly 180 days. $54 for 3 days $? for 180 days = $3240 about 740$ profit per year for a $2000 investment if he's 50% utilized over the year.
Camera's Man this guy needed to crunch some more numbers. Camera's have compatibility issues....
We should have built the absolute minimum and then manually maintained transactions through the backend if need be. To hell with formality. We were in the business of proving a hypothesis yet we acted as if it had already been proven.
quick and dirty solution and see if it sticks...
www.geekwire.com www.geekwire.com
“Our ‘secret sauce’ is storytelling. Ninety-nine percent of video companies are started by video producers and animators. Splainers, on the other hand, was started by writers and journalists. If the story isn’t compelling, no amount of flashy graphics will save your video.”
This is the essence of why journalism and writing are important, even for technical people.
- Dec 2016
www.cbinsights.com www.cbinsights.com
Social Out, VR In: We Analyzed Thousands Of Early-Stage Startup Descriptions To See Where Tech Is Headed Next
medium.com medium.com
In 2012, AKQA’s chief creative officer Rei Inamoto debuted a new wisdom at SXSW: “To run an efficient team, you only need three people: a Hipster, a Hacker, and a Hustler.” The startup trifecta was born.
- Mar 2016
- Dec 2015
startupstash.com startupstash.com
STARTUPSTASH A curated directory of resources & tools to help you build your Startup
Wszystko co trzeba do prowadzenia startupu
The problem with early stage investing is that markets can never be sized in Excel. If they could be reduced to a formula, we’d all be working at hedge funds. No, the essence of early stage investing is more instinctual.
you can never size a market in excel
www.desk.com www.desk.com
Customer support sofware
- Nov 2015
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Snapchat, the messaging company, and Dropbox, the online storage business, were recently marked down in value by mutual fund investors. Zenefits, a human resources start-up, has said it missed sales targets and that it is slowing its hiring. On Wednesday, the payments company Square, which was valued at $6 billion by private investors last year, priced its public offering at $2.9 billion. Silicon Valley venture capitalists such as Bill Gurley of Benchmark and Michael Moritz of Sequoia Capital have warned that a unicorn shakeout is coming.
- Aug 2015
the true hacker spirit does not reside at Google, guided by profit targets
The gentrification of hacking is… well, perhaps a perfect hack.
And before you know it, an earnest Stanford grad is handing me a business card that says, without irony: ‘Founder. Investor. Hacker.’
Mi "emprendimiento", mutabiT, muestra varias cosas de la cultura hacker que pueden tener potencial en contextos educativos, empresariales o gubernamentales entre otros, pero sigue alineada a la construcción de procomún y no de lucro para la propia empresa o sus propietarios (como muestran los balances y las apuestas hechas ;-))
‘hacking’ as quirky-but-edgy innovation by optimistic entrepreneurs with a love of getting things done
the revised definition of the tech startup entrepreneur as a hacker forms part of an emergent system of Silicon Valley doublethink
- Jul 2015
www.freetech4teachers.com www.freetech4teachers.com
Your response has signaled that you think anyone can step into education and immediately make an impact.
Questo atteggiamento, nel mondo edtech può essere ancora più deleterio che in altri contesti e business.
- Apr 2014
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
Every company, especially startups, will experience random events that will help or hurt. It is impossible to fully anticipate these events ahead of time. That’s not the question. The question is how your organization will react to the series of inevitable unknown and random events.
- Feb 2014
arthurattwell.com arthurattwell.com
alk. Over the last seven years, I’ve pitched technical or otherwise innovative services to publis
great post!