15 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2023
  2. Dec 2022
    1. OriginDestinationInformation

      The elements in this array have to be sorted ascending, otherwise we get an error

    1. test("X and then Y and then Y gives Y") { initial.accept("X").accept("Y").accept("Y").emit shouldBe empty }

      The test code is correct, however the test description is not.

    1. HEADS UP!!! It is important to set the application/json as the Accept header.

      I was getting an invalid credential error and spent some time figuring out what the hell is going on.

  3. Apr 2022
    1. db: image: mysql command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password restart: always environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: example

      Know, that this config will create a volume, and the volumes you add later will be ignored. This caused me some trouble when updating users and passwords.

      Remove the container and restart it for the new volumes to be instantiated.

    1. Կոնկրետ խեռում ա Պակիստանին, մենակ ստէ չէ, էլի ա անում


    2. Լավ թուրքը դա մեռած թուրքն ա․ @ https://youtu.be/RsG1QA1DLzc?t=1353

    1. sudo apt-get install sbt

      Run this to install the sbt

    2. sudo apt-get update

      Run this to update the package list

    1. Շատ լավ եղո ա ։ՃՃՃ

      Անպայման էս է նայեք, իրա հին կանալն ա։
