- May 2023
- Mar 2023
www.bortzmeyer.org www.bortzmeyer.org
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.org
- Jan 2023
reconciliation-api.github.io reconciliation-api.github.io
- Dec 2022
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
- Nov 2022
github.com github.com
PostBin, a simple web service for testing and logging of the receival of WebHooks (HTTP POST requests).
- Oct 2022
www.programmableweb.com www.programmableweb.com
Hypothesis REST API
Hypothesis usa REST API
How do REST APIs work? REST, or “representational state transfer,” is a type of software design that gives access to data (aka “web resources”) by using a uniform and predefined set of operations. The payload - the data to be delivered - defined in the request itself, will be formatted in a language such as HTML, JSON, or XML. The set of operations are the methods available to HTTP, which is the underlying protocol for how browsers retrieve websites from servers. These methods include GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and others.
O que é payload
REST APIs If you’ve heard people talk about JSON (javascript object notation), chances are they’re talking about REST APIs. Over 70% of all public APIs use REST, because of its fast performance, reliability, and ability to scale by reusing modular components without affecting the system as a whole.
O que é REST API
h.readthedocs.io h.readthedocs.io
Communication with this endpoint consists of JSON-encoded messages sent from client to server and vice versa.
Este é o EndPoint da API do Hypothesis.
support.apple.com support.apple.com
Para solicitar a primeira API, crie um URL que aponte para o “endpoint” da API com a qual deseja se comunicar e passe o URL à ação “Obter Conteúdo do URL”. Quando o atalho é executado, essa ação faz a solicitação de API.
Parece que um EndPoint é a porta de comunicação entre um HTTP API server e seu cliente.
- Aug 2022
pepa.holla.cz pepa.holla.cz
raw.githubusercontent.com raw.githubusercontent.com
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
raw.githubusercontent.com raw.githubusercontent.com
- May 2022
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.orgrfc86311
4. Link Relations for Web Services
In order to allow Web services to represent the relation of individual resources to service documentation/description and metadata, this specification introduces and registers three new link relation types.
4.1. The service-doc Link Relation Type
The "service-doc" link relation type is used to represent the fact that a resource or a set of resources is documented at a specific URI. The target resource is expected to provide documentation that is primarily intended for human consumption.
4.2. The service-desc Link Relation Type
The "service-desc" link relation type is used to represent the fact that a resource or a set of resources is described at a specific URI. The target resource is expected to provide a service description that is primarily intended for machine consumption. In many cases, it is provided in a representation that is consumed by tools, code libraries, or similar components.
4.3. The service-meta Link Relation Type
The "service-meta" link relation type is used to link to available metadata for the service context of a resource. Service metadata is any kind of data that may be of interest to existing or potential service users, with documentation/description being only two possible facets of service metadata. The target resource is expected to provide a representation that is primarily intended for machine consumption. In many cases, it is provided in a representation that is consumed by tools, code libraries, or similar components.
Since service metadata can have many different purposes and use many different representations, it may make sense for representations using the "service-meta" link relation to offer additional hints about the specific kind or format of metadata that is being linked.
This definition of the "service-meta" link relation makes no specific assumptions about how these link hints will be represented, and the specific mechanism will depend on the context where the "service-meta" link relation is being used.
One example is that a "service-desc" link may identify an OpenAPI description, which is supposed to be the machine-readable description of a Web API. A "service-meta" link may identify a resource that contains additional metadata about the Web API, such as labels that classify the API according to a labeling scheme and a privacy policy that makes statements about how the Web API manages personally identifiable information.
- Mar 2022
- Jan 2022
slides.com slides.com
- Dec 2021
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.orgrfc86311
6.1. Link Relation Type: service-doc
Relation Name: service-doc
Description: Identifies service documentation for the context that is primarily intended for human consumption.
6.2. Link Relation Type: service-desc
Relation Name: service-desc
Description: Identifies service description for the context that is primarily intended for consumption by machines.
6.3. Link Relation Type: service-meta
Relation Name: service-meta
Description: Identifies general metadata for the context that is primarily intended for consumption by machines.
6.4. Link Relation Type: status
Relation Name: status
Description: Identifies a resource that represents the context's status.
httpstat.us httpstat.us
- Feb 2021
apidocs.getresponse.com apidocs.getresponse.com
- May 2020
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
- Apr 2020
haveibeenpwned.com haveibeenpwned.com
falcon.readthedocs.io falcon.readthedocs.io
When it comes to building HTTP APIs, other frameworks weigh you down with tons of dependencies and unnecessary abstractions. Falcon cuts to the chase with a clean design that embraces HTTP and the REST architectural style.
- Oct 2018
timetravel.mementoweb.org timetravel.mementoweb.org
- Sep 2014
tools.ietf.org tools.ietf.org
While the Atom Protocol specifies the formats of the representations that are exchanged and the actions that can be performed on the IRIs embedded in those representations, it does not constrain the form of the URIs that are used. HTTP [RFC2616] specifies that the URI space of each server is controlled by that server, and this protocol imposes no further constraints on that control.