290 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Introduction :

      Le reportage commence par une présentation des services publics et de leur rôle dans la société.

      Il est ensuite mentionné que les services publics sont en crise et que l'État fait des économies en recourant à la sous-traitance et en utilisant les volontaires du service civique.

      Sous-traitance du nettoyage à l'hôpital : La journaliste Marie Maurice se fait embaucher comme femme de ménage dans un grand hôpital public pour enquêter sur la sous-traitance du nettoyage.

      Elle découvre que les conditions de travail sont difficiles et que les employés ne sont pas bien payés. Elle découvre également que la sous-traitance du nettoyage peut augmenter le risque d'infections nosocomiales.

      Service civique : Le reportage examine également l'utilisation des volontaires du service civique dans les services publics. Les volontaires sont payés moins que le salaire minimum légal et sont souvent utilisés pour remplacer des employés réguliers.

      Conclusion : Le reportage conclut que les services publics sont en crise et que l'État doit prendre des mesures pour améliorer les conditions de travail des employés et garantir la qualité des services fournis. Voici quelques autres moments forts de la vidéo :

      La journaliste Marie Maurice est confrontée à des difficultés pour obtenir des informations sur la sous-traitance du nettoyage à l'hôpital.

      Les employés de l'hôpital sont frustrés par les conditions de travail et les bas salaires.

      Le gouvernement nie les allégations de dérives dans l'utilisation du service civique.

      La vidéo est une enquête approfondie sur les problèmes des services publics en France. Elle soulève des questions importantes sur la qualité des services publics et sur la manière dont l'État peut mieux les financer et les gérer.

    2. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:15][^1^][1] - [00:37:03][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo de Cash Investigation explore les transformations des services publics en France, notamment l'impact des restrictions budgétaires et de la sous-traitance sur la qualité des services, en particulier dans le secteur de la santé.

      Moments forts: + [00:00:49][^3^][3] Introduction aux services publics * Présentation des changements récents * Impact des économies budgétaires * Recours à la sous-traitance + [00:03:05][^4^][4] État des services publics * Importance des services publics * Réduction des dépenses publiques * Externalisation dans la santé + [00:07:03][^5^][5] Sous-traitance dans les hôpitaux * Enquête sur le nettoyage hospitalier * Formation accélérée des employés * Pénurie de matériel de nettoyage + [00:16:03][^6^][6] Risques sanitaires * Infections nosocomiales * Importance du bionettoyage * Études et statistiques sur les infections + [00:24:03][^7^][7] Économies et conséquences * Programme Phare et économies * Impact sur la qualité du nettoyage * Comparaison avec d'autres pays européens

  2. Sep 2024
  3. Aug 2024
    1. cosystem services can beclassified as

      for - ecosystem services - classification

      ecosystem services - classification - provisional - fibre - textiles - construction - paper products - packaging - food - pollination - direct harvest - freshwater purification - medicine - regulative - disease management - climate regulation - freshwater purification - supportive / processes - nutrient cycling - pollination - soil formation - cultural / religious / spiritual - aesthetic - educational - recreational

    2. whichecosystem services are most relevant for the re/insurance industry – for risk assessment,underwriting and investment allocation? Figure 1 shows those services we identified as mostrelevant to re/insurance

      for - biodiversity ecosystem services - most relevant for insurance industry

      biodiversity ecosystem services - most relevant for insurance industry - Intact habitat - respiratory disease claims are one of the key driver of insurance claims worldwide. Intact forests are a key air purifier - Pollination - stats - global annual economic cost of insect pollinators - 235 to 577 billion USD - OECD 2019 - Air quality and local climate - (see above) - Water security - Water quality - Soil fertility - Erosion control - coastal / river-bordering forests / mangroves provide key erosion protection. - roots build a natural bulwark against waves and can store water during heavy rainfall - where forests (and mangroves) have disappeared, landslides and storm surges are more common and can move further inland, causing property losses covered by insurance - Coastal protection - (see above) - Food provision - Timber provision

      question - valuable ecosystem services identified for insurance industry - what about minerals?

    3. for - planetary emergency - economic cost of nature - from an insurance perspective - natural capital valuation - from insurance industry perspective - biodiversity - natural capital valuation - from insurance industry perspective - Swiss RE - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BES) metric - from insurance industry perspective

  4. Jul 2024
    1. So, what can we do? In the short term, it’s very simple. If you care about the commons, you should put your work under a strong copyleft license like the AGPL. That way, we will get back to building that commons we lost because of web services. If someone ever complains that a web service broke because of your AGPL code, reply that the whole web service should be under the AGPL too.
  5. Jun 2024
    1. Website Development Your website may be the first thing a prospect or business partner sees about your company and brand. How do you want to present yourself? Our talented website design team in Indianapolis has the skills and tools to ensure the visitor has the best experience on any device. Whether you need a complete new website design, update your current website or bug fix it, we can help.

      Discover comprehensive web development services at MEGAstream Media, Indianapolis's leading web design company. Our expert team specializes in creating responsive websites tailored to your business goals, ensuring exceptional user experiences and maximum online visibility.

  6. May 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:28:09][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente le Conseil économique, social et environnemental (CESE) en France, ses missions, son fonctionnement et son rôle dans la démocratie participative. Elle aborde également l'importance de l'accueil de la petite enfance et les défis associés à la création d'un service public pour celle-ci.

      Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Le CESE et ses missions * Représente une "mini France" avec divers points de vue * Conseille le gouvernement et le parlement * Favorise le dialogue social et évalue les politiques publiques + [00:04:16][^4^][4] L'importance de l'accueil de la petite enfance * Examen de la question d'un service public d'accueil de la petite enfance * Impact sur l'égalité professionnelle et les choix de parentalité * Nécessité d'un accès équitable et d'une qualité de service sur tout le territoire + [00:08:05][^5^][5] Processus de travail du CESE * Réponse à une saisine gouvernementale sur l'accueil de la petite enfance * Auditions et contributions pour enrichir les travaux * Importance de l'accès à l'accueil pour toutes les familles + [00:11:47][^6^][6] Statistiques et constats sur l'accueil de la petite enfance * Dépenses importantes mais insuffisance de l'offre d'accueil * Inégalités d'accès et besoin d'un service public inconditionnel * Priorité au bien-être et au développement de l'enfant Résumé de la vidéo [00:28:14][^1^][1] - [00:55:52][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente les propositions du CESE pour améliorer le service public d'accueil de la petite enfance en France. Elle aborde la pénurie de professionnels, la nécessité de valoriser les métiers de la petite enfance, et propose des réformes pour rendre l'accueil plus accessible et adapté aux besoins des familles.

      Points forts: + [00:28:14][^3^][3] Valorisation des métiers de la petite enfance * Reconnaissance des compétences * Amélioration des perspectives professionnelles * Augmentation des rémunérations + [00:30:02][^4^][4] Développement de l'offre d'accueil * Consolidation du modèle économique * Révision du financement des établissements * Réduction des inégalités territoriales + [00:32:00][^5^][5] Accessibilité et information pour les parents * Création de points d'information centralisés * Mise à disposition d'informations personnalisées * Soutien aux familles avec des besoins spécifiques + [00:35:26][^6^][6] Articulation des congés parentaux et modes d'accueil * Proposition d'un congé parental plus court et mieux rémunéré * Étude économique sur la gratuité de l'accueil pour certaines familles * Amélioration de l'accès à l'accueil pour les enfants en situation de handicap Résumé de la vidéo [00:55:54][^1^][1] - [01:23:27][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo aborde la question de l'accueil de la petite enfance en France, en se concentrant sur l'accessibilité, la gratuité et les défis liés à l'inclusion des enfants en situation de handicap et des familles défavorisées. Elle souligne l'importance d'un service public d'accueil de la petite enfance qui soit inclusif et équitable, tout en reconnaissant les disparités actuelles et la nécessité d'une meilleure coordination entre les différents acteurs sociaux.

      Points forts: + [00:55:54][^3^][3] Accessibilité et gratuité * Débat sur la gratuité totale ou partielle pour l'accueil de la petite enfance * Proposition de gratuité pour les familles sous le seuil de pauvreté et les enfants handicapés * Discussion sur les ressources de la caisse nationale des allocations familiales + [01:00:03][^4^][4] Droit de garde et service public * Évolution du concept de service public pour la petite enfance * Importance de l'accueil diversifié et de l'égalité d'accès sur tout le territoire * Impact de l'accueil sur le bien-être de l'enfant et la conciliation vie professionnelle/familiale + [01:04:09][^5^][5] Protection de la petite enfance * Rôle de la société dans la protection et le développement des enfants * Disparités dans l'accès aux modes d'accueil et leur impact sur les inégalités sociales * Nécessité d'un contrôle renforcé des établissements d'accueil privés + [01:08:30][^6^][6] Égalité femmes-hommes et choix parental * Inégalités face à l'accès aux modes de garde et leur impact sur les femmes * Importance du congé parental et de la rémunération pour l'égalité des sexes * Appel à une action plus forte contre les inégalités sociales dans l'accueil de la petite enfance Résumé de la vidéo [01:23:30][^1^][1] - [01:51:12][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo aborde la création d'un service public d'accueil de la petite enfance en France, soulignant l'urgence d'une politique inclusive et équitable pour tous les enfants. Elle met en lumière les défis actuels, notamment l'insuffisance des structures d'accueil et la nécessité d'une meilleure coordination entre les services existants.

      Points forts: + [01:23:30][^3^][3] Urgence d'une politique inclusive * Nécessité d'investiguer les populations non desservies * Importance de la prévention et de l'intégration des stratégies gouvernementales + [01:24:48][^4^][4] Égalité et accessibilité * Égalité femmes-hommes dans la garde d'enfants * Accès au service public indépendamment des ressources * Égalité territoriale pour un service homogène + [01:27:26][^5^][5] Amélioration du service public * Structures et organisations existantes insuffisantes * Renforcement de la formation du personnel * Analyse de l'impact économique et social sur les entreprises + [01:31:14][^6^][6] Développement d'un service public de qualité * Nécessité d'un service respectueux du bien-être des enfants * Articulation avec le service public d'éducation * Réponse aux besoins des parents pour une meilleure conciliation des temps de vie + [01:34:25][^7^][7] Adaptation aux besoins des familles * Réponse aux familles avec des horaires atypiques ou en milieu rural * Importance de l'innovation et des solutions territorialisées * Principe d'égalité d'accès aux services publics + [01:38:12][^8^][8] Engagement pour un service public inclusif * Lutte contre la précarité et la discrimination * Développement équitable et juste des jeunes enfants * Inscription du service public dans un cadre européen Résumé de la vidéo [01:51:14][^1^][1] - [02:15:29][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo aborde la proposition d'un service public d'accueil de la petite enfance en France. Elle souligne l'importance de l'égalité d'accès à l'éducation dès le plus jeune âge et critique le système actuel qui avantage les enfants de familles aisées. La vidéo appelle à un service universel et inconditionnel, avec une attention particulière à la professionnalisation et à la rémunération des personnels de la petite enfance.

      Points forts: + [01:51:14][^3^][3] L'importance de l'égalité d'accès * L'accueil de la petite enfance comme vecteur d'égalité * Nécessité d'un service public universel * Critique du système actuel favorisant les plus riches + [01:53:00][^4^][4] Professionnalisation et rémunération * Valorisation des métiers de la petite enfance * Formation continue et parcours certifiants * Meilleures rémunérations pour les qualifications + [01:55:08][^5^][5] Vote et adoption du projet * Présentation du budget du CESE * Discussion sur les évolutions budgétaires * Certification des comptes et perspectives futures Résumé de la vidéo [02:15:31][^1^][1] - [02:20:06][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo aborde le sujet du service public d'accueil de la petite enfance en France. Elle met en lumière les discussions sur les ressources financières, les limites budgétaires, et les emplois au sein de l'assemblée nationale et du sénat. Les intervenants expliquent les contraintes et les objectifs pour l'année 2023, notamment l'augmentation du plafond d'emplois et le financement des actifs.

      Points forts: + [02:15:31][^3^][3] Discussions budgétaires * Évaluation des ressources financières * Importance de la consultation citoyenne * Impact sur les décisions futures + [02:16:20][^4^][4] Certification des comptes * Clarification sur la certification législative * Explication des limites budgétaires * Détails sur le plafond d'emplois + [02:17:27][^5^][5] Nouvelles missions * Présentation des objectifs pour 2023 * Augmentation proposée du plafond d'emplois * Financement des actifs et capitaux propres + [02:19:20][^6^][6] Clôture de la séance * Remerciements et conclusion des discussions * Annonce de la prochaine présentation * Fin de la séance et applaudissements

    1. un dernier levier d'action qui a commencé à être étudié récemment euh il s'agit dans des interventions qui facilitent l'accès aux servic pour la petite enfance en effet plusieurs études ont montré que l'accès 00:56:55 à ces services euh surtout lorsquils sont de bonne qualité a des effets positifs sur le développement cognitif et l'engagé des enfants notamment des effets importants pour les enfants issus 00:57:07 de milieu socio-économique euh défavorisés pour le cas français nous avons euh une étude qui va dans la même direction de panico berger et et solar qui montre donc des effets euh euh 00:57:21 positif sur plusieurs dimensions du développement des enfants euh malheureusement comme vous pouvez constater dans ce graphique l'accès à ces services est 00:57:34 très inégalitaire en France c'est-à-dire les enfants issus des familles socialement défavorisées et de l'immigration sont largement sous représentés dans ces services et ces disparités d'accès sont particulièrement 00:57:47 frappantes en France donc l'accès par exemple en crèche ou euh à des services d'assistant maternelle
  7. Apr 2024
  8. Mar 2024
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  10. Jan 2024
  11. Oct 2023
    1. culture du service, qui repose sur l’utilité, la continuité, l’accessibilité,l’adaptabilité



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  13. Aug 2023
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  15. May 2023
    1. ar Governor Ritter:This letter is sent as a cover to the report being submitted according to the requirements of C.R.S. 26-5.5-104 (6) that are as follows:“On or after July 1, 1994, the Executive Director of the State Department shall annually evaluate thestatewide Family Preservation Program (Program)

      Letter from CDHS to the Governor of Colorado - Di, Ph, D., Malone, O., Ritter, B., Governor, K., & Beye. (2008). OFFICE OF CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES G. [LINK]

    1. Contents

      **more finished version of this document available here. I pick it up there after the annotations made on this document> CDHS Family First Prevention Services Act forms and resources Prevention Services PreventionPlan_Sept 30 2021


    2. InColorado,theintentofplacementpreventionservicesistoproactivelystrengthenandsupportfamiliesasearlyaspossible,beforetheyareincrisis,regardlessofwhethertheyareformallyinvolvedwiththechildwelfaresystemornot

      In Colorado, the intent of placement prevention services is to proactively strengthen and support families as early as possible, before they are in crisis, regardless of whether they are formally involved with the child welfare system or not.

    3. ColoradohasastrongfoundationandhistoryofprovidingpreventionandearlyinterventionservicesthroughtheuseofCoreServices,IV-EWaiverinterventions,CMPsandintegratedhumanservicesdelivery

      As previously described, Colorado has a strong foundation and history of providing prevention and early intervention services through the use of Core Services, IV-E Waiver interventions, CMPs and integrated human services delivery. In addition,

    4. Thepriorityistoprovideservicestothoseinneedasearlyaspossibletostrengthenfamilies,boosthealthandwell-being,andavoidmoredifficultandcostlycriseslater

      The priority is to provide services to those in need as early as possible to strengthen families, boost health and well-being, and avoid more difficult and costly crises later. It is clear that

    5. Thus“childwelfare”meanssomethingmuchbroaderinthisstate;withawidearrayofsupports,Coloradoaimstoaddresstherootcausesofcrisisandinstabilitythroughintegratedpreventionandservicedeliveryfocusedonsupportingwholefamilies

      Thus "child welfare" means something much broader in this state; with a wide array of supports, Colorado aims to address the root causes of crisis and instability through integrated prevention and service delivery focused on supporting whole families and individuals across generations.

    6. TitleIV-EWaiverDemonstrationProject(Waiver).TheColoradoWaiverfocusedonfiveinterventionstobuildonexistingchildwelfarepractice:FamilyEngagement,PermanencyRoundtables,Trauma-InformedAssessment,Trauma-InformedTreatmen

      (DCW) a Title IV-E Waiver Demonstration Project (Waiver). The Colorado Waiver focused on five interventions to build on existing child welfare practice: Family Engagement, Permanency Roundtables, Trauma-Informed Assessment, Trauma-Informed Treatment and Kinship

    7. Coloradohasintentionallydesignedabroaddefinitionofcandidacyforplacementpreventionservicesthatpushestoservechildren,youthandfamiliesasearlyaspossibleand,ideally,beforeareportismadetothechildwelfaresystem.

      Colorado has intentionally designed a broad definition of candidacy for placement prevention services that pushes to serve children, youth and families as early as possible and, ideally, before a report is made to the child welfare system.

    8. ColoradohasapproachedFamilyFirstimplementationasabroadsystemstransformationeffortthatcutsacrossmultipleofficeswithintheColoradoDepartmentofHumanServices(CDHS),includingtheDivisionofChildWelfare(DCW),OfficeofBehavioralHealth(OBH),OfficeofEarlyChildhood(OEC),andOfficeofEconomicSecurity(OES).Otherstateagencies,includingtheColoradoDepartmentofHealthCarePolicyandFinancing(HCPF)andtheColoradoDepartmentofPublicHealthandEnvironment(CDPHE)havebeenessentialinensuringaholisticapproachtoimplementation

      Colorado has approached Family First implementation as a broad systems transformation effort that cuts across multiple offices within the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS), including the Division of Child Welfare (DCW), Office of Behavioral Health (OBH), Office of Early Childhood (OEC), and Office of Economic Security (OES). Other state agencies, including the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) have been essential in ensuring a holistic approach to implementation.

    1. Colorado’s vision is that all children, youth, parents or kin caregivers with these risk factors will be eligible for Title IV-E prevention services—both those who are involved in the child welfare system and those who have not been the subject of a child maltreatment report but share characteristics that deem them at serious risk of out-of-home placement.

      families who ARE INVOLVED. ....AND.... NOT INVOLVED with the child welfare system

    2. Reunification, adoption or guardianship arrangements that are at risk of disruption
    3. the existing system cannot just be modified; rather, a fundamental shift in service delivery and support to families must occur.

      **annotations were started in a draft version of this document (HERE) and then continued here.

    1. The IMPACT organization.
    2. I would have preferred a “Yes/No” option for this question. I believe that Boulder County’s prevention services are better than most districts and we can do so much better at the same time. The IMPACT partnership in Boulder County should be a state and national model. Money diverted from savings by not committing clients is key to providing more services in the community. Many other districts struggle with prevention due to funding and there seems to be a gap in how this is accomplished. Providers are struggling to stay open and are constantly dealing with hardships due to funding. Great therapist and support workers often leave organizations that serve this population due to low pay. The key to making the Family First initiative a success is creating and maintaining a robust, well-funded system of care in communities. A system of care that incentivizes front line workers. These service providers are currently under funded and the work is difficult, which is a recipe for poor service delivery.

      "I believe that Boulder County's prevention services are better than most districts"

    1. Family First Prevention Services by Colorado Lab

      CDHS surveyed counties to understand where services rated by the Family First Clearinghouse as " promising", "supported", or "well-supported" are currently offered. Counties and providers can submit updates and corrections here: https://udenver.qualtrics.com jfe/form/SV_1X6b6p8f4jh6TJz

    1. There are two main-levelquestions in the IV-E PreventionCriteria section.10. Click a radio button for thedesired response (only oneradio button can be selected).Note: If the selections made inthe IV-E Candidacy section arechanged, all answers in the IV-EPrevention Criteria panel will bedeleted.


      Referenced from the FFSPA Implementation Guide for Directors (HERE)

    1. HOUSE BILL 11-1196

      House Bill 11-1196: Flexible Funding for Families, was signed into law. The bill redefined family preservation services to serve "appropriate families who are involved in, or who are at risk of being involved in the child welfare, mental health, and juvenile

    1. Providing applications, services, marketing, outreach, business cases etc. to introduce the DOI system to the community; Designing and implementing specific operational processes for e.g. quality control of input data and output data;


  16. Apr 2023
    1. Diginet Business Solutions - Managed Print Services

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    1. The Core Services Program was established in 1994 to provide strength-based resources and support to families when children and youth are at imminent risk of out-of-home placement, in need of services to return home or to maintain a placement in the least restrictive setting possible.
    2. Core Services Program goals Focus on family strengths by directing intensive services that support and strengthen the family and/or protect the child/youth Prevent out-of-home placement of the child/youth Return children/youth in placement to their own home or unite children/youth with their permanent families Provide services that protect the child/youth
    3. recognition that children/youth need a safe and stable family and that separating children/youth from their families and communities removes them from natural supports and often causes trauma, leaving lasting negative effects.
    1. If you are appointed after a petition for removal has been filed, ask whether prevention services were offered before removal—including services for the parent, kinship caregiver, or child. If appropriate for your client’s goals, advocate for prevention services as an alternative to removal
    1. CHILDRENIf you qualify for financial assistance, a lawyer may be assigned to you by the court when a petition is filed. If you are not assigned a lawyer and cannot afford one, the following organizations may be able to help: ƒThe Legal Service Corporation ("America's Partner for Equal Justice") may help you find a legal aid organization near you.ƒYour county or local department of assigned counsel may help you find a private attorney to represent you in court (serve as your lawyer). ƒA State or city LegalAid office may also be able to help you find an attorney who
    1. “Hard Services”: the purchase of services or distribution of cash payments for the following:- housing funds, including rent, repairs, utilities, or rent deposits- food or money for food- clothing- transportation to include fares, auto repair, auto fuel, auto insurance or bus pass- uncovered medical or dental expenses- appliances, furniture- emergency shelter- employment related expenses, such as tools or dues

      Hard Services are the cash assistance provision of Core Services Program https://hyp.is/TQDKaM2QEe2bRYONRlo7aA/cdhs.colorado.gov/child-welfare-core-services-program

    2. County departments must make all of the Core services, except for county designed services, available toany client who meets the criteria for the service
    1. Programs should be based on well-articulated theories.
    2. Programs should have a primary focus on a population served by the child welfare agency.
    3. however, in describing the models on which their program is based, administrators tend to focus on service delivery characteristics (most notably caseload size and service duration) rather than on the theoretical underpinnings of the service delivery model.
    4. service programs designed to provide follow-up care to families to whom a child has been returned
    5. In 1993, Congress passed legislation establishing title IV, part B-2 of the Social Security Act, creating funding for family preservation and family support programs.
  17. Mar 2023
    1. 7.301.21 Family Services Plan Timing Requirements [Eff. 09/01/2007]The Family Service Plan document must be completed:A. Within sixty (60) calendar days of opening an assessment in the automated case managementsystem for children in their own homes, including Core Services program cases in which thechildren are not in out-of-home placement. There may be one Family Services Plan for the familyin these cases.

      Assessment began at least as early as 10/8/23; by maximum of 60 days after, Core Services Program services should have been initiated.

    2. 7.303.15 Service Time FramesA. Services may be provided for up to eighteen (18) months
    3. “Diagnostic and Treatment Planning Services”: various evaluations of the child and family tofacilitate the development of the Family Services Plan and the move of the child to a permanentplacement.


    4. Core Services Programs may include any of the following elements of service:
    1. Family preservation is the foundation The Core Services Program is based on a foundation of research and practice in family preservation. Family preservation services are generally short-term, family-based services designed to support families in crisis by improving parenting and family functioning while keeping children/youth safe.
    2. Family preservation services There are 10 designated types of family preservation services, listed below, and this array of services constitutes the Core Services Program. Aftercare Services: Any of the Core Services provided to prepare a child for reunification with his/her family or other permanent placement and to prevent future out-of-home placement of the child. County Designed Services: An optional service tailored by the specific county in meeting the needs of families and children in the community in order to prevent the out-of-home placement of children or facilitate reunification or another form of permanence. County designed services encompass components of the menu of Core Services, yet are structured in their delivery and tracked uniquely to gain detailed data on evidenced-based programs, as well as programs that are providing positive outcomes in communities around the state. Day Treatment: Comprehensive, highly structured services that provide education to children and therapy to children and their families. Home-Based Intervention: Services provided primarily in the home of the client and include a variety of services, which can include therapeutic services, concrete services, collateral services and crisis intervention directed to meet the needs of the child and family. See Section 7.303.14 for service elements of therapeutic, concrete, collateral, and crisis intervention. Intensive Family Therapy: Therapeutic intervention typically with all family members to improve family communication, functioning, and relationships. Life Skills: Services provided primarily in the home that teach household management, effectively accessing community resources, parenting techniques, and family conflict management. Mental Health Services: Diagnostic and/or therapeutic services to assist in the development of the family services plan and to assess and/or improve family communication, functioning, and relationships. Sexual Abuse Treatment: Therapeutic intervention designed to address issues and behaviors related to sexual abuse victimization, sexual dysfunction, sexual abuse perpetration, and to prevent further sexual abuse and victimization. Special Economic Assistance: Emergency financial assistance of not more than $2,000 per family per year in the form of cash and/or vendor payment to purchase hard services. See Section 7.303.14 for service elements of hard services. Substance Abuse Treatment Services: Diagnostic and/or therapeutic services to assist in the development of the family service plan, to assess and/or improve family communication, functioning and relationships, and to prevent further abuse of drugs or alcohol.
    1. return to families from which they have been removed
    2. Family Preservation Services -- services for children and families designed to help families (including adoptive and extended families) at risk or in crisis, including:
    3. services designed to improve parenting skills (by reinforcing parents' confidence in their strengths, and helping them to identify where improvement is needed and to obtain assistance in improving those skills) with respect to matters such as child development, family budgeting, coping with stress, health and nutrition.
    4. preplacement prevention services programs, such as intensive family preservation programs, designed to help children at risk of foster care placement remain with their families;
    5. Criterion #2: Programs should be based on well-articulated theories

      as in...DHS's, attorneys', magistrates', untrained counselors' flippant remarks regarding intervention about what's best and right and should and shouldn't ... are not well-articulated theories

    1. The Family First Transition Act temporarily suspends the requirement that at least 50% of title IV-E prevention services expenditures be for “well-supported” practice for two fiscals years
    2. The Family First Prevention Services Act (Family First) creates an expanded entitlement/50% reimbursement of federal funds to provide services to keep children and youth safely with their families.
    3. Supported and well-supported services in Colorado’s prevention plan should be paid for using the Core Services Program allocation, Child Welfare Services Block, or State General Fund.
    1. 26-5.3-105. Eligibility requirements - period of eligibility - services available.(1) Families with children at imminent risk of out-of-home placement shall be eligible for emergency assistance. Assistance shall be available to or on behalf of a needy child under twenty-one years of age and any other member of the household in which the child lives if:
    2. Emergency assistance provided pursuant to this article shall be used for, but shall not be limited to, the following: (a) Twenty-four-hour emergency shelter facilities or caretakers for children who must be removed from their homes in emergency situations; (b) Counseling, including crisis counseling available by telephone twenty-four hours a day; (c) Information referral; (d) Intensive family preservation services; (e) In-home supportive homemaker services; (f) Services used to develop and implement a discrete case plan, as provided by the federal “Social Security Act”; (g) Day treatment services for children.
    3. 26-5.3-105. Eligibility requirements - period of eligibility - services available.(1) Families with children at imminent risk of out-of-home placement shall be eligible for emergency assistance. Assistance shall be available to or on behalf of a needy child under twenty-one years of age and any other member of the household in which the child lives if:
  18. www.chhs.colostate.edu www.chhs.colostate.edu
    1. RationaleAs evidence-based research becomes the norm in child welfare practice, countiesare more interested than ever in evaluating the effectiveness of services and placementsprovided to children and families in the system.
    2. Formally referred to as family preservation services (FPS), the Colorado CoreServices Program is based on “assistance that focuses on family strengths and includesservices that empower a family by providing alternative problem-solving techniques,child-rearing practices, and responses to living situations creating stress for the family”(C.R.S. 26-5.5-103). The Core Services Program also includes the provision of resources(e.g., special economic assistance) to serve as support systems for children and families.
    3. RationaleAs evidence-based research becomes the norm in child welfare practice, countiesare more interested than ever in evaluating the effectiveness of services and placementsprovided to children and families in the system.
    1. erefore, toassist states in providing services designed to support families and helpkeep them together, the Congress enacted legislation as part of theOmnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 ( OBRA 1993) that authorized$930 million in federal funds to states over a 5-year period for familypreservation and support (FPS) services. Family preservation servicestypically target families already in crisis whose children would otherwisebe removed from home. Family support services are community-basedactivities intended to prevent the kinds of crises that family preservationservices are aimed at alleviating. To receive federal funds for theseservices, each state had to submit a grant application in 1994 and a 5-yearplan in 1995 that set quantifiable goals and methods for measuringoutcomes

      FPS - Family Preservation and Support Services - OBRA 1993. Originally called FPS in CO, then changed to "Core Serv Prog"

    1. 26-5.3-104. Emergency assistance for families with children at imminent risk of being placed out of the home.(1) The executive director of the state department is hereby authorized to include in the state temporary assistance for needy families plan the establishment and implementation of an emergency assistance program for families with children at imminent risk of being placed out of the home. The purpose of the program shall be to meet the needs of the family in crisis due to the imminent risk of out-of-home placement by providing emergency assistance in the form of intake, assessment, counseling, treatment, and other family preservation services that meet the needs of the family which are attributable to the emergency or crisis situation.
    1. Unfortunately all SMS/voice gateway are owned by paid services, thus there is no such thing as open-source, that I can recommend.
    2. Fortunately, we found RingCaptcha (https://ringcaptcha.com), which has a the 'starter plan' that offers free 500 OTP monthly. Just a small plug for them for providing freemium service; they are highly reliable because they are integrated with all major global, and regional providers, e.g., Twilio, Nexmo, Infobip, MessageBird, etc., and send your OTP through the best provider/route based on country/phone carrier, and can auto fallback to alternative paths. This means you just need to integrate with RingCaptcha, without the headache of deciding which SMS/voice OTP provider has best combination of price and reliability, which is a real headache when you are sending OTP world-wide.
    1. Such regulation is already being pursued in Europe, where the DigitalServices Act would require large platforms to interoperate, a requirementthat could easily be modified to include the Fediverse.

      EU Digital Services Act interoperable requirement

    1. Demonstrate the importance of learning and development by providing time,support, and resources for employees and hiring managers to participate inlearning and development activities.

      Example of a government agency provide time, support, and resources to interns, fellows, and apprentices to participate in learning and development activities.

    1. To promote the new policy, the Shapiro administration also launched a new website where applicants can search for jobs that don't require a four-year diploma.

      Important step in advising non-formal & informal pathways: identifying opportunities that are open to those w/out a 4-year degree.

  19. Feb 2023
    1. Its outlooks rubbish filtering system. They have "AI" rules that look at the sending ip address for reputation. They score you on user reportsand lots of other bits they will not tell you about. Make sure you have SPF, DMARC, DKIM, and sign up for their JMRP and SDNS they will tell you. But it still is a game of cat and mouse. Its a slippery slope and even Microsoft trap their own mail to their own outlook users. PITA, to be honest and luckily we managed to get a mitigation to the issue. However some users in different domains still complain of email going to JUNK. Go figure. I hate having to work on issues with Outlook.com. They themselves send out spam and have the audacity to block well configured SMTP senders. I wish you luck. You will need it.
  20. Jan 2023
    1. 个人学习可能取决于他人行为的主张突出了将学习环境视为一个涉及多个互动参与者的系统的重要性
    1. Etat social redistributeur puissant qui étendrait ses services publics dans les "secteurs d’intérêt commun" qui doivent être "démarchandisés", -la santé, l’éducation, la culture, les transports, l’énergie-
    1. This economic logic has now spread beyond the tech companies to new surveillance–based ecosystems in virtually every economic sector, from insurance to automobiles to health, education, finance, to every product described as “smart” and every service described as “personalized.”

      !- surveillance capitalism : other catchwords

  21. Dec 2022
    1. React JS is a JavaScript library used to create extensible and adaptable user interfaces. Our React development company team of the best React.js / React developers, software engineers, and programmers in India provides custom React development services that handle data updates and synchronization without page reloading, as well as integration with existing applications or systems.

    2. React JS development services, an extensible and adaptable JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. Our team of the best React.js / React developers, software engineers, and programmers in India provides custom React js development services.

    1. The leading web, mobile, and desktop application solutions are provided by 10decoders, a reputable Java development company. We develop dynamic Java applications for both client-side and web-based needs. We have received praise for our dependable and scalable backend solutions for businesses all over the world.

    2. As a company that creates Java applications, 10decoders collaborates with you to create a complete enterprise software suite that includes mobile and web applications. 10decoders Java development services range from simple MVPs for startups to sophisticated business solutions.

    1. In today's fiercely competitive environment, creating software or an application that satisfies specific business requirements is essential for survival. The process of conceptualizing, designing, constructing, and deploying software for a particular person or person or group of people within an organization or as a third-party arrangement is referred to as custom software development services.

    2. In accordance with this, the shift to the digital sphere for conducting business has made custom software development more than just a luxury. Customers receive a special experience from it that gives them an advantage over rival businesses. It also aids in identifying the customer's pain points so that needs can be better met and aids in forecasting future demands.

    3. A custom software development company named 10decoders offers high-quality, personalized software solutions for the mobile and web platforms. Our in-house development teams create, develop, deploy, and maintain software with a predetermined set of requirements in mind.

    1. Node.js is a platform for easily creating fast and scalable network applications that is built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that is designed to build scalable network applications... Because there are no locks, Node.js users are not concerned about deadlocking the process. Because almost no function in Node.js performs I/O directly, the process never blocks unless the I/O is performed using synchronous methods from the Node.js standard library. Scalable systems are very reasonable to develop in Node frameworks because nothing blocks them.

  22. Nov 2022
    1. Parking On the East (Hardy Rd.) side of the library, there are more than 12 parking spaces designated for people with disabilities, including several that are van-accessible. On the West side, limited parking is available near the Swalm building, at the loading docks. These spaces do not include van lift access. Check the MSU parking map for more details.

      This probably needs updating, right? now that everything's behind a gate?

    1. Unless you are the maintainer of lvh.me, you can not be sure it will not disappear or change its RRs for lvh.me. You can use localhost.localdomain instead of localhost, by adding the following lines in your hosts file: localhost localhost.localdomain ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain This is better than using lvh.me because: you may not always have access to a DNS resolver, when developing
  23. Oct 2022
  24. Sep 2022
  25. Jul 2022
    1. SEO Services Company in India – Contributing to the Growth of Your Business

      In the digital workspace, SEO Services Company in India is crucial for businesses of all sizes and kinds. From business growth to long-term success and higher ROI, these services play a key role for any business.

    1. What is so maddening is that there are alternatives. There is an abundance of theory and arguments that could lead the way. The latest IPCC report had an entire section that doesn’t propose technofixes but instead explores how energy demand could be managed to ensure that everyone has enough to thrive while ensuring the biosphere doesn’t die. 

      IPCC AR6 WG III chapter 5: Demand, services and social aspects of mitigation https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Freport.ipcc.ch%2Far6wg3%2Fpdf%2FIPCC_AR6_WGIII_FinalDraft_Chapter05.pdf&group=world

    1. reply to: https://ariadne.space/2022/07/01/a-silo-can-never-provide-digital-autonomy-to-its-users/

      Matt Ridley indicates in The Rational Optimist that markets for goods and services "work so well that it is hard to design them so they fail to deliver efficiency and innovation" while assets markets are nearly doomed to failure and require close and careful regulation.

      If we view the social media landscape from this perspective, an IndieWeb world in which people are purchasing services like easy import/export of their data; the ability to move their domain name and URL permalinks from one web host to another; and CMS (content management system) services/platforms/functionalities, represents the successful market mode for our personal data and online identities. Here competition for these sorts of services will not only improve the landscape, but generally increased competition will tend to drive the costs to consumers down. The internet landscape is developed and sophisticated enough and broadly based on shared standards that this mode of service market should easily be able to not only thrive, but innovate.

      At the other end of the spectrum, if our data are viewed as assets in an asset market between Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, et al., it is easy to see that the market has already failed so miserably that one cannot even easily move ones' assets from one silo to another. Social media services don't compete to export or import data because the goal is to trap you and your data and attention there, otherwise they lose. The market corporate social media is really operating in is one for eyeballs and attention to sell advertising, so one will notice a very health, thriving, and innovating market for advertisers. Social media users will easily notice that there is absolutely no regulation in the service portion of the space at all. This only allows the system to continue failing to provide improved or even innovative service to people on their "service". The only real competition in the corporate silo social media space is for eyeballs and participation because the people and their attention are the real product.

      As a result, new players whose goal is to improve the health of the social media space, like the recent entrant Cohost, are far better off creating a standards based service that allows users to register their own domain names and provide a content management service that has easy import and export of their data. This will play into the services market mode which improves outcomes for people. Aligning in any other competition mode that silos off these functions will force them into competition with the existing corporate social services and we already know where those roads lead.

      Those looking for ethical and healthy models of this sort of social media service might look at Manton Reece's micro.blog platform which provides a wide variety of these sorts of data services including data export and taking your domain name with you. If you're unhappy with his service, then it's relatively easy to export your data and move it to another host using WordPress or some other CMS. On the flip side, if you're unhappy with your host and CMS, then it's also easy to move over to micro.blog and continue along just as you had before. Best of all, micro.blog is offering lots of the newest and most innovative web standards including webmention notificatons which enable website-to-website conversations, micropub, and even portions of microsub not to mention some great customer service.

      I like to analogize the internet and social media to competition in the telecom/cellular phone space In America, you have a phone number (domain name) and can then have your choice of service provider (hosting), and a choice of telephone (CMS). Somehow instead of adopting a social media common carrier model, we have trapped ourselves inside of a model that doesn't provide the users any sort of real service or options. It's easy to imagine what it would be like to need your own AT&T account to talk to family on AT&T and a separate T-Mobile account to talk to your friends on T-Mobile because that's exactly what you're doing with social media despite the fact that you're all still using the same internet. Part of the draw was that services like Facebook appeared to be "free" and it's only years later that we're seeing the all too real costs emerge.

      This sort of competition and service provision also goes down to subsidiary layers of the ecosystem. Take for example the idea of writing interface and text editing. There are (paid) services like iA Writer, Ulysses, and Typora which people use to compose their writing. Many people use these specifically for writing blog posts. Companies can charge for these products because of their beauty, simplicity, and excellent user interfaces. Some of them either do or could support the micropub and IndieAuth web standards which allow their users the ability to log into their websites and directly post their saved content from the editor directly to their website. Sure there are also a dozen or so other free micropub clients that also allow this, but why not have and allow competition for beauty and ease of use? Let's say you like WordPress enough, but aren't a fan of the Gutenberg editor. Should you need to change to Drupal or some unfamiliar static site generator to exchange a better composing experience for a dramatically different and unfamiliar back end experience? No, you could simply change your editor client and continue on without missing a beat. Of course the opposite also applies—WordPress could split out Gutenberg as a standalone (possibly paid) micropub client and users could then easily use it to post to Drupal, micro.blog, or other CMSs that support the micropub spec, and many already do.

      Social media should be a service to and for people all the way down to its core. The more companies there are that provide these sorts of services means more competition which will also tend to lure people away from silos where they're trapped for lack of options. Further, if your friends are on services that interoperate and can cross communicate with standards like Webmention from site to site, you no longer need to be on Facebook because "that's where your friends and family all are."

      I have no doubt that we can all get to a healthier place online, but it's going to take companies and startups like Cohost to make better choices in how they frame their business models. Co-ops and non-profits can help here too. I can easily see a co-op adding webmention to their Mastodon site to allow users to see and moderate their own interactions instead of forcing local or global timelines on their constituencies. Perhaps Garon didn't think Webmention was a fit for Mastodon, but this doesn't mean that others couldn't support it. I personally think that Darius Kazemi's Hometown fork of Mastodon which allows "local only" posting a fabulous little innovation while still allowing interaction with a wider readership, including me who reads him in a microsub enabled social reader. Perhaps someone forks Mastodon to use as a social feed reader, but builds in micropub so that instead of posting the reply to a Mastodon account, it's posted to one's IndieWeb capable website which sends a webmention notification to the original post? Opening up competition this way makes lots of new avenues for every day social tools.

      Continuing the same old siloing of our data and online connections is not the way forward. We'll see who stands by their ethics and morals by serving people's interests and not the advertising industry.

    1. experiments in laboratories by the economistVernon Smith and his colleagues have long confirmed thatmarkets in goods and services for immediate consum ption -haircuts and hamburgers - work so well that it is hard to designthem so they fail to deliver efficiency and innovation; whilemarkets in assets are so automatically prone to bubbles andcrashes that it is hard to design them so they work at all.
    1. Chapter 5: Demand, services and social aspects of mitigation

      Public Annotation of IPCC Report AR6 Climate Change 2022 Mitigation of Climate Change WGIII Chapter 5: Demand, Services and Social Aspects of Mitigation

      NOTE: Permission given by one of the lead authors, Felix Creutzig to annotate with caveat that there may be minor changes in the final version.

      This annotation explores the potential of mass mobilization of citizens and the commons to effect dramatic demand side reductions. It leverages the potential agency of the public to play a critical role in rapid decarbonization.

    2. To enhance well-being, people demand5services and not primary energy and physical resources per se. Focusing on demand for services and6the different social and political roles people play broadens the participation in climate action.

      This is a key point. services can be delivered and decoupled from high net primary energy and physical resources.

      While demand services are not direct sources of carbon emissions, behavior change that reduces consumption can dramatically alter the volumes of primary carbon emissions.

  26. Jun 2022
  27. Apr 2022
    1. Which Components of IT Infrastructure do we need for DevOps?

      Many companies that want to move to DevOps eventually struggle with the question “What are the Components of IT Infrastructure we need? The use of DevOps stems from the desire to be able to release software more often and faster. The traditional Operations Team (OPS) however will not wholeheartedly embrace this because they would rather benefit from maintaining a stable infrastructure and its maintenance.

  28. Mar 2022
  29. Feb 2022
    1. Darüber hinaus ist ein wichtiger Trend Linked Data im Unternehmensumfeld zu etablieren, um eine neue Generation semantischer, vernetzter Daten-Anwendungen auf Basis des Linked Data Paradigmas zu entwickeln, zu etablieren und erfolgreich zu vermarkten. Im BMBF Wachstumskernprojekt „Linked Enterprise Data Services“ entsteht hierfür beispielsweise eine Technologieplattform, die es Unternehmen ermöglichen soll, neue Dienstleistungen im Web 3.0 zu etablieren.

      BMBF Wachstumskernprojekt „Linked Enterprise Data Services

    1. Substack has now sold 1 million subscriptions to mostly individual publishers.

      Today, we can announce that there are more than 1 million paid subscriptions to publications on Substack. On Substack, the newsletter from Substack https://on.substack.com/p/one-million-strong on 2021-11-15

  30. Jan 2022
    1. Assessment of the environmental impacts of conservation practices for reporting at the regional and national scales. • �Continue CEAP activities designed to estimate environmental benefits of conservation practices and programs. • �Develop a framework for reporting impacts of conservation practices and programs in terms of ecosystem services. • �Identify future conservation requirements and provide information for setting national and regional priorities. • �Expand assessment capabilities to address potential impacts of changes in agricultural land use and policy and define necessary conservation programs to meet new environmental challenges brought about by alternative land use or policy changes.
    1. A secondary goal of CEAP is to establish a framework for assessing and reporting the full suite of ecosystem services impacted by various conservation practices. Ecosystem services represent the benefits that ecological processes convey to human societies and the natural environment. For example, agricultural lands provide flood and drought mitigation, water and air purification, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling, and aesthetics and recreation, in addition to the primary agricultural commodities produced. These ecosystem services are often taken for granted and unpriced or underpriced by the marketplace. Research and assessment activities will be integrated within CEAP to provide a scientific foundation for assessing the extent to which ecosystem services are enhanced by conservation practices and programs.
    1. the existing Wikimedia Cloud Services computing infrastructure (virtual private server (VPS)), the Toolforge hosting environment (platform as a service (PaaS))

      Wikimedia Cloud VPS is Infrastructure as a Service, whereas Toolforge is Platform as a Service.

      As explained in this article, PaaS is further away from on-premises than IaaS, and the user does not have to manage the operative system, middleware and runtimes.

  31. Dec 2021
  32. Nov 2021
    1. Looking for a property?

      Do you want to buy property in India? Are you looking for best-in-class residential and commercial properties for sale in Delhi NCR, Lucknow, Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore, Gurgaon, and Noida? Well, you have landed in the correct place.

  33. Sep 2021
    1. ERC20 Token Development Company

      WeAlwin Technologies - Leading ERC20 token development company that offers complete ethereum token development services on ERC20, ERC223, ERC721, ERC777 standards. Create your own erc20 token with the help of our experts.

    1. Vyas Giannetti Creative is a specialist digital marketing agency that offers the best SEO, Advertising, and social media marketing services in Mumbai, Bangalore and Delhi.

    1. Connect Warehouse Services UK

      Connect is your ideal partner for any and all warehouse services that your business requires, with a quick and stress-free process. Our job is to provide incredibly high-quality customer service, as well as safe, secure, and professional storage for all sized goods, with all of our customers’ needs tailored for.

      We have years of experience doing just that for many happy customers and are confident in our ability to do the same for you. Let’s take a look at some of the warehouse services we provide, and why we are your best bet for storage solutions in the UK.

      The kinds of requirements we cater for at Connect include, but are not limited to:

      Container destuffingPick and Pack Fulfilment Consolidation and Cross DockingBulk Storage Racked Pallet StorageMulti-Channel and eCommerce *Courier Management

      And more.

      warehouse services uk

    1. Connect Pick and Pack Warehouse UK

      Pick and Pack Fulfilment Services with Connect

      Pick and pack is our bread and butter here at Connect, and it’s a service we have provided to our customers for many years.

      ​In fact, it’s the foundation of our business, so we are more than experienced when it comes to all things pick and pack fulfilment.

      But what is pick and pack fulfilment?

      What is Pick and Pack?

      Pick and pack is part and parcel of any warehouse operation. It’s critical when it comes to the order fulfilment process, and is essentially following a few steps, which are:

      First, items in a customers’ order are collected, or picked, from the locations within the pick and pack warehouse storage facility.

      Next, these items are appropriately packaged, or packed, in a safe and secure manner, so nothing is damaged or lost.

      Then, the product or package is shipped to the customer.


      pick and pack warehouse uk

    1. Connect eCommerce Fulfilment Services

      Here at Connect, we serve a wide range of different customers from all kinds of different industries and specialisms. These customers include those in retail and the commercial sector, as well as eCommerce business of all kinds.

      We provide eCommerce fulfilment services that are the best of the best and can streamline your operations and boost your efficiency. Let’s take a look at some of the ways in which using Connect for your eCommerce fulfilment can benefit your business.

      eCommerce Fulfilment Services

      Ecommerce fulfilment UK

  34. Jul 2021
    1. Platforms of the Facebook walled-factory type are unsuited to thework of building community, whether globally or locally, becausesuch platforms are unresponsive to their users, and unresponsive bydesign (design that is driven by a desire to be universal in scope). Itis virtually impossible to contact anyone at Google, Facebook,Twitter, or Instagram, and that is so that those platforms can trainus to do what they want us to do, rather than be accountable to ourdesires and needs

      This is one of the biggest underlying problems that centralized platforms often have. It's also a solid reason why EdTech platforms are pernicious as well.

  35. Jun 2021
    1. Entitle yourself in the fun-filled moments with the Varanasi Escorts

      Varanasi Escort are the charismatic professionals who are designated to give a perfect thrilling sensual treat to the gentleman willing to taste elite class moments of lovemaking. Thus, awarding the most magical time to the Clients escorts always awards their clients with the perfectness that helps in answering sensual calls. Delightful moments always act on the nerves of the clients making your senses crave for the intense moments of lovemaking. Exceptionality is the sign of our Escorts agency in Varanasi. And we showcase passion while attending you. The high-class treatment that you get from us will not be delivered to any other agencies. We give you the perfect chance to understand your secret desires and thereby get satisfaction through the most healing escort services in Varanasi.

  36. May 2021
  37. Apr 2021
    1. Impressive graphics have always been among the first elements noticed by your audience while associating themselves with a brand, whether online or offline. Our highly creative and experienced graphic designers understand your business objectives and create designs that ideally blend with your business goals and ideologies. As a leading graphic design services company, we work closely with our clients to bring out brand ideals to make a statement through graphic design.

    1. Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and beginning April 20th, 2021 (Eastern Time) the Yahoo Answers website will be in read-only mode.
  38. Mar 2021
    1. Mountain View Cemetery & Mausoleum Rich In History, Beauty & Tradition

      We are one of the few remaining family-operated cemetery/mortuary properties in the area. Our tradition of service was established in the nineteenth century, yet offers the full personalized service made available by today’s technology. Resting here at Mountain View Cemetery are the remains of Pasadena’s pioneer families, California statesmen, and other historically significant personalitie.

      cremation services Pasadena CA

    1. They also lacked a lot of the features users wanted, e.g. more options for searching games and wishlist notifications.
    2. In recent years, Steam also added the features and options that its users were asking for.
    3. Of course, this decision was not made easy. But it was made easier when I looked at the steadily declining visitor count, probably caused by better offerings from other websites that also compare prices to other stores than only Steam. At some point one starts to ask themselves if this is still all worth the trouble. And sometimes you just have to let go.
    4. SteamPrices.com has always just been a hobby of mine. It was a nice playground to test and improve my programming skills and I wanted to apply all best practices that I learned. We had a complete website relaunch in 2015 where I added a mobile friendly responsive design and accessibility. But as all hobbies go, you have to find the time and motivation to stick with it. Both were lacking in the last three years and the website went into some sort of slumber. Most tasks always were fully automated and worked without me doing something. When Steam changed their website design and code, I came back to the project to fix the apparent issues. Some issues from the early days were never fully solved and probably never would have, i.e. wrong price information during a sale for games that are part of a cheaper bundle or package. Additionally, defending against people that tried to gather price information from SteamPrices.com instead of Steam was always feeling like an uphill battle.
    5. There was a need for websites like SteamPrices.com but this has changed in my opinion. More and more features became obsolete and I countered it with meta-analysis like Price Tracker and Publisher comparison, but the website statistics show that these features were not being used a lot - in the end, they were not in spirit of the initial website idea and goal: compare prices from different Steam regions.

      no longer needed

  39. Feb 2021
    1. Please be aware travis-ci.org will be shutting down in several weeks, with all accounts migrating to travis-ci.com.
    1. Around 2 years ago I decided to end the experiment of “TRB PRO” as I felt I didn’t provide enough value to paying users. In the end, we had around 150 companies and individuals signed up, which was epic and a great funding source for more development.
    1. Trailblazer goes further and provides an approach to model entire life-cycles of business objects, such as "a song" or "the root user" using workflow (pro feature). Also, you don't have to use the DSL but can use the editor instead (cool for more complex, long-running flows).
    1. I wonder how much this mini-article about Twitter subscription services may have been in response to Galloway's article last week?

      Or will they, as he suggests they do so often, make a head fake to something they might do and then just do nothing (again)?

    1. The Rights Retention Strategy provides a challenge to the vital income that is necessary to fund the resources, time, and effort to provide not only the many checks, corrections, and editorial inputs required but also the management and support of a rigorous peer review process

      This is an untested statement and does not take into account the perspectives of those contributing to the publishers' revenue. The Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) relies on the author's accepted manuscript (AAM) and for an AAM to exist and to have the added value from peer-review a Version of Record (VoR) must exist. Libraries recognise this fundamental principle and continue to subscribe to individual journals of merit and support lucrative deals with publishers. From some (not all) librarians' and possibly funders' perspectives these statements could undermine any mutual respect.

  40. Jan 2021
  41. Dec 2020
  42. Nov 2020
    1. Express - 19 $ 🏃‍♀️ Skip the Review Queue 🕒 Published in 3 days 💌 Full Customer Support 💚 Support the team

      Wow, after seeing how this site works, I don't like much like it anymore.

      Esp. this below:

      Choose your preferred publish date - 9 $ Feature your project on top for 14 days and get an additional tweet - 19 $

      I hope there is/will be soon a more open/free alternative (like the "awesome" lists that use GitHub PRs instead of an opaque/proprietary submisison form).

  43. Oct 2020
    1. However, many of Pearson's digital products are sold on a subscription basis, raising fears that authors will lose out in the way musicians have to music streaming services.
  44. Sep 2020
  45. www.graphitedocs.com www.graphitedocs.com
    1. Goodbye from GraphiteGraphite was a decentralized, privacy-centric alternative to Google Docs. It saw quite a bit of press and had a loyal user-base. However, as with many great products, it could not find product-market fit in time.So, while Graphite is no longer a company or a hosted app, it's source code will live on and forever be available to anyone who wants to use it or build off it.Thank you to everyone who supported Graphite over the years. You mean the world to me!
    1. The End of Graphite I'm sad to say that Graphite is shutting its doors. I've given three years of myself to this project, but the time has come to move on.
  46. Aug 2020
    1. Important Skills to Put On a ResumeYunic SolutionsAug 14 · 3 min readResume writing services assist employers with settling on recruitment choices and assist you with getting your first meeting. That is the reason it makes a difference in how you structure your resume and what data you choose to incorporate. In this article, you’ll realize why a resume is significant and get noteworthy resume tips that may assist you with accomplishing your next profession move.The skills section of your resume shows employers you have the abilities required to succeed in the role. Often, employers pay special attention to the skills section of your resume to determine if you should move on to the next step of the hiring process.While the skills for your resume will fluctuate as indicated by the job you’re applying for, its position, and the business you work in, there are a few abilities that will consistently be esteemed by bosses. These skills are frequently alluded to as ‘delicate abilities’ as they are less specialized, less job explicit, and will in general identify with your connections and how you oversee different circumstances in the work environment.Communication is important for all jobsRegardless of whether you work autonomously or in a little group, there is seldom a job in which solid relational abilities wouldn’t be valuable to your boss and the association on the loose. Great relational abilities recommend you can disclose your work to other people, generous get out victories, and guard certain methodologies, all while being strategic and deferential. Employers want to know that whether you’re dealing with the junior accountant or the CFO, you’ll know what to say and how to say it.Critical thinking capacities and versatility are pivotal skills to put on a resumeIs it accurate to say that you are ready to continue with an assignment or undertaking significantly after your best endeavor at finishing it? Do you let dissatisfaction disrupt the general flow, or do you challenge yourself to think all the more inventively and locate a creative solution? Critical thinking and strength are continued skills crucial to movement and improvement in all jobs, and accordingly, are significant abilities to put on a resume.Flexibility says you’re adaptableBosses need to realize that you won’t disintegrate if conditions change in their association, or in case you’re approached to chip away at a task somewhat strange. Stating that you’re adaptable assures employers you understand that roles and work evolve and change, sometimes throwing team members curveballs, but that you’re primed to handle it.Cooperation is an absolute necessityMost employments will necessitate that you work with others and frequently a standard for choice for a job will be your capacity to work effectively inside a group. Regardless of whether you just experience a couple of individuals while playing out your everyday obligations, managers need to realize that when entrusted with working together, you can do it successfully. Communicating that you can work with a differing scope of individuals and beat struggle or difference to complete the best occupation is a motivating snippet of data for bosses.Preparation to learn and enthusiasm to develop are key resume abilitiesRegardless of whether you’re going after your first position as a client assistance associate, going for a business investigator's job, or arranging to be a CIO, you ought to consistently be anxious to continue learning and developing in your job. These resume aptitudes likewise suggest that you’re faithful to associations, as learning and development for the most part happen over some stretch of time.For some businesses, these delicate skills for your resume will be similarly as significant as harder, specialized proficiencies while deciding whether you’re really an amazing contender for the activity. Counting them all through your resume, giving instances of how you’ve utilized them in past jobs where conceivable, will introduce you as a planned worker who comprehends the full extent of the job, and as one who has presented thought of and top-notch application.The best skills to put on a resume shift by work type, vocation level, instruction, and different elements. For instance, the abilities generally significant for a business truck driver will vary from those of an advertising administrator. Before you apply to any activity, set aside some effort to survey the aptitudes that are generally important to the business and tailor your resume dependent on which of your own abilities fall inside their prerequisites.The objective of your resume skills list is to show the spotter or hiring chief that you’re a really amazing possibility for the job and will carry characterized an incentive to their group. By focusing on the kind of applicant business is searching for and making associations with your own qualities, you can rapidly remain among the opposition.

      Resume writing services assist employers with settling on recruitment choices and assist you with getting your first meeting. That is the reason it makes a difference in how you structure your resume and what data you choose to incorporate. In this article, you’ll realize why a resume is significant and get noteworthy resume tips that may assist you with accomplishing your next profession move.

    1. Importance of Resume for a Job Aspirant By Kush Koachar <!-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-4760971685927876"; /* 728x90 */ google_ad_slot = "4742646148"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; //--> Resumes are utilized to establish a positive connection with a forthcoming manager. Your resume is regularly the initial introduction a potential business has of you. Consequently, it is frequently referred to as one of the most crucial steps taken during a job search.   Without an ideal beginning impression, a prospective employer is likely to stop considering you as a suitable candidate for the job on offer and move on to other candidates who have provided better resumes.   Think about a resume as an instrument for advertising yourself. It's something other than a record: It plots your experience, your aptitudes, and your instruction with the goal that a potential business is rapidly and effectively ready to perceive how your individual encounters can add to an organization's prosperity.   On the off chance that you've never composed a resume, don't stress. Learn how to compose a resume to figure out how to arrange your resume, which data to utilize, and considerably more.   The resume acts as a bridge between you and the prospective recruiter. Henceforth the significance of a resume can never be thought little of. Along these lines, to establish the principal connection, it is basic that your resume stands apart from the group first. It is up to you how would you like to be recollected by the employing chief? Since organizations don't have that much measure of time to meet every single applicant, they require resumes from contender to choose the best ones to work with them.   Dismissal occurs, and it continues endlessly until they discover something fascinating in one specific resume. This is the point at which an all around organized, perfect and exact resume has its impact. You may be thinking for what reason is it so critical to have a resume?   Resume reaches the recruiter’s table much before than you do: Yes, before you reach recruiter’s office, your resume does so. By and large, every organization requests your resume first, they experience the work that you have done as such far and on the off chance that it coordinates their prerequisite, approval! Thus, an elegantly composed resume does half of the work for you here as it were. Subsequently it is a lot of critical to have an organized resume to establish the primary impression work for you.   Resume tells about you: A resume talks a lot about you as an expert. It says what you have done previously. What are you doing right now and where precisely you are going towards? Simply envision a little bit of paper talks such a great amount about you including past, present, and future. Doesn't excessively solid stunning? Be that as it may, recall this account of past, present and future should be passed on rapidly, else they will lose intrigue. Thus, this activity of recounting to a short story can be minimal dubious. Henceforth you may require help in drafting your resume by experts.   Yunic Solutions is a HR Consultancy firm providing assistance and guidance to many businesses in managing their team as well as helping them in acquiring quality team members. We came across 100s of resumes every day and only selected few actually passes the initial assessment. Resume writing is an art and it should be mastered by job applicants who wants to increase their chance of getting recruiting.

      Resumes are utilized to establish a positive connection with a forthcoming manager. Your resume is regularly the initial introduction a potential business has of you. Consequently, it is frequently referred to as one of the most crucial steps taken during a job search. Resume Writing Services

    1. Professional Resume Writing ServiceDisplay Your Identity with a Unique ResumeYunic Solutions offers you a custom and unique resume writing service that helps you in landing a perfect job that you dreamed of. Let's Talk We Hire the Best For You!! Explore Opportunities with Yunic SolutionsWhy Get Our Professional Resume Writing Service? Your Resume is more than a piece of documents, it is a tool that you use for marketing yourself. Having a well-designed resume that reflects your personality. The resume is the very first thing that an employer looks at, so it becomes very important if you seek a dream job. Land Your Dream JobEmployers only entertain those candidate those who have a good resume. Showcase your StrengthYunic Solutions helps you in getting a well-designed resume that showcases your strength. Influence your EmployerInfluence employer your custom resume that reflects your personality. Value for MoneyThe best value for money service that speaks for itself. Hire the bestWhychoose us? Our ProcessWe have a well defined and organized process. We have very strict quality standards that not only consider education but the overall skill set and value s/he can provide to your organization. Our TeamWe have an excellent team of individuals who provide their invaluable service to our company. They are not only experienced by sharp and sound with their skill. Our PricingMany businesses focus majorly on the money but, Yunic solution is different, although we are driven by the money, we only charge for the value that we provide to our clients. Get in touch with us Hire an Expert Address: B4, 238, Pocket 4, Sector 7, Rohini, Delhi, PIN-110085 hr@yunicsolutions.com +91-90575 36218 Find Us Follow Us Facebook Linkedin Twitter Instagram Send us a messageWe Solve your query asap!Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Business Name *Website linkContact Number *MessageCheckboxessubscribe to newsletterNameSubmit

      Looking for professional resume writing services in India. Yunic Solutions helps you with your cv formatting and helps you land your dream job.

  47. Jul 2020
    1. Resume Writing ServiceDisplay Your Identity with a Unique ResumeYunic Solutions offers you a custom and unique resume writing service that helps you in landing a perfect job that you dreamed of. Let's Talk We Hire the Best For You!! Explore Opportunities with Yunic SolutionsWhy Get Our Resume Writing Service? Your Resume is more than a piece of documents, it is a tool that you use for marketing yourself. Having a well-designed resume that reflects your personality. The resume is the very first thing that an employer looks at, so it becomes very important if you seek a dream job. Land Your Dream JobEmployers only entertain those candidate those who have a good resume. Showcase your StrengthYunic Solutions helps you in getting a well-designed resume that showcases your strength. Influence your EmployerInfluence employer your custom resume that reflects your personality. Value for MoneyThe best value for money service that speaks for itself. Hire the bestWhychoose us? Our ProcessWe have a well defined and organized process. We have very strict quality standards that not only consider education but the overall skill set and value s/he can provide to your organization. Our TeamWe have an excellent team of individuals who provide their invaluable service to our company. They are not only experienced by sharp and sound with their skill. Our PricingMany businesses focus majorly on the money but, Yunic solution is different, although we are driven by the money, we only charge for the value that we provide to our clients. Get in touch with us Hire an Expert Address: B4, 238, Pocket 4, Sector 7, Rohini, Delhi, PIN-110085 hr@yunicsolutions.com +91-90575 36218 Find Us Follow Us Facebook Linkedin Twitter Instagram Send us a messageWe Solve your query asap!Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Business Name *Website linkContact Number *MessageCheckboxessubscribe to newsletterNameSubmit

      Looking for professional resume writing services or formatting services in India. Yunic Solutions helps you with your cv formatting and helps you land your dream job.

    1. DEUX TÉLÉSERVICES OUVERTS AUX PARENTS En fin de 3e, les élèves choisissent s’ils souhaitent poursuivre leurs études en voie générale et technologique ou en voie professionnelle. Pour formuler ces demandes les familles peuvent utiliser les nouveaux téléservices Orientation et Affectation. Les parents y ont accès à partir du portail Scolarité services. Le collège leur fournit les identifiant et mot de passe.

      Téléservice Orientation : les dates d'ouverture sont fixées par chaque établissement en fonction des dates des conseils de classe. Téléservice Affectation : la saisie des vœux d’affectation s'étend du 25 mai au 8 juin 2020. Les résultats sont consultables en ligne début juillet.

  48. Jun 2020
    1. This is a major development—given the combined efforts of Google and the mobile networks, RCS will be the fastest deployed messaging technology of all time.
    2. One thing that would certainly be a game-changer would be some form of standardized RCS end-to-end encryption that allows secure messages to be sent outside Google Messages.
    3. The thinking behind RCS was to deliver a best of both worlds solution—the cross-platform ubiquity of SMS with the functionality of WhatsApp and iMessage, but built right into the core network infrastructure
    4. Rich Communication Services is a reinvention of cellular messaging, a halfway house between the SMS ecosystem run by network operators and platforms like WhatsApp and iMessage. The wide-scale RCS rollout is being driven by Google as Android’s iMessage equivalent
    1. Recruitment Process Outsourcing An Extension of Business HR Needs Recruitment Process Outsourcing or RPO service is a  service where a business outsource their HR needs to a professional HR firm like Yunic solutions.  Let's Talk We Hire the Best For You!! Recruitment Process Outsourcing Explore to get exclusive RPO services Head Hunting Recruitment Head Hunting is a process of recruiting a prospecting employee, who offers an exceptional experience in the industry you serve. Having an experienced employee on your side instead of your competitors can turn tables and make your business grow exponentially. Find More Manpower Recruitment Manpower Recruitment is a recruitment where a recruitment of manpower is done by determining the requirement of the organization.  Find More Sales Outsourcing Sales outsourcing is a process where an organization outsource their sales processes to a sales professional firm like Yunic Solutions.  Find More Corporate Training Providing training and education to your team is essential to make your business profitable. Developing your employee skills ensures they are up to date with the industry. Yunic Solutions helps your team in learning new skills and improve their performance.  Find More Let’s Make Awesome Things, Together Tell Us About Your Business. Get Free Consultation Get in touch with us Hire an Expert Address: B4, 238, Pocket 4, Sector 7, Rohini, Delhi, PIN-110085 hr@yunicsolutions.com +91-90575 36218 Find Us Follow Us Facebook Linkedin Twitter Instagram Send us a message We Solve your query asap! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Business Name *Website linkContact Number *MessageCheckboxessubscribe to newsletterPhoneSubmit Yunic Solutions Yunic Solutions is a complete HR, Recruitment and Staffing solution firm based in Delhi. We provide end to end Recruitment. We strive to place the right candidate for the right job, so that they are able to create a niche for themselves and give the best to the Employer . Stay Updated-Newsletter(function() { window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { listeners: [], forms: { on: function(evt, cb) { window.mc4wp.listeners.push( { event : evt, callback: cb } ); } } } })(); Email address: Leave this field empty if you're human: Important LinksHome About Our Services Lateral Hiring Executive & Leadership Search Permanent Staffing Contract Staffing IT Recruitment Recruitment Process Outsourcing Additional Services Contact Resources Blog Follow Us Facebook Twitter Linkedin Instagram Cop

      Yunic Solutions is considered the best RPO consultancy in India helping many businesses with RPO recruitments in India and delivering the best RPO Services.

  49. May 2020