70 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. May 2024
    1. Our core assumption is that foundational models, having been extensively trained in English texts, possess a substantial level of understanding and reasoning capabilities. Transferring these capabilities from English to another language, such as Korean, could be more efficient than developing performance from standalone Korean pre-training.

      Hipótesis: Transferencia de conocimientos de Ingles a nuevo lenguaje

  3. Dec 2023
    1. Token-based authentication is stateless - it does not store anything on the server but creates a unique encoded token that gets checked every time a request is made.
    2. Token-based authentication (also known as JSON Web Token authentication) is a new way of handling the authentication of users in applications. It is an alternative to session-based authentication.
    1. for security, app access token should never be hard-coded into client-side code, doing so would give everyone who loaded your webpage or decompiled your app full access to your app secret, and therefore the ability to modify your app. This implies that most of the time, you will be using app access tokens only in server to server calls.
    2. once you have an access token you can use it to make calls from a mobile client, a web browser, or from your server to Facebook's servers. If a token is obtained on a client, you can ship that token down to your server and use it in server-to-server calls. If a token is obtained via a server call, you can also ship that token up to a client and then make the calls from the client.
    3. A User access token is used if your app takes actions in real time, based on input from the user. This kind of access token is needed any time the app calls an API to read, modify or write a specific person's Facebook data on their behalf. A User access tokens is generally obtained via a login dialog and requires a person to permit your app to obtain one.
  4. Feb 2023
  5. Dec 2022
    1. HEADS UP!!! It is important to set the application/json as the Accept header.

      I was getting an invalid credential error and spent some time figuring out what the hell is going on.

  6. Nov 2022
    1. Refresh tokens are bearer tokens. It's impossible for the authorization server to know who is legitimate or malicious when receiving a new access token request. We could then treat all users as potentially malicious.
  7. Oct 2022
  8. Apr 2022
  9. Mar 2022
  10. Feb 2022
  11. Jan 2022
    1. This setup means that #projectTokens will form and dissolve as necessary. If everyone leaves, all ETH will be refunded and all #projectTokens will cease to exist. If you buy in early, you will get more tokens for the same price. If you buy in later, you will get less tokens for the same price. If you sell back into the pool, you will get less ETH per token vs selling back into the pool when the outstanding supply is higher.The value derived from curved bonding is that it rewards participants for being early and buying tokens in that project. If they leave at a later point, selling their #projectTokens back into the communal pool will net them a reward. The reason you want separate tokens for separate projects is so that it more easily fits the value being produced from these separate projects. The crypto-economic feedback loops necessary to sustain certain systems will only work if the value being produced is mapped to its own token. For more info, read here:

      Isn't this just the same as any equity investment model where later investors get less than earlier investors ...

  12. Oct 2021
    1. The answer is: having strong Token economics for their project. We call Tokenomics (Token + Economics) all the things that enable participants to contributing positively enabled by strong token design. Setting up Tokenomics for a project means "What can a creator put in place to allocate & incentivize a community to participate in the project."
    1. BEP 20 TokenDevelopment Company

      WeAlwin Technologies is the leading BEP20 token development company that offers complete bep20 token creation services with all features. Create your own BEP20 token on binance smart chain with the help of our experts. Get a Free Business Consultation!!

  13. Sep 2021
    1. ERC20 Token Development Company

      WeAlwin Technologies - Leading ERC20 token development company that offers complete ethereum token development services on ERC20, ERC223, ERC721, ERC777 standards. Create your own erc20 token with the help of our experts.

  14. Jun 2021
  15. Mar 2021
    1. The distinction in computer programming between classes and objects is related, though in this context, "class" sometimes refers to a set of objects (with class-level attribute or operations) rather than a description of an object in the set, as "type" would.
    2. The distinction is important in disciplines such as logic, linguistics, metalogic, typography, and computer programming.
    3. The sentence "they drive the same car" is ambiguous. Do they drive the same type of car (the same model) or the same instance of a car type (a single vehicle)?
    1. In the simple biology example, dog is a hypernym and Fido is one of its hyponyms. A word can be both a hyponym and a hypernym. For example, dog is a hyponym of mammal and also a hypernym of Fido.

      I wish they hadn't used tokens/objects in this example. Wouldn't it be just as clear or clearer if they had stuck to only comparing types/classes?

      It may be okay to mix them like that in some contexts, but in other cases it seems like this would be suffering from ignoring/conflating/[better word?] the Type–token distinction.

      Does linguistics just not make the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type%E2%80%93token_distinction ?

      This statement seems to reinforce that idea:

      words that are examples of categories are hyponyms

      because an example of a category/class/type could be either a sub-class or an instance of that category/class/type, right?

    2. words that are examples of categories are hyponyms
    1. Before the launch of the platform, the entity issues the tokens at a certain price and uses the proceeds of the sale as an alternative funding to finance the platform development (Chuen et al. 2017; Ehrsam 2016a). The issuing entity promotes the token sale with the prospect of an increase of the token value.

      incentive of UT

    2. The entity behind the platforms issues its own blockchain-enabled token (Bachmann et al. 2019; Fridgen et al. 2018; Lee et al. 2018). So far, various token designs enable different applications. One token type is the “utility token”, which represents the right to access the offered products or services on the platform (ICOscoring 2018). In the blockchain context, we refer to this representation as tokenization (Dale 2018).

      utility token

  16. Jan 2021
    1. Basically, all token pitches include a line that goes something like this: “There is a fixed supply of tokens. As demand for the token increases, so must the price.” This logic fails to take into account the velocity problem.
  17. Oct 2020
  18. Jul 2020
  19. May 2020
    1. using SSH is likely the best approach because personal access tokens have account level access

      personal access tokens have account level access ... which is more access (possibly access to 10s of unrelated projects or even groups) than we'd like to give to our deploy script!

  20. Oct 2019
    1. For each call to your API, user should send token with every API request and you should validate the encoded toke and either deny or send back the response.
  21. Jun 2019
  22. Mar 2019
    1. “token curated registry”—basically a listicle, with equity.

      This is probably the clearest and most pithy description of a "token curated registry" I have read. And I tried very hard to explain the concept in articles like this one, about Civil.

      🔗 Here's the canonical thing on TCRs, by Mike Goldin.

  23. Jan 2019
    1. I don’t get the LINE token, the Kakao token, the Telegram token and now the Facebook token. All these messaging apps DO NOT need crypto token for digital payment or in app purchase an elegant digital payment design plus LOTS of effort on merchants on-boarding can work well

      <big>评:</big><br/><br/>现行的数字支付体系和推广模式固然能满足 IM 软件生态内的支付与流转需求,但这些互联网厂商的野心并不止步于此,圈地画饼背后的贪婪足以压倒所有关于无用功的论述。若把屏幕前的用户比作浩瀚宇宙中的孤独星球,现在的即时通讯平台就是强大的引力场,被吸引过来的星体在此不断碰撞、合并。有朝一日,这些引力场都跳出来说自己要成为新的宇宙。可是这对于星体们来说,又与其何干呢?<br/><br/>在庞大的生态体系里,力量不断堆聚,演化出新的「极」。没有人是孤岛,但你就在孤岛。

    1. 在整个过程中,中心化交易所不但是现实世界与区块链世界的出入口,还是不同区块链网络的连接器。简单来说,交易所决定了一个新的 Token 是否有资格接入其他 Token 以及法币共同构成的清算网络。很多区块链项目的发展在被扭曲为满足交易所需求的方向上越走越远。区块链经济网络急需分布式的清算机制加入,其意义不在于要迅速替代中心化的交易所,而是带来一种新的选择与制衡,让区块链的真正价值被再次发掘,让用分布式的方式解决分布式的问题成为可能。


  24. Oct 2018
    1. Token binding makes session hijacking harder by creating an identifier that is based on a private key. The client generates a public/private key pair for every site that it wants to use token binding on. When it connects to the server it signs something and sends this signature along with the public key to the server. The server verifies the signature against the public key. This way, the server knows that this client is in possession of the private key. After this verification step, the public key is passed to the application. This public key uniquely identifies the client, just as a session cookie would. However, it is no longer possible to simply steal the identifier and impersonate someone. The private key is kept secret and the identifier is checked against it. Without access to the private key it is not possible to reproduce a valid identifier. Even if an attacker intercepts the signature, he can’t use this in another connection. The signature is over the public key and the keying material of the current TLS connection. When a new TLS connection is created, a new signature is needed. This means that if the attacker intercepts the signature, he can’t reuse it in a new connection to the server.
    1. This NGINX module provides mechanism to cryptographically bind HTTP cookies to client's HTTPS channel using Token Binding, as defined by following IETF drafts:
    1. This document specifies version 1.0 of the Token Binding protocol. The Token Binding protocol allows client/server applications to create long-lived, uniquely identifiable TLS bindings spanning multiple TLS sessions and connections. Applications are then enabled to cryptographically bind security tokens to the TLS layer, preventing token export and replay attacks. To protect privacy, the Token Binding identifiers are only conveyed over TLS and can be reset by the user at any time.
  25. Jul 2018
    1. ...

      This punctuation mark appeared quite a lot in the maid's narrative. The loss of her Lady was unbearable to her. Her whole world used to revolve around her Lady. And a frequency comparison of '...' in this and other short stories of Katherine would probably show the maid's awkwardness in her monologue.

    2. Out came the thin, butter-yellow watch again, and for the twentieth—fiftieth—hundredth time he made the calculation.

      The watch is a recurring motif in this story. And time after time the 'thin', 'butter-yellow' aspects of the watch were underscored. And here Katherine demonstrated a peculiar use of the token '----' , maybe she used it in consistence with her other stories such as The Garden Party.

  26. Jun 2018
    1. Basically, all token pitches include a line that goes something like this: "There is a fixed supply of tokens. As demand for the token increases, so must the price." This logic fails to take into account the velocity problem
    1. The first practical problem with velocity is that it’s frequently employed as a catch-all to make the two sides of the equation of exchange balance. It often simply captures the error in our estimation of the other variables in the model.
    2. The core thesis of current valuation frameworks is that utility value can be derived by (a) forecasting demand for the underlying resource that a network provisions (the network’s ‘GDP’) and (b) dividing this figure by the monetary base available for its fulfillment to obtain per-unit utility value. Present values can be derived from future expected utility values using conventional discounting. The theoretical framework that nearly all these valuation models employ is the equation of exchange, MV=PQ.
    1. Crypto provides a new mechanism for organizing human activity on a global basis usingprogrammable financial incentives. It’s an opportunity to design information networks which canachieve unprecedented levels of scale by decentralizing the infrastructure, open sourcing thedata, and distributing value more broadly. What we’ve discovered is the native business model ofnetworks – which, as it turns out, encompass the entire economy.
    2. Most of the use cases today involve compensating machine work (transaction processing, filestorage, etc.) with tokens: the building blocks of decentralized applications. But the greatestlong-term opportunity is in networks where tokens are earned by end-users themselves.
    3. We’ve also realized how inefficient the joint-stock equity industry model is at accounting for anddistributing the real value created by online networks. The value of a share of stock is necessarilya function of profits; the price of Twitter’s stock only reflects Twitter Inc’s ability to monetizethe data – and not the actual worth of the service. Tokens solve this inefficiency by derivingfinancial value directly from user demand as opposed to “taxing” by extracting profits.
  27. Feb 2018